blob: f08c9686bde49fcee4759f2ef19119ef4f2b1c8a [file] [log] [blame]
# Helper script to support enable/disable Scandump Mode
# Author : Hieu Huynh (
# To enable Scandump mode:
# enable
# To disable Scandump mode:
# disable
# To get Scandump mode status:
# getstatus
enable_scandump_mode() {
echo "Enable Scandump mode"
# Disable Mpro hang detection
systemctl stop ampere-sysfw-hang-handler.service
# Disable PLDM service
systemctl stop pldmd.service
# Enable scandump mode in CPLD
# Get Port0 value
p0_val=$(i2cget -f -y 15 0x22 0x02)
p0_val=$(("$p0_val" | (1 << 4)))
# Set Port0[4] value to "1" to mask all CPU’s GPIOs, set Port0[4].
i2cset -f -y 15 0x22 0x02 $p0_val
p0_IOexp_val=$(i2cget -f -y 15 0x22 0x06)
p0_IOexp_val=$(("$p0_IOexp_val" & ~(1 << 4)))
# Config CPLD's IOepx Port0[4] from input to output, clear IOepx Port0[4].
i2cset -f -y 15 0x22 0x06 $p0_IOexp_val
diable_scandump_mode() {
echo "Disable Scandump mode"
# Disable scandump mode in CPLD
# Get Port0 value
p0_val=$(i2cget -f -y 15 0x22 0x02)
p0_val=$(("$p0_val" & ~(1 << 4)))
# Set Port0[4] value to "0" to unmask all CPU’s GPIOs, clear Port0[4].
i2cset -f -y 15 0x22 0x02 $p0_val
p0_IOexp_val=$(i2cget -f -y 15 0x22 0x06)
p0_IOexp_val=$(("$p0_IOexp_val" | (1 << 4)))
# Config CPLD's IOepx Port0[4] from output to input, set IOepx Port0[4].
i2cset -f -y 15 0x22 0x06 $p0_IOexp_val
# Enable Mpro hang detection
systemctl start ampere-sysfw-hang-handler.service
# Enable PLDM service
systemctl start pldmd.service
getstatus() {
# Get CPLD's IOepx Port0[4], if this bit is "0" scandump mode is enabled.
p0_IOexp_val=$(i2cget -f -y 15 0x22 0x06)
p0_IOexp_val=$(("$p0_IOexp_val" & (1 << 4)))
if [[ "$p0_IOexp_val" == "0" ]]; then
echo "Scandump mode is enabled"
exit 1
echo "Scandump mode is disabled"
exit 0
# Usage of this utility
usage() {
echo "Usage:"
echo " - To enable Scandump mode"
echo " $(basename "$0") enable"
echo " - To disable Scandump mode"
echo " $(basename "$0") disable"
echo " - To get Scandump mode status"
echo " $(basename "$0") getstatus"
exit 0
if [[ $1 == "enable" ]]; then
elif [[ $1 == "disable" ]]; then
elif [[ $1 == "getstatus" ]]; then
echo "Invalid mode"
exit 0