Temporary filtering for checkstop root cause attentions

Eventually, we will want the logic to be data driven so that the
analyzer can be agnostic to the details. For now this is a simply
filtering algorithm to increase the chances we find the root cause
attention that triggered the system checkstop.

Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <zshelle@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ia0a6d2d64a428e13b37d183ea3b1451080eae727
diff --git a/analyzer/filter-root-cause.cpp b/analyzer/filter-root-cause.cpp
index 1820d09..7533174 100644
--- a/analyzer/filter-root-cause.cpp
+++ b/analyzer/filter-root-cause.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <hei_main.hpp>
+#include <util/pdbg.hpp>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <limits>
@@ -89,6 +90,261 @@
+bool __findMemoryChannelFailure(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
+                                libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
+    using namespace util::pdbg;
+    static const auto mc_dstl_fir       = __hash(2, "MC_DSTL_FIR");
+    static const auto mc_ustl_fir       = __hash(2, "MC_USTL_FIR");
+    static const auto mc_omi_dl_err_rpt = __hash(2, "MC_OMI_DL_ERR_RPT");
+    for (const auto s : i_list)
+    {
+        const auto targetType = getTrgtType(getTrgt(s.getChip()));
+        const auto id         = s.getId();
+        const auto bit        = s.getBit();
+        const auto attnType   = s.getAttnType();
+        // Look for any unit checkstop attentions from OCMBs.
+        if (TYPE_OCMB == targetType)
+        {
+            // Any unit checkstop attentions will trigger a channel failure.
+            if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS == attnType)
+            {
+                o_rootCause = s;
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        // Look for channel failure attentions on processors.
+        else if (TYPE_PROC == targetType)
+        {
+            // TODO: All of these channel failure bits are configurable.
+            //       Eventually, we will need some mechanism to check that
+            //       config registers for a more accurate analysis. For now,
+            //       simply check for all bits that could potentially be
+            //       configured to channel failure.
+            // Any unit checkstop bit in the MC_DSTL_FIR or MC_USTL_FIR could
+            // be a channel failure.
+            if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS == attnType)
+            {
+                // Ignore bits MC_DSTL_FIR[0:7] because they simply indicate
+                // attentions occurred on the attached OCMBs.
+                if ((mc_dstl_fir == id && 8 <= bit) || (mc_ustl_fir == id))
+                {
+                    o_rootCause = s;
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            // All bits in MC_OMI_DL_ERR_RPT eventually feed into
+            // MC_OMI_DL_FIR[0,20] which are configurable to channel failure.
+            if (mc_omi_dl_err_rpt == id)
+            {
+                o_rootCause = s;
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return false; // default, nothing found
+// Will query if a signature is a potential system checkstop root cause.
+// attention. Note that this function excludes memory channel failure attentions
+// and core unit checkstop attentions.
+bool __findCsRootCause(const libhei::Signature& i_signature)
+    using namespace util::pdbg;
+    // PROC registers
+    static const auto eq_core_fir      = __hash(2, "EQ_CORE_FIR");
+    static const auto eq_l2_fir        = __hash(2, "EQ_L2_FIR");
+    static const auto eq_l3_fir        = __hash(2, "EQ_L3_FIR");
+    static const auto eq_ncu_fir       = __hash(2, "EQ_NCU_FIR");
+    static const auto iohs_dlp_fir_oc  = __hash(2, "IOHS_DLP_FIR_OC");
+    static const auto iohs_dlp_fir_smp = __hash(2, "IOHS_DLP_FIR_SMP");
+    static const auto nx_cq_fir        = __hash(2, "NX_CQ_FIR");
+    static const auto nx_dma_eng_fir   = __hash(2, "NX_DMA_ENG_FIR");
+    static const auto pau_fir_0        = __hash(2, "PAU_FIR_0");
+    static const auto pau_fir_1        = __hash(2, "PAU_FIR_1");
+    static const auto pau_fir_2        = __hash(2, "PAU_FIR_2");
+    static const auto pau_ptl_fir      = __hash(2, "PAU_PTL_FIR");
+    // OCMB registers
+    static const auto rdffir = __hash(2, "RDFFIR");
+    const auto targetType = getTrgtType(getTrgt(i_signature.getChip()));
+    const auto id         = i_signature.getId();
+    const auto bit        = i_signature.getBit();
+    if (TYPE_PROC == targetType)
+    {
+        if (eq_core_fir == id &&
