attn: Add support for hbNotVisibleFlag in TI info

Hostboot defined a new flag in the TI info data. This flag is used to
indicate to the attention handler that a PEL created by attention
handler for a TI with SRC event should have the hidden-flag set in the
action flags.

Signed-off-by: Ben Tyner <>
Change-Id: I8090085274635109510e1af0513b39afa994781b
diff --git a/attn/attn_logging.cpp b/attn/attn_logging.cpp
index 52e39bc..a88a85e 100644
--- a/attn/attn_logging.cpp
+++ b/attn/attn_logging.cpp
@@ -220,9 +220,18 @@
     // set severity, event type and action flags
-    tiPel->setAction(static_cast<uint16_t>(pel::ActionFlags::service |
-                                           pel::ActionFlags::report |
-                                           pel::ActionFlags::call));
+    auto actionFlags = pel::ActionFlags::service | pel::ActionFlags::report |
+                       pel::ActionFlags::call;
+    it = i_additional.find("hidden");
+    if (it != i_additional.end() && "true" == it->second)
+    {
+        trace::inf("making HB TI PEL hidden");
+        actionFlags = actionFlags | pel::ActionFlags::hidden;
+    }
+    tiPel->setAction(static_cast<uint16_t>(actionFlags));
     // The raw PEL that we used as the basis for this custom PEL contains the
     // attention handler trace data and does not needed to be in this PEL so