blob: 48421e77b91ccdfc9e039040221a5c561f3c9a82 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <analyzer/service_data.hpp>
#include <hei_main.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <util/data_file.hpp>
#include <util/trace.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace analyzer
// Returns the RAS data schema file. Will throw exceptions if the file does not
// exist, is unreadable, or is malformed JSON.
nlohmann::json __getSchemaFile()
// Search all the files in the package `schema` subdirectory and find the
// file named `ras-data-schema.json`.
fs::path dirPath{PACKAGE_DIR "schema"};
std::vector<fs::path> files;
util::findFiles(dirPath, R"(ras-data-schema\.json)", files);
assert(1 == files.size()); // Should be one, and only one, file.
// Trace the file for debug.
trace::inf("File found: path=%s", files.front().string().c_str());
// Open the file.
std::ifstream file{files.front()};
assert(file.good()); // The file must be readable.
// Parse and return the JSON. Note that this will throw an exception if the
// file is not properly formatted.
return nlohmann::json::parse(file);
void __getDataFiles(std::map<libhei::ChipType_t, nlohmann::json>& o_files)
o_files.clear(); // initially empty
// Get the schema document for the data files.
const auto schema = __getSchemaFile();
// Get all JSON files in the package `data` subdirectory.
fs::path dirPath{PACKAGE_DIR "ras-data"};
std::vector<fs::path> files;
util::findFiles(dirPath, R"(.*\.json)", files);
for (const auto& path : files)
// Trace each data file for debug.
trace::inf("File found: path=%s", path.string().c_str());
// Open the file.
std::ifstream file{path};
assert(file.good()); // The file must be readable.
// Parse the JSON. Note that this will throw an exception if the
// file is not properly formatted.
const auto data = nlohmann::json::parse(file);
// Validate the data against the schema.
assert(util::validateJson(schema, data));
// Get the chip model/EC level from the data. The value is currently
// stored as a string representation of the hex value. So it will have
// to be converted to an integer.
libhei::ChipType_t chipType =
std::stoul("model_ec").get<std::string>(), 0, 16);
// So far, so good. Add the entry.
auto ret = o_files.emplace(chipType, data);
assert(ret.second); // Should not have duplicate entries
void applyRasActions(ServiceData& io_servData)
// Find all of the existing chip data files.
std::map<libhei::ChipType_t, nlohmann::json> files;
// Get the RAS data file for this signature's chip type.
auto rootCause = io_servData.getRootCause();
auto rasData_itr = files.find(rootCause.getChip().getType());
assert(files.end() != rasData_itr); // the data file must exist
// TODO: finish implementing
// The default action is to callout level 2 support.
ProcedureCallout::NEXTLVL, Callout::Priority::HIGH));
} // namespace analyzer