Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/__init__.py b/scripts/lib/bsp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbb6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Yocto BSP tools library
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at] intel.com>
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/engine.py b/scripts/lib/bsp/engine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d6be23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/engine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1947 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# This module implements the templating engine used by 'yocto-bsp' to
+# create BSPs.  The BSP templates are simply the set of files expected
+# to appear in a generated BSP, marked up with a small set of tags
+# used to customize the output.  The engine parses through the
+# templates and generates a Python program containing all the logic
+# and input elements needed to display and retrieve BSP-specific
+# information from the user.  The resulting program uses those results
+# to generate the final BSP files.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at] intel.com>
+import os
+import sys
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from tags import *
+import shlex
+import json
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+class Line():
+    """
+    Generic (abstract) container representing a line that will appear
+    in the BSP-generating program.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, line):
+        self.line = line
+        self.generated_line = ""
+        self.prio = sys.maxint
+        self.discard = False
+    @abstractmethod
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        """
+        Generate the final executable line that will appear in the
+        BSP-generation program.
+        """
+        pass
+    def escape(self, line):
+        """
+        Escape single and double quotes and backslashes until I find
+        something better (re.escape() escapes way too much).
+        """
+        return line.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("'", "\\'")
+    def parse_error(self, msg, lineno, line):
+         raise SyntaxError("%s: %s" % (msg, line))
+class NormalLine(Line):
+    """
+    Container for normal (non-tag) lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, line):
+        Line.__init__(self, line)
+        self.is_filename = False
+        self.is_dirname = False
+        self.out_filebase = None
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        if self.is_filename:
+            line = "current_file = \"" + os.path.join(self.out_filebase, self.escape(self.line)) + "\"; of = open(current_file, \"w\")"
+        elif self.is_dirname:
+            dirname = os.path.join(self.out_filebase, self.escape(self.line))
+            line = "if not os.path.exists(\"" + dirname + "\"): os.mkdir(\"" + dirname + "\")"
+        else:
+            line = "of.write(\"" + self.escape(self.line) + "\\n\")"
+        return line
+class CodeLine(Line):
+    """
+    Container for Python code tag lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, line):
+        Line.__init__(self, line)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        return self.line
+class Assignment:
+    """
+    Representation of everything we know about {{=name }} tags.
+    Instances of these are used by Assignment lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, start, end, name):
+        self.start = start
+        self.end = end
+        self.name = name
+class AssignmentLine(NormalLine):
+    """
+    Container for normal lines containing assignment tags.  Assignment
+    tags must be in ascending order of 'start' value.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, line):
+        NormalLine.__init__(self, line)
+        self.assignments = []
+    def add_assignment(self, start, end, name):
+        self.assignments.append(Assignment(start, end, name))
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        line = self.escape(self.line)
+        for assignment in self.assignments:
+            replacement = "\" + " + assignment.name + " + \""
+            idx = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG)
+            line = line[:idx] + replacement + line[idx + assignment.end - assignment.start:]
+        if self.is_filename:
+            return "current_file = \"" + os.path.join(self.out_filebase, line) + "\"; of = open(current_file, \"w\")"
+        elif self.is_dirname:
+            dirname = os.path.join(self.out_filebase, line)
+            return "if not os.path.exists(\"" + dirname + "\"): os.mkdir(\"" + dirname + "\")"
+        else:
+            return "of.write(\"" + line + "\\n\")"
+class InputLine(Line):
+    """
+    Base class for Input lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        Line.__init__(self, tag)
+        self.props = props
+        self.lineno = lineno
+        try:
+            self.prio = int(props["prio"])
+        except KeyError:
+            self.prio = sys.maxint
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        try:
+            depends_on = self.props["depends-on"]
+            try:
+                depends_on_val = self.props["depends-on-val"]
+            except KeyError:
+                self.parse_error("No 'depends-on-val' for 'depends-on' property",
+                                 self.lineno, self.line)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+class EditBoxInputLine(InputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for 'editbox' Input lines.
+    props:
+        name: example - "Load address"
+        msg: example - "Please enter the load address"
+    result:
+        Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to
+        whatever the user typed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        InputLine.gen(self, context)
+        name = self.props["name"]
+        if not name:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        msg = self.props["msg"]
+        if not msg:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]"
+        line = name + " = default(raw_input(\"" + msg + " \"), " + name + ")"
+        return line
+class GitRepoEditBoxInputLine(EditBoxInputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for 'editbox' Input lines for user input of remote git
+    repos.  This class verifies the existence and connectivity of the
+    specified git repo.
+    props:
+        name: example - "Load address"
+        msg: example - "Please enter the load address"
+    result:
+        Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to
+        whatever the user typed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        EditBoxInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        EditBoxInputLine.gen(self, context)
+        name = self.props["name"]
+        if not name:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        msg = self.props["msg"]
+        if not msg:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]"
+        line = name + " = get_verified_git_repo(\"" + msg + "\"," + name + ")"
+        return line
+class FileEditBoxInputLine(EditBoxInputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for 'editbox' Input lines for user input of existing
+    files.  This class verifies the existence of the specified file.
+    props:
+        name: example - "Load address"
+        msg: example - "Please enter the load address"
+    result:
+        Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to
+        whatever the user typed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        EditBoxInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        EditBoxInputLine.gen(self, context)
+        name = self.props["name"]
+        if not name:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        msg = self.props["msg"]
+        if not msg:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]"
+        line = name + " = get_verified_file(\"" + msg + "\"," + name + ", True)"
+        return line
+class BooleanInputLine(InputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for boolean Input lines.
+    props:
+        name: example - "keyboard"
+        msg:  example - "Got keyboard?"
+    result:
+        Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to "yes" or "no"
+        example - keyboard = "yes"
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        InputLine.gen(self, context)
+        name = self.props["name"]
+        if not name:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'name' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        msg = self.props["msg"]
+        if not msg:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]"
+        line = name + " = boolean(raw_input(\"" + msg + " \"), " + name + ")"
+        return line
+class ListInputLine(InputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for List-based Input lines. e.g. Choicelist, Checklist.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+        self.choices = []
+    def gen_choicepair_list(self):
+        """Generate a list of 2-item val:desc lists from self.choices."""
+        if not self.choices:
+            return None
+        choicepair_list = list()
+        for choice in self.choices:
+            choicepair = []
+            choicepair.append(choice.val)
+            choicepair.append(choice.desc)
+            choicepair_list.append(choicepair)
+        return choicepair_list
+    def gen_degenerate_choicepair_list(self, choices):
+        """Generate a list of 2-item val:desc with val=desc from passed-in choices."""
+        choicepair_list = list()
+        for choice in choices:
+            choicepair = []
+            choicepair.append(choice)
+            choicepair.append(choice)
+            choicepair_list.append(choicepair)
+        return choicepair_list
+    def exec_listgen_fn(self, context = None):
+        """
+        Execute the list-generating function contained as a string in
+        the "gen" property.
+        """
+        retval = None
+        try:
+            fname = self.props["gen"]
+            modsplit = fname.split('.')
+            mod_fn = modsplit.pop()
+            mod = '.'.join(modsplit)
+            __import__(mod)
+            # python 2.7 has a better way to do this using importlib.import_module
+            m = sys.modules[mod]
+            fn = getattr(m, mod_fn)
+            if not fn:
+                self.parse_error("couldn't load function specified for 'gen' property ",
+                                 self.lineno, self.line)
+            retval = fn(context)
+            if not retval:
+                self.parse_error("function specified for 'gen' property returned nothing ",
+                                 self.lineno, self.line)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        return retval
+    def gen_choices_str(self, choicepairs):
+        """
+        Generate a numbered list of choices from a list of choicepairs
+        for display to the user.
+        """
+        choices_str = ""
+        for i, choicepair in enumerate(choicepairs):
+            choices_str += "\t" + str(i + 1) + ") " + choicepair[1] + "\n"
+        return choices_str
+    def gen_choices_val_str(self, choicepairs):
+        """
+        Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the
+        numbered list generated by gen_choices_str().
+        """
+        choices_val_list = "["
+        for i, choicepair in enumerate(choicepairs):
+            choices_val_list += "\"" + choicepair[0] + "\","
+        choices_val_list += "]"
+        return choices_val_list
+    def gen_choices_val_list(self, choicepairs):
+        """
+        Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the
+        numbered list generated by gen_choices_str().
+        """
+        choices_val_list = []
+        for i, choicepair in enumerate(choicepairs):
+            choices_val_list.append(choicepair[0])
+        return choices_val_list
+    def gen_choices_list(self, context = None, checklist = False):
+        """
+        Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the
+        numbered list generated by gen_choices_str().
+        """
+        choices = self.exec_listgen_fn(context)
+        if choices:
+            if len(choices) == 0:
+                self.parse_error("No entries available for input list",
+                                 self.lineno, self.line)
+            choicepairs = self.gen_degenerate_choicepair_list(choices)
+        else:
+            if len(self.choices) == 0:
+                self.parse_error("No entries available for input list",
+                                 self.lineno, self.line)
+            choicepairs = self.gen_choicepair_list()
+        return choicepairs
+    def gen_choices(self, context = None, checklist = False):
+        """
+        Generate an array of choice values corresponding to the
+        numbered list generated by gen_choices_str(), display it to
+        the user, and process the result.
+        """
+        msg = self.props["msg"]
+        if not msg:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found",
+                             self.lineno, self.line)
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        msg += " [default: " + default_choice + "]"
+        choicepairs = self.gen_choices_list(context, checklist)
+        choices_str = self.gen_choices_str(choicepairs)
+        choices_val_list = self.gen_choices_val_list(choicepairs)
+        if checklist:
+            choiceval = default(find_choicevals(raw_input(msg + "\n" + choices_str), choices_val_list), default_choice)
+        else:
+            choiceval = default(find_choiceval(raw_input(msg + "\n" + choices_str), choices_val_list), default_choice)
+        return choiceval
+def find_choiceval(choice_str, choice_list):
+    """
+    Take number as string and return val string from choice_list,
+    empty string if oob.  choice_list is a simple python list.
+    """
+    choice_val = ""
+    try:
+        choice_idx = int(choice_str)
+        if choice_idx <= len(choice_list):
+            choice_idx -= 1
+            choice_val = choice_list[choice_idx]
+    except ValueError:
+        pass
+    return choice_val
+def find_choicevals(choice_str, choice_list):
+    """
+    Take numbers as space-separated string and return vals list from
+    choice_list, empty list if oob.  choice_list is a simple python
+    list.
+    """
+    choice_vals = []
+    choices = choice_str.split()
+    for choice in choices:
+        choice_vals.append(find_choiceval(choice, choice_list))
+    return choice_vals
+def default(input_str, name):
+    """
+    Return default if no input_str, otherwise stripped input_str.
+    """
+    if not input_str:
+        return name
+    return input_str.strip()
+def verify_git_repo(giturl):
+    """
+    Verify that the giturl passed in can be connected to.  This can be
+    used as a check for the existence of the given repo and/or basic
+    git remote connectivity.
+    Returns True if the connection was successful, fals otherwise
+    """
+    if not giturl:
+        return False
+    gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % (giturl)
+    rc = subprocess.call(gitcmd, shell=True)
+    if rc == 0:
+        return True
+    return False
+def get_verified_git_repo(input_str, name):
+    """
+    Return git repo if verified, otherwise loop forever asking user
+    for filename.
+    """
+    msg = input_str.strip() + " "
+    giturl = default(raw_input(msg), name)
+    while True:
+        if verify_git_repo(giturl):
+            return giturl
+        giturl = default(raw_input(msg), name)
+def get_verified_file(input_str, name, filename_can_be_null):
+    """
+    Return filename if the file exists, otherwise loop forever asking
+    user for filename.
+    """
+    msg = input_str.strip() + " "
+    filename = default(raw_input(msg), name)
+    while True:
+        if not filename and filename_can_be_null:
+            return filename
+        if os.path.isfile(filename):
+            return filename
+        filename = default(raw_input(msg), name)
+def replace_file(replace_this, with_this):
+    """
+    Replace the given file with the contents of filename, retaining
+    the original filename.
+    """
+    try:
+        replace_this.close()
+        shutil.copy(with_this, replace_this.name)
+    except IOError:
+        pass
+def boolean(input_str, name):
+    """
+    Return lowercase version of first char in string, or value in name.
+    """
+    if not input_str:
+        return name
+    str = input_str.lower().strip()
+    if str and str[0] == "y" or str[0] == "n":
+        return str[0]
+    else:
+        return name
+def strip_base(input_str):
+    """
+    strip '/base' off the end of input_str, so we can use 'base' in
+    the branch names we present to the user.
+    """
+    if input_str and input_str.endswith("/base"):
+        return input_str[:-len("/base")]
+    return input_str.strip()
+deferred_choices = {}
+def gen_choices_defer(input_line, context, checklist = False):
+    """
+    Save the context hashed the name of the input item, which will be
+    passed to the gen function later.
+    """
+    name = input_line.props["name"]
+    try:
+        nameappend = input_line.props["nameappend"]
+    except KeyError:
+        nameappend = ""
+    try:
+        branches_base = input_line.props["branches_base"]
+    except KeyError:
+        branches_base = ""
+    filename = input_line.props["filename"]
+    closetag_start = filename.find(CLOSE_TAG)
+    if closetag_start != -1:
+        filename = filename[closetag_start + len(CLOSE_TAG):]
+    filename = filename.strip()
+    filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+    captured_context = capture_context(context)
+    context["filename"] = filename
+    captured_context["filename"] = filename
+    context["nameappend"] = nameappend
+    captured_context["nameappend"] = nameappend
+    context["branches_base"] = branches_base
+    captured_context["branches_base"] = branches_base
+    deferred_choice = (input_line, captured_context, checklist)
+    key = name + "_" + filename + "_" + nameappend
+    deferred_choices[key] = deferred_choice
+def invoke_deferred_choices(name):
+    """
+    Invoke the choice generation function using the context hashed by
+    'name'.
+    """
+    deferred_choice = deferred_choices[name]
+    input_line = deferred_choice[0]
+    context = deferred_choice[1]
+    checklist = deferred_choice[2]
+    context["name"] = name
+    choices = input_line.gen_choices(context, checklist)
+    return choices
+class ChoicelistInputLine(ListInputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for choicelist Input lines.
+    props:
+        name: example - "xserver_choice"
+        msg:  example - "Please select an xserver for this machine"
+    result:
+        Sets the value of the variable specified by 'name' to whichever Choice was chosen
+        example - xserver_choice = "xserver_vesa"
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        ListInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        InputLine.gen(self, context)
+        gen_choices_defer(self, context)
+        name = self.props["name"]
+        nameappend = context["nameappend"]
+        filename = context["filename"]
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        line = name + " = default(invoke_deferred_choices(\"" + name + "_" + filename + "_" + nameappend + "\"), \"" + default_choice + "\")"
+        return line
+class ListValInputLine(InputLine):
+    """
+    Abstract base class for choice and checkbox Input lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        InputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+        try:
+            self.val = self.props["val"]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'val' property found", self.lineno, self.line)
+        try:
+            self.desc = self.props["msg"]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'msg' property found", self.lineno, self.line)
+class ChoiceInputLine(ListValInputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for choicelist item Input lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        ListValInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        return None
+class ChecklistInputLine(ListInputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for checklist Input lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        ListInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        InputLine.gen(self, context)
+        gen_choices_defer(self, context, True)
+        name = self.props["name"]
+        nameappend = context["nameappend"]
+        filename = context["filename"]
+        try:
+            default_choice = self.props["default"]
+        except KeyError:
+            default_choice = ""
+        line = name + " = default(invoke_deferred_choices(\"" + name + "_" + filename + "_" + nameappend + "\"), \"" + default_choice + "\")"
+        return line
+class CheckInputLine(ListValInputLine):
+    """
+    Base class for checklist item Input lines.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props, tag, lineno):
+        ListValInputLine.__init__(self, props, tag, lineno)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        return None
+dirname_substitutions = {}
+class SubstrateBase(object):
+    """
+    Base class for both expanded and unexpanded file and dir container
+    objects.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.filebase = filebase
+        self.translated_filename = filename
+        self.out_filebase = out_filebase
+        self.raw_lines = []
+        self.expanded_lines = []
+        self.prev_choicelist = None
+    def parse_error(self, msg, lineno, line):
+         raise SyntaxError("%s: [%s: %d]: %s" % (msg, self.filename, lineno, line))
+    def expand_input_tag(self, tag, lineno):
+        """
+        Input tags consist of the word 'input' at the beginning,
+        followed by name:value property pairs which are converted into
+        a dictionary.
+        """
+        propstr = tag[len(INPUT_TAG):]
+        props = dict(prop.split(":", 1) for prop in shlex.split(propstr))
+        props["filename"] = self.filename
+        input_type = props[INPUT_TYPE_PROPERTY]
+        if not props[INPUT_TYPE_PROPERTY]:
+            self.parse_error("No input 'type' property found", lineno, tag)
+        if input_type == "boolean":
+            return BooleanInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+        if input_type == "edit":
+            return EditBoxInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+        if input_type == "edit-git-repo":
+            return GitRepoEditBoxInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+        if input_type == "edit-file":
+            return FileEditBoxInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+        elif input_type == "choicelist":
+            self.prev_choicelist = ChoicelistInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+            return self.prev_choicelist
+        elif input_type == "choice":
+            if not self.prev_choicelist:
+                self.parse_error("Found 'choice' input tag but no previous choicelist",
+                                 lineno, tag)
+            choice = ChoiceInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+            self.prev_choicelist.choices.append(choice)
+            return choice
+        elif input_type == "checklist":
+            return ChecklistInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+        elif input_type == "check":
+            return CheckInputLine(props, tag, lineno)
+    def expand_assignment_tag(self, start, line, lineno):
+        """
+        Expand all tags in a line.
