Attn: Seperate handling of PHYP and Hostboot TI
When attention handler has determined that a special attention was due
to a TI it will use the TI info data to determine whether the TI was
from PHYP or hostboot and handle the individual cases as appropriate.
Signed-off-by: Ben Tyner <>
Change-Id: I228b306da2a4e2d2a6dff1d73fb2d8401578939a
diff --git a/attn/attn_handler.cpp b/attn/attn_handler.cpp
index 5ca4c69..747f9d6 100644
--- a/attn/attn_handler.cpp
+++ b/attn/attn_handler.cpp
@@ -274,18 +274,23 @@
TiDataArea* tiDataArea = (TiDataArea*)tiInfo;
// trace a few known TI data area values
- std::stringstream ss; // log message stream
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::hex << std::showbase;
ss << "TI data command = " << (int)tiDataArea->command;
+ ss << "TI data hb_terminate_type = "
+ << (int)tiDataArea->hbTerminateType;
+ trace<level::INFO>(ss.str().c_str());
+ ss.str(std::string());
ss << "TI data SRC format = " << (int)tiDataArea->srcFormat;
- ss << "TI data hb_terminate_type = "
- << (int)tiDataArea->hbTerminateType;
+ ss << "TI data source = " << (int)tiDataArea->source;
diff --git a/attn/ti_handler.cpp b/attn/ti_handler.cpp
index 3d24f32..eee3553 100644
--- a/attn/ti_handler.cpp
+++ b/attn/ti_handler.cpp
@@ -10,67 +10,233 @@
namespace attn
-/** @brief Start host diagnostic mode or quiesce host on TI */
+ * @brief Determine if this is a HB or PHYP TI event
+ *
+ * Use the TI info data area to determine if this is either a HB or a PHYP
+ * TI event then handle the event.
+ *
+ * @param i_tiDataArea pointer to the TI infor data
+ */
int tiHandler(TiDataArea* i_tiDataArea)
int rc = RC_SUCCESS;
- std::map<std::string, std::string> tiAdditionalData;
- // If TI Info is available we can add it to the PEL
+ // check TI data area if it is available
if (nullptr != i_tiDataArea)
- if (0xa1 == i_tiDataArea->command)
+ // HB v. PHYP TI logic: Only hosboot will fill in hbTerminateType
+ // and it will be non-zero. Only hostboot will fill out source and it
+ // it will be non-zero. Only PHYP will fill in srcFormat and it will
+ // be non-zero.
+ // source and only PHYP will fill in srcFormat.
+ if ((0 == i_tiDataArea->hbTerminateType) &&
+ (0 == i_tiDataArea->source) && (0 != i_tiDataArea->srcFormat))
- parsePhypOpalTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ handlePhypTi(i_tiDataArea);
- parseHbTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ handleHbTi(i_tiDataArea);
- parseRawTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TI data was not available, assume PHYP TI for now. When a host state
+ // management interface becomes availabe we may be able to make a more
+ // informed decision here.
+ handlePhypTi(i_tiDataArea);
- eventTerminate(tiAdditionalData); // generate PEL
+ return rc;
- // Transition host by starting appropriate dbus target
+ * @brief Transition the host state
+ *
+ * We will transition the host state by starting the appropriate dbus target.
+ *
+ * @param i_target the dbus target to start
+ */
+void transitionHost(const char* i_target)
+ // We will be transitioning host by starting appropriate dbus target
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_system();
auto method = bus.new_method_call(
"org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1",
"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", "StartUnit");
- // If TI info is not available we are going to assume PHYP TI for now
- // (as opposed to HB TI - we have already decided it is not a breakpoint).
- if ((nullptr == i_tiDataArea) || (0xa1 == i_tiDataArea->command))
- {
- trace<level::INFO>("PHYP TI");
+ method.append(i_target); // target unit to start
+ method.append("replace"); // mode = replace conflicting queued jobs
- if (autoRebootEnabled())
- {
- // If autoreboot is enabled we will start diagnostic mode target
- // which will ultimately mpipl the host.
- trace<level::INFO>("start obmc-host-diagnostic-mode target");
- method.append("");
- }
- else
- {
- // If autoreboot is disabled we will quiesce the host
- trace<level::INFO>("start obmc-host-quiesce target");
- method.append("");
- }
+ trace<level::INFO>("transitioning host");
+ trace<level::INFO>(i_target);
+ bus.call_noreply(method); // start the service
+ * @brief Handle a PHYP terminate immediate special attention
+ *
+ * The TI info data area will contain information pertaining to the TI
+ * condition. We will wither quiesce the host or initiate a MPIPL depending
+ * depending on the auto reboot configuration. We will also create a PEL which
+ * will contain the TI info data and FFDC data captured in the system journal.
+ *
+ * @param i_tiDataArea pointer to TI information filled in by hostboot
+ */
+void handlePhypTi(TiDataArea* i_tiDataArea)
+ trace<level::INFO>("PHYP TI");
+ if (autoRebootEnabled())
+ {
+ // If autoreboot is enabled we will start diagnostic mode target
+ // which will ultimately mpipl the host.
+ transitionHost("");
- // For now we are just going to just quiesce host on HB TI
- trace<level::INFO>("HB TI");
- trace<level::INFO>("start obmc-host-quiesce target");
- method.append("");
+ // If autoreboot is disabled we will quiesce the host
+ transitionHost("");
- method.append("replace"); // mode = replace conflicting queued jobs
- bus.call_noreply(method); // start the service
+ // gather additional data for PEL
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> tiAdditionalData;
- return rc;
+ if (nullptr != i_tiDataArea)
+ {
+ parsePhypOpalTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ parseRawTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ }
+ eventTerminate(tiAdditionalData); // generate PEL
+ * @brief Handle a hostboot terminate immediate special attention
+ *
+ * The TI info data area will contain information pertaining to the TI
+ * condition. The course of action to take regarding the host state will
+ * depend on the contents of the TI info data area. We will also create a
+ * PEL containing the TI info data and FFDC data captured in the system
+ * journal.
