Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/pyinotify.py b/bitbake/lib/pyinotify.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dae002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/pyinotify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2416 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# pyinotify.py - python interface to inotify
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Sebastien Martini <seb@dbzteam.org>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+@author: Sebastien Martini
+@license: MIT License
+@contact: seb@dbzteam.org
+class PyinotifyError(Exception):
+    """Indicates exceptions raised by a Pyinotify class."""
+    pass
+class UnsupportedPythonVersionError(PyinotifyError):
+    """
+    Raised on unsupported Python versions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, version):
+        """
+        @param version: Current Python version
+        @type version: string
+        """
+        err = 'Python %s is unsupported, requires at least Python 2.4'
+        PyinotifyError.__init__(self, err % version)
+# Check Python version
+import sys
+if sys.version_info < (2, 4):
+    raise UnsupportedPythonVersionError(sys.version)
+# Import directives
+import threading
+import os
+import select
+import struct
+import fcntl
+import errno
+import termios
+import array
+import logging
+import atexit
+from collections import deque
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import time
+import re
+import asyncore
+import subprocess
+    from functools import reduce
+except ImportError:
+    pass  # Will fail on Python 2.4 which has reduce() builtin anyway.
+    from glob import iglob as glob
+except ImportError:
+    # Python 2.4 does not have glob.iglob().
+    from glob import glob as glob
+    import ctypes
+    import ctypes.util
+except ImportError:
+    ctypes = None
+    import inotify_syscalls
+except ImportError:
+    inotify_syscalls = None
+__author__ = "seb@dbzteam.org (Sebastien Martini)"
+__version__ = "0.9.5"
+__metaclass__ = type  # Use new-style classes by default
+# Compatibity mode: set to True to improve compatibility with
+# Pyinotify 0.7.1. Do not set this variable yourself, call the
+# function compatibility_mode() instead.
+class InotifyBindingNotFoundError(PyinotifyError):
+    """
+    Raised when no inotify support couldn't be found.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        err = "Couldn't find any inotify binding"
+        PyinotifyError.__init__(self, err)
+class INotifyWrapper:
+    """
+    Abstract class wrapping access to inotify's functions. This is an
+    internal class.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def create():
+        # First, try to use ctypes.
+        if ctypes:
+            inotify = _CtypesLibcINotifyWrapper()
+            if inotify.init():
+                return inotify
+        # Second, see if C extension is compiled.
+        if inotify_syscalls:
+            inotify = _INotifySyscallsWrapper()
+            if inotify.init():
+                return inotify
+    def get_errno(self):
+        """
+        Return None is no errno code is available.
+        """
+        return self._get_errno()
+    def str_errno(self):
+        code = self.get_errno()
+        if code is None:
+            return 'Errno: no errno support'
+        return 'Errno=%s (%s)' % (os.strerror(code), errno.errorcode[code])
+    def inotify_init(self):
+        return self._inotify_init()
+    def inotify_add_watch(self, fd, pathname, mask):
+        # Unicode strings must be encoded to string prior to calling this
+        # method.
+        assert isinstance(pathname, str)
+        return self._inotify_add_watch(fd, pathname, mask)
+    def inotify_rm_watch(self, fd, wd):
+        return self._inotify_rm_watch(fd, wd)
+class _INotifySyscallsWrapper(INotifyWrapper):
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Stores the last errno value.
+        self._last_errno = None
+    def init(self):
+        assert inotify_syscalls
+        return True
+    def _get_errno(self):
+        return self._last_errno
+    def _inotify_init(self):
+        try:
+            fd = inotify_syscalls.inotify_init()
+        except IOError, err:
+            self._last_errno = err.errno
+            return -1
+        return fd
+    def _inotify_add_watch(self, fd, pathname, mask):
+        try:
+            wd = inotify_syscalls.inotify_add_watch(fd, pathname, mask)
+        except IOError, err:
+            self._last_errno = err.errno
+            return -1
+        return wd
+    def _inotify_rm_watch(self, fd, wd):
+        try:
+            ret = inotify_syscalls.inotify_rm_watch(fd, wd)
+        except IOError, err:
+            self._last_errno = err.errno
+            return -1
+        return ret
+class _CtypesLibcINotifyWrapper(INotifyWrapper):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._libc = None
+        self._get_errno_func = None
+    def init(self):
+        assert ctypes
+        try_libc_name = 'c'
+        if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
+            try_libc_name = 'inotify'
+        libc_name = None
+        try:
+            libc_name = ctypes.util.find_library(try_libc_name)
+        except (OSError, IOError):
+            pass  # Will attemp to load it with None anyway.
+        if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
+            self._libc = ctypes.CDLL(libc_name, use_errno=True)
+            self._get_errno_func = ctypes.get_errno
+        else:
+            self._libc = ctypes.CDLL(libc_name)
+            try:
+                location = self._libc.__errno_location
+                location.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
+                self._get_errno_func = lambda: location().contents.value
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+        # Eventually check that libc has needed inotify bindings.
+        if (not hasattr(self._libc, 'inotify_init') or
+            not hasattr(self._libc, 'inotify_add_watch') or
+            not hasattr(self._libc, 'inotify_rm_watch')):
+            return False
+        self._libc.inotify_init.argtypes = []
+        self._libc.inotify_init.restype = ctypes.c_int
+        self._libc.inotify_add_watch.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p,
+                                                 ctypes.c_uint32]
+        self._libc.inotify_add_watch.restype = ctypes.c_int
+        self._libc.inotify_rm_watch.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int]
+        self._libc.inotify_rm_watch.restype = ctypes.c_int
+        return True
+    def _get_errno(self):
+        if self._get_errno_func is not None:
+            return self._get_errno_func()
+        return None
+    def _inotify_init(self):
+        assert self._libc is not None
+        return self._libc.inotify_init()
+    def _inotify_add_watch(self, fd, pathname, mask):
+        assert self._libc is not None
+        pathname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(pathname)
+        return self._libc.inotify_add_watch(fd, pathname, mask)
+    def _inotify_rm_watch(self, fd, wd):
+        assert self._libc is not None
+        return self._libc.inotify_rm_watch(fd, wd)
+    def _sysctl(self, *args):
+        assert self._libc is not None
+        return self._libc.sysctl(*args)
+# Logging
+def logger_init():
+    """Initialize logger instance."""
+    log = logging.getLogger("pyinotify")
+    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+    console_handler.setFormatter(
+        logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s"))
+    log.addHandler(console_handler)
+    log.setLevel(20)
+    return log
+log = logger_init()
+# inotify's variables
+class SysCtlINotify:
+    """
+    Access (read, write) inotify's variables through sysctl. Usually it
+    requires administrator rights to update them.
+    Examples:
+      - Read max_queued_events attribute: myvar = max_queued_events.value
+      - Update max_queued_events attribute: max_queued_events.value = 42
+    """
+    inotify_attrs = {'max_user_instances': 1,
+                     'max_user_watches': 2,
+                     'max_queued_events': 3}
+    def __init__(self, attrname, inotify_wrapper):
+        # FIXME: right now only supporting ctypes
+        assert ctypes
+        self._attrname = attrname
+        self._inotify_wrapper = inotify_wrapper
+        sino = ctypes.c_int * 3
+        self._attr = sino(5, 20, SysCtlINotify.inotify_attrs[attrname])
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(attrname):
+        """
+        Factory method instanciating and returning the right wrapper.
+        """
+        # FIXME: right now only supporting ctypes
+        if ctypes is None:
+            return None
+        inotify_wrapper = _CtypesLibcINotifyWrapper()
+        if not inotify_wrapper.init():
+            return None
+        return SysCtlINotify(attrname, inotify_wrapper)
+    def get_val(self):
+        """
+        Gets attribute's value. Raises OSError if the operation failed.
+        @return: stored value.
+        @rtype: int
+        """
+        oldv = ctypes.c_int(0)
+        size = ctypes.c_int(ctypes.sizeof(oldv))
+        sysctl = self._inotify_wrapper._sysctl
+        res = sysctl(self._attr, 3,
+                     ctypes.c_voidp(ctypes.addressof(oldv)),
+                     ctypes.addressof(size),
+                     None, 0)
+        if res == -1:
+            raise OSError(self._inotify_wrapper.get_errno(),
+                          self._inotify_wrapper.str_errno())
+        return oldv.value
+    def set_val(self, nval):
+        """
+        Sets new attribute's value. Raises OSError if the operation failed.
+        @param nval: replaces current value by nval.
+        @type nval: int
+        """
+        oldv = ctypes.c_int(0)
+        sizeo = ctypes.c_int(ctypes.sizeof(oldv))
+        newv = ctypes.c_int(nval)
+        sizen = ctypes.c_int(ctypes.sizeof(newv))
+        sysctl = self._inotify_wrapper._sysctl
+        res = sysctl(self._attr, 3,
+                     ctypes.c_voidp(ctypes.addressof(oldv)),
+                     ctypes.addressof(sizeo),
+                     ctypes.c_voidp(ctypes.addressof(newv)),
+                     sizen)
+        if res == -1:
+            raise OSError(self._inotify_wrapper.get_errno(),
+                          self._inotify_wrapper.str_errno())
+    value = property(get_val, set_val)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<%s=%d>' % (self._attrname, self.get_val())
+# Inotify's variables
+# FIXME: currently these variables are only accessible when ctypes is used,
+#        otherwise there are set to None.
+# read: myvar = max_queued_events.value
+# update: max_queued_events.value = 42
+for attrname in ('max_queued_events', 'max_user_instances', 'max_user_watches'):
+    globals()[attrname] = SysCtlINotify.create(attrname)
+class EventsCodes:
+    """
+    Set of codes corresponding to each kind of events.