+        """
+        expanded_line = AssignmentLine(line.rstrip())
+        while start != -1:
+            end = line.find(CLOSE_TAG, start)
+            if end == -1:
+                self.parse_error("No close tag found for assignment tag", lineno, line)
+            else:
+                name = line[start + len(ASSIGN_TAG):end].strip()
+                expanded_line.add_assignment(start, end + len(CLOSE_TAG), name)
+                start = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG, end)
+        return expanded_line
+    def expand_tag(self, line, lineno):
+        """
+        Returns a processed tag line, or None if there was no tag
+        The rules for tags are very simple:
+            - No nested tags
+            - Tags start with {{ and end with }}
+            - An assign tag, {{=, can appear anywhere and will
+              be replaced with what the assignment evaluates to
+            - Any other tag occupies the whole line it is on
+                - if there's anything else on the tag line, it's an error
+                - if it starts with 'input', it's an input tag and
+                  will only be used for prompting and setting variables
+                - anything else is straight Python
+                - tags are in effect only until the next blank line or tag or 'pass' tag
+                - we don't have indentation in tags, but we need some way to end a block
+                  forcefully without blank lines or other tags - that's the 'pass' tag
+                - todo: implement pass tag
+                - directories and filenames can have tags as well, but only assignment
+                  and 'if' code lines
+                - directories and filenames are the only case where normal tags can
+                  coexist with normal text on the same 'line'
+        """
+        start = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG)
+        if start != -1:
+            return self.expand_assignment_tag(start, line, lineno)
+        start = line.find(OPEN_TAG)
+        if start == -1:
+            return None
+        end = line.find(CLOSE_TAG, 0)
+        if end == -1:
+             self.parse_error("No close tag found for open tag", lineno, line)
+        tag = line[start + len(OPEN_TAG):end].strip()
+        if not tag.lstrip().startswith(INPUT_TAG):
+            return CodeLine(tag)
+        return self.expand_input_tag(tag, lineno)
+    def append_translated_filename(self, filename):
+        """
+        Simply append filename to translated_filename
+        """
+        self.translated_filename = os.path.join(self.translated_filename, filename)
+    def get_substituted_file_or_dir_name(self, first_line, tag):
+        """
+        If file or dir names contain name substitutions, return the name
+        to substitute.  Note that this is just the file or dirname and
+        doesn't include the path.
+        """
+        filename = first_line.find(tag)
+        if filename != -1:
+            filename += len(tag)
+        substituted_filename = first_line[filename:].strip()
+        this = substituted_filename.find(" this")
+        if this != -1:
+            head, tail = os.path.split(self.filename)
+            substituted_filename = substituted_filename[:this + 1] + tail
+            if tag == DIRNAME_TAG: # get rid of .noinstall in dirname
+                substituted_filename = substituted_filename.split('.')[0]
+        return substituted_filename
+    def get_substituted_filename(self, first_line):
+        """
+        If a filename contains a name substitution, return the name to
+        substitute.  Note that this is just the filename and doesn't
+        include the path.
+        """
+        return self.get_substituted_file_or_dir_name(first_line, FILENAME_TAG)
+    def get_substituted_dirname(self, first_line):
+        """
+        If a dirname contains a name substitution, return the name to
+        substitute.  Note that this is just the dirname and doesn't
+        include the path.
+        """
+        return self.get_substituted_file_or_dir_name(first_line, DIRNAME_TAG)
+    def substitute_filename(self, first_line):
+        """
+        Find the filename in first_line and append it to translated_filename.
+        """
+        substituted_filename = self.get_substituted_filename(first_line)
+        self.append_translated_filename(substituted_filename);
+    def substitute_dirname(self, first_line):
+        """
+        Find the dirname in first_line and append it to translated_filename.
+        """
+        substituted_dirname = self.get_substituted_dirname(first_line)
+        self.append_translated_filename(substituted_dirname);
+    def is_filename_substitution(self, line):
+        """
+        Do we have a filename subustition?
+        """
+        if line.find(FILENAME_TAG) != -1:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def is_dirname_substitution(self, line):
+        """
+        Do we have a dirname subustition?
+        """
+        if line.find(DIRNAME_TAG) != -1:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def translate_dirname(self, first_line):
+        """
+        Just save the first_line mapped by filename.  The later pass
+        through the directories will look for a dirname.noinstall
+        match and grab the substitution line.
+        """
+        dirname_substitutions[self.filename] = first_line
+    def translate_dirnames_in_path(self, path):
+        """
+        Translate dirnames below this file or dir, not including tail.
+        dirname_substititions is keyed on actual untranslated filenames.
+        translated_path contains the subsititutions for each element.
+        """
+        remainder = path[len(self.filebase)+1:]
+        translated_path = untranslated_path = self.filebase
+        untranslated_dirs = remainder.split(os.sep)
+        for dir in untranslated_dirs:
+            key = os.path.join(untranslated_path, dir + '.noinstall')
+            try:
+                first_line = dirname_substitutions[key]
+            except KeyError:
+                translated_path = os.path.join(translated_path, dir)
+                untranslated_path = os.path.join(untranslated_path, dir)
+                continue
+            substituted_dir = self.get_substituted_dirname(first_line)
+            translated_path = os.path.join(translated_path, substituted_dir)
+            untranslated_path = os.path.join(untranslated_path, dir)
+        return translated_path
+    def translate_file_or_dir_name(self):
+        """
+        Originally we were allowed to use open/close/assign tags and python
+        code in the filename, which fit in nicely with the way we
+        processed the templates and generated code.  Now that we can't
+        do that, we make those tags proper file contents and have this
+        pass substitute the nice but non-functional names with those
+        'strange' ones, and then proceed as usual.
+        So, if files or matching dir<.noinstall> files contain
+        filename substitutions, this function translates them into the
+        corresponding 'strange' names, which future passes will expand
+        as they always have.  The resulting pathname is kept in the
+        file or directory's translated_filename.  Another way to think
+        about it is that self.filename is the input filename, and
+        translated_filename is the output filename before expansion.
+        """
+        # remove leaf file or dirname
+        head, tail = os.path.split(self.filename)
+        translated_path = self.translate_dirnames_in_path(head)
+        self.translated_filename = translated_path
+        # This is a dirname - does it have a matching .noinstall with
+        # a substitution?  If so, apply the dirname subsititution.
+        if not os.path.isfile(self.filename):
+            key = self.filename + ".noinstall"
+            try:
+                first_line = dirname_substitutions[key]
+            except KeyError:
+                self.append_translated_filename(tail)
+                return
+            self.substitute_dirname(first_line)
+            return
+        f = open(self.filename)
+        first_line = f.readline()
+        f.close()
+        # This is a normal filename not needing translation, just use
+        # it as-is.
+        if not first_line or not first_line.startswith("#"):
+            self.append_translated_filename(tail)
+            return
+        # If we have a filename substitution (first line in the file
+        # is a FILENAME_TAG line) do the substitution now.  If we have
+        # a dirname substitution (DIRNAME_TAG in dirname.noinstall
+        # meta-file), hash it so we can apply it when we see the
+        # matching dirname later.  Otherwise we have a regular
+        # filename, just use it as-is.
+        if self.is_filename_substitution(first_line):
+            self.substitute_filename(first_line)
+        elif self.is_dirname_substitution(first_line):
+            self.translate_dirname(first_line)
+        else:
+            self.append_translated_filename(tail)
+    def expand_file_or_dir_name(self):
+        """
+        Expand file or dir names into codeline.  Dirnames and
+        filenames can only have assignments or if statements.  First
+        translate if statements into CodeLine + (dirname or filename
+        creation).
+        """
+        lineno = 0
+        line = self.translated_filename[len(self.filebase):]
+        if line.startswith("/"):
+            line = line[1:]
+        opentag_start = -1
+        start = line.find(OPEN_TAG)
+        while start != -1:
+            if not line[start:].startswith(ASSIGN_TAG):
+                opentag_start = start
+                break
+            start += len(ASSIGN_TAG)
+            start = line.find(OPEN_TAG, start)
+        if opentag_start != -1:
+            end = line.find(CLOSE_TAG, opentag_start)
+            if end == -1:
+                self.parse_error("No close tag found for open tag", lineno, line)
+            # we have a {{ tag i.e. code
+            tag = line[opentag_start + len(OPEN_TAG):end].strip()
+            if not tag.lstrip().startswith(IF_TAG):
+                self.parse_error("Only 'if' tags are allowed in file or directory names",
+                                 lineno, line)
+            self.expanded_lines.append(CodeLine(tag))
+            # everything after }} is the actual filename (possibly with assignments)
+            # everything before is the pathname
+            line = line[:opentag_start] + line[end + len(CLOSE_TAG):].strip()
+        assign_start = line.find(ASSIGN_TAG)
+        if assign_start != -1:
+            assignment_tag = self.expand_assignment_tag(assign_start, line, lineno)
+            if isinstance(self, SubstrateFile):
+                assignment_tag.is_filename = True
+                assignment_tag.out_filebase = self.out_filebase
+            elif isinstance(self, SubstrateDir):
+                assignment_tag.is_dirname = True
+                assignment_tag.out_filebase = self.out_filebase
+            self.expanded_lines.append(assignment_tag)
+            return
+        normal_line = NormalLine(line)
+        if isinstance(self, SubstrateFile):
+            normal_line.is_filename = True
+            normal_line.out_filebase = self.out_filebase
+        elif isinstance(self, SubstrateDir):
+            normal_line.is_dirname = True
+            normal_line.out_filebase = self.out_filebase
+        self.expanded_lines.append(normal_line)
+    def expand(self):
+        """
+        Expand the file or dir name first, eventually this ends up
+        creating the file or dir.
+        """
+        self.translate_file_or_dir_name()
+        self.expand_file_or_dir_name()
+class SubstrateFile(SubstrateBase):
+    """
+    Container for both expanded and unexpanded substrate files.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase):
+        SubstrateBase.__init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase)
+    def read(self):
+        if self.raw_lines:
+            return
+        f = open(self.filename)
+        self.raw_lines = f.readlines()
+    def expand(self):
+        """Expand the contents of all template tags in the file."""
+        SubstrateBase.expand(self)
+        self.read()
+        for lineno, line in enumerate(self.raw_lines):
+            # only first line can be a filename substitition
+            if lineno == 0 and line.startswith("#") and FILENAME_TAG in line:
+                continue # skip it - we've already expanded it
+            expanded_line = self.expand_tag(line, lineno + 1) # humans not 0-based
+            if not expanded_line:
+                expanded_line = NormalLine(line.rstrip())
+            self.expanded_lines.append(expanded_line)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        """Generate the code that generates the BSP."""
+        base_indent = 0
+        indent = new_indent = base_indent
+        for line in self.expanded_lines:
+            genline = line.gen(context)
+            if not genline:
+                continue
+            if isinstance(line, InputLine):
+                line.generated_line = genline
+                continue
+            if genline.startswith(OPEN_START):
+                if indent == 1:
+                    base_indent = 1
+            if indent:
+                if genline == BLANKLINE_STR or (not genline.startswith(NORMAL_START)
+                                                and not genline.startswith(OPEN_START)):
+                    indent = new_indent = base_indent
+            if genline.endswith(":"):
+                new_indent = base_indent + 1
+            line.generated_line = (indent * INDENT_STR) + genline
+            indent = new_indent
+class SubstrateDir(SubstrateBase):
+    """
+    Container for both expanded and unexpanded substrate dirs.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase):
+        SubstrateBase.__init__(self, filename, filebase, out_filebase)
+    def expand(self):
+        SubstrateBase.expand(self)
+    def gen(self, context = None):
+        """Generate the code that generates the BSP."""
+        indent = new_indent = 0
+        for line in self.expanded_lines:
+            genline = line.gen(context)
+            if not genline:
+                continue
+            if genline.endswith(":"):
+                new_indent = 1
+            else:
+                new_indent = 0
+            line.generated_line = (indent * INDENT_STR) + genline
+            indent = new_indent
+def expand_target(target, all_files, out_filebase):
+    """
+    Expand the contents of all template tags in the target.  This
+    means removing tags and categorizing or creating lines so that
+    future passes can process and present input lines and generate the
+    corresponding lines of the Python program that will be exec'ed to
+    actually produce the final BSP.  'all_files' includes directories.
+    """
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target):
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith("~") or file.endswith("#"):
+                continue
+            f = os.path.join(root, file)
+            sfile = SubstrateFile(f, target, out_filebase)
+            sfile.expand()
+            all_files.append(sfile)
+        for dir in dirs:
+            d = os.path.join(root, dir)
+            sdir = SubstrateDir(d, target, out_filebase)
+            sdir.expand()
+            all_files.append(sdir)
+def gen_program_machine_lines(machine, program_lines):
+    """
+    Use the input values we got from the command line.
+    """
+    line = "machine = \"" + machine + "\""
+    program_lines.append(line)
+    line = "layer_name = \"" + machine + "\""
+    program_lines.append(line)
+def sort_inputlines(input_lines):
+    """Sort input lines according to priority (position)."""
+    input_lines.sort(key = lambda l: l.prio)
+def find_parent_dependency(lines, depends_on):
+    for i, line in lines:
+        if isinstance(line, CodeLine):
+            continue
+        if line.props["name"] == depends_on:
+            return i
+    return -1
+def process_inputline_dependencies(input_lines, all_inputlines):
+    """If any input lines depend on others, put the others first."""
+    for line in input_lines:
+        if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup):
+            group_inputlines = []
+            process_inputline_dependencies(line.group, group_inputlines)
+            line.group = group_inputlines
+            all_inputlines.append(line)
+            continue
+        if isinstance(line, CodeLine) or isinstance(line, NormalLine):
+            all_inputlines.append(line)
+            continue
+        try:
+            depends_on = line.props["depends-on"]
+            depends_codeline = "if " + line.props["depends-on"] + " == \"" + line.props["depends-on-val"] + "\":"
+            all_inputlines.append(CodeLine(depends_codeline))
+            all_inputlines.append(line)
+        except KeyError:
+            all_inputlines.append(line)
+def conditional_filename(filename):
+    """
+    Check if the filename itself contains a conditional statement.  If
+    so, return a codeline for it.
+    """
+    opentag_start = filename.find(OPEN_TAG)
+    if opentag_start != -1:
+        if filename[opentag_start:].startswith(ASSIGN_TAG):
+            return None
+        end = filename.find(CLOSE_TAG, opentag_start)
+        if end == -1:
+            print "No close tag found for open tag in filename %s" % filename
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # we have a {{ tag i.e. code
+        tag = filename[opentag_start + len(OPEN_TAG):end].strip()
+        if not tag.lstrip().startswith(IF_TAG):
+            print "Only 'if' tags are allowed in file or directory names, filename: %s" % filename
+            sys.exit(1)
+        return CodeLine(tag)
+    return None
+class InputLineGroup(InputLine):
+    """
+    InputLine that does nothing but group other input lines
+    corresponding to all the input lines in a SubstrateFile so they
+    can be generated as a group.  prio is the only property used.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, codeline):
+        InputLine.__init__(self, {}, "", 0)
+        self.group = []
+        self.prio = sys.maxint
+        self.group.append(codeline)
+    def append(self, line):
+        self.group.append(line)
+        if line.prio < self.prio:
+            self.prio = line.prio
+    def len(self):
+        return len(self.group)
+def gather_inputlines(files):
+    """
+    Gather all the InputLines - we want to generate them first.
+    """
+    all_inputlines = []
+    input_lines = []
+    for file in files:
+        if isinstance(file, SubstrateFile):
+            group = None
+            basename = os.path.basename(file.translated_filename)
+            codeline = conditional_filename(basename)
+            if codeline:
+                group = InputLineGroup(codeline)
+            have_condition = False
+            condition_to_write = None
+            for line in file.expanded_lines:
+                if isinstance(line, CodeLine):
+                    have_condition = True
+                    condition_to_write = line
+                    continue
+                if isinstance(line, InputLine):
+                    if group:
+                        if condition_to_write:
+                            condition_to_write.prio = line.prio
+                            condition_to_write.discard = True
+                            group.append(condition_to_write)
+                            condition_to_write = None
+                        group.append(line)
+                    else:
+                        if condition_to_write:
+                            condition_to_write.prio = line.prio
+                            condition_to_write.discard = True
+                            input_lines.append(condition_to_write)
+                            condition_to_write = None
+                        input_lines.append(line)
+                else:
+                    if condition_to_write:
+                        condition_to_write = None
+                    if have_condition:
+                        if not line.line.strip():
+                            line.discard = True
+                            input_lines.append(line)
+                    have_condition = False
+            if group and group.len() > 1:
+                input_lines.append(group)
+    sort_inputlines(input_lines)
+    process_inputline_dependencies(input_lines, all_inputlines)
+    return all_inputlines
+def run_program_lines(linelist, codedump):
+    """
+    For a single file, print all the python code into a buf and execute it.
+    """
+    buf = "\n".join(linelist)
+    if codedump:
+        of = open("bspgen.out", "w")
+        of.write(buf)
+        of.close()
+    exec buf
+def gen_target(files, context = None):
+    """
+    Generate the python code for each file.
+    """
+    for file in files:
+        file.gen(context)
+def gen_program_header_lines(program_lines):
+    """
+    Generate any imports we need.
+    """
+    program_lines.append("current_file = \"\"")
+def gen_supplied_property_vals(properties, program_lines):
+    """
+    Generate user-specified entries for input values instead of
+    generating input prompts.
+    """
+    for name, val in properties.iteritems():
+        program_line = name + " = \"" + val + "\""
+        program_lines.append(program_line)
+def gen_initial_property_vals(input_lines, program_lines):
+    """
+    Generate null or default entries for input values, so we don't
+    have undefined variables.
+    """
+    for line in input_lines:
+        if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup):
+            gen_initial_property_vals(line.group, program_lines)
+            continue
+        if isinstance(line, InputLine):
+            try:
+                name = line.props["name"]
+                try:
+                    default_val = "\"" + line.props["default"] + "\""
+                except:
+                    default_val = "\"\""
+                program_line = name + " = " + default_val
+                program_lines.append(program_line)
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+def gen_program_input_lines(input_lines, program_lines, context, in_group = False):
+    """
+    Generate only the input lines used for prompting the user.  For
+    that, we only have input lines and CodeLines that affect the next
+    input line.
+    """
+    indent = new_indent = 0
+    for line in input_lines:
+        if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup):
+            gen_program_input_lines(line.group, program_lines, context, True)
+            continue
+        if not line.line.strip():
+            continue
+        genline = line.gen(context)
+        if not genline:
+            continue
+        if genline.endswith(":"):
+            new_indent += 1
+        else:
+            if indent > 1 or (not in_group and indent):
+                new_indent -= 1
+        line.generated_line = (indent * INDENT_STR) + genline
+        program_lines.append(line.generated_line)
+        indent = new_indent
+def gen_program_lines(target_files, program_lines):
+    """
+    Generate the program lines that make up the BSP generation
+    program.  This appends the generated lines of all target_files to
+    program_lines, and skips input lines, which are dealt with
+    separately, or omitted.
+    """
+    for file in target_files:
+        if file.filename.endswith("noinstall"):
+            continue
+        for line in file.expanded_lines:
+            if isinstance(line, InputLine):
+                continue
+            if line.discard:
+                continue
+            program_lines.append(line.generated_line)
+def create_context(machine, arch, scripts_path):
+    """
+    Create a context object for use in deferred function invocation.
+    """
+    context = {}
+    context["machine"] = machine
+    context["arch"] = arch
+    context["scripts_path"] = scripts_path
+    return context
+def capture_context(context):
+    """
+    Create a context object for use in deferred function invocation.
