Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/scripts/lib/wic/utils/partitionedfs.py b/scripts/lib/wic/utils/partitionedfs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a103bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/wic/utils/partitionedfs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python -tt
+# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Intel, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel P. Berrange
+# Copyright (c) 2008 David P. Huff
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+# Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+from wic import msger
+from wic.utils.errors import ImageError
+from wic.utils.oe.misc import exec_cmd, exec_native_cmd
+# Overhead of the MBR partitioning scheme (just one sector)
+# Overhead of the GPT partitioning scheme
+# Size of a sector in bytes
+class Image(object):
+    """
+    Generic base object for an image.
+    An Image is a container for a set of DiskImages and associated
+    partitions.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, native_sysroot=None):
+        self.disks = {}
+        self.partitions = []
+        # Size of a sector used in calculations
+        self.sector_size = SECTOR_SIZE
+        self._partitions_layed_out = False
+        self.native_sysroot = native_sysroot
+    def __add_disk(self, disk_name):
+        """ Add a disk 'disk_name' to the internal list of disks. Note,
+        'disk_name' is the name of the disk in the target system
+        (e.g., sdb). """
+        if disk_name in self.disks:
+            # We already have this disk
+            return
+        assert not self._partitions_layed_out
+        self.disks[disk_name] = \
+                {'disk': None,     # Disk object
+                 'numpart': 0,     # Number of allocate partitions
+                 'realpart': 0,    # Number of partitions in the partition table
+                 'partitions': [], # Indexes to self.partitions
+                 'offset': 0,      # Offset of next partition (in sectors)
+                 # Minimum required disk size to fit all partitions (in bytes)
+                 'min_size': 0,
+                 'ptable_format': "msdos"} # Partition table format
+    def add_disk(self, disk_name, disk_obj):
+        """ Add a disk object which have to be partitioned. More than one disk
+        can be added. In case of multiple disks, disk partitions have to be
+        added for each disk separately with 'add_partition()". """
+        self.__add_disk(disk_name)
+        self.disks[disk_name]['disk'] = disk_obj
+    def __add_partition(self, part):
+        """ This is a helper function for 'add_partition()' which adds a
+        partition to the internal list of partitions. """
+        assert not self._partitions_layed_out
+        self.partitions.append(part)
+        self.__add_disk(part['disk_name'])
+    def add_partition(self, size, disk_name, mountpoint, source_file=None, fstype=None,
+                      label=None, fsopts=None, boot=False, align=None, no_table=False,
+                      part_type=None, uuid=None):
+        """ Add the next partition. Prtitions have to be added in the
+        first-to-last order. """
+        ks_pnum = len(self.partitions)
+        # Converting kB to sectors for parted
+        size = size * 1024 / self.sector_size
+        # We still need partition for "/" or non-subvolume
+        if mountpoint == "/" or not fsopts:
+            part = {'ks_pnum': ks_pnum, # Partition number in the KS file
+                    'size': size, # In sectors
+                    'mountpoint': mountpoint, # Mount relative to chroot
+                    'source_file': source_file, # partition contents
+                    'fstype': fstype, # Filesystem type
+                    'fsopts': fsopts, # Filesystem mount options
+                    'label': label, # Partition label
+                    'disk_name': disk_name, # physical disk name holding partition
+                    'device': None, # kpartx device node for partition
+                    'num': None, # Partition number
+                    'boot': boot, # Bootable flag
+                    'align': align, # Partition alignment
+                    'no_table' : no_table, # Partition does not appear in partition table
+                    'part_type' : part_type, # Partition type
+                    'uuid': uuid} # Partition UUID
+            self.__add_partition(part)
+    def layout_partitions(self, ptable_format="msdos"):
+        """ Layout the partitions, meaning calculate the position of every
+        partition on the disk. The 'ptable_format' parameter defines the
+        partition table format and may be "msdos". """
+        msger.debug("Assigning %s partitions to disks" % ptable_format)
+        if self._partitions_layed_out:
+            return
+        self._partitions_layed_out = True
+        # Go through partitions in the order they are added in .ks file
+        for num in range(len(self.partitions)):
+            part = self.partitions[num]
+            if not self.disks.has_key(part['disk_name']):
+                raise ImageError("No disk %s for partition %s" \
+                                 % (part['disk_name'], part['mountpoint']))
+            if ptable_format == 'msdos' and part['part_type']:
+                # The --part-type can also be implemented for MBR partitions,
+                # in which case it would map to the 1-byte "partition type"
+                # filed at offset 3 of the partition entry.
