blob: 160c71e97cab92759faf95779c3a0fe03facfc34 [file] [log] [blame]
# Prepare the build system within the extensible SDK
# Avoid actually building images during this phase, but still
# ensure all dependencies are extracted from sstate
# This is a hack, to be sure, but we really don't need to do this here
for sdktarget in $sdk_targets ; do
bbappend=`recipetool newappend $target_sdk_dir/workspace $sdktarget`
printf 'python do_rootfs_forcevariable () {\n bb.utils.mkdirhier(d.getVar("IMAGE_ROOTFS", True))\n}\n' > $bbappend
printf 'python do_bootimg () {\n pass\n}\n' >> $bbappend
printf 'python do_bootdirectdisk () {\n pass\n}\n' >> $bbappend
printf 'python do_vmimg () {\n pass\n}\n' >> $bbappend
printf "Created bbappend %s\n" "$bbappend"
bitbake $sdk_targets || exit 1
rm -rf $target_sdk_dir/workspace/appends/*