+    Some of these flags are used to communicate with inotify, whereas
+    the others are sent to userspace by inotify notifying some events.
+    @cvar IN_ACCESS: File was accessed.
+    @type IN_ACCESS: int
+    @cvar IN_MODIFY: File was modified.
+    @type IN_MODIFY: int
+    @cvar IN_ATTRIB: Metadata changed.
+    @type IN_ATTRIB: int
+    @cvar IN_CLOSE_WRITE: Writtable file was closed.
+    @type IN_CLOSE_WRITE: int
+    @cvar IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE: Unwrittable file closed.
+    @type IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE: int
+    @cvar IN_OPEN: File was opened.
+    @type IN_OPEN: int
+    @cvar IN_MOVED_FROM: File was moved from X.
+    @type IN_MOVED_FROM: int
+    @cvar IN_MOVED_TO: File was moved to Y.
+    @type IN_MOVED_TO: int
+    @cvar IN_CREATE: Subfile was created.
+    @type IN_CREATE: int
+    @cvar IN_DELETE: Subfile was deleted.
+    @type IN_DELETE: int
+    @cvar IN_DELETE_SELF: Self (watched item itself) was deleted.
+    @type IN_DELETE_SELF: int
+    @cvar IN_MOVE_SELF: Self (watched item itself) was moved.
+    @type IN_MOVE_SELF: int
+    @cvar IN_UNMOUNT: Backing fs was unmounted.
+    @type IN_UNMOUNT: int
+    @cvar IN_Q_OVERFLOW: Event queued overflowed.
+    @type IN_Q_OVERFLOW: int
+    @cvar IN_IGNORED: File was ignored.
+    @type IN_IGNORED: int
+    @cvar IN_ONLYDIR: only watch the path if it is a directory (new
+                      in kernel 2.6.15).
+    @type IN_ONLYDIR: int
+    @cvar IN_DONT_FOLLOW: don't follow a symlink (new in kernel 2.6.15).
+                          IN_ONLYDIR we can make sure that we don't watch
+                          the target of symlinks.
+    @type IN_DONT_FOLLOW: int
+    @cvar IN_EXCL_UNLINK: Events are not generated for children after they
+                          have been unlinked from the watched directory.
+                          (new in kernel 2.6.36).
+    @type IN_EXCL_UNLINK: int
+    @cvar IN_MASK_ADD: add to the mask of an already existing watch (new
+                       in kernel 2.6.14).
+    @type IN_MASK_ADD: int
+    @cvar IN_ISDIR: Event occurred against dir.
+    @type IN_ISDIR: int
+    @cvar IN_ONESHOT: Only send event once.
+    @type IN_ONESHOT: int
+    @cvar ALL_EVENTS: Alias for considering all of the events.
+    @type ALL_EVENTS: int
+    """
+    # The idea here is 'configuration-as-code' - this way, we get our nice class
+    # constants, but we also get nice human-friendly text mappings to do lookups
+    # against as well, for free:
+        'IN_ACCESS'        : 0x00000001,  # File was accessed
+        'IN_MODIFY'        : 0x00000002,  # File was modified
+        'IN_ATTRIB'        : 0x00000004,  # Metadata changed
+        'IN_CLOSE_WRITE'   : 0x00000008,  # Writable file was closed
+        'IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE' : 0x00000010,  # Unwritable file closed
+        'IN_OPEN'          : 0x00000020,  # File was opened
+        'IN_MOVED_FROM'    : 0x00000040,  # File was moved from X
+        'IN_MOVED_TO'      : 0x00000080,  # File was moved to Y
+        'IN_CREATE'        : 0x00000100,  # Subfile was created
+        'IN_DELETE'        : 0x00000200,  # Subfile was deleted
+        'IN_DELETE_SELF'   : 0x00000400,  # Self (watched item itself)
+                                          # was deleted
+        'IN_MOVE_SELF'     : 0x00000800,  # Self (watched item itself) was moved
+        },
+                        'EVENT_FLAGS': {
+        'IN_UNMOUNT'       : 0x00002000,  # Backing fs was unmounted
+        'IN_Q_OVERFLOW'    : 0x00004000,  # Event queued overflowed
+        'IN_IGNORED'       : 0x00008000,  # File was ignored
+        },
+                        'SPECIAL_FLAGS': {
+        'IN_ONLYDIR'       : 0x01000000,  # only watch the path if it is a
+                                          # directory
+        'IN_DONT_FOLLOW'   : 0x02000000,  # don't follow a symlink
+        'IN_EXCL_UNLINK'   : 0x04000000,  # exclude events on unlinked objects
+        'IN_MASK_ADD'      : 0x20000000,  # add to the mask of an already
+                                          # existing watch
+        'IN_ISDIR'         : 0x40000000,  # event occurred against dir
+        'IN_ONESHOT'       : 0x80000000,  # only send event once
+        },
+                        }
+    def maskname(mask):
+        """
+        Returns the event name associated to mask. IN_ISDIR is appended to
+        the result when appropriate. Note: only one event is returned, because
+        only one event can be raised at a given time.
+        @param mask: mask.
+        @type mask: int
+        @return: event name.
+        @rtype: str
+        """
+        ms = mask
+        name = '%s'
+        if mask & IN_ISDIR:
+            ms = mask - IN_ISDIR
+            name = '%s|IN_ISDIR'
+        return name % EventsCodes.ALL_VALUES[ms]
+    maskname = staticmethod(maskname)
+# So let's now turn the configuration into code
+EventsCodes.ALL_FLAGS = {}
+EventsCodes.ALL_VALUES = {}
+for flagc, valc in EventsCodes.FLAG_COLLECTIONS.items():
+    # Make the collections' members directly accessible through the
+    # class dictionary
+    setattr(EventsCodes, flagc, valc)
+    # Collect all the flags under a common umbrella
+    EventsCodes.ALL_FLAGS.update(valc)
+    # Make the individual masks accessible as 'constants' at globals() scope
+    # and masknames accessible by values.
+    for name, val in valc.items():
+        globals()[name] = val
+        EventsCodes.ALL_VALUES[val] = name
+# all 'normal' events
+ALL_EVENTS = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, EventsCodes.OP_FLAGS.values())
+class _Event:
+    """
+    Event structure, represent events raised by the system. This
+    is the base class and should be subclassed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, dict_):
+        """
+        Attach attributes (contained in dict_) to self.
+        @param dict_: Set of attributes.
+        @type dict_: dictionary
+        """
+        for tpl in dict_.items():
+            setattr(self, *tpl)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        @return: Generic event string representation.
+        @rtype: str
+        """
+        s = ''
+        for attr, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
+            if attr.startswith('_'):
+                continue
+            if attr == 'mask':
+                value = hex(getattr(self, attr))
+            elif isinstance(value, basestring) and not value:
+                value = "''"
+            s += ' %s%s%s' % (output_format.field_name(attr),
+                              output_format.punctuation('='),
+                              output_format.field_value(value))
+        s = '%s%s%s %s' % (output_format.punctuation('<'),
+                           output_format.class_name(self.__class__.__name__),
+                           s,
+                           output_format.punctuation('>'))
+        return s
+    def __str__(self):
+        return repr(self)
+class _RawEvent(_Event):
+    """
+    Raw event, it contains only the informations provided by the system.
+    It doesn't infer anything.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, wd, mask, cookie, name):
+        """
+        @param wd: Watch Descriptor.
+        @type wd: int
+        @param mask: Bitmask of events.
+        @type mask: int
+        @param cookie: Cookie.
+        @type cookie: int
+        @param name: Basename of the file or directory against which the
+                     event was raised in case where the watched directory
+                     is the parent directory. None if the event was raised
+                     on the watched item itself.
+        @type name: string or None
+        """
+        # Use this variable to cache the result of str(self), this object
+        # is immutable.
+        self._str = None
+        # name: remove trailing '\0'
+        d = {'wd': wd,
+             'mask': mask,
+             'cookie': cookie,
+             'name': name.rstrip('\0')}
+        _Event.__init__(self, d)
+        log.debug(str(self))
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self._str is None:
+            self._str = _Event.__str__(self)
+        return self._str
+class Event(_Event):
+    """
+    This class contains all the useful informations about the observed
+    event. However, the presence of each field is not guaranteed and
+    depends on the type of event. In effect, some fields are irrelevant
+    for some kind of event (for example 'cookie' is meaningless for
+    IN_CREATE whereas it is mandatory for IN_MOVE_TO).
+    The possible fields are:
+      - wd (int): Watch Descriptor.
+      - mask (int): Mask.
+      - maskname (str): Readable event name.
+      - path (str): path of the file or directory being watched.
+      - name (str): Basename of the file or directory against which the
+              event was raised in case where the watched directory
+              is the parent directory. None if the event was raised
+              on the watched item itself. This field is always provided
+              even if the string is ''.
+      - pathname (str): Concatenation of 'path' and 'name'.
+      - src_pathname (str): Only present for IN_MOVED_TO events and only in
+              the case where IN_MOVED_FROM events are watched too. Holds the
+              source pathname from where pathname was moved from.
+      - cookie (int): Cookie.
+      - dir (bool): True if the event was raised against a directory.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, raw):
+        """
+        Concretely, this is the raw event plus inferred infos.
+        """
+        _Event.__init__(self, raw)
+        self.maskname = EventsCodes.maskname(self.mask)
+            self.event_name = self.maskname
+        try:
+            if self.name:
+                self.pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.path,
+                                                             self.name))
+            else:
+                self.pathname = os.path.abspath(self.path)
+        except AttributeError, err:
+            # Usually it is not an error some events are perfectly valids
+            # despite the lack of these attributes.