+                raise ImageError("setting custom partition type is not " \
+                                 "implemented for msdos partitions")
+            # Get the disk where the partition is located
+            disk = self.disks[part['disk_name']]
+            disk['numpart'] += 1
+            if not part['no_table']:
+                disk['realpart'] += 1
+            disk['ptable_format'] = ptable_format
+            if disk['numpart'] == 1:
+                if ptable_format == "msdos":
+                    overhead = MBR_OVERHEAD
+                elif ptable_format == "gpt":
+                    overhead = GPT_OVERHEAD
+                # Skip one sector required for the partitioning scheme overhead
+                disk['offset'] += overhead
+            if disk['realpart'] > 3:
+                # Reserve a sector for EBR for every logical partition
+                # before alignment is performed.
+                if ptable_format == "msdos":
+                    disk['offset'] += 1
+            if part['align']:
+                # If not first partition and we do have alignment set we need
+                # to align the partition.
+                # FIXME: This leaves a empty spaces to the disk. To fill the
+                # gaps we could enlargea the previous partition?
+                # Calc how much the alignment is off.
+                align_sectors = disk['offset'] % (part['align'] * 1024 / self.sector_size)
+                if align_sectors:
+                    # If partition is not aligned as required, we need
+                    # to move forward to the next alignment point
+                    align_sectors = (part['align'] * 1024 / self.sector_size) - align_sectors
+                    msger.debug("Realignment for %s%s with %s sectors, original"
+                                " offset %s, target alignment is %sK." %
+                                (part['disk_name'], disk['numpart'], align_sectors,
+                                 disk['offset'], part['align']))
+                    # increase the offset so we actually start the partition on right alignment
+                    disk['offset'] += align_sectors
+            part['start'] = disk['offset']
+            disk['offset'] += part['size']
+            part['type'] = 'primary'
+            if not part['no_table']:
+                part['num'] = disk['realpart']
+            else:
+                part['num'] = 0
+            if disk['ptable_format'] == "msdos":
+                if disk['realpart'] > 3:
+                    part['type'] = 'logical'
+                    part['num'] = disk['realpart'] + 1
+            disk['partitions'].append(num)
+            msger.debug("Assigned %s to %s%d, sectors range %d-%d size %d "
+                        "sectors (%d bytes)." \
+                            % (part['mountpoint'], part['disk_name'], part['num'],
+                               part['start'], part['start'] + part['size'] - 1,
+                               part['size'], part['size'] * self.sector_size))
+        # Once all the partitions have been layed out, we can calculate the
+        # minumim disk sizes.
+        for disk in self.disks.values():
+            disk['min_size'] = disk['offset']
+            if disk['ptable_format'] == "gpt":
+                disk['min_size'] += GPT_OVERHEAD
+            disk['min_size'] *= self.sector_size
+    def __create_partition(self, device, parttype, fstype, start, size):
+        """ Create a partition on an image described by the 'device' object. """
+        # Start is included to the size so we need to substract one from the end.
+        end = start + size - 1
+        msger.debug("Added '%s' partition, sectors %d-%d, size %d sectors" %
+                    (parttype, start, end, size))
+        cmd = "parted -s %s unit s mkpart %s" % (device, parttype)
+        if fstype:
+            cmd += " %s" % fstype
+        cmd += " %d %d" % (start, end)
+        return exec_native_cmd(cmd, self.native_sysroot)
+    def __format_disks(self):
+        self.layout_partitions()
+        for dev in self.disks.keys():
+            disk = self.disks[dev]
+            msger.debug("Initializing partition table for %s" % \
+                        (disk['disk'].device))
+            exec_native_cmd("parted -s %s mklabel %s" % \
+                            (disk['disk'].device, disk['ptable_format']),
+                            self.native_sysroot)
+        msger.debug("Creating partitions")
+        for part in self.partitions:
+            if part['num'] == 0:
+                continue
+            disk = self.disks[part['disk_name']]
+            if disk['ptable_format'] == "msdos" and part['num'] == 5:
+                # Create an extended partition (note: extended
+                # partition is described in MBR and contains all
+                # logical partitions). The logical partitions save a
+                # sector for an EBR just before the start of a
+                # partition. The extended partition must start one
+                # sector before the start of the first logical
+                # partition. This way the first EBR is inside of the
+                # extended partition. Since the extended partitions
+                # starts a sector before the first logical partition,
+                # add a sector at the back, so that there is enough
+                # room for all logical partitions.