+    """
+    captured_context = {}
+    captured_context["machine"] = context["machine"]
+    captured_context["arch"] = context["arch"]
+    captured_context["scripts_path"] = context["scripts_path"]
+    return captured_context
+def expand_targets(context, bsp_output_dir, expand_common=True):
+    """
+    Expand all the tags in both the common and machine-specific
+    'targets'.
+    If expand_common is False, don't expand the common target (this
+    option is used to create special-purpose layers).
+    """
+    target_files = []
+    machine = context["machine"]
+    arch = context["arch"]
+    scripts_path = context["scripts_path"]
+    lib_path = scripts_path + '/lib'
+    bsp_path = lib_path + '/bsp'
+    arch_path = bsp_path + '/substrate/target/arch'
+    if expand_common:
+        common = os.path.join(arch_path, "common")
+        expand_target(common, target_files, bsp_output_dir)
+    arches = os.listdir(arch_path)
+    if arch not in arches or arch == "common":
+        print "Invalid karch, exiting\n"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    target = os.path.join(arch_path, arch)
+    expand_target(target, target_files, bsp_output_dir)
+    gen_target(target_files, context)
+    return target_files
+def yocto_common_create(machine, target, scripts_path, layer_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties_str="", expand_common=True):
+    """
+    Common layer-creation code
+    machine - user-defined machine name (if needed, will generate 'machine' var)
+    target - the 'target' the layer will be based on, must be one in
+           scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch
+    scripts_path - absolute path to yocto /scripts dir
+    layer_output_dir - dirname to create for layer
+    codedump - dump generated code to bspgen.out
+    properties_file - use values from this file if nonempty i.e no prompting
+    properties_str - use values from this string if nonempty i.e no prompting
+    expand_common - boolean, use the contents of (for bsp layers) arch/common
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(layer_output_dir):
+        print "\nlayer output dir already exists, exiting. (%s)" % layer_output_dir
+        sys.exit(1)
+    properties = None
+    if properties_file:
+        try:
+            infile = open(properties_file, "r")
+        except IOError:
+            print "Couldn't open properties file %s for reading, exiting" % properties_file
+            sys.exit(1)
+        properties = json.load(infile)
+    if properties_str and not properties:
+        properties = json.loads(properties_str)
+    os.mkdir(layer_output_dir)
+    context = create_context(machine, target, scripts_path)
+    target_files = expand_targets(context, layer_output_dir, expand_common)
+    input_lines = gather_inputlines(target_files)
+    program_lines = []
+    gen_program_header_lines(program_lines)
+    gen_initial_property_vals(input_lines, program_lines)
+    if properties:
+        gen_supplied_property_vals(properties, program_lines)
+    gen_program_machine_lines(machine, program_lines)
+    if not properties:
+        gen_program_input_lines(input_lines, program_lines, context)
+    gen_program_lines(target_files, program_lines)
+    run_program_lines(program_lines, codedump)
+def yocto_layer_create(layer_name, scripts_path, layer_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties=""):
+    """
+    Create yocto layer
+    layer_name - user-defined layer name
+    scripts_path - absolute path to yocto /scripts dir
+    layer_output_dir - dirname to create for layer
+    codedump - dump generated code to bspgen.out
+    properties_file - use values from this file if nonempty i.e no prompting
+    properties - use values from this string if nonempty i.e no prompting
+    """
+    yocto_common_create(layer_name, "layer", scripts_path, layer_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties, False)
+    print "\nNew layer created in %s.\n" % (layer_output_dir)
+    print "Don't forget to add it to your BBLAYERS (for details see %s\README)." % (layer_output_dir)
+def yocto_bsp_create(machine, arch, scripts_path, bsp_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties=None):
+    """
+    Create bsp
+    machine - user-defined machine name
+    arch - the arch the bsp will be based on, must be one in
+           scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch
+    scripts_path - absolute path to yocto /scripts dir
+    bsp_output_dir - dirname to create for BSP
+    codedump - dump generated code to bspgen.out
+    properties_file - use values from this file if nonempty i.e no prompting
+    properties - use values from this string if nonempty i.e no prompting
+    """
+    yocto_common_create(machine, arch, scripts_path, bsp_output_dir, codedump, properties_file, properties)
+    print "\nNew %s BSP created in %s" % (arch, bsp_output_dir)
+def print_dict(items, indent = 0):
+    """
+    Print the values in a possibly nested dictionary.
+    """
+    for key, val in items.iteritems():
+        print "    "*indent + "\"%s\" :" % key,
+        if type(val) == dict:
+            print "{"
+            print_dict(val, indent + 1)
+            print "    "*indent + "}"
+        else:
+            print "%s" % val
+def get_properties(input_lines):
+    """
+    Get the complete set of properties for all the input items in the
+    BSP, as a possibly nested dictionary.
+    """
+    properties = {}
+    for line in input_lines:
+        if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup):
+            statement = line.group[0].line
+            group_properties = get_properties(line.group)
+            properties[statement] = group_properties
+            continue
+        if not isinstance(line, InputLine):
+            continue
+        if isinstance(line, ChoiceInputLine):
+            continue
+        props = line.props
+        item = {}
+        name = props["name"]
+        for key, val in props.items():
+            if not key == "name":
+                item[key] = val
+        properties[name] = item
+    return properties
+def yocto_layer_list_properties(arch, scripts_path, properties_file, expand_common=True):
+    """
+    List the complete set of properties for all the input items in the
+    layer.  If properties_file is non-null, write the complete set of
+    properties as a nested JSON object corresponding to a possibly
+    nested dictionary.
+    """
+    context = create_context("unused", arch, scripts_path)
+    target_files = expand_targets(context, "unused", expand_common)
+    input_lines = gather_inputlines(target_files)
+    properties = get_properties(input_lines)
+    if properties_file:
+        try:
+            of = open(properties_file, "w")
+        except IOError:
+            print "Couldn't open properties file %s for writing, exiting" % properties_file
+            sys.exit(1)
+        json.dump(properties, of)
+    print_dict(properties)
+def split_nested_property(property):
+    """
+    A property name of the form x.y describes a nested property
+    i.e. the property y is contained within x and can be addressed
+    using standard JSON syntax for nested properties.  Note that if a
+    property name itself contains '.', it should be contained in
+    double quotes.
+    """
+    splittable_property = ""
+    in_quotes = False
+    for c in property:
+        if c == '.' and not in_quotes:
+            splittable_property += '\n'
+            continue
+        if c == '"':
+            in_quotes = not in_quotes
+        splittable_property += c
+    split_properties = splittable_property.split('\n')
+    if len(split_properties) > 1:
+        return split_properties
+    return None
+def find_input_line_group(substring, input_lines):
+    """
+    Find and return the InputLineGroup containing the specified substring.
+    """
+    for line in input_lines:
+        if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup):
+            if substring in line.group[0].line:
+                return line
+    return None
+def find_input_line(name, input_lines):
+    """
+    Find the input line with the specified name.
+    """
+    for line in input_lines:
+        if isinstance(line, InputLineGroup):
+            l = find_input_line(name, line.group)
+            if l:
+                return l
+        if isinstance(line, InputLine):
+            try:
+                if line.props["name"] == name:
+                    return line
+                if line.props["name"] + "_" + line.props["nameappend"] == name:
+                    return line
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+    return None
+def print_values(type, values_list):
+    """
+    Print the values in the given list of values.
+    """
+    if type == "choicelist":
+        for value in values_list:
+            print "[\"%s\", \"%s\"]" % (value[0], value[1])
+    elif type == "boolean":
+        for value in values_list:
+            print "[\"%s\", \"%s\"]" % (value[0], value[1])
+def yocto_layer_list_property_values(arch, property, scripts_path, properties_file, expand_common=True):
+    """
+    List the possible values for a given input property.  If
+    properties_file is non-null, write the complete set of properties
+    as a JSON object corresponding to an array of possible values.
+    """
+    context = create_context("unused", arch, scripts_path)
+    context["name"] = property
+    target_files = expand_targets(context, "unused", expand_common)
+    input_lines = gather_inputlines(target_files)
+    properties = get_properties(input_lines)
+    nested_properties = split_nested_property(property)
+    if nested_properties:
+        # currently the outer property of a nested property always
+        # corresponds to an input line group
+        input_line_group = find_input_line_group(nested_properties[0], input_lines)
+        if input_line_group:
+            input_lines[:] = input_line_group.group[1:]
+            # The inner property of a nested property name is the
+            # actual property name we want, so reset to that
+            property = nested_properties[1]
+    input_line = find_input_line(property, input_lines)
+    if not input_line:
+        print "Couldn't find values for property %s" % property
+        return
+    values_list = []
+    type = input_line.props["type"]
+    if type == "boolean":
+        values_list.append(["y", "n"])
+    elif type == "choicelist" or type == "checklist":
+        try:
+            gen_fn = input_line.props["gen"]
+            if nested_properties:
+                context["filename"] = nested_properties[0]
+                try:
+                    context["branches_base"] = input_line.props["branches_base"]
+                except KeyError:
+                    context["branches_base"] = None
+            values_list = input_line.gen_choices_list(context, False)
+        except KeyError:
+            for choice in input_line.choices:
+                choicepair = []
+                choicepair.append(choice.val)
+                choicepair.append(choice.desc)
+                values_list.append(choicepair)
+    if properties_file:
+        try:
+            of = open(properties_file, "w")
+        except IOError:
+            print "Couldn't open properties file %s for writing, exiting" % properties_file
+            sys.exit(1)
+        json.dump(values_list, of)
+    print_values(type, values_list)
+def yocto_bsp_list(args, scripts_path, properties_file):
+    """
+    Print available architectures, or the complete list of properties
+    defined by the BSP, or the possible values for a particular BSP
+    property.
+    """
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        return False
+    if args[0] == "karch":
+        lib_path = scripts_path + '/lib'
+        bsp_path = lib_path + '/bsp'
+        arch_path = bsp_path + '/substrate/target/arch'
+        print "Architectures available:"
+        for arch in os.listdir(arch_path):
+            if arch == "common" or arch == "layer":
+                continue
+            print "    %s" % arch
+        return True
+    else:
+        arch = args[0]
+    if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 3:
+        return False
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        if args[1] == "properties":
+            yocto_layer_list_properties(arch, scripts_path, properties_file)
+        else:
+            return False
+    if len(args) == 3:
+        if args[1] == "property":
+            yocto_layer_list_property_values(arch, args[2], scripts_path, properties_file)
+        else:
+            return False
+    return True
+def yocto_layer_list(args, scripts_path, properties_file):
+    """
+    Print the complete list of input properties defined by the layer,
+    or the possible values for a particular layer property.
+    """
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        return False
+    if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
+        return False
+    if len(args) == 1:
+        if args[0] == "properties":
+            yocto_layer_list_properties("layer", scripts_path, properties_file, False)
+        else:
+            return False
+    if len(args) == 2:
+        if args[0] == "property":
+            yocto_layer_list_property_values("layer", args[1], scripts_path, properties_file, False)
+        else:
+            return False
+    return True
+def map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch):
+    """
+    Return the linux-yocto bsp branch to use with the specified
+    kbranch.  This handles the -standard variants for 3.4 and 3.8; the
+    other variants don't need mappings.
+    """
+    if need_new_kbranch == "y":
+        kbranch = new_kbranch
+    else:
+        kbranch = existing_kbranch
+    if kbranch.startswith("standard/common-pc-64"):
+        return "bsp/common-pc-64/common-pc-64-standard.scc"
+    if kbranch.startswith("standard/common-pc"):
+        return "bsp/common-pc/common-pc-standard.scc"
+    else:
+        return "ktypes/standard/standard.scc"
+def map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch):
+    """
+    Return the linux-yocto bsp branch to use with the specified
+    kbranch.  This handles the -preempt-rt variants for 3.4 and 3.8;
+    the other variants don't need mappings.
+    """
+    if need_new_kbranch == "y":
+        kbranch = new_kbranch
+    else:
+        kbranch = existing_kbranch
+    if kbranch.startswith("standard/preempt-rt/common-pc-64"):
+        return "bsp/common-pc-64/common-pc-64-preempt-rt.scc"
+    if kbranch.startswith("standard/preempt-rt/common-pc"):
+        return "bsp/common-pc/common-pc-preempt-rt.scc"
+    else:
+        return "ktypes/preempt-rt/preempt-rt.scc"
+def map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch):
+    """
+    Return the linux-yocto bsp branch to use with the specified
+    kbranch.  This handles the -tiny variants for 3.4 and 3.8; the
+    other variants don't need mappings.
+    """
+    if need_new_kbranch == "y":
+        kbranch = new_kbranch
+    else:
+        kbranch = existing_kbranch
+    if kbranch.startswith("standard/tiny/common-pc"):
+        return "bsp/common-pc/common-pc-tiny.scc"
+    else:
+        return "ktypes/tiny/tiny.scc"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/help.py b/scripts/lib/bsp/help.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cce100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/help.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1044 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# This module implements some basic help invocation functions along
+# with the bulk of the help topic text for the Yocto BSP Tools.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at] intel.com>
+import subprocess
+import logging
+def subcommand_error(args):
+    logging.info("invalid subcommand %s" % args[0])
+def display_help(subcommand, subcommands):
+    """
+    Display help for subcommand.
+    """
+    if subcommand not in subcommands:
+        return False
+    help = subcommands.get(subcommand, subcommand_error)[2]
+    pager = subprocess.Popen('less', stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+    pager.communicate(help)
+    return True
+def yocto_help(args, usage_str, subcommands):
+    """
+    Subcommand help dispatcher.
+    """
+    if len(args) == 1 or not display_help(args[1], subcommands):
+        print(usage_str)
+def invoke_subcommand(args, parser, main_command_usage, subcommands):
+    """
+    Dispatch to subcommand handler borrowed from combo-layer.
+    Should use argparse, but has to work in 2.6.
+    """
+    if not args:
+        logging.error("No subcommand specified, exiting")
+        parser.print_help()
+    elif args[0] == "help":
+        yocto_help(args, main_command_usage, subcommands)
+    elif args[0] not in subcommands:
+        logging.error("Unsupported subcommand %s, exiting\n" % (args[0]))
+        parser.print_help()
+    else:
+        usage = subcommands.get(args[0], subcommand_error)[1]
+        subcommands.get(args[0], subcommand_error)[0](args[1:], usage)
+# yocto-bsp help and usage strings
+yocto_bsp_usage = """
+ Create a customized Yocto BSP layer.
+ usage: yocto-bsp [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]
+ Current 'yocto-bsp' commands are:
+    create            Create a new Yocto BSP
+    list              List available values for options and BSP properties
+ See 'yocto-bsp help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
+yocto_bsp_help_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-bsp help <subcommand>
+ This command displays detailed help for the specified subcommand.
+yocto_bsp_create_usage = """
+ Create a new Yocto BSP
+ usage: yocto-bsp create <bsp-name> <karch> [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]
+            [-i <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --infile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+ This command creates a Yocto BSP based on the specified parameters.
+ The new BSP will be a new Yocto BSP layer contained by default within
+ the top-level directory specified as 'meta-bsp-name'.  The -o option
+ can be used to place the BSP layer in a directory with a different
+ name and location.
+ The value of the 'karch' parameter determines the set of files that
+ will be generated for the BSP, along with the specific set of
+ 'properties' that will be used to fill out the BSP-specific portions
+ of the BSP.  The possible values for the 'karch' paramter can be
+ listed via 'yocto-bsp list karch'.
+ NOTE: Once created, you should add your new layer to your
+ bblayers.conf file in order for it to be subsequently seen and
+ modified by the yocto-kernel tool.
+ See 'yocto bsp help create' for more detailed instructions.
+yocto_bsp_create_help = """
+    yocto-bsp create - Create a new Yocto BSP
+    yocto-bsp create <bsp-name> <karch> [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]
+        [-i <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --infile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    This command creates a Yocto BSP based on the specified
+    parameters.  The new BSP will be a new Yocto BSP layer contained
+    by default within the top-level directory specified as
+    'meta-bsp-name'.  The -o option can be used to place the BSP layer
+    in a directory with a different name and location.
+    The value of the 'karch' parameter determines the set of files
+    that will be generated for the BSP, along with the specific set of
+    'properties' that will be used to fill out the BSP-specific
+    portions of the BSP.  The possible values for the 'karch' paramter
+    can be listed via 'yocto-bsp list karch'.
+    The BSP-specific properties that define the values that will be
+    used to generate a particular BSP can be specified on the
+    command-line using the -i option and supplying a JSON object
+    consisting of the set of name:value pairs needed by the BSP.
+    If the -i option is not used, the user will be interactively
+    prompted for each of the required property values, which will then
+    be used as values for BSP generation.
+    The set of properties available for a given architecture can be
+    listed using the 'yocto-bsp list' command.
+    Specifying -c causes the Python code generated and executed to
+    create the BSP to be dumped to the 'bspgen.out' file in the
+    current directory, and is useful for debugging.
+    NOTE: Once created, you should add your new layer to your
+    bblayers.conf file in order for it to be subsequently seen and
+    modified by the yocto-kernel tool.
+    For example, assuming your poky repo is at /path/to/poky, your new
+    BSP layer is at /path/to/poky/meta-mybsp, and your build directory
+    is /path/to/build:
+    $ gedit /path/to/build/conf/bblayers.conf
+    BBLAYERS ?= " \\
+      /path/to/poky/meta \\
+      /path/to/poky/meta-yocto \\
+      /path/to/poky/meta-mybsp \\
+      "
+yocto_bsp_list_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-bsp list karch
+        yocto-bsp list <karch> properties
+                [-o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+        yocto-bsp list <karch> property <xxx>
+                [-o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+ This command enumerates the complete set of possible values for a
+ specified option or property needed by the BSP creation process.
+ The first form enumerates all the possible values that exist and can
+ be specified for the 'karch' parameter to the 'yocto bsp create'
+ command.
+ The second form enumerates all the possible properties that exist and
+ must have values specified for them in the 'yocto bsp create' command
+ for the given 'karch'.
+ The third form enumerates all the possible values that exist and can
+ be specified for any of the enumerable properties of the given
+ 'karch' in the 'yocto bsp create' command.
+ See 'yocto-bsp help list' for more details.
+yocto_bsp_list_help = """
+    yocto-bsp list - List available values for options and BSP properties
+    yocto-bsp list karch
+    yocto-bsp list <karch> properties
+            [--o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | -outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    yocto-bsp list <karch> property <xxx>
+            [--o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | -outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    This command enumerates the complete set of possible values for a
+    specified option or property needed by the BSP creation process.
