Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/rpm.py b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/rpm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32aae24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/rpm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import unittest
+import os
+import fnmatch
+from oeqa.oetest import oeRuntimeTest, skipModule
+from oeqa.utils.decorators import *
+def setUpModule():
+    if not oeRuntimeTest.hasFeature("package-management"):
+            skipModule("rpm module skipped: target doesn't have package-management in IMAGE_FEATURES")
+    if "package_rpm" != oeRuntimeTest.tc.d.getVar("PACKAGE_CLASSES", True).split()[0]:
+            skipModule("rpm module skipped: target doesn't have rpm as primary package manager")
+class RpmBasicTest(oeRuntimeTest):
+    @testcase(960)
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_ssh')
+    def test_rpm_help(self):
+        (status, output) = self.target.run('rpm --help')
+        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg="status and output: %s and %s" % (status,output))
+    @testcase(191)
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_rpm_help')
+    def test_rpm_query(self):
+        (status, output) = self.target.run('rpm -q rpm')
+        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg="status and output: %s and %s" % (status,output))
+class RpmInstallRemoveTest(oeRuntimeTest):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(self):
+        pkgarch = oeRuntimeTest.tc.d.getVar('TUNE_PKGARCH', True).replace("-", "_")
+        rpmdir = os.path.join(oeRuntimeTest.tc.d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR', True), "rpm", pkgarch)
+        # pick rpm-doc as a test file to get installed, because it's small and it will always be built for standard targets
+        for f in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(rpmdir), "rpm-doc-*.%s.rpm" % pkgarch):
+            testrpmfile = f
+        oeRuntimeTest.tc.target.copy_to(os.path.join(rpmdir,testrpmfile), "/tmp/rpm-doc.rpm")
+    @testcase(192)
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_rpm_help')
+    def test_rpm_install(self):
+        (status, output) = self.target.run('rpm -ivh /tmp/rpm-doc.rpm')
+        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg="Failed to install rpm-doc package: %s" % output)
+    @testcase(194)
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_rpm_install')
+    def test_rpm_remove(self):
+        (status,output) = self.target.run('rpm -e rpm-doc')
+        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg="Failed to remove rpm-doc package: %s" % output)
+    @testcase(1096)
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_ssh')
+    def test_rpm_query_nonroot(self):
+        (status, output) = self.target.run('useradd test1')
+        self.assertTrue(status == 0, msg="Failed to create new user")
+        (status, output) = self.target.run('sudo -u test1 id')
+        self.assertTrue('(test1)' in output, msg="Failed to execute as new user")
+        (status, output) = self.target.run('sudo -u test1 rpm -qa')
+        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg="status: %s. Cannot run rpm -qa" % status)
+    @testcase(195)
+    @skipUnlessPassed('test_rpm_install')
+    def test_check_rpm_install_removal_log_file_size(self):
+        """
+        Summary:     Check rpm install/removal log file size
+        Expected:    There should be some method to keep rpm log in a small size .
+        Product:     BSPs
+        Author:      Alexandru Georgescu <alexandru.c.georgescu@intel.com>
+        AutomatedBy: Daniel Istrate <daniel.alexandrux.istrate@intel.com>
+        """
+        db_files_cmd = 'ls /var/lib/rpm/__db.*'
+        get_log_size_cmd = "du /var/lib/rpm/log/log.* | awk '{print $1}'"
+        # Make sure that some database files are under /var/lib/rpm as '__db.xxx'
+        (status, output) = self.target.run(db_files_cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, status, 'Failed to find database files under /var/lib/rpm/ as __db.xxx')
+        # Remove the package just in case
+        self.target.run('rpm -e rpm-doc')
+        # Install/Remove a package 10 times
+        for i in range(10):
+            (status, output) = self.target.run('rpm -ivh /tmp/rpm-doc.rpm')
+            self.assertEqual(0, status, "Failed to install rpm-doc package. Reason: {}".format(output))
+            (status, output) = self.target.run('rpm -e rpm-doc')
+            self.assertEqual(0, status, "Failed to remove rpm-doc package. Reason: {}".format(output))
+        # Get the size of log file
+        (status, output) = self.target.run(get_log_size_cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, status, 'Failed to get the final size of the log file.')
+        # Compare each log size
+        for log_file_size in output:
+            self.assertLessEqual(int(log_file_size), 11264,
+                                   'Log file size is greater that expected (~10MB), found {} bytes'.format(log_file_size))
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(self):
+        oeRuntimeTest.tc.target.run('rm -f /tmp/rpm-doc.rpm')