+ *
+ * @param i_tiDataArea pointer to TI information filled in by hostboot
+ */
+void handleHbTi(TiDataArea* i_tiDataArea)
+ trace<level::INFO>("HB TI");
+ bool hbDumpRequested = true; // HB dump is common case
+ bool generatePel = true; // assume PEL will be created
+ bool terminateHost = true; // transition host state
+ // handle specific hostboot reason codes
+ if (nullptr != i_tiDataArea)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::hex << std::showbase;
+ switch (i_tiDataArea->hbTerminateType)
+ {
+ case TI_WITH_PLID:
+ case TI_WITH_EID:
+ ss << "TI with PLID/EID: " << be32toh(i_tiDataArea->asciiData1);
+ trace<level::INFO>(ss.str().c_str());
+ if (0 == i_tiDataArea->hbDumpFlag)
+ {
+ hbDumpRequested = false; // no HB dump requested
+ }
+ break;
+ case TI_WITH_SRC:
+ // SRC is byte 2 and 3 of 4 byte srcWord12HbWord0
+ uint16_t hbSrc = be32toh(i_tiDataArea->srcWord12HbWord0);
+ // trace some info
+ ss << "TI with SRC: " << (int)hbSrc;
+ trace<level::INFO>(ss.str().c_str());
+ ss.str(std::string()); // clear stream
+ switch (hbSrc)
+ {
+ trace<level::INFO>("shutdown request");
+ generatePel = false;
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("key transition");
+ terminateHost = false;
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("insufficient hardware");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("TPM fail");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("ROM verify");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("EXT mismatch");
+ break;
+ case HB_SRC_ECC_UE:
+ trace<level::INFO>("ECC UE");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("unsupported mode");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("unsupported SFC range");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("partition table invalid");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("unsupported hardware");
+ break;
+ trace<level::INFO>("PNOR corruption");
+ break;
+ default:
+ trace<level::INFO>("reason: other");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (true == terminateHost)
+ {
+ // if hostboot dump is requested initiate dump
+ if (hbDumpRequested)
+ {
+ // Until HB dump support available just quiesce the host - once
+ // dump support is available the dump component will transition
+ // (ipl/halt) the host.
+ transitionHost("");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Quiese the host - when the host is quiesced it will either
+ // "halt" or IPL depending on autoreboot setting.
+ transitionHost("");
+ }
+ }
+ // gather additional data for PEL
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> tiAdditionalData;
+ if (nullptr != i_tiDataArea)
+ {
+ parseHbTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ parseRawTiInfo(tiAdditionalData, i_tiDataArea);
+ }
+ if (true == generatePel)
+ {
+ eventTerminate(tiAdditionalData); // generate PEL
+ }
/** @brief Parse the TI info data area into map as raw 32-bit fields */
@@ -193,32 +359,24 @@
+ bool autoReboot = false; // assume autoreboot attribute not available
auto reply =;
std::variant<bool> result;;
- auto autoReboot = std::get<bool>(result);
- if (autoReboot)
- {
- trace<level::INFO>("Auto reboot enabled");
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- trace<level::INFO>("Auto reboot disabled.");
- return false;
- }
+ autoReboot = std::get<bool>(result);
catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& ec)
std::string traceMessage =
"Error in AutoReboot Get: " + std::string(ec.what());
- return false; // assume autoreboot disabled
+ return autoReboot;
} // namespace attn
diff --git a/attn/ti_handler.hpp b/attn/ti_handler.hpp
index 99af51e..33714a1 100644
--- a/attn/ti_handler.hpp
+++ b/attn/ti_handler.hpp
@@ -51,8 +51,63 @@
#pragma pack(pop)
+// miscellaneous defines
+constexpr uint8_t TI_WITH_PLID = 0x01;
+constexpr uint8_t TI_WITH_SRC = 0x02;
+constexpr uint8_t TI_WITH_EID = 0x03;
+// component ID's
+constexpr uint16_t INITSVC_COMP_ID = 0x0500;
+constexpr uint16_t PNOR_COMP_ID = 0x0600;
+constexpr uint16_t HWAS_COMP_ID = 0x0C00;
+constexpr uint16_t SECURE_COMP_ID = 0x1E00;
+constexpr uint16_t TRBOOT_COMP_ID = 0x2B00;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST = INITSVC_COMP_ID | 0x0b;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_KEY_TRANSITION = INITSVC_COMP_ID | 0x15;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_INSUFFICIENT_HW = HWAS_COMP_ID | 0x04;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_TPM_FAIL = TRBOOT_COMP_ID | 0xAD;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_ROM_VERIFY = SECURE_COMP_ID | 0x07;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_EXT_MISMATCH = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x2F;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_ECC_UE = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x0F;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_UNSUPPORTED_MODE = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x0D;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_UNSUPPORTED_SFCRANGE = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x0E;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_PARTITION_TABLE = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x0C;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_UNSUPPORTED_HARDWARE = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x0A;
+constexpr uint16_t HB_SRC_PNOR_CORRUPTION = PNOR_COMP_ID | 0x99;
+/** @brief Handle terminate immediate special attentions */
int tiHandler(TiDataArea* i_tiDataArea);
+/** @brief Handle phyp terminate immediately special attention */
+void handlePhypTi(TiDataArea* i_tiDataArea);
+/** @brief Handle hostboot terminate immediately special attention */
+void handleHbTi(TiDataArea* i_tiDataArea);
* @brief Parse TI info data as raw 32-bit fields