+            log.debug(err)
+class ProcessEventError(PyinotifyError):
+    """
+    ProcessEventError Exception. Raised on ProcessEvent error.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, err):
+        """
+        @param err: Exception error description.
+        @type err: string
+        """
+        PyinotifyError.__init__(self, err)
+class _ProcessEvent:
+    """
+    Abstract processing event class.
+    """
+    def __call__(self, event):
+        """
+        To behave like a functor the object must be callable.
+        This method is a dispatch method. Its lookup order is:
+          1. process_MASKNAME method
+          2. process_FAMILY_NAME method
+          3. otherwise calls process_default
+        @param event: Event to be processed.
+        @type event: Event object
+        @return: By convention when used from the ProcessEvent class:
+                 - Returning False or None (default value) means keep on
+                 executing next chained functors (see chain.py example).
+                 - Returning True instead means do not execute next
+                   processing functions.
+        @rtype: bool
+        @raise ProcessEventError: Event object undispatchable,
+                                  unknown event.
+        """
+        stripped_mask = event.mask - (event.mask & IN_ISDIR)
+        maskname = EventsCodes.ALL_VALUES.get(stripped_mask)
+        if maskname is None:
+            raise ProcessEventError("Unknown mask 0x%08x" % stripped_mask)
+        # 1- look for process_MASKNAME
+        meth = getattr(self, 'process_' + maskname, None)
+        if meth is not None:
+            return meth(event)
+        # 2- look for process_FAMILY_NAME
+        meth = getattr(self, 'process_IN_' + maskname.split('_')[1], None)
+        if meth is not None:
+            return meth(event)
+        # 3- default call method process_default
+        return self.process_default(event)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
+class _SysProcessEvent(_ProcessEvent):
+    """
+    There is three kind of processing according to each event:
+      1. special handling (deletion from internal container, bug, ...).
+      2. default treatment: which is applied to the majority of events.
+      3. IN_ISDIR is never sent alone, he is piggybacked with a standard
+         event, he is not processed as the others events, instead, its
+         value is captured and appropriately aggregated to dst event.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, wm, notifier):
+        """
+        @param wm: Watch Manager.
+        @type wm: WatchManager instance
+        @param notifier: Notifier.
+        @type notifier: Notifier instance
+        """
+        self._watch_manager = wm  # watch manager
+        self._notifier = notifier  # notifier
+        self._mv_cookie = {}  # {cookie(int): (src_path(str), date), ...}
+        self._mv = {}  # {src_path(str): (dst_path(str), date), ...}
+    def cleanup(self):
+        """
+        Cleanup (delete) old (>1mn) records contained in self._mv_cookie
+        and self._mv.
+        """
+        date_cur_ = datetime.now()
+        for seq in [self._mv_cookie, self._mv]:
+            for k in seq.keys():
+                if (date_cur_ - seq[k][1]) > timedelta(minutes=1):
+                    log.debug('Cleanup: deleting entry %s', seq[k][0])
+                    del seq[k]
+    def process_IN_CREATE(self, raw_event):
+        """
+        If the event affects a directory and the auto_add flag of the
+        targetted watch is set to True, a new watch is added on this
+        new directory, with the same attribute values than those of
+        this watch.
+        """
+        if raw_event.mask & IN_ISDIR:
+            watch_ = self._watch_manager.get_watch(raw_event.wd)
+            created_dir = os.path.join(watch_.path, raw_event.name)
+            if watch_.auto_add and not watch_.exclude_filter(created_dir):
+                addw = self._watch_manager.add_watch
+                # The newly monitored directory inherits attributes from its
+                # parent directory.
+                addw_ret = addw(created_dir, watch_.mask,
+                                proc_fun=watch_.proc_fun,
+                                rec=False, auto_add=watch_.auto_add,
+                                exclude_filter=watch_.exclude_filter)
+                # Trick to handle mkdir -p /d1/d2/t3 where d1 is watched and
+                # d2 and t3 (directory or file) are created.
+                # Since the directory d2 is new, then everything inside it must
+                # also be new.
+                created_dir_wd = addw_ret.get(created_dir)
+                if ((created_dir_wd is not None) and (created_dir_wd > 0) and
+                    os.path.isdir(created_dir)):
+                    try:
+                        for name in os.listdir(created_dir):
+                            inner = os.path.join(created_dir, name)
+                            if self._watch_manager.get_wd(inner) is not None:
+                                continue
+                            # Generate (simulate) creation events for sub-
+                            # directories and files.
+                            if os.path.isfile(inner):
+                                # symlinks are handled as files.
+                                flags = IN_CREATE
+                            elif os.path.isdir(inner):
+                                flags = IN_CREATE | IN_ISDIR
+                            else:
+                                # This path should not be taken.
+                                continue
+                            rawevent = _RawEvent(created_dir_wd, flags, 0, name)
+                            self._notifier.append_event(rawevent)
+                    except OSError, err:
+                        msg = "process_IN_CREATE, invalid directory %s: %s"
+                        log.debug(msg % (created_dir, str(err)))
+        return self.process_default(raw_event)
+    def process_IN_MOVED_FROM(self, raw_event):
+        """
+        Map the cookie with the source path (+ date for cleaning).
+        """
+        watch_ = self._watch_manager.get_watch(raw_event.wd)
+        path_ = watch_.path
+        src_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path_, raw_event.name))
+        self._mv_cookie[raw_event.cookie] = (src_path, datetime.now())
+        return self.process_default(raw_event, {'cookie': raw_event.cookie})
+    def process_IN_MOVED_TO(self, raw_event):
+        """
+        Map the source path with the destination path (+ date for
+        cleaning).
+        """
+        watch_ = self._watch_manager.get_watch(raw_event.wd)
+        path_ = watch_.path
+        dst_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path_, raw_event.name))
+        mv_ = self._mv_cookie.get(raw_event.cookie)
+        to_append = {'cookie': raw_event.cookie}
+        if mv_ is not None:
+            self._mv[mv_[0]] = (dst_path, datetime.now())
+            # Let's assume that IN_MOVED_FROM event is always queued before
+            # that its associated (they share a common cookie) IN_MOVED_TO
+            # event is queued itself. It is then possible in that scenario
+            # to provide as additional information to the IN_MOVED_TO event
+            # the original pathname of the moved file/directory.
+            to_append['src_pathname'] = mv_[0]
+        elif (raw_event.mask & IN_ISDIR and watch_.auto_add and
+              not watch_.exclude_filter(dst_path)):
+            # We got a diretory that's "moved in" from an unknown source and
+            # auto_add is enabled. Manually add watches to the inner subtrees.
+            # The newly monitored directory inherits attributes from its
+            # parent directory.
+            self._watch_manager.add_watch(dst_path, watch_.mask,
+                                          proc_fun=watch_.proc_fun,
+                                          rec=True, auto_add=True,
+                                          exclude_filter=watch_.exclude_filter)
+        return self.process_default(raw_event, to_append)
+    def process_IN_MOVE_SELF(self, raw_event):
+        """
+        STATUS: the following bug has been fixed in recent kernels (FIXME:
+        which version ?). Now it raises IN_DELETE_SELF instead.
+        Old kernels were bugged, this event raised when the watched item
+        were moved, so we had to update its path, but under some circumstances
+        it was impossible: if its parent directory and its destination
+        directory wasn't watched. The kernel (see include/linux/fsnotify.h)
+        doesn't bring us enough informations like the destination path of
+        moved items.
+        """
+        watch_ = self._watch_manager.get_watch(raw_event.wd)
+        src_path = watch_.path
+        mv_ = self._mv.get(src_path)
+        if mv_:
+            dest_path = mv_[0]
+            watch_.path = dest_path
+            # add the separator to the source path to avoid overlapping
+            # path issue when testing with startswith()
+            src_path += os.path.sep
+            src_path_len = len(src_path)
+            # The next loop renames all watches with src_path as base path.
+            # It seems that IN_MOVE_SELF does not provide IN_ISDIR information
+            # therefore the next loop is iterated even if raw_event is a file.
+            for w in self._watch_manager.watches.values():
+                if w.path.startswith(src_path):
+                    # Note that dest_path is a normalized path.
+                    w.path = os.path.join(dest_path, w.path[src_path_len:])
+        else:
+            log.error("The pathname '%s' of this watch %s has probably changed "
+                      "and couldn't be updated, so it cannot be trusted "
+                      "anymore. To fix this error move directories/files only "
+                      "between watched parents directories, in this case e.g. "
+                      "put a watch on '%s'.",
+                      watch_.path, watch_,
+                      os.path.normpath(os.path.join(watch_.path,
+                                                    os.path.pardir)))
+            if not watch_.path.endswith('-unknown-path'):
+                watch_.path += '-unknown-path'
+        return self.process_default(raw_event)
+    def process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW(self, raw_event):
+        """
+        Only signal an overflow, most of the common flags are irrelevant
+        for this event (path, wd, name).
+        """
+        return Event({'mask': raw_event.mask})
+    def process_IN_IGNORED(self, raw_event):
+        """
+        The watch descriptor raised by this event is now ignored (forever),
+        it can be safely deleted from the watch manager dictionary.
+        After this event we can be sure that neither the event queue nor
+        the system will raise an event associated to this wd again.