+    The first form enumerates all the possible values that exist and
+    can be specified for the 'karch' parameter to the 'yocto bsp
+    create' command.  Example output for the 'list karch' command:
+    $ yocto-bsp list karch
+    Architectures available:
+        arm
+        powerpc
+        i386
+        mips
+        mips64
+        x86_64
+        qemu
+    The second form enumerates all the possible properties that exist
+    and must have values specified for them in the 'yocto bsp create'
+    command for the given 'karch'.  This command is mainly meant to
+    allow the development user interface alternatives to the default
+    text-based prompting interface.  If the -o option is specified,
+    the list of properties, in addition to being displayed, will be
+    written to the specified file as a JSON object.  In this case, the
+    object will consist of the set of name:value pairs corresponding
+    to the (possibly nested) dictionary of properties defined by the
+    input statements used by the BSP.  Some example output for the
+    'list properties' command:
+    $ yocto-bsp list arm properties
+    "touchscreen" : {
+        "msg" : Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/N)
+        "default" : n
+        "type" : boolean
+    }
+    "uboot_loadaddress" : {
+        "msg" : Please specify a value for UBOOT_LOADADDRESS.
+        "default" : 0x80008000
+        "type" : edit
+        "prio" : 40
+    }
+    "kernel_choice" : {
+        "prio" : 10
+        "default" : linux-yocto_3.2
+        "depends-on" : use_default_kernel
+        "depends-on-val" : n
+        "msg" : Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP =>
+        "type" : choicelist
+        "gen" : bsp.kernel.kernels
+    }
+    "if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.0":" : {
+        "base_kbranch_linux_yocto_3_0" : {
+            "prio" : 20
+            "default" : yocto/standard
+            "depends-on" : new_kbranch_linux_yocto_3_0
+            "depends-on-val" : y
+            "msg" : Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on =>
+            "type" : choicelist
+            "gen" : bsp.kernel.all_branches
+    }
+    .
+    .
+    .
+    Each entry in the output consists of the name of the input element
+    e.g. "touchscreen", followed by the properties defined for that
+    element enclosed in braces.  This information should provide
+    sufficient information to create a complete user interface with.
+    Two features of the scheme provide for conditional input.  First,
+    if a Python "if" statement appears in place of an input element
+    name, the set of enclosed input elements apply and should be
+    presented to the user only if the 'if' statement evaluates to
+    true.  The test in the if statement will always reference another
+    input element in the list, which means that the element being
+    tested should be presented to the user before the elements
+    enclosed by the if block.  Secondly, in a similar way, some
+    elements contain "depends-on" and depends-on-val" tags, which mean
+    that the affected input element should only be presented to the
+    user if the element it depends on has already been presented to
+    the user and the user has selected the specified value for that
+    element.
+    The third form enumerates all the possible values that exist and
+    can be specified for any of the enumerable properties of the given
+    'karch' in the 'yocto bsp create' command.  If the -o option is
+    specified, the list of values for the given property, in addition
+    to being displayed, will be written to the specified file as a
+    JSON object.  In this case, the object will consist of the set of
+    name:value pairs corresponding to the array of property values
+    associated with the property.
+    $ yocto-bsp list i386 property xserver_choice
+        ["xserver_vesa", "VESA xserver support"]
+        ["xserver_i915", "i915 xserver support"]
+    $ yocto-bsp list arm property base_kbranch_linux_yocto_3_0
+        Getting branches from remote repo git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-3.0...
+        ["yocto/base", "yocto/base"]
+        ["yocto/eg20t", "yocto/eg20t"]
+        ["yocto/gma500", "yocto/gma500"]
+        ["yocto/pvr", "yocto/pvr"]
+        ["yocto/standard/arm-versatile-926ejs", "yocto/standard/arm-versatile-926ejs"]
+        ["yocto/standard/base", "yocto/standard/base"]
+        ["yocto/standard/cedartrail", "yocto/standard/cedartrail"]
+        .
+        .
+        .
+        ["yocto/standard/qemu-ppc32", "yocto/standard/qemu-ppc32"]
+        ["yocto/standard/routerstationpro", "yocto/standard/routerstationpro"]
+    The third form as well is meant mainly for developers of
+    alternative interfaces - it allows the developer to fetch the
+    possible values for a given input element on-demand.  This
+    on-demand capability is especially valuable for elements that
+    require relatively expensive remote operations to fulfill, such as
+    the example that returns the set of branches available in a remote
+    git tree above.
+# yocto-kernel help and usage strings
+yocto_kernel_usage = """
+ Modify and list Yocto BSP kernel config items and patches.
+ usage: yocto-kernel [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]
+ Current 'yocto-kernel' commands are:
+   config list       List the modifiable set of bare kernel config options for a BSP
+   config add        Add or modify bare kernel config options for a BSP
+   config rm         Remove bare kernel config options from a BSP
+   patch list        List the patches associated with a BSP
+   patch add         Patch the Yocto kernel for a BSP
+   patch rm          Remove patches from a BSP
+   feature list      List the features used by a BSP
+   feature add       Have a BSP use a feature
+   feature rm        Have a BSP stop using a feature
+   features list     List the features available to BSPs
+   feature describe  Describe a particular feature
+   feature create    Create a new BSP-local feature
+   feature destroy   Remove a BSP-local feature
+ See 'yocto-kernel help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
+yocto_kernel_help_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-kernel help <subcommand>
+ This command displays detailed help for the specified subcommand.
+yocto_kernel_config_list_usage = """
+ List the modifiable set of bare kernel config options for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel config list <bsp-name>
+ This command lists the 'modifiable' config items for a BSP i.e. the
+ items which are eligible for modification or removal by other
+ yocto-kernel commands.
+ 'modifiable' config items are the config items contained a BSP's
+ user-config.cfg base config.
+yocto_kernel_config_list_help = """
+    yocto-kernel config list - List the modifiable set of bare kernel
+    config options for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel config list <bsp-name>
+    This command lists the 'modifiable' config items for a BSP
+    i.e. the items which are eligible for modification or removal by
+    other yocto-kernel commands.
+yocto_kernel_config_add_usage = """
+ Add or modify bare kernel config options for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel config add <bsp-name> [<CONFIG_XXX=x> ...]
+ This command adds one or more CONFIG_XXX=x items to a BSP's user-config.cfg
+ base config.
+yocto_kernel_config_add_help = """
+    yocto-kernel config add - Add or modify bare kernel config options
+    for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel config add <bsp-name> [<CONFIG_XXX=x> ...]
+    This command adds one or more CONFIG_XXX=x items to a BSP's
+    foo.cfg base config.
+    NOTE: It's up to the user to determine whether or not the config
+    options being added make sense or not - this command does no
+    sanity checking or verification of any kind to ensure that a
+    config option really makes sense and will actually be set in in
+    the final config.  For example, if a config option depends on
+    other config options, it will be turned off by kconfig if the
+    other options aren't set correctly.
+yocto_kernel_config_rm_usage = """
+ Remove bare kernel config options from a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel config rm <bsp-name>
+ This command removes (turns off) one or more CONFIG_XXX items from a
+ BSP's user-config.cfg base config.
+ The set of config items available to be removed by this command for a
+ BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific items to remove.
+yocto_kernel_config_rm_help = """
+    yocto-kernel config rm - Remove bare kernel config options from a
+    BSP
+    yocto-kernel config rm <bsp-name>
+    This command removes (turns off) one or more CONFIG_XXX items from a
+    BSP's user-config.cfg base config.
+    The set of config items available to be removed by this command
+    for a BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific items
+    to remove.
+yocto_kernel_patch_list_usage = """
+ List the patches associated with the kernel for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel patch list <bsp-name>
+ This command lists the patches associated with a BSP.
+ NOTE: this only applies to patches listed in the kernel recipe's
+ user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI).
+yocto_kernel_patch_list_help = """
+    yocto-kernel patch list - List the patches associated with the kernel
+    for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel patch list <bsp-name>
+    This command lists the patches associated with a BSP.
+    NOTE: this only applies to patches listed in the kernel recipe's
+    user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI).
+yocto_kernel_patch_add_usage = """
+ Patch the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel patch add <bsp-name> [<PATCH> ...]
+ This command adds one or more patches to a BSP's machine branch.  The
+ patch will be added to the BSP's linux-yocto kernel user-patches.scc
+ file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI) and will be guaranteed
+ to be applied in the order specified.
+yocto_kernel_patch_add_help = """
+    yocto-kernel patch add - Patch the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+    yocto-kernel patch add <bsp-name> [<PATCH> ...]
+    This command adds one or more patches to a BSP's machine branch.
+    The patch will be added to the BSP's linux-yocto kernel
+    user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI) and
+    will be guaranteed to be applied in the order specified.
+    NOTE: It's up to the user to determine whether or not the patches
+    being added makes sense or not - this command does no sanity
+    checking or verification of any kind to ensure that a patch can
+    actually be applied to the BSP's kernel branch; it's assumed that
+    the user has already done that.
+yocto_kernel_patch_rm_usage = """
+ Remove a patch from the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel patch rm <bsp-name>
+ This command removes one or more patches from a BSP's machine branch.
+ The patch will be removed from the BSP's linux-yocto kernel
+ user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI) and
+ kernel SRC_URI dir.
+ The set of patches available to be removed by this command for a BSP
+ is listed and the user prompted for the specific patches to remove.
+yocto_kernel_patch_rm_help = """
+    yocto-kernel patch rm - Remove a patch from the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+    yocto-kernel patch rm <bsp-name>
+    This command removes one or more patches from a BSP's machine
+    branch.  The patch will be removed from the BSP's linux-yocto
+    kernel user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its
+    SRC_URI).
+    The set of patches available to be removed by this command for a
+    BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific patches to
+    remove.
+yocto_kernel_feature_list_usage = """
+ List the BSP features that are being used by a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel feature list <bsp-name>
+ This command lists the features being used by a BSP i.e. the features
+ which are eligible for modification or removal by other yocto-kernel
+ commands.
+ 'modifiable' features are the features listed in a BSP's
+ user-features.scc file.
+yocto_kernel_feature_list_help = """
+    yocto-kernel feature list - List the modifiable set of features
+    being used by a BSP
+    yocto-kernel feature list <bsp-name>
+    This command lists the 'modifiable' features being used by a BSP
+    i.e. the features which are eligible for modification or removal
+    by other yocto-kernel commands.
+yocto_kernel_feature_add_usage = """
+ Add to or modify the list of features being used for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel feature add <bsp-name> [/xxxx/yyyy/feature.scc ...]
+ This command adds one or more feature items to a BSP's kernel
+ user-features.scc file, which is the file used to manage features in
+ a yocto-bsp-generated BSP.  Features to be added must be specified as
+ fully-qualified feature names.
+yocto_kernel_feature_add_help = """
+    yocto-kernel feature add - Add to or modify the list of features
+    being used for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel feature add <bsp-name> [/xxxx/yyyy/feature.scc ...]
+    This command adds one or more feature items to a BSP's
+    user-features.scc file, which is the file used to manage features
+    in a yocto-bsp-generated BSP.  Features to be added must be
+    specified as fully-qualified feature names.
+yocto_kernel_feature_rm_usage = """
+ Remove a feature from the list of features being used for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel feature rm <bsp-name>
+ This command removes (turns off) one or more features from a BSP's
+ user-features.scc file, which is the file used to manage features in
+ a yocto-bsp-generated BSP.
+ The set of features available to be removed by this command for a BSP
+ is listed and the user prompted for the specific items to remove.
+yocto_kernel_feature_rm_help = """
+    yocto-kernel feature rm - Remove a feature from the list of
+    features being used for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel feature rm <bsp-name>
+    This command removes (turns off) one or more features from a BSP's
+    user-features.scc file, which is the file used to manage features
+    in a yocto-bsp-generated BSP.
+    The set of features available to be removed by this command for a
+    BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific items to
+    remove.
+yocto_kernel_available_features_list_usage = """
+ List the set of kernel features available to a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel features list <bsp-name>
+ This command lists the complete set of kernel features available to a
+ BSP.  This includes the features contained in linux-yocto meta
+ branches as well as recipe-space features defined locally to the BSP.
+yocto_kernel_available_features_list_help = """
+    yocto-kernel features list - List the set of kernel features
+    available to a BSP
+    yocto-kernel features list <bsp-name>
+     This command lists the complete set of kernel features available
+     to a BSP.  This includes the features contained in linux-yocto
+     meta branches as well as recipe-space features defined locally to
+     the BSP.
+yocto_kernel_feature_describe_usage = """
+ Print the description and compatibility information for a given kernel feature
+ usage: yocto-kernel feature describe <bsp-name> [/xxxx/yyyy/feature.scc ...]
+ This command prints the description and compatibility of a specific
+ feature in the format 'description [compatibility].
+yocto_kernel_feature_describe_help = """
+    yocto-kernel feature describe - print the description and
+    compatibility information for a given kernel feature
+    yocto-kernel feature describe <bsp-name> [/xxxx/yyyy/feature.scc ...]
+    This command prints the description and compatibility of a
+    specific feature in the format 'description [compatibility].  If
+    the feature doesn't define a description or compatibility, a
+    string with generic unknown values will be printed.
+yocto_kernel_feature_create_usage = """
+ Create a recipe-space kernel feature in a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel feature create <bsp-name> newfeature.scc \
+        "Feature Description" capabilities [<CONFIG_XXX=x> ...] [<PATCH> ...]
+ This command creates a new kernel feature from the bare config
+ options and patches specified on the command-line.
+yocto_kernel_feature_create_help = """
+    yocto-kernel feature create - create a recipe-space kernel feature
+    in a BSP
+    yocto-kernel feature create <bsp-name> newfeature.scc \
+        "Feature Description" capabilities [<CONFIG_XXX=x> ...] [<PATCH> ...]
+    This command creates a new kernel feature from the bare config
+    options and patches specified on the command-line.  The new
+    feature will be created in recipe-space, specifically in either
+    the kernel .bbappend's /files/cfg or /files/features subdirectory,
+    depending on whether or not the feature contains config items only
+    or config items along with patches.  The named feature must end
+    with .scc and must not contain a feature directory to contain the
+    feature (this will be determined automatically), and a feature
+    decription in double-quotes along with a capabilities string
+    (which for the time being can be one of: 'all' or 'board').
+yocto_kernel_feature_destroy_usage = """
+ Destroy a recipe-space kernel feature in a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel feature destroy <bsp-name> feature.scc
+ This command destroys a kernel feature defined in the specified BSP's
+ recipe-space kernel definition.
+yocto_kernel_feature_destroy_help = """
+    yocto-kernel feature destroy <bsp-name> feature.scc - destroy a
+    recipe-space kernel feature in a BSP
+    yocto-kernel feature destroy <bsp-name> feature.scc
+    This command destroys a kernel feature defined in the specified
+    BSP's recipe-space kernel definition.  The named feature must end
+    with .scc and must not contain a feature directory to contain the
+    feature (this will be determined automatically).  If the kernel
+    feature is in use by a BSP, it can't be removed until the BSP
+    stops using it (see yocto-kernel feature rm to stop using it).
+# yocto-layer help and usage strings
+yocto_layer_usage = """
+ Create a generic Yocto layer.
+ usage: yocto-layer [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]
+ Current 'yocto-layer' commands are:
+    create            Create a new generic Yocto layer
+    list              List available values for input options and properties
+ See 'yocto-layer help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
+yocto_layer_help_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-layer help <subcommand>
+ This command displays detailed help for the specified subcommand.
+yocto_layer_create_usage = """
+ Create a new generic Yocto layer
+ usage: yocto-layer create <layer-name> [layer_priority]
+            [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]
+            [-i <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --infile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+ This command creates a generic Yocto layer based on the specified
+ parameters.  The new layer will be a new Yocto layer contained by
+ default within the top-level directory specified as
+ 'meta-layer-name'.  The -o option can be used to place the layer in a
+ directory with a different name and location.
+ If layer_priority is specified, a simple layer will be created using
+ the given layer priority, and the user will not be prompted for
+ further input.
+ NOTE: Once created, you should add your new layer to your
+ bblayers.conf file in order for it to be subsequently seen and
+ modified by the yocto-kernel tool.  Instructions for doing this can
+ be found in the README file generated in the layer's top-level
+ directory.
+ See 'yocto layer help create' for more detailed instructions.
+yocto_layer_create_help = """
+    yocto-layer create - Create a new generic Yocto layer
+    yocto-layer create <layer-name> [layer_priority]
+        [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]
+        [-i <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --infile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    This command creates a generic Yocto layer based on the specified
+    parameters.  The new layer will be a new Yocto layer contained by
+    default within the top-level directory specified as
+    'meta-layer-name'.  The -o option can be used to place the layer
+    in a directory with a different name and location.
+    If layer_priority is specified, a simple layer will be created
+    using the given layer priority, and the user will not be prompted
+    for further input.
+    The layer-specific properties that define the values that will be
+    used to generate the layer can be specified on the command-line
+    using the -i option and supplying a JSON object consisting of the
+    set of name:value pairs needed by the layer.
+    If the -i option is not used, the user will be interactively
+    prompted for each of the required property values, which will then
+    be used as values for layer generation.
+    The set of properties available can be listed using the
+    'yocto-layer list' command.
+    Specifying -c causes the Python code generated and executed to
+    create the layer to be dumped to the 'bspgen.out' file in the
+    current directory, and is useful for debugging.
+    NOTE: Once created, you should add your new layer to your
+    bblayers.conf file in order for it to be subsequently seen and
+    modified by the yocto-kernel tool.  Instructions for doing this
+    can be found in the README file generated in the layer's top-level
+    directory.
+    For example, assuming your poky repo is at /path/to/poky, your new
+    layer is at /path/to/poky/meta-mylayer, and your build directory
+    is /path/to/build:
+    $ gedit /path/to/build/conf/bblayers.conf
+    BBLAYERS ?= " \\
+      /path/to/poky/meta \\
+      /path/to/poky/meta-yocto \\
+      /path/to/poky/meta-mylayer \\
+      "
+yocto_layer_list_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-layer list properties
+                [-o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+        yocto-layer list property <xxx>
+                [-o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+ This command enumerates the complete set of possible values for a
+ specified option or property needed by the layer creation process.
+ The first form enumerates all the possible properties that exist and
+ must have values specified for them in the 'yocto-layer create'
+ command.
+ The second form enumerates all the possible values that exist and can
+ be specified for any of the enumerable properties in the 'yocto-layer
+ create' command.
+ See 'yocto-layer help list' for more details.
+yocto_layer_list_help = """
+    yocto-layer list - List available values for layer input options and properties
+    yocto-layer list properties
+            [--o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | -outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    yocto-layer list property <xxx>
+            [--o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | -outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    This command enumerates the complete set of possible values for a
+    specified option or property needed by the layer creation process.
