Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/classes/terminal.bbclass b/meta/classes/terminal.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e577c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/terminal.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+OE_TERMINAL ?= 'auto'
+OE_TERMINAL[type] = 'choice'
+OE_TERMINAL[choices] = 'auto none \
+                        ${@" ".join(o.name \
+                                    for o in oe.terminal.prioritized())}'
+OE_TERMINAL_EXPORTS[type] = 'list'
+XAUTHORITY ?= "${HOME}/.Xauthority"
+SHELL ?= "bash"
+def emit_terminal_func(command, envdata, d):
+    cmd_func = 'do_terminal'
+    envdata.setVar(cmd_func, 'exec ' + command)
+    envdata.setVarFlag(cmd_func, 'func', 1)
+    runfmt = d.getVar('BB_RUNFMT', True) or "run.{func}.{pid}"
+    runfile = runfmt.format(func=cmd_func, task=cmd_func, taskfunc=cmd_func, pid=os.getpid())
+    runfile = os.path.join(d.getVar('T', True), runfile)
+    bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(runfile))
+    with open(runfile, 'w') as script:
+        script.write('#!/bin/sh -e\n')
+        bb.data.emit_func(cmd_func, script, envdata)
+        script.write(cmd_func)
+        script.write("\n")
+    os.chmod(runfile, 0755)
+    return runfile
+def oe_terminal(command, title, d):
+    import oe.data
+    import oe.terminal
+    envdata = bb.data.init()
+    for v in os.environ:
+        envdata.setVar(v, os.environ[v])
+        envdata.setVarFlag(v, 'export', 1)
+    for export in oe.data.typed_value('OE_TERMINAL_EXPORTS', d):
+        value = d.getVar(export, True)
+        if value is not None:
+            os.environ[export] = str(value)
+            envdata.setVar(export, str(value))
+            envdata.setVarFlag(export, 'export', 1)
+        if export == "PSEUDO_DISABLED":
+            if "PSEUDO_UNLOAD" in os.environ:
+                del os.environ["PSEUDO_UNLOAD"]
+            envdata.delVar("PSEUDO_UNLOAD")
+    # Add in all variables from the user's original environment which
+    # haven't subsequntly been set/changed
+    origbbenv = d.getVar("BB_ORIGENV", False) or {}
+    for key in origbbenv:
+        if key in envdata:
+            continue
+        value = origbbenv.getVar(key, True)
+        if value is not None:
+            os.environ[key] = str(value)
+            envdata.setVar(key, str(value))
+            envdata.setVarFlag(key, 'export', 1)
+    # A complex PS1 might need more escaping of chars.
+    # Lets not export PS1 instead.
+    envdata.delVar("PS1")
+    # Replace command with an executable wrapper script
+    command = emit_terminal_func(command, envdata, d)
+    terminal = oe.data.typed_value('OE_TERMINAL', d).lower()
+    if terminal == 'none':
+        bb.fatal('Devshell usage disabled with OE_TERMINAL')
+    elif terminal != 'auto':
+        try:
+            oe.terminal.spawn(terminal, command, title, None, d)
+            return
+        except oe.terminal.UnsupportedTerminal:
+            bb.warn('Unsupported terminal "%s", defaulting to "auto"' %
+                    terminal)
+        except oe.terminal.ExecutionError as exc:
+            bb.fatal('Unable to spawn terminal %s: %s' % (terminal, exc))
+    try:
+        oe.terminal.spawn_preferred(command, title, None, d)
+    except oe.terminal.NoSupportedTerminals:
+        bb.fatal('No valid terminal found, unable to open devshell')
+    except oe.terminal.ExecutionError as exc:
+        bb.fatal('Unable to spawn terminal %s: %s' % (terminal, exc))
+oe_terminal[vardepsexclude] = "BB_ORIGENV"