+        """
+        event_ = self.process_default(raw_event)
+        self._watch_manager.del_watch(raw_event.wd)
+        return event_
+    def process_default(self, raw_event, to_append=None):
+        """
+        Commons handling for the followings events:
+        """
+        watch_ = self._watch_manager.get_watch(raw_event.wd)
+        if raw_event.mask & (IN_DELETE_SELF | IN_MOVE_SELF):
+            # Unfornulately this information is not provided by the kernel
+            dir_ = watch_.dir
+        else:
+            dir_ = bool(raw_event.mask & IN_ISDIR)
+        dict_ = {'wd': raw_event.wd,
+                 'mask': raw_event.mask,
+                 'path': watch_.path,
+                 'name': raw_event.name,
+                 'dir': dir_}
+            dict_['is_dir'] = dir_
+        if to_append is not None:
+            dict_.update(to_append)
+        return Event(dict_)
+class ProcessEvent(_ProcessEvent):
+    """
+    Process events objects, can be specialized via subclassing, thus its
+    behavior can be overriden:
+    Note: you should not override __init__ in your subclass instead define
+    a my_init() method, this method will be called automatically from the
+    constructor of this class with its optionals parameters.
+      1. Provide specialized individual methods, e.g. process_IN_DELETE for
+         processing a precise type of event (e.g. IN_DELETE in this case).
+      2. Or/and provide methods for processing events by 'family', e.g.
+         process_IN_CLOSE method will process both IN_CLOSE_WRITE and
+         IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE events (if process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE and
+         process_IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE aren't defined though).
+      3. Or/and override process_default for catching and processing all
+         the remaining types of events.
+    """
+    pevent = None
+    def __init__(self, pevent=None, **kargs):
+        """
+        Enable chaining of ProcessEvent instances.
+        @param pevent: Optional callable object, will be called on event
+                       processing (before self).
+        @type pevent: callable
+        @param kargs: This constructor is implemented as a template method
+                      delegating its optionals keyworded arguments to the
+                      method my_init().
+        @type kargs: dict
+        """
+        self.pevent = pevent
+        self.my_init(**kargs)
+    def my_init(self, **kargs):
+        """
+        This method is called from ProcessEvent.__init__(). This method is
+        empty here and must be redefined to be useful. In effect, if you
+        need to specifically initialize your subclass' instance then you
+        just have to override this method in your subclass. Then all the
+        keyworded arguments passed to ProcessEvent.__init__() will be
+        transmitted as parameters to this method. Beware you MUST pass
+        keyword arguments though.
+        @param kargs: optional delegated arguments from __init__().
+        @type kargs: dict
+        """
+        pass
+    def __call__(self, event):
+        stop_chaining = False
+        if self.pevent is not None:
+            # By default methods return None so we set as guideline
+            # that methods asking for stop chaining must explicitely
+            # return non None or non False values, otherwise the default
+            # behavior will be to accept chain call to the corresponding
+            # local method.
+            stop_chaining = self.pevent(event)
+        if not stop_chaining:
+            return _ProcessEvent.__call__(self, event)
+    def nested_pevent(self):
+        return self.pevent
+    def process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW(self, event):
+        """
+        By default this method only reports warning messages, you can overredide
+        it by subclassing ProcessEvent and implement your own
+        process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW method. The actions you can take on receiving this
+        event is either to update the variable max_queued_events in order to
+        handle more simultaneous events or to modify your code in order to
+        accomplish a better filtering diminishing the number of raised events.
+        Because this method is defined, IN_Q_OVERFLOW will never get
+        transmitted as arguments to process_default calls.
+        @param event: IN_Q_OVERFLOW event.
+        @type event: dict
+        """
+        log.warning('Event queue overflowed.')
+    def process_default(self, event):
+        """
+        Default processing event method. By default does nothing. Subclass
+        ProcessEvent and redefine this method in order to modify its behavior.
+        @param event: Event to be processed. Can be of any type of events but
+                      IN_Q_OVERFLOW events (see method process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW).
+        @type event: Event instance
+        """
+        pass
+class PrintAllEvents(ProcessEvent):
+    """
+    Dummy class used to print events strings representations. For instance this
+    class is used from command line to print all received events to stdout.
+    """
+    def my_init(self, out=None):
+        """
+        @param out: Where events will be written.
+        @type out: Object providing a valid file object interface.
+        """
+        if out is None:
+            out = sys.stdout
+        self._out = out
+    def process_default(self, event):
+        """
+        Writes event string representation to file object provided to
+        my_init().
+        @param event: Event to be processed. Can be of any type of events but
+                      IN_Q_OVERFLOW events (see method process_IN_Q_OVERFLOW).
+        @type event: Event instance
+        """
+        self._out.write(str(event))
+        self._out.write('\n')
+        self._out.flush()
+class ChainIfTrue(ProcessEvent):
+    """
+    Makes conditional chaining depending on the result of the nested
+    processing instance.
+    """
+    def my_init(self, func):
+        """
+        Method automatically called from base class constructor.
+        """
+        self._func = func
+    def process_default(self, event):
+        return not self._func(event)
+class Stats(ProcessEvent):
+    """
+    Compute and display trivial statistics about processed events.
+    """
+    def my_init(self):
+        """
+        Method automatically called from base class constructor.
+        """
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+        self._stats = {}
+        self._stats_lock = threading.Lock()
+    def process_default(self, event):
+        """
+        Processes |event|.
+        """
+        self._stats_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            events = event.maskname.split('|')
+            for event_name in events:
+                count = self._stats.get(event_name, 0)
+                self._stats[event_name] = count + 1
+        finally:
+            self._stats_lock.release()
+    def _stats_copy(self):
+        self._stats_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return self._stats.copy()
+        finally:
+            self._stats_lock.release()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        stats = self._stats_copy()
+        elapsed = int(time.time() - self._start_time)
+        elapsed_str = ''
+        if elapsed < 60:
+            elapsed_str = str(elapsed) + 'sec'
+        elif 60 <= elapsed < 3600:
+            elapsed_str = '%dmn%dsec' % (elapsed / 60, elapsed % 60)
+        elif 3600 <= elapsed < 86400:
+            elapsed_str = '%dh%dmn' % (elapsed / 3600, (elapsed % 3600) / 60)
+        elif elapsed >= 86400:
+            elapsed_str = '%dd%dh' % (elapsed / 86400, (elapsed % 86400) / 3600)
+        stats['ElapsedTime'] = elapsed_str
+        l = []
+        for ev, value in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
+            l.append(' %s=%s' % (output_format.field_name(ev),
+                                 output_format.field_value(value)))
+        s = '<%s%s >' % (output_format.class_name(self.__class__.__name__),
+                         ''.join(l))
+        return s
+    def dump(self, filename):
+        """
+        Dumps statistics.
+        @param filename: filename where stats will be dumped, filename is
+                         created and must not exist prior to this call.
+        @type filename: string
+        """
+        flags = os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_NOFOLLOW|os.O_EXCL
+        fd = os.open(filename, flags, 0600)
+        os.write(fd, str(self))
+        os.close(fd)
+    def __str__(self, scale=45):
+        stats = self._stats_copy()
+        if not stats:
+            return ''
+        m = max(stats.values())
+        unity = float(scale) / m
+        fmt = '%%-26s%%-%ds%%s' % (len(output_format.field_value('@' * scale))
+                                   + 1)
+        def func(x):
+            return fmt % (output_format.field_name(x[0]),
+                          output_format.field_value('@' * int(x[1] * unity)),
+                          output_format.simple('%d' % x[1], 'yellow'))
+        s = '\n'.join(map(func, sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])))
+        return s
+class NotifierError(PyinotifyError):
+    """
+    Notifier Exception. Raised on Notifier error.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, err):
+        """
+        @param err: Exception string's description.
+        @type err: string
+        """
+        PyinotifyError.__init__(self, err)
+class Notifier:
+    """
+    Read notifications, process events.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun=None, read_freq=0,
+                 threshold=0, timeout=None):
+        """
+        Initialization. read_freq, threshold and timeout parameters are used
+        when looping.
+        @param watch_manager: Watch Manager.
+        @type watch_manager: WatchManager instance
+        @param default_proc_fun: Default processing method. If None, a new
+                                 instance of PrintAllEvents will be assigned.
+        @type default_proc_fun: instance of ProcessEvent
+        @param read_freq: if read_freq == 0, events are read asap,
+                          if read_freq is > 0, this thread sleeps
+                          max(0, read_freq - timeout) seconds. But if
+                          timeout is None it may be different because
+                          poll is blocking waiting for something to read.
+        @type read_freq: int
+        @param threshold: File descriptor will be read only if the accumulated
+                          size to read becomes >= threshold. If != 0, you likely
+                          want to use it in combination with an appropriate
+                          value for read_freq because without that you would
+                          keep looping without really reading anything and that
+                          until the amount of events to read is >= threshold.
+                          At least with read_freq set you might sleep.
+        @type threshold: int
+        @param timeout:
+            https://docs.python.org/3/library/select.html#polling-objects
+        @type timeout: int
+        """
+        # Watch Manager instance
+        self._watch_manager = watch_manager
+        # File descriptor
+        self._fd = self._watch_manager.get_fd()
+        # Poll object and registration
+        self._pollobj = select.poll()
+        self._pollobj.register(self._fd, select.POLLIN)
+        # This pipe is correctely initialized and used by ThreadedNotifier
+        self._pipe = (-1, -1)
+        # Event queue
+        self._eventq = deque()
+        # System processing functor, common to all events
+        self._sys_proc_fun = _SysProcessEvent(self._watch_manager, self)
+        # Default processing method
+        self._default_proc_fun = default_proc_fun
+        if default_proc_fun is None:
+            self._default_proc_fun = PrintAllEvents()
+        # Loop parameters
+        self._read_freq = read_freq
+        self._threshold = threshold
+        self._timeout = timeout
+        # Coalesce events option
+        self._coalesce = False
+        # set of str(raw_event), only used when coalesce option is True
+        self._eventset = set()
+    def append_event(self, event):
+        """
+        Append a raw event to the event queue.
+        @param event: An event.
+        @type event: _RawEvent instance.