+    The first form enumerates all the possible properties that exist
+    and must have values specified for them in the 'yocto-layer
+    create' command.  This command is mainly meant to aid the
+    development of user interface alternatives to the default
+    text-based prompting interface.  If the -o option is specified,
+    the list of properties, in addition to being displayed, will be
+    written to the specified file as a JSON object.  In this case, the
+    object will consist of the set of name:value pairs corresponding
+    to the (possibly nested) dictionary of properties defined by the
+    input statements used by the BSP.  Some example output for the
+    'list properties' command:
+    $ yocto-layer list properties
+    "example_bbappend_name" : {
+        "default" : example
+        "msg" : Please enter the name you'd like to use for your bbappend file:
+        "type" : edit
+        "prio" : 20
+        "filename" : /home/trz/yocto/yocto-layer-dev/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
+    }
+    "create_example_recipe" : {
+        "default" : n
+        "msg" : Would you like to have an example recipe created? (y/n)
+        "type" : boolean
+        "prio" : 20
+        "filename" : /home/trz/yocto/yocto-layer-dev/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
+    }
+    "example_recipe_name" : {
+        "default" : example
+        "msg" : Please enter the name you'd like to use for your example recipe:
+        "type" : edit
+        "prio" : 20
+        "filename" : /home/trz/yocto/yocto-layer-dev/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
+    }
+    "layer_priority" : {
+        "default" : 6
+        "msg" : Please enter the layer priority you'd like to use for the layer:
+        "type" : edit
+        "prio" : 20
+        "filename" : /home/trz/yocto/yocto-layer-dev/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
+    }
+    "create_example_bbappend" : {
+        "default" : n
+        "msg" : Would you like to have an example bbappend file created? (y/n)
+        "type" : boolean
+        "prio" : 20
+        "filename" : /home/trz/yocto/yocto-layer-dev/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
+    }
+    "example_bbappend_version" : {
+        "default" : 0.1
+        "msg" : Please enter the version number you'd like to use for your bbappend file (this should match the recipe you're appending to):
+        "type" : edit
+        "prio" : 20
+        "filename" : /home/trz/yocto/yocto-layer-dev/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
+    }
+    Each entry in the output consists of the name of the input element
+    e.g. "layer_priority", followed by the properties defined for that
+    element enclosed in braces.  This information should provide
+    sufficient information to create a complete user interface.  Two
+    features of the scheme provide for conditional input.  First, if a
+    Python "if" statement appears in place of an input element name,
+    the set of enclosed input elements apply and should be presented
+    to the user only if the 'if' statement evaluates to true.  The
+    test in the if statement will always reference another input
+    element in the list, which means that the element being tested
+    should be presented to the user before the elements enclosed by
+    the if block.  Secondly, in a similar way, some elements contain
+    "depends-on" and depends-on-val" tags, which mean that the
+    affected input element should only be presented to the user if the
+    element it depends on has already been presented to the user and
+    the user has selected the specified value for that element.
+    The second form enumerates all the possible values that exist and
+    can be specified for any of the enumerable properties in the
+    'yocto-layer create' command.  If the -o option is specified, the
+    list of values for the given property, in addition to being
+    displayed, will be written to the specified file as a JSON object.
+    In this case, the object will consist of the set of name:value
+    pairs corresponding to the array of property values associated
+    with the property.
+    $ yocto-layer list property layer_priority
+     [no output - layer_priority is a text field that has no enumerable values]
+    The second form as well is meant mainly for developers of
+    alternative interfaces - it allows the developer to fetch the
+    possible values for a given input element on-demand.  This
+    on-demand capability is especially valuable for elements that
+    require relatively expensive remote operations to fulfill, such as
+    the example that returns the set of branches available in a remote
+    git tree above.
+# test code
+test_bsp_properties = {
+    'smp': 'yes',
+    'touchscreen': 'yes',
+    'keyboard': 'no',
+    'xserver': 'yes',
+    'xserver_choice': 'xserver-i915',
+    'features': ['goodfeature', 'greatfeature'],
+    'tunefile': 'tune-quark',
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/kernel.py b/scripts/lib/bsp/kernel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba68b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/kernel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# This module implements the kernel-related functions used by
+# 'yocto-kernel' to manage kernel config items and patches for Yocto
+# BSPs.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at] intel.com>
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+from tags import *
+import glob
+import subprocess
+from engine import create_context
+def find_bblayers():
+    """
+    Find and return a sanitized list of the layers found in BBLAYERS.
+    """
+    try:
+        builddir = os.environ["BUILDDIR"]
+    except KeyError:
+        print "BUILDDIR not found, exiting. (Did you forget to source oe-init-build-env?)"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    bblayers_conf = os.path.join(builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
+    layers = []
+    bitbake_env_cmd = "bitbake -e"
+    bitbake_env_lines = subprocess.Popen(bitbake_env_cmd, shell=True,
+                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
+    if not bitbake_env_lines:
+        print "Couldn't get '%s' output, exiting." % bitbake_env_cmd
+        sys.exit(1)
+    for line in bitbake_env_lines.split('\n'):
+        bblayers = get_line_val(line, "BBLAYERS")
+        if (bblayers):
+            break
+    if not bblayers:
+        print "Couldn't find BBLAYERS in %s output, exiting." % \
+            bitbake_env_cmd
+        sys.exit(1)
+    raw_layers = bblayers.split()
+    for layer in raw_layers:
+        if layer == 'BBLAYERS' or '=' in layer:
+            continue
+        layers.append(layer)
+    return layers
+def get_line_val(line, key):
+    """
+    Extract the value from the VAR="val" string
+    """
+    if line.startswith(key + "="):
+        stripped_line = line.split('=')[1]
+        stripped_line = stripped_line.replace('\"', '')
+        return stripped_line
+    return None
+def find_meta_layer():
+    """
+    Find and return the meta layer in BBLAYERS.
+    """
+    layers = find_bblayers()
+    for layer in layers:
+        if layer.endswith("meta"):
+            return layer
+    return None
+def find_bsp_layer(machine):
+    """
+    Find and return a machine's BSP layer in BBLAYERS.
+    """
+    layers = find_bblayers()
+    for layer in layers:
+        if layer.endswith(machine):
+            return layer
+    print "Unable to find the BSP layer for machine %s." % machine
+    print "Please make sure it is listed in bblayers.conf"
+    sys.exit(1)
+def gen_choices_str(choices):
+    """
+    Generate a numbered list of choices from a list of choices for
+    display to the user.
+    """
+    choices_str = ""
+    for i, choice in enumerate(choices):
+        choices_str += "\t" + str(i + 1) + ") " + choice + "\n"
+    return choices_str
+def open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, userfile, mode):
+    """
+    Find one of the user files (user-config.cfg, user-patches.scc)
+    associated with the machine (could be in files/,
+    linux-yocto-custom/, etc).  Returns the open file if found, None
+    otherwise.
+    The caller is responsible for closing the file returned.
+    """
+    layer = find_bsp_layer(machine)
+    linuxdir = os.path.join(layer, "recipes-kernel/linux")
+    linuxdir_list = os.listdir(linuxdir)
+    for fileobj in linuxdir_list:
+        fileobj_path = os.path.join(linuxdir, fileobj)
+        if os.path.isdir(fileobj_path):
+            userfile_name = os.path.join(fileobj_path, userfile)
+            try:
+                f = open(userfile_name, mode)
+                return f
+            except IOError:
+                continue
+    return None
+def read_config_items(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Find and return a list of config items (CONFIG_XXX) in a machine's
+    user-defined config fragment [${machine}-user-config.cfg].
+    """
+    config_items = []
+    f = open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, machine+"-user-config.cfg", "r")
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    for line in lines:
+        s = line.strip()
+        if s and not s.startswith("#"):
+            config_items.append(s)
+    f.close()
+    return config_items
+def write_config_items(scripts_path, machine, config_items):
+    """
+    Write (replace) the list of config items (CONFIG_XXX) in a
+    machine's user-defined config fragment [${machine}=user-config.cfg].
+    """
+    f = open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, machine+"-user-config.cfg", "w")
+    for item in config_items:
+        f.write(item + "\n")
+    f.close()
+    kernel_contents_changed(scripts_path, machine)
+def yocto_kernel_config_list(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Display the list of config items (CONFIG_XXX) in a machine's
+    user-defined config fragment [${machine}-user-config.cfg].
+    """
+    config_items = read_config_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    print "The current set of machine-specific kernel config items for %s is:" % machine
+    print gen_choices_str(config_items)
+def yocto_kernel_config_rm(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Display the list of config items (CONFIG_XXX) in a machine's
+    user-defined config fragment [${machine}-user-config.cfg], prompt the user
+    for one or more to remove, and remove them.
+    """
+    config_items = read_config_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    print "Specify the kernel config items to remove:"
+    input = raw_input(gen_choices_str(config_items))
+    rm_choices = input.split()
+    rm_choices.sort()
+    removed = []
+    for choice in reversed(rm_choices):
+        try:
+            idx = int(choice) - 1
+        except ValueError:
+            print "Invalid choice (%s), exiting" % choice
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(config_items):
+            print "Invalid choice (%d), exiting" % (idx + 1)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        removed.append(config_items.pop(idx))
+    write_config_items(scripts_path, machine, config_items)
+    print "Removed items:"
+    for r in removed:
+        print "\t%s" % r
+def yocto_kernel_config_add(scripts_path, machine, config_items):
+    """
+    Add one or more config items (CONFIG_XXX) to a machine's
+    user-defined config fragment [${machine}-user-config.cfg].
+    """
+    new_items = []
+    dup_items = []
+    cur_items = read_config_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    for item in config_items:
+        if not item.startswith("CONFIG") or (not "=y" in item and not "=m" in item):
+            print "Invalid config item (%s), exiting" % item
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if item not in cur_items and item not in new_items:
+            new_items.append(item)
+        else:
+            dup_items.append(item)
+    if len(new_items) > 0:
+        cur_items.extend(new_items)
+        write_config_items(scripts_path, machine, cur_items)
+        print "Added item%s:" % ("" if len(new_items)==1 else "s")
+        for n in new_items:
+            print "\t%s" % n
+    if len(dup_items) > 0:
+        output="The following item%s already exist%s in the current configuration, ignoring %s:" % \
+            (("","s", "it") if len(dup_items)==1 else ("s", "", "them" ))
+        print output
+        for n in dup_items:
+            print "\t%s" % n
+def find_current_kernel(bsp_layer, machine):
+    """
+    Determine the kernel and version currently being used in the BSP.
+    """
+    machine_conf = os.path.join(bsp_layer, "conf/machine/" + machine + ".conf")
+    preferred_kernel = preferred_kernel_version = preferred_version_varname = None
+    f = open(machine_conf, "r")
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    for line in lines:
+        if line.strip().startswith("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel"):
+            preferred_kernel = line.split()[-1]
+            preferred_kernel = preferred_kernel.replace('\"','')
+            preferred_version_varname = "PREFERRED_VERSION_" + preferred_kernel
+        if preferred_version_varname and line.strip().startswith(preferred_version_varname):
+            preferred_kernel_version = line.split()[-1]
+            preferred_kernel_version = preferred_kernel_version.replace('\"','')
+            preferred_kernel_version = preferred_kernel_version.replace('%','')
+    if preferred_kernel and preferred_kernel_version:
+        return preferred_kernel + "_" + preferred_kernel_version
+    elif preferred_kernel:
+        return preferred_kernel
+def find_filesdir(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Find the name of the 'files' dir associated with the machine
+    (could be in files/, linux-yocto-custom/, etc).  Returns the name
+    of the files dir if found, None otherwise.
+    """
+    layer = find_bsp_layer(machine)
+    filesdir = None
+    linuxdir = os.path.join(layer, "recipes-kernel/linux")
+    linuxdir_list = os.listdir(linuxdir)
+    for fileobj in linuxdir_list:
+        fileobj_path = os.path.join(linuxdir, fileobj)
+        if os.path.isdir(fileobj_path):
+            # this could be files/ or linux-yocto-custom/, we have no way of distinguishing
+            # so we take the first (and normally only) dir we find as the 'filesdir'
+            filesdir = fileobj_path
+    return filesdir
+def read_patch_items(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Find and return a list of patch items in a machine's user-defined
+    patch list [${machine}-user-patches.scc].
+    """
+    patch_items = []
+    f = open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, machine+"-user-patches.scc", "r")
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    for line in lines:
+        s = line.strip()
+        if s and not s.startswith("#"):
+            fields = s.split()
+            if not fields[0] == "patch":
+                continue
+            patch_items.append(fields[1])
+    f.close()
+    return patch_items
+def write_patch_items(scripts_path, machine, patch_items):
+    """
+    Write (replace) the list of patches in a machine's user-defined
+    patch list [${machine}-user-patches.scc].
+    """
+    f = open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, machine+"-user-patches.scc", "w")
+    for item in patch_items:
+        f.write("patch " + item + "\n")
+    f.close()
+    kernel_contents_changed(scripts_path, machine)
+def yocto_kernel_patch_list(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Display the list of patches in a machine's user-defined patch list
+    [${machine}-user-patches.scc].
+    """
+    patches = read_patch_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    print "The current set of machine-specific patches for %s is:" % machine
+    print gen_choices_str(patches)
+def yocto_kernel_patch_rm(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Remove one or more patches from a machine's user-defined patch
+    list [${machine}-user-patches.scc].
+    """
+    patches = read_patch_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    print "Specify the patches to remove:"
+    input = raw_input(gen_choices_str(patches))
+    rm_choices = input.split()
+    rm_choices.sort()
+    removed = []
+    filesdir = find_filesdir(scripts_path, machine)
+    if not filesdir:
+        print "Couldn't rm patch(es) since we couldn't find a 'files' dir"
+        sys.exit(1)
+    for choice in reversed(rm_choices):
+        try:
+            idx = int(choice) - 1
+        except ValueError:
+            print "Invalid choice (%s), exiting" % choice
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(patches):
+            print "Invalid choice (%d), exiting" % (idx + 1)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        filesdir_patch = os.path.join(filesdir, patches[idx])
+        if os.path.isfile(filesdir_patch):
+            os.remove(filesdir_patch)
+        removed.append(patches[idx])
+        patches.pop(idx)
+    write_patch_items(scripts_path, machine, patches)
+    print "Removed patches:"
+    for r in removed:
+        print "\t%s" % r
+def yocto_kernel_patch_add(scripts_path, machine, patches):
+    """
+    Add one or more patches to a machine's user-defined patch list
+    [${machine}-user-patches.scc].
+    """
+    existing_patches = read_patch_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    for patch in patches:
+        if os.path.basename(patch) in existing_patches:
+            print "Couldn't add patch (%s) since it's already been added" % os.path.basename(patch)
+            sys.exit(1)
+    filesdir = find_filesdir(scripts_path, machine)
+    if not filesdir:
+        print "Couldn't add patch (%s) since we couldn't find a 'files' dir to add it to" % os.path.basename(patch)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    new_patches = []
+    for patch in patches:
+        if not os.path.isfile(patch):
+            print "Couldn't find patch (%s), exiting" % patch
+            sys.exit(1)
+        basename = os.path.basename(patch)
+        filesdir_patch = os.path.join(filesdir, basename)
+        shutil.copyfile(patch, filesdir_patch)
+        new_patches.append(basename)
+    cur_items = read_patch_items(scripts_path, machine)
+    cur_items.extend(new_patches)
+    write_patch_items(scripts_path, machine, cur_items)
+    print "Added patches:"
+    for n in new_patches:
+        print "\t%s" % n
+def inc_pr(line):
+    """
+    Add 1 to the PR value in the given bbappend PR line.  For the PR
+    lines in kernel .bbappends after modifications.  Handles PRs of
+    the form PR := "${PR}.1" as well as PR = "r0".
+    """
+    idx = line.find("\"")
+    pr_str = line[idx:]
+    pr_str = pr_str.replace('\"','')
+    fields = pr_str.split('.')
+    if len(fields) > 1:
+        fields[1] = str(int(fields[1]) + 1)
+        pr_str = "\"" + '.'.join(fields) + "\"\n"
+    else:
+        pr_val = pr_str[1:]
+        pr_str = "\"" + "r" + str(int(pr_val) + 1) + "\"\n"
+    idx2 = line.find("\"", idx + 1)
+    line = line[:idx] + pr_str
+    return line
+def kernel_contents_changed(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Do what we need to do to notify the system that the kernel
+    recipe's contents have changed.
+    """
+    layer = find_bsp_layer(machine)
+    kernel = find_current_kernel(layer, machine)
+    if not kernel:
+        print "Couldn't determine the kernel for this BSP, exiting."
+        sys.exit(1)
+    kernel_bbfile = os.path.join(layer, "recipes-kernel/linux/" + kernel + ".bbappend")
+    if not os.path.isfile(kernel_bbfile):
+        kernel_bbfile = os.path.join(layer, "recipes-kernel/linux/" + kernel + ".bb")
+        if not os.path.isfile(kernel_bbfile):
+            return
+    kernel_bbfile_prev = kernel_bbfile + ".prev"
+    shutil.copyfile(kernel_bbfile, kernel_bbfile_prev)
+    ifile = open(kernel_bbfile_prev, "r")
+    ofile = open(kernel_bbfile, "w")
+    ifile_lines = ifile.readlines()
+    for ifile_line in ifile_lines:
+        if ifile_line.strip().startswith("PR"):
+            ifile_line = inc_pr(ifile_line)
+        ofile.write(ifile_line)
+    ofile.close()
+    ifile.close()
+def kernels(context):
+    """
+    Return the list of available kernels in the BSP i.e. corresponding
+    to the kernel .bbappends found in the layer.
+    """
+    archdir = os.path.join(context["scripts_path"], "lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/" + context["arch"])
+    kerndir = os.path.join(archdir, "recipes-kernel/linux")
+    bbglob = os.path.join(kerndir, "*.bbappend")
+    bbappends = glob.glob(bbglob)
+    kernels = []
+    for kernel in bbappends:
+        filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(kernel))[0]
+        idx = filename.find(CLOSE_TAG)
+        if idx != -1:
+            filename = filename[idx + len(CLOSE_TAG):].strip()
+        kernels.append(filename)
+    kernels.append("custom")
+    return kernels
+def extract_giturl(file):
+    """
+    Extract the git url of the kernel repo from the kernel recipe's
+    SRC_URI.
+    """
+    url = None
+    f = open(file, "r")
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    for line in lines:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith("SRC_URI"):
+            line = line[len("SRC_URI"):].strip()
+            if line.startswith("="):
+                line = line[1:].strip()
+                if line.startswith("\""):
+                    line = line[1:].strip()
+                    prot = "git"
+                    for s in line.split(";"):
+                        if s.startswith("git://"):
+                            url = s
+                        if s.startswith("protocol="):
+                            prot = s.split("=")[1]
+                    if url:
+                        url = prot + url[3:]
+    return url
+def find_giturl(context):
+    """
+    Find the git url of the kernel repo from the kernel recipe's
+    SRC_URI.