+                self.__create_partition(disk['disk'].device, "extended",
+                                        None, part['start'] - 1,
+                                        disk['offset'] - part['start'] + 1)
+            if part['fstype'] == "swap":
+                parted_fs_type = "linux-swap"
+            elif part['fstype'] == "vfat":
+                parted_fs_type = "fat32"
+            elif part['fstype'] == "msdos":
+                parted_fs_type = "fat16"
+            elif part['fstype'] == "ontrackdm6aux3":
+                parted_fs_type = "ontrackdm6aux3"
+            else:
+                # Type for ext2/ext3/ext4/btrfs
+                parted_fs_type = "ext2"
+            # Boot ROM of OMAP boards require vfat boot partition to have an
+            # even number of sectors.
+            if part['mountpoint'] == "/boot" and part['fstype'] in ["vfat", "msdos"] \
+               and part['size'] % 2:
+                msger.debug("Substracting one sector from '%s' partition to " \
+                            "get even number of sectors for the partition" % \
+                            part['mountpoint'])
+                part['size'] -= 1
+            self.__create_partition(disk['disk'].device, part['type'],
+                                    parted_fs_type, part['start'], part['size'])
+            if part['part_type']:
+                msger.debug("partition %d: set type UID to %s" % \
+                            (part['num'], part['part_type']))
+                exec_native_cmd("sgdisk --typecode=%d:%s %s" % \
+                                         (part['num'], part['part_type'],
+                                          disk['disk'].device), self.native_sysroot)
+            if part['uuid']:
+                msger.debug("partition %d: set UUID to %s" % \
+                            (part['num'], part['uuid']))
+                exec_native_cmd("sgdisk --partition-guid=%d:%s %s" % \
+                                (part['num'], part['uuid'], disk['disk'].device),
+                                self.native_sysroot)
+            if part['boot']:
+                flag_name = "legacy_boot" if disk['ptable_format'] == 'gpt' else "boot"
+                msger.debug("Set '%s' flag for partition '%s' on disk '%s'" % \
+                            (flag_name, part['num'], disk['disk'].device))
+                exec_native_cmd("parted -s %s set %d %s on" % \
+                                (disk['disk'].device, part['num'], flag_name),
+                                self.native_sysroot)
+            # Parted defaults to enabling the lba flag for fat16 partitions,
+            # which causes compatibility issues with some firmware (and really
+            # isn't necessary).
+            if parted_fs_type == "fat16":
+                if disk['ptable_format'] == 'msdos':
+                    msger.debug("Disable 'lba' flag for partition '%s' on disk '%s'" % \
+                                (part['num'], disk['disk'].device))
+                    exec_native_cmd("parted -s %s set %d lba off" % \
+                                    (disk['disk'].device, part['num']),
+                                    self.native_sysroot)
+    def cleanup(self):
+        if self.disks:
+            for dev in self.disks:
+                disk = self.disks[dev]
+                try:
+                    disk['disk'].cleanup()
+                except:
+                    pass
+    def assemble(self, image_file):
+        msger.debug("Installing partitions")
+        for part in self.partitions:
+            source = part['source_file']
+            if source:
+                # install source_file contents into a partition
+                cmd = "dd if=%s of=%s bs=%d seek=%d count=%d conv=notrunc" % \
+                      (source, image_file, self.sector_size,
+                       part['start'], part['size'])
+                exec_cmd(cmd)
+                msger.debug("Installed %s in partition %d, sectors %d-%d, "
+                            "size %d sectors" % \
+                            (source, part['num'], part['start'],
+                             part['start'] + part['size'] - 1, part['size']))
+                os.rename(source, image_file + '.p%d' % part['num'])
+    def create(self):
+        for dev in self.disks.keys():
+            disk = self.disks[dev]
+            disk['disk'].create()
+        self.__format_disks()
+        return