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  1. 5137b2f RAS Data: Update EQ_L2_FIR[24] to potential checkstop root cause by Caleb Palmer · 6 weeks ago master
  2. 08f25b2 Change "mctp instance id" to "pldm instance id" by Pavithra Barithaya · 10 weeks ago
  3. ec8faed updated OWNERS file by Zane Shelley · 9 weeks ago
  4. 44d6f25 Add more debug data on Hostboot TI with EID by Zane Shelley · 9 weeks ago
  5. a0c724d clang-format: re-format for clang-18 by Patrick Williams · 4 months ago

Hardware Diagnostics for POWER Systems

In the event of a system fatal error reported by the internal system hardware (processor chips, memory chips, I/O chips, system memory, etc.), POWER Systems have the ability to diagnose the root cause of the failure and perform any service action needed to avoid repeated system failures.

Aditional details TBD.


For a standard OpenBMC release build, you want something like:

meson -Dtests=disabled <build_dir>
ninja -C <build_dir>
ninja -C <build_dir> install

For a test / debug build, a typical configuration is:

meson -Dtests=enabled <build_dir>
ninja -C <build_dir> test