+        """
+        self._eventq.append(event)
+    def proc_fun(self):
+        return self._default_proc_fun
+    def coalesce_events(self, coalesce=True):
+        """
+        Coalescing events. Events are usually processed by batchs, their size
+        depend on various factors. Thus, before processing them, events received
+        from inotify are aggregated in a fifo queue. If this coalescing
+        option is enabled events are filtered based on their unicity, only
+        unique events are enqueued, doublons are discarded. An event is unique
+        when the combination of its fields (wd, mask, cookie, name) is unique
+        among events of a same batch. After a batch of events is processed any
+        events is accepted again. By default this option is disabled, you have
+        to explictly call this function to turn it on.
+        @param coalesce: Optional new coalescing value. True by default.
+        @type coalesce: Bool
+        """
+        self._coalesce = coalesce
+        if not coalesce:
+            self._eventset.clear()
+    def check_events(self, timeout=None):
+        """
+        Check for new events available to read, blocks up to timeout
+        milliseconds.
+        @param timeout: If specified it overrides the corresponding instance
+                        attribute _timeout.
+        @type timeout: int
+        @return: New events to read.
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        while True:
+            try:
+                # blocks up to 'timeout' milliseconds
+                if timeout is None:
+                    timeout = self._timeout
+                ret = self._pollobj.poll(timeout)
+            except select.error, err:
+                if err[0] == errno.EINTR:
+                    continue # interrupted, retry
+                else:
+                    raise
+            else:
+                break
+        if not ret or (self._pipe[0] == ret[0][0]):
+            return False
+        # only one fd is polled
+        return ret[0][1] & select.POLLIN
+    def read_events(self):
+        """
+        Read events from device, build _RawEvents, and enqueue them.
+        """
+        buf_ = array.array('i', [0])
+        # get event queue size
+        if fcntl.ioctl(self._fd, termios.FIONREAD, buf_, 1) == -1:
+            return
+        queue_size = buf_[0]
+        if queue_size < self._threshold:
+            log.debug('(fd: %d) %d bytes available to read but threshold is '
+                      'fixed to %d bytes', self._fd, queue_size,
+                      self._threshold)
+            return
+        try:
+            # Read content from file
+            r = os.read(self._fd, queue_size)
+        except Exception, msg:
+            raise NotifierError(msg)
+        log.debug('Event queue size: %d', queue_size)
+        rsum = 0  # counter
+        while rsum < queue_size:
+            s_size = 16
+            # Retrieve wd, mask, cookie and fname_len
+            wd, mask, cookie, fname_len = struct.unpack('iIII',
+                                                        r[rsum:rsum+s_size])
+            # Retrieve name
+            fname, = struct.unpack('%ds' % fname_len,
+                                   r[rsum + s_size:rsum + s_size + fname_len])
+            rawevent = _RawEvent(wd, mask, cookie, fname)
+            if self._coalesce:
+                # Only enqueue new (unique) events.
+                raweventstr = str(rawevent)
+                if raweventstr not in self._eventset:
+                    self._eventset.add(raweventstr)
+                    self._eventq.append(rawevent)
+            else:
+                self._eventq.append(rawevent)
+            rsum += s_size + fname_len
+    def process_events(self):
+        """
+        Routine for processing events from queue by calling their
+        associated proccessing method (an instance of ProcessEvent).
+        It also does internal processings, to keep the system updated.
+        """
+        while self._eventq:
+            raw_event = self._eventq.popleft()  # pop next event
+            if self._watch_manager.ignore_events:
+                log.debug("Event ignored: %s" % repr(raw_event))
+                continue
+            watch_ = self._watch_manager.get_watch(raw_event.wd)
+            if (watch_ is None) and not (raw_event.mask & IN_Q_OVERFLOW):
+                if not (raw_event.mask & IN_IGNORED):
+                    # Not really sure how we ended up here, nor how we should
+                    # handle these types of events and if it is appropriate to
+                    # completly skip them (like we are doing here).
+                    log.warning("Unable to retrieve Watch object associated to %s",
+                                repr(raw_event))
+                continue
+            revent = self._sys_proc_fun(raw_event)  # system processings
+            if watch_ and watch_.proc_fun:
+                watch_.proc_fun(revent)  # user processings
+            else:
+                self._default_proc_fun(revent)
+        self._sys_proc_fun.cleanup()  # remove olds MOVED_* events records
+        if self._coalesce:
+            self._eventset.clear()
+    def __daemonize(self, pid_file=None, stdin=os.devnull, stdout=os.devnull,
+                    stderr=os.devnull):
+        """
+        @param pid_file: file where the pid will be written. If pid_file=None
+                         the pid is written to
+                         /var/run/<sys.argv[0]|pyinotify>.pid, if pid_file=False
+                         no pid_file is written.
+        @param stdin:
+        @param stdout:
+        @param stderr: files associated to common streams.
+        """
+        if pid_file is None:
+            dirname = '/var/run/'
+            basename = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) or 'pyinotify'
+            pid_file = os.path.join(dirname, basename + '.pid')
+        if pid_file != False and os.path.lexists(pid_file):
+            err = 'Cannot daemonize: pid file %s already exists.' % pid_file
+            raise NotifierError(err)
+        def fork_daemon():
+            # Adapted from Chad J. Schroeder's recipe
+            # @see http://code.activestate.com/recipes/278731/
+            pid = os.fork()
+            if (pid == 0):
+                # parent 2
+                os.setsid()
+                pid = os.fork()
+                if (pid == 0):
+                    # child
+                    os.chdir('/')
+                    os.umask(022)
+                else:
+                    # parent 2
+                    os._exit(0)
+            else:
+                # parent 1
+                os._exit(0)
+            fd_inp = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY)
+            os.dup2(fd_inp, 0)
+            fd_out = os.open(stdout, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT, 0600)
+            os.dup2(fd_out, 1)
+            fd_err = os.open(stderr, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT, 0600)
+            os.dup2(fd_err, 2)
+        # Detach task
+        fork_daemon()
+        # Write pid
+        if pid_file != False:
+            flags = os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_NOFOLLOW|os.O_EXCL
+            fd_pid = os.open(pid_file, flags, 0600)
+            os.write(fd_pid, str(os.getpid()) + '\n')
+            os.close(fd_pid)
+            # Register unlink function
+            atexit.register(lambda : os.unlink(pid_file))
+    def _sleep(self, ref_time):
+        # Only consider sleeping if read_freq is > 0
+        if self._read_freq > 0:
+            cur_time = time.time()
+            sleep_amount = self._read_freq - (cur_time - ref_time)
+            if sleep_amount > 0:
+                log.debug('Now sleeping %d seconds', sleep_amount)
+                time.sleep(sleep_amount)
+    def loop(self, callback=None, daemonize=False, **args):
+        """
+        Events are read only one time every min(read_freq, timeout)
+        seconds at best and only if the size to read is >= threshold.
+        After this method returns it must not be called again for the same
+        instance.
+        @param callback: Functor called after each event processing iteration.
+                         Expects to receive the notifier object (self) as first
+                         parameter. If this function returns True the loop is
+                         immediately terminated otherwise the loop method keeps
+                         looping.
+        @type callback: callable object or function
+        @param daemonize: This thread is daemonized if set to True.
+        @type daemonize: boolean
+        @param args: Optional and relevant only if daemonize is True. Remaining
+                     keyworded arguments are directly passed to daemonize see
+                     __daemonize() method. If pid_file=None or is set to a
+                     pathname the caller must ensure the file does not exist
+                     before this method is called otherwise an exception
+                     pyinotify.NotifierError will be raised. If pid_file=False
+                     it is still daemonized but the pid is not written in any
+                     file.
+        @type args: various
+        """
+        if daemonize:
+            self.__daemonize(**args)
+        # Read and process events forever
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                self.process_events()
+                if (callback is not None) and (callback(self) is True):
+                    break
+                ref_time = time.time()
+                # check_events is blocking
+                if self.check_events():
+                    self._sleep(ref_time)
+                    self.read_events()
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                # Stop monitoring if sigint is caught (Control-C).
+                log.debug('Pyinotify stops monitoring.')
+                break
+        # Close internals
+        self.stop()
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Close inotify's instance (close its file descriptor).
+        It destroys all existing watches, pending events,...
+        This method is automatically called at the end of loop().
+        """
+        self._pollobj.unregister(self._fd)
+        os.close(self._fd)
+        self._sys_proc_fun = None
+class ThreadedNotifier(threading.Thread, Notifier):
+    """
+    This notifier inherits from threading.Thread for instanciating a separate
+    thread, and also inherits from Notifier, because it is a threaded notifier.
+    Note that every functionality provided by this class is also provided
+    through Notifier class. Moreover Notifier should be considered first because
+    it is not threaded and could be easily daemonized.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun=None, read_freq=0,
+                 threshold=0, timeout=None):
+        """
+        Initialization, initialize base classes. read_freq, threshold and
+        timeout parameters are used when looping.
+        @param watch_manager: Watch Manager.
+        @type watch_manager: WatchManager instance
+        @param default_proc_fun: Default processing method. See base class.
+        @type default_proc_fun: instance of ProcessEvent
+        @param read_freq: if read_freq == 0, events are read asap,
+                          if read_freq is > 0, this thread sleeps
+                          max(0, read_freq - timeout) seconds.
+        @type read_freq: int
+        @param threshold: File descriptor will be read only if the accumulated
+                          size to read becomes >= threshold. If != 0, you likely
+                          want to use it in combination with an appropriate
+                          value set for read_freq because without that you would
+                          keep looping without really reading anything and that
+                          until the amount of events to read is >= threshold. At
+                          least with read_freq you might sleep.