+    """
+    name = context["name"]
+    filebase = context["filename"]
+    scripts_path = context["scripts_path"]
+    meta_layer = find_meta_layer()
+    kerndir = os.path.join(meta_layer, "recipes-kernel/linux")
+    bbglob = os.path.join(kerndir, "*.bb")
+    bbs = glob.glob(bbglob)
+    for kernel in bbs:
+        filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(kernel))[0]
+        if filename in filebase:
+            giturl = extract_giturl(kernel)
+            return giturl
+    return None
+def read_features(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Find and return a list of features in a machine's user-defined
+    features fragment [${machine}-user-features.scc].
+    """
+    features = []
+    f = open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, machine+"-user-features.scc", "r")
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    for line in lines:
+        s = line.strip()
+        if s and not s.startswith("#"):
+            feature_include = s.split()
+            features.append(feature_include[1].strip())
+    f.close()
+    return features
+def write_features(scripts_path, machine, features):
+    """
+    Write (replace) the list of feature items in a
+    machine's user-defined features fragment [${machine}=user-features.cfg].
+    """
+    f = open_user_file(scripts_path, machine, machine+"-user-features.scc", "w")
+    for item in features:
+        f.write("include " + item + "\n")
+    f.close()
+    kernel_contents_changed(scripts_path, machine)
+def yocto_kernel_feature_list(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Display the list of features used in a machine's user-defined
+    features fragment [${machine}-user-features.scc].
+    """
+    features = read_features(scripts_path, machine)
+    print "The current set of machine-specific features for %s is:" % machine
+    print gen_choices_str(features)
+def yocto_kernel_feature_rm(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Display the list of features used in a machine's user-defined
+    features fragment [${machine}-user-features.scc], prompt the user
+    for one or more to remove, and remove them.
+    """
+    features = read_features(scripts_path, machine)
+    print "Specify the features to remove:"
+    input = raw_input(gen_choices_str(features))
+    rm_choices = input.split()
+    rm_choices.sort()
+    removed = []
+    for choice in reversed(rm_choices):
+        try:
+            idx = int(choice) - 1
+        except ValueError:
+            print "Invalid choice (%s), exiting" % choice
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(features):
+            print "Invalid choice (%d), exiting" % (idx + 1)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        removed.append(features.pop(idx))
+    write_features(scripts_path, machine, features)
+    print "Removed features:"
+    for r in removed:
+        print "\t%s" % r
+def yocto_kernel_feature_add(scripts_path, machine, features):
+    """
+    Add one or more features a machine's user-defined features
+    fragment [${machine}-user-features.scc].
+    """
+    new_items = []
+    for item in features:
+        if not item.endswith(".scc"):
+            print "Invalid feature (%s), exiting" % item
+            sys.exit(1)
+        new_items.append(item)
+    cur_items = read_features(scripts_path, machine)
+    cur_items.extend(new_items)
+    write_features(scripts_path, machine, cur_items)
+    print "Added features:"
+    for n in new_items:
+        print "\t%s" % n
+def find_feature_url(git_url):
+    """
+    Find the url of the kern-features.rc kernel for the kernel repo
+    specified from the BSP's kernel recipe SRC_URI.
+    """
+    feature_url = ""
+    if git_url.startswith("git://"):
+        git_url = git_url[len("git://"):].strip()
+        s = git_url.split("/")
+        if s[1].endswith(".git"):
+            s[1] = s[1][:len(s[1]) - len(".git")]
+        feature_url = "http://" + s[0] + "/cgit/cgit.cgi/" + s[1] + \
+            "/plain/meta/cfg/kern-features.rc?h=meta"
+    return feature_url
+def find_feature_desc(lines):
+    """
+    Find the feature description and compatibility in the passed-in
+    set of lines.  Returns a string string of the form 'desc
+    [compat]'.
+    """
+    desc = "no description available"
+    compat = "unknown"
+    for line in lines:
+        idx = line.find("KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION")
+        if idx != -1:
+            desc = line[idx + len("KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION"):].strip()
+            if desc.startswith("\""):
+                desc = desc[1:]
+                if desc.endswith("\""):
+                    desc = desc[:-1]
+        else:
+            idx = line.find("KFEATURE_COMPATIBILITY")
+            if idx != -1:
+                compat = line[idx + len("KFEATURE_COMPATIBILITY"):].strip()
+    return desc + " [" + compat + "]"
+def print_feature_descs(layer, feature_dir):
+    """
+    Print the feature descriptions for the features in feature_dir.
+    """
+    kernel_files_features = os.path.join(layer, "recipes-kernel/linux/files/" +
+                                         feature_dir)
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(kernel_files_features):
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith("~") or file.endswith("#"):
+                continue
+            if file.endswith(".scc"):
+                fullpath = os.path.join(layer, "recipes-kernel/linux/files/" +
+                                        feature_dir + "/" + file)
+                f = open(fullpath)
+                feature_desc = find_feature_desc(f.readlines())
+                print feature_dir + "/" + file + ": " + feature_desc
+def yocto_kernel_available_features_list(scripts_path, machine):
+    """
+    Display the list of all the kernel features available for use in
+    BSPs, as gathered from the set of feature sources.
+    """
+    layer = find_bsp_layer(machine)
+    kernel = find_current_kernel(layer, machine)
+    if not kernel:
+        print "Couldn't determine the kernel for this BSP, exiting."
+        sys.exit(1)
+    context = create_context(machine, "arch", scripts_path)
+    context["name"] = "name"
+    context["filename"] = kernel
+    giturl = find_giturl(context)
+    feature_url = find_feature_url(giturl)
+    feature_cmd = "wget -q -O - " + feature_url
+    tmp = subprocess.Popen(feature_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
+    print "The current set of kernel features available to %s is:\n" % machine
+    if tmp:
+        tmpline = tmp.split("\n")
+        in_kernel_options = False
+        for line in tmpline:
+            if not "=" in line:
+                if in_kernel_options:
+                    break
+                if "kernel-options" in line:
+                    in_kernel_options = True
+                continue
+            if in_kernel_options:
+                feature_def = line.split("=")
+                feature_type = feature_def[0].strip()
+                feature = feature_def[1].strip()
+                desc = get_feature_desc(giturl, feature)
+                print "%s: %s" % (feature, desc)
+    print "[local]"
+    print_feature_descs(layer, "cfg")
+    print_feature_descs(layer, "features")
+def find_feature_desc_url(git_url, feature):
+    """
+    Find the url of the kernel feature in the kernel repo specified
+    from the BSP's kernel recipe SRC_URI.
+    """
+    feature_desc_url = ""
+    if git_url.startswith("git://"):
+        git_url = git_url[len("git://"):].strip()
+        s = git_url.split("/")
+        if s[1].endswith(".git"):
+            s[1] = s[1][:len(s[1]) - len(".git")]
+        feature_desc_url = "http://" + s[0] + "/cgit/cgit.cgi/" + s[1] + \
+            "/plain/meta/cfg/kernel-cache/" + feature + "?h=meta"
+    return feature_desc_url
+def get_feature_desc(git_url, feature):
+    """
+    Return a feature description of the form 'description [compatibility]
+    BSPs, as gathered from the set of feature sources.
+    """
+    feature_desc_url = find_feature_desc_url(git_url, feature)
+    feature_desc_cmd = "wget -q -O - " + feature_desc_url
+    tmp = subprocess.Popen(feature_desc_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
+    return find_feature_desc(tmp.split("\n"))
+def yocto_kernel_feature_describe(scripts_path, machine, feature):
+    """
+    Display the description of a specific kernel feature available for
+    use in a BSP.
+    """
+    layer = find_bsp_layer(machine)
+    kernel = find_current_kernel(layer, machine)
+    if not kernel:
+        print "Couldn't determine the kernel for this BSP, exiting."
+        sys.exit(1)
+    context = create_context(machine, "arch", scripts_path)
+    context["name"] = "name"
+    context["filename"] = kernel
+    giturl = find_giturl(context)
+    desc = get_feature_desc(giturl, feature)
+    print desc
+def check_feature_name(feature_name):
+    """
+    Sanity-check the feature name for create/destroy.  Return False if not OK.
+    """
+    if not feature_name.endswith(".scc"):
+        print "Invalid feature name (must end with .scc) [%s], exiting" % feature_name
+        return False
+    if "/" in feature_name:
+        print "Invalid feature name (don't specify directory) [%s], exiting" % feature_name
+        return False
+    return True
+def check_create_input(feature_items):
+    """
+    Sanity-check the create input.  Return False if not OK.
+    """
+    if not check_feature_name(feature_items[0]):
+        return False
+    if feature_items[1].endswith(".patch") or feature_items[1].startswith("CONFIG_"):
+        print "Missing description and/or compatibilty [%s], exiting" % feature_items[1]
+        return False
+    if feature_items[2].endswith(".patch") or feature_items[2].startswith("CONFIG_"):
+        print "Missing description and/or compatibility [%s], exiting" % feature_items[1]
+        return False
+    return True
+def yocto_kernel_feature_create(scripts_path, machine, feature_items):
+    """
+    Create a recipe-space kernel feature in a BSP.
+    """
+    if not check_create_input(feature_items):
+        sys.exit(1)
+    feature = feature_items[0]
+    feature_basename = feature.split(".")[0]
+    feature_description = feature_items[1]
+    feature_compat = feature_items[2]
+    patches = []
+    cfg_items = []
+    for item in feature_items[3:]:
+        if item.endswith(".patch"):
+            patches.append(item)
+        elif item.startswith("CONFIG"):
+            if ("=y" in item or "=m" in item):
+                cfg_items.append(item)
+        else:
+            print "Invalid feature item (must be .patch or CONFIG_*) [%s], exiting" % item
+            sys.exit(1)
+    feature_dirname = "cfg"
+    if patches:
+        feature_dirname = "features"
+    filesdir = find_filesdir(scripts_path, machine)
+    if not filesdir:
+        print "Couldn't add feature (%s), no 'files' dir found" % feature
+        sys.exit(1)
+    featdir = os.path.join(filesdir, feature_dirname)
+    if not os.path.exists(featdir):
+        os.mkdir(featdir)
+    for patch in patches:
+        if not os.path.isfile(patch):
+            print "Couldn't find patch (%s), exiting" % patch
+            sys.exit(1)
+        basename = os.path.basename(patch)
+        featdir_patch = os.path.join(featdir, basename)
+        shutil.copyfile(patch, featdir_patch)
+    new_cfg_filename = os.path.join(featdir, feature_basename + ".cfg")
+    new_cfg_file = open(new_cfg_filename, "w")
+    for cfg_item in cfg_items:
+        new_cfg_file.write(cfg_item + "\n")
+    new_cfg_file.close()
+    new_feature_filename = os.path.join(featdir, feature_basename + ".scc")
+    new_feature_file = open(new_feature_filename, "w")
+    new_feature_file.write("define KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION \"" + feature_description + "\"\n")
+    new_feature_file.write("define KFEATURE_COMPATIBILITY " + feature_compat + "\n\n")
+    for patch in patches:
+        patch_dir, patch_file = os.path.split(patch)
+        new_feature_file.write("patch " + patch_file + "\n")
+    new_feature_file.write("kconf non-hardware " + feature_basename + ".cfg\n")
+    new_feature_file.close()
+    print "Added feature:"
+    print "\t%s" % feature_dirname + "/" + feature
+def feature_in_use(scripts_path, machine, feature):
+    """
+    Determine whether the specified feature is in use by the BSP.
+    Return True if so, False otherwise.
+    """
+    features = read_features(scripts_path, machine)
+    for f in features:
+        if f == feature:
+            return True
+    return False
+def feature_remove(scripts_path, machine, feature):
+    """
+    Remove the specified feature from the available recipe-space
+    features defined for the BSP.
+    """
+    features = read_features(scripts_path, machine)
+    new_features = []
+    for f in features:
+        if f == feature:
+            continue
+        new_features.append(f)
+    write_features(scripts_path, machine, new_features)
+def yocto_kernel_feature_destroy(scripts_path, machine, feature):
+    """
+    Remove a recipe-space kernel feature from a BSP.
+    """
+    if not check_feature_name(feature):
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if feature_in_use(scripts_path, machine, "features/" + feature) or \
+            feature_in_use(scripts_path, machine, "cfg/" + feature):
+        print "Feature %s is in use (use 'feature rm' to un-use it first), exiting" % feature
+        sys.exit(1)
+    filesdir = find_filesdir(scripts_path, machine)
+    if not filesdir:
+        print "Couldn't destroy feature (%s), no 'files' dir found" % feature
+        sys.exit(1)
+    feature_dirname = "features"
+    featdir = os.path.join(filesdir, feature_dirname)
+    if not os.path.exists(featdir):
+        print "Couldn't find feature directory (%s)" % feature_dirname
+        sys.exit(1)
+    feature_fqn = os.path.join(featdir, feature)
+    if not os.path.exists(feature_fqn):
+        feature_dirname = "cfg"
+        featdir = os.path.join(filesdir, feature_dirname)
+        if not os.path.exists(featdir):
+            print "Couldn't find feature directory (%s)" % feature_dirname
+            sys.exit(1)
+        feature_fqn = os.path.join(featdir, feature_filename)
+        if not os.path.exists(feature_fqn):
+            print "Couldn't find feature (%s)" % feature
+            sys.exit(1)
+    f = open(feature_fqn, "r")
+    lines = f.readlines()
+    for line in lines:
+        s = line.strip()
+        if s.startswith("patch ") or s.startswith("kconf "):
+            split_line = s.split()
+            filename = os.path.join(featdir, split_line[-1])
+            if os.path.exists(filename):
+                os.remove(filename)
+    f.close()
+    os.remove(feature_fqn)
+    feature_remove(scripts_path, machine, feature)
+    print "Removed feature:"
+    print "\t%s" % feature_dirname + "/" + feature
+def base_branches(context):
+    """
+    Return a list of the base branches found in the kernel git repo.
+    """
+    giturl = find_giturl(context)
+    print "Getting branches from remote repo %s..." % giturl
+    gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s *heads* 2>&1" % (giturl)
+    tmp = subprocess.Popen(gitcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
+    branches = []
+    if tmp:
+        tmpline = tmp.split("\n")
+        for line in tmpline:
+            if len(line)==0:
+                break;
+            if not line.endswith("base"):
+                continue;
+            idx = line.find("refs/heads/")
+            kbranch = line[idx + len("refs/heads/"):]
+            if kbranch.find("/") == -1 and kbranch.find("base") == -1:
+                continue
+            idx = kbranch.find("base")
+            branches.append(kbranch[:idx - 1])
+    return branches
+def all_branches(context):
+    """
+    Return a list of all the branches found in the kernel git repo.
+    """
+    giturl = find_giturl(context)
+    print "Getting branches from remote repo %s..." % giturl
+    gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s *heads* 2>&1" % (giturl)
+    tmp = subprocess.Popen(gitcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
+    branches = []
+    base_prefixes = None
+    try:
+        branches_base = context["branches_base"]
+        if branches_base:
+            base_prefixes = branches_base.split(":")
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+    arch = context["arch"]
+    if tmp:
+        tmpline = tmp.split("\n")
+        for line in tmpline:
+            if len(line)==0:
+                break;
+            idx = line.find("refs/heads/")
+            kbranch = line[idx + len("refs/heads/"):]
+            kbranch_prefix = kbranch.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
+            if base_prefixes:
+                for base_prefix in base_prefixes:
+                    if kbranch_prefix == base_prefix:
+                        branches.append(kbranch)
+                continue
+            if (kbranch.find("/") != -1 and
+                (kbranch.find("standard") != -1 or kbranch.find("base") != -1) or
+                kbranch == "base"):
+                branches.append(kbranch)
+                continue
+    return branches
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/.gitignore b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/.gitignore
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..588367a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ?= "xserver-xorg"
+XSERVER ?= "xserver-xorg \
+           xf86-input-evdev \
+           xf86-input-mouse \
+           xf86-video-fbdev \
+           xf86-input-keyboard"
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = " kernel-modules kernel-devicetree"
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"tunefile" prio:"40" msg:"Which machine tuning would you like to use?" default:"tune_cortexa8" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm1136jf_s" msg:"arm1136jf-s tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm920t" msg:"arm920t tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm926ejs" msg:"arm926ejs tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_arm9tdmi" msg:"arm9tdmi tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa5" msg:"cortexa5 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa7" msg:"cortexa7 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa8" msg:"cortexa8 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa9" msg:"cortexa9 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexa15" msg:"cortexa15 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexm1" msg:"cortexm1 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexm3" msg:"cortexm3 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_cortexr4" msg:"cortexr4 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ep9312" msg:"ep9312 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_iwmmxt" msg:"iwmmxt tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_strongarm1100" msg:"strongarm1100 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_xscale" msg:"xscale tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_arm1136jf_s": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-arm1136jf-s.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_arm920t": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-arm920t.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_arm926ejs": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-arm926ejs.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_arm9tdmi": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-arm9tdmi.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa5": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa5.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa7": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa7.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa8": }}
+DEFAULTTUNE ?= "cortexa8hf-neon"
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa8.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa9": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa9.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexa15": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa15.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexm1": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexm1.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexm3": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexm3.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_cortexr4": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexr4.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ep9312": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ep9312.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_iwmmxt": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-iwmmxt.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_strongarm1100": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-strongarm1100.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_xscale": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-xscale.inc
+IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.bz2 jffs2"
+EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2 = "-lnp "
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyO0"
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "am335x-bone.dtb am335x-boneblack.dtb"
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_machine" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_MACHINE:" default:"am335x_evm_config" }}
+UBOOT_MACHINE = "{{=uboot_machine}}"
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_entrypoint" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT:" default:"0x80008000" }}
+UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "{{=uboot_entrypoint}}"
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_loadaddress" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_LOADADDRESS:" default:"0x80008000" }}
+UBOOT_LOADADDRESS = "{{=uboot_loadaddress}}"
+MACHINE_FEATURES = "usbgadget usbhost vfat alsa"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b442d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=machine}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc52893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if xserver == "y": }} this
+Section "Module"
+	Load	"extmod"
+	Load	"dbe"
+	Load	"glx"
+	Load	"freetype"
+	Load	"type1"
+	Load	"record"
+	Load	"dri"
+Section "Monitor"
+	Identifier	"Builtin Default Monitor"
+Section "Device"
+	Identifier	"Builtin Default fbdev Device 0"
+	Driver		"omapfb"
+Section "Screen"
+	Identifier	"Builtin Default fbdev Screen 0"
+	Device		"Builtin Default fbdev Device 0"
+	Monitor		"Builtin Default Monitor"
+Section "ServerLayout"
+	Identifier	"Builtin Default Layout"
+	Screen		"Builtin Default fbdev Screen 0"
+Section "ServerFlags"
+	Option		"DontZap"  "0"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3083003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if xserver == "y": }} this
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-non_hardware.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-non_hardware.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bfc90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-non_hardware.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-non_hardware.cfg
+# Miscellaneous filesystems
+# Multiple Device Support
+# CONFIG_MD is not set
+# Kernel Features
+# CPUIdle
+# Kernel hacking
+# Power management options
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5f3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH arm
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
+# default policy for preempt-rt kernels
+include features/latencytop/latencytop.scc
+include features/profiling/profiling.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9014c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH arm
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
+# default policy for standard kernels
+include features/latencytop/latencytop.scc
+include features/profiling/profiling.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f1c252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH arm
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47489e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582759e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f747f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2e1ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
+# System Type
+# TI OMAP Implementations
+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP2 is not set
+# TI OMAP Common Features
+# OMAP Feature Selections
+# OMAP Board Type
+# Processor Features
+# Kernel Features
+# Serial drivers
+# At least one emulation must be selected
+# Power management options
+# Generic Driver Options
+# User Modules And Translation Layers
+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers
+# SCSI device support
+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
+# Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)
+# Userland interfaces
+# Input Device Drivers
+# Miscellaneous I2C Chip support
+# I2C GPIO expanders:
+# SPI GPIO expanders:
+# Multifunction device drivers
+# Graphics support
+# CONFIG_VGASTATE is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_DDC is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FOPS is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SVGALIB is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_MACMODES is not set
+# Frame buffer hardware drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_S1D13XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_TMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_MB862XX is not set
+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI is not set
+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI is not set
+# OMAP2/3 Display Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_PANEL_TAAL is not set
+# Display device support
+# CONFIG_FONTS is not set
+# CONFIG_LOGO_LINUX_VGA16 is not set
+# Console display driver support
+# CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE is not set
+# DMA Devices
+# USB Input Devices
+# Miscellaneous USB options
+# USB Host Controller Drivers
+# OMAP 343x high speed USB support
+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE enables SCSI, and 'SCSI disk support'
+# may also be needed; see USB_STORAGE Help for more information
+# USB Miscellaneous drivers
+# USB gadget modules
+# MMC/SD Host Controller Drivers
+# Real Time Clock
+# DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems
+# Multimedia core support
+# Advanced Power Management Emulation support
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828400d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+kconf non-hardware {{machine}}-non_hardware.cfg
+include features/usb-net/usb-net.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.19) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.19"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8db03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471ccbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de82fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e1cc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e1bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/COPYING.MIT b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/COPYING.MIT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb950dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/COPYING.MIT
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928659f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+This README file contains information on building the meta-{{=machine}}
+BSP layer, and booting the images contained in the /binary directory.