+        @type threshold: int
+        @param timeout:
+            https://docs.python.org/3/library/select.html#polling-objects
+        @type timeout: int
+        """
+        # Init threading base class
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        # Stop condition
+        self._stop_event = threading.Event()
+        # Init Notifier base class
+        Notifier.__init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun, read_freq,
+                          threshold, timeout)
+        # Create a new pipe used for thread termination
+        self._pipe = os.pipe()
+        self._pollobj.register(self._pipe[0], select.POLLIN)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Stop notifier's loop. Stop notification. Join the thread.
+        """
+        self._stop_event.set()
+        os.write(self._pipe[1], 'stop')
+        threading.Thread.join(self)
+        Notifier.stop(self)
+        self._pollobj.unregister(self._pipe[0])
+        os.close(self._pipe[0])
+        os.close(self._pipe[1])
+    def loop(self):
+        """
+        Thread's main loop. Don't meant to be called by user directly.
+        Call inherited start() method instead.
+        Events are read only once time every min(read_freq, timeout)
+        seconds at best and only if the size of events to read is >= threshold.
+        """
+        # When the loop must be terminated .stop() is called, 'stop'
+        # is written to pipe fd so poll() returns and .check_events()
+        # returns False which make evaluate the While's stop condition
+        # ._stop_event.isSet() wich put an end to the thread's execution.
+        while not self._stop_event.isSet():
+            self.process_events()
+            ref_time = time.time()
+            if self.check_events():
+                self._sleep(ref_time)
+                self.read_events()
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Start thread's loop: read and process events until the method
+        stop() is called.
+        Never call this method directly, instead call the start() method
+        inherited from threading.Thread, which then will call run() in
+        its turn.
+        """
+        self.loop()
+class AsyncNotifier(asyncore.file_dispatcher, Notifier):
+    """
+    This notifier inherits from asyncore.file_dispatcher in order to be able to
+    use pyinotify along with the asyncore framework.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun=None, read_freq=0,
+                 threshold=0, timeout=None, channel_map=None):
+        """
+        Initializes the async notifier. The only additional parameter is
+        'channel_map' which is the optional asyncore private map. See
+        Notifier class for the meaning of the others parameters.
+        """
+        Notifier.__init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun, read_freq,
+                          threshold, timeout)
+        asyncore.file_dispatcher.__init__(self, self._fd, channel_map)
+    def handle_read(self):
+        """
+        When asyncore tells us we can read from the fd, we proceed processing
+        events. This method can be overridden for handling a notification
+        differently.
+        """
+        self.read_events()
+        self.process_events()
+class TornadoAsyncNotifier(Notifier):
+    """
+    Tornado ioloop adapter.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, watch_manager, ioloop, callback=None,
+                 default_proc_fun=None, read_freq=0, threshold=0, timeout=None,
+                 channel_map=None):
+        """
+        Note that if later you must call ioloop.close() be sure to let the
+        default parameter to all_fds=False.
+        See example tornado_notifier.py for an example using this notifier.
+        @param ioloop: Tornado's IO loop.
+        @type ioloop: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop instance.
+        @param callback: Functor called at the end of each call to handle_read
+                         (IOLoop's read handler). Expects to receive the
+                         notifier object (self) as single parameter.
+        @type callback: callable object or function
+        """
+        self.io_loop = ioloop
+        self.handle_read_callback = callback
+        Notifier.__init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun, read_freq,
+                          threshold, timeout)
+        ioloop.add_handler(self._fd, self.handle_read, ioloop.READ)
+    def stop(self):
+        self.io_loop.remove_handler(self._fd)
+        Notifier.stop(self)
+    def handle_read(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        See comment in AsyncNotifier.
+        """
+        self.read_events()
+        self.process_events()
+        if self.handle_read_callback is not None:
+            self.handle_read_callback(self)
+class AsyncioNotifier(Notifier):
+    """
+    asyncio/trollius event loop adapter.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, watch_manager, loop, callback=None,
+                 default_proc_fun=None, read_freq=0, threshold=0, timeout=None):
+        """
+        See examples/asyncio_notifier.py for an example usage.
+        @param loop: asyncio or trollius event loop instance.
+        @type loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop or trollius.BaseEventLoop instance.
+        @param callback: Functor called at the end of each call to handle_read.
+                         Expects to receive the notifier object (self) as
+                         single parameter.
+        @type callback: callable object or function
+        """
+        self.loop = loop
+        self.handle_read_callback = callback
+        Notifier.__init__(self, watch_manager, default_proc_fun, read_freq,
+                          threshold, timeout)
+        loop.add_reader(self._fd, self.handle_read)
+    def stop(self):
+        self.loop.remove_reader(self._fd)
+        Notifier.stop(self)
+    def handle_read(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.read_events()
+        self.process_events()
+        if self.handle_read_callback is not None:
+            self.handle_read_callback(self)
+class Watch:
+    """
+    Represent a watch, i.e. a file or directory being watched.
+    """
+    __slots__ = ('wd', 'path', 'mask', 'proc_fun', 'auto_add',
+                 'exclude_filter', 'dir')
+    def __init__(self, wd, path, mask, proc_fun, auto_add, exclude_filter):
+        """
+        Initializations.
+        @param wd: Watch descriptor.
+        @type wd: int
+        @param path: Path of the file or directory being watched.
+        @type path: str
+        @param mask: Mask.
+        @type mask: int
+        @param proc_fun: Processing callable object.
+        @type proc_fun:
+        @param auto_add: Automatically add watches on new directories.
+        @type auto_add: bool
+        @param exclude_filter: Boolean function, used to exclude new
+                               directories from being automatically watched.
+                               See WatchManager.__init__
+        @type exclude_filter: callable object
+        """
+        self.wd = wd
+        self.path = path
+        self.mask = mask
+        self.proc_fun = proc_fun
+        self.auto_add = auto_add
+        self.exclude_filter = exclude_filter
+        self.dir = os.path.isdir(self.path)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        @return: String representation.
+        @rtype: str
+        """
+        s = ' '.join(['%s%s%s' % (output_format.field_name(attr),
+                                  output_format.punctuation('='),
+                                  output_format.field_value(getattr(self,
+                                                                    attr))) \
+                      for attr in self.__slots__ if not attr.startswith('_')])
+        s = '%s%s %s %s' % (output_format.punctuation('<'),
+                            output_format.class_name(self.__class__.__name__),
+                            s,
+                            output_format.punctuation('>'))
+        return s
+class ExcludeFilter:
+    """
+    ExcludeFilter is an exclusion filter.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, arg_lst):
+        """
+        Examples:
+          ef1 = ExcludeFilter(["/etc/rc.*", "/etc/hostname"])
+          ef2 = ExcludeFilter("/my/path/exclude.lst")
+          Where exclude.lst contains:
+          /etc/rc.*
+          /etc/hostname
+        Note: it is not possible to exclude a file if its encapsulating
+              directory is itself watched. See this issue for more details
+              https://github.com/seb-m/pyinotify/issues/31
+        @param arg_lst: is either a list of patterns or a filename from which
+                        patterns will be loaded.
+        @type arg_lst: list of str or str
+        """
+        if isinstance(arg_lst, str):
+            lst = self._load_patterns_from_file(arg_lst)
+        elif isinstance(arg_lst, list):
+            lst = arg_lst
+        else:
+            raise TypeError
+        self._lregex = []
+        for regex in lst:
+            self._lregex.append(re.compile(regex, re.UNICODE))
+    def _load_patterns_from_file(self, filename):
+        lst = []
+        file_obj = file(filename, 'r')
+        try:
+            for line in file_obj.readlines():
+                # Trim leading an trailing whitespaces
+                pattern = line.strip()
+                if not pattern or pattern.startswith('#'):
+                    continue
+                lst.append(pattern)
+        finally:
+            file_obj.close()
+        return lst
+    def _match(self, regex, path):
+        return regex.match(path) is not None
+    def __call__(self, path):
+        """
+        @param path: Path to match against provided regexps.
+        @type path: str
+        @return: Return True if path has been matched and should
+                 be excluded, False otherwise.
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        for regex in self._lregex:
+            if self._match(regex, path):
+                return True
+        return False
+class WatchManagerError(Exception):
+    """
+    WatchManager Exception. Raised on error encountered on watches
+    operations.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, msg, wmd):
+        """
+        @param msg: Exception string's description.
+        @type msg: string
+        @param wmd: This dictionary contains the wd assigned to paths of the
+                    same call for which watches were successfully added.
+        @type wmd: dict
+        """
+        self.wmd = wmd
+        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+class WatchManager:
+    """
+    Provide operations for watching files and directories. Its internal
+    dictionary is used to reference watched items. When used inside
+    threaded code, one must instanciate as many WatchManager instances as
+    there are ThreadedNotifier instances.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, exclude_filter=lambda path: False):
+        """
+        Initialization: init inotify, init watch manager dictionary.
+        Raise OSError if initialization fails, raise InotifyBindingNotFoundError
+        if no inotify binding was found (through ctypes or from direct access to
+        syscalls).
+        @param exclude_filter: boolean function, returns True if current
+                               path must be excluded from being watched.
+                               Convenient for providing a common exclusion
+                               filter for every call to add_watch.
+        @type exclude_filter: callable object
+        """
+        self._ignore_events = False
+        self._exclude_filter = exclude_filter
+        self._wmd = {}  # watch dict key: watch descriptor, value: watch
+        self._inotify_wrapper = INotifyWrapper.create()
+        if self._inotify_wrapper is None:
+            raise InotifyBindingNotFoundError()
+        self._fd = self._inotify_wrapper.inotify_init() # file descriptor
+        if self._fd < 0:
+            err = 'Cannot initialize new instance of inotify, %s'
+            raise OSError(err % self._inotify_wrapper.str_errno())
+    def close(self):
+        """
+        Close inotify's file descriptor, this action will also automatically
+        remove (i.e. stop watching) all its associated watch descriptors.
+        After a call to this method the WatchManager's instance become useless
+        and cannot be reused, a new instance must then be instanciated. It
+        makes sense to call this method in few situations for instance if
+        several independant WatchManager must be instanciated or if all watches
+        must be removed and no other watches need to be added.
+        """
+        os.close(self._fd)
+    def get_fd(self):
+        """
+        Return assigned inotify's file descriptor.
+        @return: File descriptor.
+        @rtype: int
+        """
+        return self._fd
+    def get_watch(self, wd):
+        """
+        Get watch from provided watch descriptor wd.
+        @param wd: Watch descriptor.
+        @type wd: int
+        """
+        return self._wmd.get(wd)
+    def del_watch(self, wd):
+        """
+        Remove watch entry associated to watch descriptor wd.
+        @param wd: Watch descriptor.
+        @type wd: int
+        """
+        try:
+            del self._wmd[wd]
+        except KeyError, err:
+            log.error('Cannot delete unknown watch descriptor %s' % str(err))
+    @property
+    def watches(self):
+        """
+        Get a reference on the internal watch manager dictionary.
+        @return: Internal watch manager dictionary.
+        @rtype: dict
+        """
+        return self._wmd
+    def __format_path(self, path):
+        """
+        Format path to its internal (stored in watch manager) representation.
+        """
+        # Unicode strings are converted back to strings, because it seems
+        # that inotify_add_watch from ctypes does not work well when
+        # it receives an ctypes.create_unicode_buffer instance as argument.
+        # Therefore even wd are indexed with bytes string and not with
+        # unicode paths.
+        if isinstance(path, unicode):
+            path = path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+        return os.path.normpath(path)
+    def __add_watch(self, path, mask, proc_fun, auto_add, exclude_filter):
+        """
+        Add a watch on path, build a Watch object and insert it in the
+        watch manager dictionary. Return the wd value.
+        """
+        path = self.__format_path(path)
+        if auto_add and not mask & IN_CREATE:
+            mask |= IN_CREATE
+        wd = self._inotify_wrapper.inotify_add_watch(self._fd, path, mask)
+        if wd < 0:
+            return wd
+        watch = Watch(wd=wd, path=path, mask=mask, proc_fun=proc_fun,
+                      auto_add=auto_add, exclude_filter=exclude_filter)
+        self._wmd[wd] = watch
+        log.debug('New %s', watch)
+        return wd
+    def __glob(self, path, do_glob):
+        if do_glob:
+            return glob(path)
+        else:
+            return [path]
+    def add_watch(self, path, mask, proc_fun=None, rec=False,
+                  auto_add=False, do_glob=False, quiet=True,
+                  exclude_filter=None):
+        """
+        Add watch(s) on the provided |path|(s) with associated |mask| flag
+        value and optionally with a processing |proc_fun| function and
+        recursive flag |rec| set to True.
+        Ideally |path| components should not be unicode objects. Note that
+        although unicode paths are accepted there are converted to byte
+        strings before a watch is put on that path. The encoding used for
+        converting the unicode object is given by sys.getfilesystemencoding().
+        If |path| si already watched it is ignored, but if it is called with
+        option rec=True a watch is put on each one of its not-watched
+        subdirectory.
+        @param path: Path to watch, the path can either be a file or a
+                     directory. Also accepts a sequence (list) of paths.
+        @type path: string or list of strings
+        @param mask: Bitmask of events.
+        @type mask: int
+        @param proc_fun: Processing object.
+        @type proc_fun: function or ProcessEvent instance or instance of
+                        one of its subclasses or callable object.
+        @param rec: Recursively add watches from path on all its
+                    subdirectories, set to False by default (doesn't
+                    follows symlinks in any case).
+        @type rec: bool
+        @param auto_add: Automatically add watches on newly created
+                         directories in watched parent |path| directory.
+                         If |auto_add| is True, IN_CREATE is ored with |mask|
+                         when the watch is added.
+        @type auto_add: bool
+        @param do_glob: Do globbing on pathname (see standard globbing
+                        module for more informations).
+        @type do_glob: bool
+        @param quiet: if False raises a WatchManagerError exception on
+                      error. See example not_quiet.py.
+        @type quiet: bool
+        @param exclude_filter: predicate (boolean function), which returns
+                               True if the current path must be excluded
+                               from being watched. This argument has
+                               precedence over exclude_filter passed to
+                               the class' constructor.
+        @type exclude_filter: callable object
+        @return: dict of paths associated to watch descriptors. A wd value
+                 is positive if the watch was added sucessfully,
+                 otherwise the value is negative. If the path was invalid
+                 or was already watched it is not included into this returned
+                 dictionary.
+        @rtype: dict of {str: int}
+        """
+        ret_ = {} # return {path: wd, ...}
+        if exclude_filter is None:
+            exclude_filter = self._exclude_filter
+        # normalize args as list elements
+        for npath in self.__format_param(path):
+            # unix pathname pattern expansion
+            for apath in self.__glob(npath, do_glob):
+                # recursively list subdirs according to rec param
+                for rpath in self.__walk_rec(apath, rec):
+                    if not exclude_filter(rpath):
+                        wd = ret_[rpath] = self.__add_watch(rpath, mask,
+                                                            proc_fun,
+                                                            auto_add,
+                                                            exclude_filter)
+                        if wd < 0:
+                            err = ('add_watch: cannot watch %s WD=%d, %s' % \
+                                       (rpath, wd,
+                                        self._inotify_wrapper.str_errno()))
+                            if quiet:
+                                log.error(err)
+                            else:
+                                raise WatchManagerError(err, ret_)
+                    else:
+                        # Let's say -2 means 'explicitely excluded
+                        # from watching'.
+                        ret_[rpath] = -2
+        return ret_
+    def __get_sub_rec(self, lpath):
+        """
+        Get every wd from self._wmd if its path is under the path of
+        one (at least) of those in lpath. Doesn't follow symlinks.
+        @param lpath: list of watch descriptor
+        @type lpath: list of int
+        @return: list of watch descriptor
+        @rtype: list of int
+        """
+        for d in lpath:
+            root = self.get_path(d)
+            if root is not None:
+                # always keep root
+                yield d
+            else:
+                # if invalid
+                continue
+            # nothing else to expect
+            if not os.path.isdir(root):
+                continue
+            # normalization
+            root = os.path.normpath(root)
+            # recursion
+            lend = len(root)
+            for iwd in self._wmd.items():
+                cur = iwd[1].path
+                pref = os.path.commonprefix([root, cur])
+                if root == os.sep or (len(pref) == lend and \
+                                      len(cur) > lend and \
+                                      cur[lend] == os.sep):
+                    yield iwd[1].wd
+    def update_watch(self, wd, mask=None, proc_fun=None, rec=False,
+                     auto_add=False, quiet=True):
+        """
+        Update existing watch descriptors |wd|. The |mask| value, the
+        processing object |proc_fun|, the recursive param |rec| and the
+        |auto_add| and |quiet| flags can all be updated.
+        @param wd: Watch Descriptor to update. Also accepts a list of
+                   watch descriptors.
+        @type wd: int or list of int
+        @param mask: Optional new bitmask of events.
+        @type mask: int
+        @param proc_fun: Optional new processing function.
+        @type proc_fun: function or ProcessEvent instance or instance of
+                        one of its subclasses or callable object.
+        @param rec: Optionally adds watches recursively on all
+                    subdirectories contained into |wd| directory.
+        @type rec: bool
+        @param auto_add: Automatically adds watches on newly created
+                         directories in the watch's path corresponding to |wd|.
+                         If |auto_add| is True, IN_CREATE is ored with |mask|
+                         when the watch is updated.
+        @type auto_add: bool
+        @param quiet: If False raises a WatchManagerError exception on
+                      error. See example not_quiet.py
+        @type quiet: bool
+        @return: dict of watch descriptors associated to booleans values.
+                 True if the corresponding wd has been successfully
+                 updated, False otherwise.
+        @rtype: dict of {int: bool}
+        """
+        lwd = self.__format_param(wd)
+        if rec:
+            lwd = self.__get_sub_rec(lwd)
+        ret_ = {}  # return {wd: bool, ...}
+        for awd in lwd:
+            apath = self.get_path(awd)
+            if not apath or awd < 0:
+                err = 'update_watch: invalid WD=%d' % awd
+                if quiet:
+                    log.error(err)
+                    continue
+                raise WatchManagerError(err, ret_)
+            if mask:
+                wd_ = self._inotify_wrapper.inotify_add_watch(self._fd, apath,
+                                                              mask)
+                if wd_ < 0:
+                    ret_[awd] = False
+                    err = ('update_watch: cannot update %s WD=%d, %s' % \
+                               (apath, wd_, self._inotify_wrapper.str_errno()))
+                    if quiet:
+                        log.error(err)
+                        continue
+                    raise WatchManagerError(err, ret_)
+                assert(awd == wd_)
+            if proc_fun or auto_add:
+                watch_ = self._wmd[awd]
+            if proc_fun:
+                watch_.proc_fun = proc_fun
+            if auto_add:
+                watch_.auto_add = auto_add
+            ret_[awd] = True
+            log.debug('Updated watch - %s', self._wmd[awd])
+        return ret_
+    def __format_param(self, param):
+        """
+        @param param: Parameter.
+        @type param: string or int
+        @return: wrap param.