+Please see the corresponding sections below for details.
+This layer depends on:
+  URI: git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake
+  branch: master
+  URI: git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core
+  layers: meta
+  branch: master
+  URI: git://git.yoctoproject.org/xxxx
+  layers: xxxx
+  branch: master
+Please submit any patches against this BSP to the Yocto mailing list
+(yocto@yoctoproject.org) and cc: the maintainer:
+Maintainer: XXX YYYYYY <xxx.yyyyyy@zzzzz.com>
+Please see the meta-xxxx/MAINTAINERS file for more details.
+Table of Contents
+  I. Building the meta-{{=machine}} BSP layer
+ II. Booting the images in /binary
+I. Building the meta-{{=machine}} BSP layer
+--- replace with specific instructions for your layer ---
+In order to build an image with BSP support for a given release, you
+need to download the corresponding BSP tarball from the 'Board Support
+Package (BSP) Downloads' page of the Yocto Project website.
+Having done that, and assuming you extracted the BSP tarball contents
+at the top-level of your yocto build tree, you can build a
+{{=machine}} image by adding the location of the meta-{{=machine}}
+layer to bblayers.conf, along with any other layers needed (to access
+common metadata shared between BSPs) e.g.:
+  yocto/meta-xxxx \
+  yocto/meta-xxxx/meta-{{=machine}} \
+To enable the {{=machine}} layer, add the {{=machine}} MACHINE to local.conf:
+  MACHINE ?= "{{=machine}}"
+You should then be able to build a {{=machine}} image as such:
+  $ source oe-init-build-env
+  $ bitbake core-image-sato
+At the end of a successful build, you should have a live image that
+you can boot from a USB flash drive (see instructions on how to do
+that below, in the section 'Booting the images from /binary').
+As an alternative to downloading the BSP tarball, you can also work
+directly from the meta-xxxx git repository.  For each BSP in the
+'meta-xxxx' repository, there are multiple branches, one corresponding
+to each major release starting with 'laverne' (0.90), in addition to
+the latest code which tracks the current master (note that not all
+BSPs are present in every release).  Instead of extracting a BSP
+tarball at the top level of your yocto build tree, you can
+equivalently check out the appropriate branch from the meta-xxxx
+repository at the same location.
+II. Booting the images in /binary
+--- replace with specific instructions for your platform ---
+This BSP contains bootable live images, which can be used to directly
+boot Yocto off of a USB flash drive.
+Under Linux, insert a USB flash drive.  Assuming the USB flash drive
+takes device /dev/sdf, use dd to copy the live image to it.  For
+# dd if=core-image-sato-{{=machine}}-20101207053738.hddimg of=/dev/sdf
+# sync
+# eject /dev/sdf
+This should give you a bootable USB flash device.  Insert the device
+into a bootable USB socket on the target, and power on.  This should
+result in a system booted to the Sato graphical desktop.
+If you want a terminal, use the arrows at the top of the UI to move to
+different pages of available applications, one of which is named
+'Terminal'.  Clicking that should give you a root terminal.
+If you want to ssh into the system, you can use the root terminal to
+ifconfig the IP address and use that to ssh in.  The root password is
+empty, so to log in type 'root' for the user name and hit 'Enter' at
+the Password prompt: and you should be in.
+If you find you're getting corrupt images on the USB (it doesn't show
+the syslinux boot: prompt, or the boot: prompt contains strange
+characters), try doing this first:
+# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf bs=1M count=512
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README.sources b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README.sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4cb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README.sources
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+The sources for the packages comprising the images shipped with this
+BSP can be found at the following location:
+The metadata used to generate the images shipped with this BSP, in
+addition to the code contained in this BSP, can be found at the
+following location:
+The metadata used to generate the images shipped with this BSP, in
+addition to the code contained in this BSP, can also be found at the
+following locations:
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/binary/.gitignore b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/binary/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/binary/.gitignore
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/conf/layer.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/conf/layer.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5529f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/conf/layer.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH
+# We have a recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES
+BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
+	${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend"
+BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "{{=machine}}"
+BBFILE_PATTERN_{{=machine}} = "^${LAYERDIR}/"
+BBFILE_PRIORITY_{{=machine}} = "6"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/machine.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/machine.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b442d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/machine.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=machine}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/machine/machconfig b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/machine/machconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b85d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/machine/machconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Assume a USB mouse and keyboard are connected
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"touchscreen" msg:"Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/n)" default:"n" }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"keyboard" msg:"Does your BSP have a keyboard? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor_0.0.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor_0.0.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4804d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor_0.0.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663dddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"custom_kernel_remote" prio:"20" msg:"Is the custom kernel you'd like to use in a remote git repo? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" and custom_kernel_remote == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"edit-git-repo" name:"custom_kernel_remote_path" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the full URI to the remote git repo (the default corresponds to linux-stable v3.16.3)" default:"git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" and custom_kernel_remote == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"edit-git-repo" name:"custom_kernel_local_path" prio:"20" msg:"You've indicated that you're not using a remote git repo.  Please enter the full path to the local git repo you want to use (the default assumes a local linux-stable v3.16.3)" default:"/home/trz/yocto/kernels/linux-stable.git"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"custom_kernel_need_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need to use a specific (non-master) branch? (y/n)" default:"n"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" and custom_kernel_need_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"custom_kernel_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the branch you want to use (the default branch corresponds to the linux-stable 'linux-3.16.y' branch):" default:"linux-3.16.y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"custom_kernel_srcrev" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the SRCREV (commit id) you'd like to use (use '${AUTOREV}' to track the current HEAD):" default:"${AUTOREV}"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"custom_kernel_linux_version" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the Linux version of the kernel you've specified:" default:"3.16.3"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"custom_kernel_linux_version_extension" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter a Linux version extension if you want (it will show up at the end of the kernel name shown by uname):" default:"-custom"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"edit-file" name:"custom_kernel_defconfig" prio:"20" msg:"It's recommended (but not required) that custom kernels be built using a defconfig.  Please enter the full path to the defconfig for your kernel (NOTE: if you don't specify a defconfig the kernel probably won't build or boot):" default:""}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fda955b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }} this
+# This file was derived from the linux-yocto-custom.bb recipe in
+# oe-core.
+# linux-yocto-custom.bb:
+#   A yocto-bsp-generated kernel recipe that uses the linux-yocto and
+#   oe-core kernel classes to apply a subset of yocto kernel
+#   management to git managed kernel repositories.
+# Warning:
+#   Building this kernel without providing a defconfig or BSP
+#   configuration will result in build or boot errors. This is not a
+#   bug.
+# Notes:
+#   patches: patches can be merged into to the source git tree itself,
+#            added via the SRC_URI, or controlled via a BSP
+#            configuration.
+#   example configuration addition:
+#            SRC_URI += "file://smp.cfg"
+#   example patch addition:
+#            SRC_URI += "file://0001-linux-version-tweak.patch
+#   example feature addition:
+#            SRC_URI += "file://feature.scc"
+inherit kernel
+require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" and custom_kernel_remote == "y": }}
+SRC_URI = "{{=custom_kernel_remote_path}};protocol=git;bareclone=1;branch=${KBRANCH}"
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" and custom_kernel_remote == "n": }}
+SRC_URI = "git://{{=custom_kernel_local_path}};protocol=file;bareclone=1;branch=${KBRANCH}"
+SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+           "
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" and custom_kernel_need_kbranch == "y" and custom_kernel_kbranch and custom_kernel_kbranch != "master": }}
+KBRANCH = "{{=custom_kernel_kbranch}}"
+LINUX_VERSION ?= "{{=custom_kernel_linux_version}}"
+LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION ?= "{{=custom_kernel_linux_version_extension}}"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..017d206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice == "custom": }} linux-yocto-custom
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/defconfig b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb0ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Placeholder for custom default kernel configuration.  yocto-bsp will
+# replace this file with a user-specified defconfig.
+{{ if custom_kernel_defconfig: replace_file(of, custom_kernel_defconfig) }}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..922309d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+# Used by yocto-kernel to manage config options.
+# yocto-kernel may change the contents of this file in any
+# way it sees fit, including removing comments like this,
+# so don't manually make any modifications you don't want
+# to lose.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1138f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
+# Used by yocto-kernel to manage patches.
+# yocto-kernel may change the contents of this file in any
+# way it sees fit, including removing comments like this,
+# so don't manually make any modifications you don't want
+# to lose.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba8201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
+# A convenient place to add config options, nothing more.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6b413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-custom/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+# The top-level 'feature' for the {{=machine}} custom kernel.
+# Essentially this is a convenient top-level container or starting
+# point for adding lower-level config fragements and features.
+# {{=machine}}.cfg in the linux-yocto-custom subdir is just a
+# convenient place for adding random config fragments.
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+# These are used by yocto-kernel to add config fragments and features.
+# Don't remove if you plan on using yocto-kernel with this BSP.
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7189341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"tunefile" prio:"40" msg:"Which machine tuning would you like to use?" default:"tune_core2" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_i586" msg:"i586 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_atom" msg:"Atom tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_core2" msg:"Core2 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_i586": }}
+require conf/machine/include/tune-i586.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_atom": }}
+require conf/machine/include/tune-atom.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_core2": }}
+require conf/machine/include/tune-core2.inc
+require conf/machine/include/x86-base.inc
+MACHINE_FEATURES += "wifi efi pcbios"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y" and (kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14"): }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"xserver_choice" prio:"50" msg:"Please select an xserver for this machine:" default:"xserver_vesa" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_vesa" msg:"VESA xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_i915" msg:"i915 xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_i965" msg:"i965 xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_fbdev" msg:"fbdev xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_modesetting" msg:"modesetting xserver support" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y" and kernel_choice == "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"xserver_choice" prio:"50" msg:"Please select an xserver for this machine:" default:"xserver_vesa" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_vesa" msg:"VESA xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_i915" msg:"i915 xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_i965" msg:"i965 xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_fbdev" msg:"fbdev xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_modesetting" msg:"modesetting xserver support" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto_3.19" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto_3.14" and kernel_choice != "custom": xserver_choice = "xserver_i915" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_EXT} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_vesa": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_VESA} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_i915": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_I915} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_i965": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_I965} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_fbdev": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_FBDEV} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_modesetting": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_MODESETTING} \
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+           "
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "linux-firmware v86d eee-acpi-scripts"
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_pn-matchbox-panel-2 = " --with-battery=acpi"
+GLIBC_ADDONS = "nptl"
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_vesa": }}
+APPEND += "video=vesafb vga=0x318"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b442d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=machine}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9a0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if xserver == "y": }} this
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3083003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if xserver == "y": }} this
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..619ee3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH i386
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
+# default policy for preempt-rt kernels
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/boot-live.scc
+include features/latencytop/latencytop.scc
+include features/profiling/profiling.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682012f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH i386
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
+# default policy for standard kernels
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/boot-live.scc
+include features/latencytop/latencytop.scc
+include features/profiling/profiling.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc75196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH i386
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69efdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85be26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c59daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b168b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
+# Basic hardware support for the box - network, USB, PCI, sound
+# Make sure these are on, otherwise the bootup won't be fun
+# Needed for booting (and using) USB memory sticks
+# Needed for booting (and using) CD images
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d32f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+include features/intel-e1xxxx/intel-e100.scc
+include features/intel-e1xxxx/intel-e1xxxx.scc
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_i915" or xserver_choice == "xserver_i965": }}
+include features/i915/i915.scc
+include features/serial/8250.scc
+include features/ericsson-3g/f5521gw.scc
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_vesa": }}
+include cfg/vesafb.scc
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/boot-live.scc
+include features/power/intel.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.19) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.19"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8db03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471ccbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de82fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb49ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2cb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/i386/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/COPYING.MIT b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/COPYING.MIT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89de354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/COPYING.MIT
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/README b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..943dfc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/README
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+This README file contains information on the contents of the
+{{=layer_name}} layer.
+Please see the corresponding sections below for details.
+This layer depends on:
+  URI: git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake
+  branch: master
+  URI: git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core
+  layers: meta
+  branch: master
+  URI: git://git.yoctoproject.org/xxxx
+  layers: xxxx
+  branch: master
+Please submit any patches against the {{=layer_name}} layer to the
+xxxx mailing list (xxxx@zzzz.org) and cc: the maintainer:
+Maintainer: XXX YYYYYY <xxx.yyyyyy@zzzzz.com>
+Table of Contents
+  I. Adding the {{=layer_name}} layer to your build
+ II. Misc
+I. Adding the {{=layer_name}} layer to your build
+--- replace with specific instructions for the {{=layer_name}} layer ---
+In order to use this layer, you need to make the build system aware of
+Assuming the {{=layer_name}} layer exists at the top-level of your
+yocto build tree, you can add it to the build system by adding the
+location of the {{=layer_name}} layer to bblayers.conf, along with any
+other layers needed. e.g.:
+  BBLAYERS ?= " \
+    /path/to/yocto/meta \
+    /path/to/yocto/meta-yocto \
+    /path/to/yocto/meta-yocto-bsp \
+    /path/to/yocto/meta-{{=layer_name}} \
+    "
+II. Misc
+--- replace with specific information about the {{=layer_name}} layer ---
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/conf/layer.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/conf/layer.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdffe17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/conf/layer.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH
+# We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES
+BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
+	${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend"
+BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "{{=layer_name}}"
+BBFILE_PATTERN_{{=layer_name}} = "^${LAYERDIR}/"
+BBFILE_PRIORITY_{{=layer_name}} = "{{=layer_priority}}"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2a89c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/layer-questions.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"layer_priority" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the layer priority you'd like to use for the layer:" default:"6"}}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"create_example_recipe" prio:"20" msg:"Would you like to have an example recipe created? (y/n)" default:"n"}}
+{{ if create_example_recipe == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"example_recipe_name" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the name you'd like to use for your example recipe:" default:"example"}}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"create_example_bbappend" prio:"20" msg:"Would you like to have an example bbappend file created? (y/n)" default:"n"}}
+{{ if create_example_bbappend == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"example_bbappend_name" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the name you'd like to use for your bbappend file:" default:"example"}}
+{{ if create_example_bbappend == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"example_bbappend_version" prio:"20" msg:"Please enter the version number you'd like to use for your bbappend file (this should match the recipe you're appending to):" default:"0.1"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3594e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if create_example_bbappend == "y": }} recipes-example-bbappend
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3531330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=example_bbappend_name}}_{{=example_bbappend_version}}.bbappend
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}-${PV}:"
+# This .bbappend doesn't yet do anything - replace this text with
+# modifications to the example_0.1.bb recipe, or whatever recipe it is
+# that you want to modify with this .bbappend (make sure you change
+# the recipe name (PN) and version (PV) to match).
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46df8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=example_bbappend_name}}-{{=example_bbappend_version}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version/example.patch b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version/example.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2000a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example-bbappend/example-bbappend/example-bbappend-version/example.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This is a non-functional placeholder file, here for example purposes
+# only.
+# If you had a patch for your recipe, you'd put it in this directory
+# and reference it from your recipe's SRC_URI:
+#  SRC_URI += "file://example.patch"
+# Note that you could also rename the directory containing this patch
+# to remove the version number or simply rename it 'files'.  Doing so
+# allows you to use the same directory for multiple recipes.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0069b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if create_example_recipe == "y": }} recipes-example
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1.bb b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fbf594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=example_recipe_name}}_0.1.bb
+# This file was derived from the 'Hello World!' example recipe in the
+# Yocto Project Development Manual.
+SUMMARY = "Simple helloworld application"
+SECTION = "examples"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
+SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.c"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_compile() {
+	     ${CC} helloworld.c -o helloworld
+do_install() {
+	     install -d ${D}${bindir}
+	     install -m 0755 helloworld ${D}${bindir}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c319c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=example_recipe_name}}-0.1
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1/example.patch b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1/example.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2000a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1/example.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This is a non-functional placeholder file, here for example purposes
+# only.
+# If you had a patch for your recipe, you'd put it in this directory
+# and reference it from your recipe's SRC_URI:
+#  SRC_URI += "file://example.patch"
+# Note that you could also rename the directory containing this patch
+# to remove the version number or simply rename it 'files'.  Doing so
+# allows you to use the same directory for multiple recipes.