+        @rtype: list of type(param)
+        """
+        if isinstance(param, list):
+            for p_ in param:
+                yield p_
+        else:
+            yield param
+    def get_wd(self, path):
+        """
+        Returns the watch descriptor associated to path. This method
+        presents a prohibitive cost, always prefer to keep the WD
+        returned by add_watch(). If the path is unknown it returns None.
+        @param path: Path.
+        @type path: str
+        @return: WD or None.
+        @rtype: int or None
+        """
+        path = self.__format_path(path)
+        for iwd in self._wmd.items():
+            if iwd[1].path == path:
+                return iwd[0]
+    def get_path(self, wd):
+        """
+        Returns the path associated to WD, if WD is unknown it returns None.
+        @param wd: Watch descriptor.
+        @type wd: int
+        @return: Path or None.
+        @rtype: string or None
+        """
+        watch_ = self._wmd.get(wd)
+        if watch_ is not None:
+            return watch_.path
+    def __walk_rec(self, top, rec):
+        """
+        Yields each subdirectories of top, doesn't follow symlinks.
+        If rec is false, only yield top.
+        @param top: root directory.
+        @type top: string
+        @param rec: recursive flag.
+        @type rec: bool
+        @return: path of one subdirectory.
+        @rtype: string
+        """
+        if not rec or os.path.islink(top) or not os.path.isdir(top):
+            yield top
+        else:
+            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top):
+                yield root
+    def rm_watch(self, wd, rec=False, quiet=True):
+        """
+        Removes watch(s).
+        @param wd: Watch Descriptor of the file or directory to unwatch.
+                   Also accepts a list of WDs.
+        @type wd: int or list of int.
+        @param rec: Recursively removes watches on every already watched
+                    subdirectories and subfiles.
+        @type rec: bool
+        @param quiet: If False raises a WatchManagerError exception on
+                      error. See example not_quiet.py
+        @type quiet: bool
+        @return: dict of watch descriptors associated to booleans values.
+                 True if the corresponding wd has been successfully
+                 removed, False otherwise.
+        @rtype: dict of {int: bool}
+        """
+        lwd = self.__format_param(wd)
+        if rec:
+            lwd = self.__get_sub_rec(lwd)
+        ret_ = {}  # return {wd: bool, ...}
+        for awd in lwd:
+            # remove watch
+            wd_ = self._inotify_wrapper.inotify_rm_watch(self._fd, awd)
+            if wd_ < 0:
+                ret_[awd] = False
+                err = ('rm_watch: cannot remove WD=%d, %s' % \
+                           (awd, self._inotify_wrapper.str_errno()))
+                if quiet:
+                    log.error(err)
+                    continue
+                raise WatchManagerError(err, ret_)
+            # Remove watch from our dictionary
+            if awd in self._wmd:
+                del self._wmd[awd]
+            ret_[awd] = True
+            log.debug('Watch WD=%d (%s) removed', awd, self.get_path(awd))
+        return ret_
+    def watch_transient_file(self, filename, mask, proc_class):
+        """
+        Watch a transient file, which will be created and deleted frequently
+        over time (e.g. pid file).
+        @attention: Currently under the call to this function it is not
+        possible to correctly watch the events triggered into the same
+        base directory than the directory where is located this watched
+        transient file. For instance it would be wrong to make these
+        two successive calls: wm.watch_transient_file('/var/run/foo.pid', ...)
+        and wm.add_watch('/var/run/', ...)
+        @param filename: Filename.
+        @type filename: string
+        @param mask: Bitmask of events, should contain IN_CREATE and IN_DELETE.
+        @type mask: int
+        @param proc_class: ProcessEvent (or of one of its subclass), beware of
+                           accepting a ProcessEvent's instance as argument into
+                           __init__, see transient_file.py example for more
+                           details.
+        @type proc_class: ProcessEvent's instance or of one of its subclasses.
+        @return: Same as add_watch().
+        @rtype: Same as add_watch().
+        """
+        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
+        if dirname == '':
+            return {}  # Maintains coherence with add_watch()
+        basename = os.path.basename(filename)
+        # Assuming we are watching at least for IN_CREATE and IN_DELETE
+        mask |= IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE
+        def cmp_name(event):
+            if getattr(event, 'name') is None:
+                return False
+            return basename == event.name
+        return self.add_watch(dirname, mask,
+                              proc_fun=proc_class(ChainIfTrue(func=cmp_name)),
+                              rec=False,
+                              auto_add=False, do_glob=False,
+                              exclude_filter=lambda path: False)
+    def get_ignore_events(self):
+        return self._ignore_events
+    def set_ignore_events(self, nval):
+        self._ignore_events = nval
+    ignore_events = property(get_ignore_events, set_ignore_events,
+                             "Make watch manager ignoring new events.")
+class RawOutputFormat:
+    """
+    Format string representations.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, format=None):
+        self.format = format or {}
+    def simple(self, s, attribute):
+        if not isinstance(s, str):
+            s = str(s)
+        return (self.format.get(attribute, '') + s +
+                self.format.get('normal', ''))
+    def punctuation(self, s):
+        """Punctuation color."""
+        return self.simple(s, 'normal')
+    def field_value(self, s):
+        """Field value color."""
+        return self.simple(s, 'purple')
+    def field_name(self, s):
+        """Field name color."""
+        return self.simple(s, 'blue')
+    def class_name(self, s):
+        """Class name color."""
+        return self.format.get('red', '') + self.simple(s, 'bold')
+output_format = RawOutputFormat()
+class ColoredOutputFormat(RawOutputFormat):
+    """
+    Format colored string representations.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        f = {'normal': '\033[0m',
+             'black': '\033[30m',
+             'red': '\033[31m',
+             'green': '\033[32m',
+             'yellow': '\033[33m',
+             'blue': '\033[34m',
+             'purple': '\033[35m',
+             'cyan': '\033[36m',
+             'bold': '\033[1m',
+             'uline': '\033[4m',
+             'blink': '\033[5m',
+             'invert': '\033[7m'}
+        RawOutputFormat.__init__(self, f)
+def compatibility_mode():
+    """
+    Use this function to turn on the compatibility mode. The compatibility
+    mode is used to improve compatibility with Pyinotify 0.7.1 (or older)
+    programs. The compatibility mode provides additional variables 'is_dir',
+    'event_name', 'EventsCodes.IN_*' and 'EventsCodes.ALL_EVENTS' as
+    Pyinotify 0.7.1 provided. Do not call this function from new programs!!
+    Especially if there are developped for Pyinotify >= 0.8.x.
+    """
+    setattr(EventsCodes, 'ALL_EVENTS', ALL_EVENTS)
+    for evname in globals():
+        if evname.startswith('IN_'):
+            setattr(EventsCodes, evname, globals()[evname])
+def command_line():
+    """
+    By default the watched path is '/tmp' and all types of events are
+    monitored. Events monitoring serves forever, type c^c to stop it.
+    """
+    from optparse import OptionParser
+    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [path1] [path2] [pathn]"
+    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+                      dest="verbose", help="Verbose mode")
+    parser.add_option("-r", "--recursive", action="store_true",
+                      dest="recursive",
+                      help="Add watches recursively on paths")
+    parser.add_option("-a", "--auto_add", action="store_true",
+                      dest="auto_add",
+                      help="Automatically add watches on new directories")
+    parser.add_option("-g", "--glob", action="store_true",
+                      dest="glob",
+                      help="Treat paths as globs")
+    parser.add_option("-e", "--events-list", metavar="EVENT[,...]",
+                      dest="events_list",
+                      help=("A comma-separated list of events to watch for - "
+                           "see the documentation for valid options (defaults"
+                           " to everything)"))
+    parser.add_option("-s", "--stats", action="store_true",
+                      dest="stats",
+                      help="Display dummy statistics")
+    parser.add_option("-V", "--version", action="store_true",
+                      dest="version",  help="Pyinotify version")
+    parser.add_option("-f", "--raw-format", action="store_true",
+                      dest="raw_format",
+                      help="Disable enhanced output format.")
+    parser.add_option("-c", "--command", action="store",
+                      dest="command",
+                      help="Shell command to run upon event")
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if options.verbose:
+        log.setLevel(10)
+    if options.version:
+        print(__version__)
+    if not options.raw_format:
+        global output_format
+        output_format = ColoredOutputFormat()
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        path = '/tmp'  # default watched path
+    else:
+        path = args
+    # watch manager instance
+    wm = WatchManager()
+    # notifier instance and init
+    if options.stats:
+        notifier = Notifier(wm, default_proc_fun=Stats(), read_freq=5)
+    else:
+        notifier = Notifier(wm, default_proc_fun=PrintAllEvents())
+    # What mask to apply
+    mask = 0
+    if options.events_list:
+        events_list = options.events_list.split(',')
+        for ev in events_list:
+            evcode = EventsCodes.ALL_FLAGS.get(ev, 0)
+            if evcode:
+                mask |= evcode
+            else:
+                parser.error("The event '%s' specified with option -e"
+                             " is not valid" % ev)
+    else:
+        mask = ALL_EVENTS
+    # stats
+    cb_fun = None
+    if options.stats:
+        def cb(s):
+            sys.stdout.write(repr(s.proc_fun()))
+            sys.stdout.write('\n')
+            sys.stdout.write(str(s.proc_fun()))
+            sys.stdout.write('\n')
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        cb_fun = cb
+    # External command
+    if options.command:
+        def cb(s):
+            subprocess.Popen(options.command, shell=True)
+        cb_fun = cb
+    log.debug('Start monitoring %s, (press c^c to halt pyinotify)' % path)
+    wm.add_watch(path, mask, rec=options.recursive, auto_add=options.auto_add, do_glob=options.glob)
+    # Loop forever (until sigint signal get caught)
+    notifier.loop(callback=cb_fun)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    command_line()