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1/helloworld.c b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1/helloworld.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f2e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/layer/recipes-example/example/example-recipe-0.1/helloworld.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    printf("Hello World!\n");
+    return 0;
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/.gitignore b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/.gitignore
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b319d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+require conf/machine/include/tune-mips32.inc
+MACHINE_FEATURES = "screen keyboard pci usbhost ext2 ext3 serial"
+KERNEL_ALT_IMAGETYPE = "vmlinux.bin"
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ?= "xserver-xorg"
+XSERVER ?= "xserver-xorg \
+            xf86-input-evdev \
+            xf86-video-fbdev"
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
+USE_VT ?= "0"
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = " kernel-modules"
+IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "jffs2 tar.bz2"
+JFFS2_ERASEBLOCK = "0x10000"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176190c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH mips
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05dd85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH mips
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f71c775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH mips
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47489e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85be26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f747f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe4766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f39dc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/fs/vfat.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.19) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.19"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8db03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e7989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ba0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e1cc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e1bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/.gitignore b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/.gitignore
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3afc5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+require conf/machine/include/tune-mips64.inc
+MACHINE_FEATURES = "pci ext2 ext3 serial"
+KERNEL_ALT_IMAGETYPE = "vmlinux.bin"
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ?= "xserver-xorg"
+XSERVER ?= "xserver-xorg \
+            xf86-input-evdev \
+            xf86-video-fbdev"
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
+USE_VT ?= "0"
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = " kernel-modules"
+IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "jffs2 tar.bz2"
+JFFS2_ERASEBLOCK = "0x10000"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176190c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH mips
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05dd85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH mips
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f71c775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH mips
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69efdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85be26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c59daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc906b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
+#Executable file formats
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f39dc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/fs/vfat.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a04e6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.14) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.14"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8db03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e7989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ba0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb6cdef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/edgerouter" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/edgerouter" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "dbe5b52e93ff114b2c0f5da6f6af91f52c18f2b8"
+SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "6eddbf47875ef48ddc5864957a7b63363100782b"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..134aeec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/mips64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/edgerouter" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/edgerouter" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/.gitignore b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/.gitignore
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94f7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"tunefile" prio:"40" msg:"Which machine tuning would you like to use?" default:"tune_ppce300c3" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppc476" msg:"ppc476 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppc603e" msg:"ppc603e tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppc7400" msg:"ppc7400 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce300c2" msg:"ppce300c2 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce300c3" msg:"ppce300c3 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce500" msg:"ppce500 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce500mc" msg:"ppce500mc tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce500v2" msg:"ppce500v2 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce5500" msg:"ppce5500 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_ppce6500" msg:"ppce6500 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_power5" msg:"power5 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_power6" msg:"power6 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_power7" msg:"power7 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppc476": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppc476.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppc603e": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppc603e.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppc7400": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppc7400.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce300c2": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce300c2.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce300c3": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce300c3.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce500": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce500.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce500mc": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce500mc.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce500v2": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce500v2.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce5500": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce5500.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_ppce6500": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-ppce6500.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_power5": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-power5.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_power6": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-power6.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_power7": }}
+include conf/machine/include/tune-power7.inc
+UBOOT_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "MPC8315ERDB_config"
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
+MACHINE_FEATURES = "keyboard pci ext2 ext3 serial"
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ?= "xserver-xorg"
+XSERVER ?= "xserver-xorg \
+           xf86-input-evdev \
+           xf86-video-fbdev"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot ?= "v2015.01%"
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"uboot_entrypoint" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a value for UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT:" default:"0x00000000" }}
+UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT = "{{=uboot_entrypoint}}"
+{{ input type:"edit" name:"kernel_devicetree" prio:"40" msg:"Please specify a [arch/powerpc/boot/dts/xxx] value for KERNEL_DEVICETREE:" default:"mpc8315erdb.dts" }}
+KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${S}/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/{{=kernel_devicetree}}"
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = " kernel-modules"
+IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "jffs2 tar.bz2"
+JFFS2_ERASEBLOCK = "0x4000"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c9267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH powerpc
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1d35b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH powerpc
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bf94b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH powerpc
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47489e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582759e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f747f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bfe1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
+.                                WARNING
+. This file is a kernel configuration fragment, and not a full kernel
+. configuration file.  The final kernel configuration is made up of
+. an assembly of processed fragments, each of which is designed to
+. capture a specific part of the final configuration (e.g. platform
+. configuration, feature configuration, and board specific hardware
+. configuration).  For more information on kernel configuration, please
+. consult the product documentation.
+# Processor support
+# Platform support
+# CONFIG_PPC_CHRP is not set
+# CONFIG_PPC_PMAC is not set
+# Bus options
+# Memory Technology Devices (MTD)
+# User Modules And Translation Layers
+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# Mapping drivers for chip access
+# NAND Flash Device Drivers
+# Ethernet (1000 Mbit)
+# Serial drivers
+# Watchdog Device Drivers
+# I2C support
+# I2C Hardware Bus support
+# Miscellaneous I2C Chip support
+# SPI support
+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set
+# SPI Master Controller Drivers
+# SPI Protocol Masters
+# SCSI device support
+# USB support
+# USB Host Controller Drivers
+# Real Time Clock
+# I2C RTC drivers
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aac8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/fs/vfat.scc
+include cfg/dmaengine.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.19) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.19"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a25446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471ccbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de82fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e688384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded9e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/powerpc/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e1cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+{{ if qemuarch == "i386" or qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ?= "xserver-xorg"
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl ?= "mesa"
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles1 ?= "mesa"
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "mesa"
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"qemuarch" prio:"5" msg:"Which qemu architecture would you like to use?" default:"i386" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"i386" msg:"i386    (32-bit)" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"x86_64" msg:"x86_64  (64-bit)" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"arm" msg:"ARM     (32-bit)" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"powerpc" msg:"PowerPC (32-bit)" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"mips" msg:"MIPS    (32-bit)" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"mips64" msg:"MIPS64  (64-bit)" }}
+{{ if qemuarch == "i386": }}
+require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
+require conf/machine/include/tune-i586.inc
+{{ if qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
+DEFAULTTUNE ?= "core2-64"
+require conf/machine/include/tune-core2.inc
+{{ if qemuarch == "arm": }}
+require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
+require conf/machine/include/tune-arm926ejs.inc
+{{ if qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
+require conf/machine/include/tune-ppc7400.inc
+{{ if qemuarch == "mips": }}
+require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
+require conf/machine/include/tune-mips32.inc
+{{ if qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+require conf/machine/include/qemu.inc
+require conf/machine/include/tune-mips64.inc
+{{ if qemuarch == "i386" or qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
+XSERVER = "xserver-xorg \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl', 'mesa-driver-swrast', '', d)} \
+           xf86-input-vmmouse \
+           xf86-input-keyboard \
+           xf86-input-evdev \
+           xf86-video-vmware"
+{{ if qemuarch == "arm": }}
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyAMA0"
+{{ if qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
+{{ if qemuarch == "mips" or qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+KERNEL_ALT_IMAGETYPE = "vmlinux.bin"
+SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS = " kernel-modules"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown/machine.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown/machine.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b442d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown/machine.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=machine}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown/machine/interfaces b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown/machine/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1696776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown/machine/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown_1.0.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown_1.0.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d991c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown_1.0.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b442d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=machine}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdde79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Section "Files"
+Section "InputDevice"
+    Identifier    "Generic Keyboard"
+    Driver        "evdev"
+    Option        "CoreKeyboard"
+    Option        "Device"      "/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd"
+    Option        "XkbRules"    "xorg"
+    Option        "XkbModel"    "evdev"
+    Option        "XkbLayout"    "us"
+Section "InputDevice"
+    Identifier    "Configured Mouse"
+{{ if qemuarch == "arm" or qemuarch == "powerpc" or qemuarch == "mips" or qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+    Driver        "mouse"
+{{ if qemuarch == "i386" or qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+    Driver        "vmmouse"
+    Option        "CorePointer"
+    Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"
+    Option        "Protocol"        "ImPS/2"
+    Option        "ZAxisMapping"        "4 5"
+    Option        "Emulate3Buttons"    "true"
+Section "InputDevice"
+    Identifier    "Qemu Tablet"
+    Driver        "evdev"
+    Option        "CorePointer"
+    Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/touchscreen0"
+    Option        "USB"           "on"
+Section "Device"
+    Identifier    "Graphics Controller"
+{{ if qemuarch == "arm" or qemuarch == "powerpc" or qemuarch == "mips" or qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+    Driver        "fbdev"
+{{ if qemuarch == "i386" or qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+    Driver        "vmware"
+Section "Monitor"
+    Identifier    "Generic Monitor"
+    Option        "DPMS"
+    # 1024x600 59.85 Hz (CVT) hsync: 37.35 kHz; pclk: 49.00 MHz
+    Modeline "1024x600_60.00"   49.00  1024 1072 1168 1312  600 603 613 624 -hsync +vsync
+    # 640x480 @ 60Hz (Industry standard) hsync: 31.5kHz
+    ModeLine "640x480"    25.2  640  656  752  800    480  490  492  525 -hsync -vsync
+    # 640x480 @ 72Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.9kHz
+    ModeLine "640x480"    31.5  640  664  704  832    480  489  491  520 -hsync -vsync
+    # 640x480 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.5kHz
+    ModeLine "640x480"    31.5  640  656  720  840    480  481  484  500 -hsync -vsync
+    # 640x480 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 43.3kHz
+    ModeLine "640x480"    36.0  640  696  752  832    480  481  484  509 -hsync -vsync
+Section "Screen"
+    Identifier    "Default Screen"
+    Device        "Graphics Controller"
+    Monitor        "Generic Monitor"
+    SubSection "Display"
+        Modes     "640x480"
+    EndSubSection
+Section "ServerLayout"
+    Identifier    "Default Layout"
+    Screen        "Default Screen"
+    InputDevice    "Generic Keyboard"
+    # InputDevice    "Configured Mouse"
+    InputDevice    "QEMU Tablet"
+    Option         "AllowEmptyInput" "no"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d991c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb5283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aaffb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH {{=qemuarch}}
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2a03ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH {{=qemuarch}}
+{{ if qemuarch == "i386" or qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if qemuarch == "arm": }}
+include bsp/arm-versatile-926ejs/arm-versatile-926ejs-standard
+{{ if qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+include bsp/qemu-ppc32/qemu-ppc32-standard
+{{ if qemuarch == "mips": }}
+include bsp/mti-malta32/mti-malta32-be-standard
+{{ if qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+include bsp/mti-malta64/mti-malta64-be-standard
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c098fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH {{=qemuarch}}
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69efdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582759e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c59daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d560784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8301e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.19) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.19"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be479be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base your new BSP branch on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose an existing machine branch to use for this BSP:" default:"standard/arm-versatile-926ejs" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/qemuppc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64"  prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64"  prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/mti-malta32" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/mti-malta64" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce5e1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"arm" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"arm" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/qemuppc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7879ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"arm" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"arm" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "0143c6ebb4a2d63b241df5f608b19f483f7eb9e0"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "8f55bee2403176a50cc0dd41811aa60fcf07243c"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ef4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"arm" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"arm" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "0143c6ebb4a2d63b241df5f608b19f483f7eb9e0"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "8f55bee2403176a50cc0dd41811aa60fcf07243c"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626019c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base your new BSP branch on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose an existing machine branch to use for this BSP:" default:"standard/arm-versatile-926ejs" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/qemuppc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64"  prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64"  prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/mti-malta32" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/mti-malta64" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "0143c6ebb4a2d63b241df5f608b19f483f7eb9e0"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "8f55bee2403176a50cc0dd41811aa60fcf07243c"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4798b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/qemu/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base your new BSP branch on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "arm": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose an existing machine branch to use for this BSP:" default:"standard/arm-versatile-926ejs" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "powerpc": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"powerpc" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/qemuppc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "i386": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64"  prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "x86_64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"x86_64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64"  prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/mti-malta32" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/mti-malta64" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y" and qemuarch == "mips64": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"mips64" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "0143c6ebb4a2d63b241df5f608b19f483f7eb9e0"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "8f55bee2403176a50cc0dd41811aa60fcf07243c"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/.gitignore b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/.gitignore
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/conf/machine/machine.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/conf/machine/machine.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b8251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/conf/machine/machine.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.conf
+#@TYPE: Machine
+#@NAME: {{=machine}}
+#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for {{=machine}} systems
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-custom" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = "linux-yocto-dev" }}
+{{ if kernel_choice == "custom" or kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev" : }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel = kernel_choice.split('_')[0] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": preferred_kernel_version = kernel_choice.split('_')[1] }}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and kernel_choice != "linux-yocto-dev": }}
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "{{=preferred_kernel}}"
+PREFERRED_VERSION_{{=preferred_kernel}} ?= "{{=preferred_kernel_version}}%"
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"tunefile" prio:"40" msg:"Which machine tuning would you like to use?" default:"tune_core2" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_core2" msg:"Core2 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"tune_corei7" msg:"Corei7 tuning optimizations" }}
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_core2": }}
+DEFAULTTUNE ?= "core2-64"
+require conf/machine/include/tune-core2.inc
+{{ if tunefile == "tune_corei7": }}
+DEFAULTTUNE ?= "corei7-64"
+require conf/machine/include/tune-corei7.inc
+require conf/machine/include/x86-base.inc
+MACHINE_FEATURES += "wifi efi pcbios"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"xserver" prio:"50" msg:"Do you need support for X? (y/n)" default:"y" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"xserver_choice" prio:"50" msg:"Please select an xserver for this machine:" default:"xserver_i915" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_vesa" msg:"VESA xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_i915" msg:"i915 xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_i965" msg:"i965 xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_fbdev" msg:"fbdev xserver support" }}
+{{ input type:"choice" val:"xserver_modesetting" msg:"modesetting xserver support" }}
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_EXT} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_vesa": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_VESA} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_i915": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_I915} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_i965": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_I965} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_fbdev": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_FBDEV} \
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_modesetting": }}
+           ${XSERVER_X86_MODESETTING} \
+{{ if xserver == "y": }}
+           "
+MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "linux-firmware v86d eee-acpi-scripts"
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_pn-matchbox-panel-2 = " --with-battery=acpi"
+GLIBC_ADDONS = "nptl"
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_vesa": }}
+APPEND += "video=vesafb vga=0x318"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b442d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{=machine}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9a0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/machine/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if xserver == "y": }} this
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3083003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if xserver == "y": }} this
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0d92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-dirname {{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }} files
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd5320b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-preempt-rt.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE preempt-rt
+define KARCH x86_64
+include {{=map_preempt_rt_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
+# default policy for preempt-rt kernels
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/boot-live.scc
+include features/latencytop/latencytop.scc
+include features/profiling/profiling.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569f967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-standard.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-standard.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE standard
+define KARCH x86_64
+include {{=map_standard_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
+# default policy for standard kernels
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include cfg/boot-live.scc
+include features/latencytop/latencytop.scc
+include features/profiling/profiling.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb21432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-tiny.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-tiny.scc
+define KMACHINE {{=machine}}
+define KTYPE tiny
+define KARCH x86_64
+include {{=map_tiny_kbranch(need_new_kbranch, new_kbranch, existing_kbranch)}}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+branch {{=machine}}
+include {{=machine}}.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47489e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582759e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-features.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-features.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f747f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine-user-patches.scc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3290dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.cfg
+# Basic hardware support for the box - network, USB, PCI, sound                     
+# Make sure these are on, otherwise the bootup won't be fun                         
+# Needed for booting (and using) USB memory sticks                                  
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b7c291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/files/machine.scc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{=machine}}.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}.cfg
+include features/serial/8250.scc
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_vesa": }}
+include cfg/vesafb.scc
+{{ if xserver == "y" and xserver_choice == "xserver_i915" or xserver_choice == "xserver_i965": }}
+include features/i915/i915.scc
+include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc
+include features/power/intel.scc
+kconf hardware {{=machine}}-user-config.cfg
+include {{=machine}}-user-patches.scc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..811d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom": }}
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"use_default_kernel" prio:"10" msg:"Would you like to use the default (3.19) kernel? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if kernel_choice != "custom" and use_default_kernel == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"kernel_choice" gen:"bsp.kernel.kernels" prio:"10" msg:"Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP:" default:"linux-yocto_3.19"}}
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa6231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-dev.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-dev": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" nameappend:"i386" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Would you like SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a25446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-rt_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-rt_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/preempt-rt" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/preempt-rt/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "f35992f80c81dc5fa1a97165dfd5cbb84661f7cb"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-rt_{{=machine}} ?= "1b534b2f8bbe9b8a773268cfa30a4850346f6f5f"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471ccbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de82fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto-tiny_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto-tiny_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard/tiny" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/tiny/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-tiny.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto-tiny_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca0b497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.14": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.14"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba63c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/x86_64/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.19.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# yocto-bsp-filename {{ if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.19": }} this
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
+PR := "${PR}.1"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_{{=machine}} = "{{=machine}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"need_new_kbranch" prio:"20" msg:"Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n]" default:"y" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "y": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"new_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+{{ input type:"choicelist" name:"existing_kbranch" gen:"bsp.kernel.all_branches" branches_base:"standard:standard/common-pc-64" prio:"20" msg:"Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on:" default:"standard/common-pc-64/base" }}
+{{ if need_new_kbranch == "n": }}
+KBRANCH_{{=machine}}  = "{{=existing_kbranch}}"
+{{ input type:"boolean" name:"smp" prio:"30" msg:"Do you need SMP support? (y/n)" default:"y"}}
+{{ if smp == "y": }}
+KERNEL_FEATURES_append_{{=machine}} += " cfg/smp.scc"
+SRC_URI += "file://{{=machine}}-standard.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-config.cfg \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-patches.scc \
+            file://{{=machine}}-user-features.scc \
+           "
+# uncomment and replace these SRCREVs with the real commit ids once you've had
+# the appropriate changes committed to the upstream linux-yocto repo
+#SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "840bb8c059418c4753415df56c9aff1c0d5354c8"
+#SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_{{=machine}} ?= "4fd76cc4f33e0afd8f906b1e8f231b6d13b6c993"
+#LINUX_VERSION = "3.19"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/tags.py b/scripts/lib/bsp/tags.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3719427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/tags.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# This module provides a place to define common constants for the
+# Yocto BSP Tools.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at] intel.com>
+OPEN_TAG =     "{{"
+CLOSE_TAG =    "}}"
+ASSIGN_TAG =   "{{="
+INPUT_TAG =    "input"
+IF_TAG =       "if"
+FILENAME_TAG = "yocto-bsp-filename"
+DIRNAME_TAG =  "yocto-bsp-dirname"
+INDENT_STR =  "    "
+BLANKLINE_STR = "of.write(\"\\n\")"
+NORMAL_START =  "of.write"
+OPEN_START =    "current_file ="
+SRC_URI_FILE = "file://"
+GIT_CHECK_URI = "git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-dev.git"