+            (3 == bit || 5 == bit || 8 == bit || 12 == bit || 22 == bit ||
+             25 == bit || 32 == bit || 36 == bit || 38 == bit || 46 == bit ||
+             47 == bit || 57 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (eq_l2_fir == id &&
+            (1 == bit || 12 == bit || 13 == bit || 17 == bit || 18 == bit ||
+             20 == bit || 27 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (eq_l3_fir == id &&
+            (2 == bit || 5 == bit || 8 == bit || 11 == bit || 17 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (eq_ncu_fir == id && (3 == bit || 4 == bit || 5 == bit || 7 == bit ||
+                                 8 == bit || 10 == bit || 17 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (iohs_dlp_fir_oc == id && (54 <= bit && bit <= 61))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (iohs_dlp_fir_smp == id && (54 <= bit && bit <= 61))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (nx_cq_fir == id && (7 == bit || 16 == bit || 21 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (nx_dma_eng_fir == id && (0 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (pau_fir_0 == id &&
+            (15 == bit || 18 == bit || 19 == bit || 25 == bit || 26 == bit ||
+             29 == bit || 33 == bit || 34 == bit || 35 == bit || 40 == bit ||
+             42 == bit || 44 == bit || 45 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (pau_fir_1 == id &&
+            (13 == bit || 14 == bit || 15 == bit || 37 == bit || 39 == bit ||
+             40 == bit || 41 == bit || 42 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (pau_fir_2 == id &&
+            ((4 <= bit && bit <= 18) || (20 <= bit && bit <= 31) ||
+             (36 <= bit && bit <= 41) || 45 == bit || 47 == bit || 48 == bit ||
+             50 == bit || 51 == bit || 52 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (pau_ptl_fir == id && (4 == bit || 8 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (TYPE_OCMB == targetType)
+    {
+        if (rdffir == id && (14 == bit || 15 == bit || 17 == bit || 37 == bit))
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false; // default, nothing found
+bool __findCsRootCause_RE(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
+                          libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
+    for (const auto s : i_list)
+    {
+        // Only looking for recoverable attentions.
+        if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_RECOVERABLE != s.getAttnType())
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (__findCsRootCause(s))
+        {
+            o_rootCause = s;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false; // default, nothing found
+bool __findCsRootCause_UCS(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
+                           libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
+    for (const auto s : i_list)
+    {
+        // Only looking for unit checkstop attentions.
+        if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS != s.getAttnType())
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (__findCsRootCause(s))
+        {
+            o_rootCause = s;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false; // default, nothing found
+bool __findNonExternalCs(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
+                         libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
+    using namespace util::pdbg;
+    static const auto pb_ext_fir = __hash(2, "PB_EXT_FIR");
+    for (const auto s : i_list)
+    {
+        const auto targetType = getTrgtType(getTrgt(s.getChip()));
+        const auto id         = s.getId();
+        const auto attnType   = s.getAttnType();
+        // Find any processor with system checkstop attention that did not
+        // originate from the PB_EXT_FIR.
+        if ((TYPE_PROC == targetType) &&
+            (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_CHECKSTOP == attnType) && (pb_ext_fir != id))
+        {
+            o_rootCause = s;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false; // default, nothing found
 bool filterRootCause(const libhei::IsolationData& i_isoData,
                      libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
@@ -107,25 +363,77 @@
     list.resize(std::distance(list.begin(), itr));
-    // Look for:
-    //   - any RCS OSC errors (always first)
-    //   - any PLL unlock attentions (always second)
-    if (__findRcsOscError(list, o_rootCause) ||
-        __findPllUnlock(list, o_rootCause))
+    if (list.empty())
+    {
+        return false; // the list is empty, nothing more to do
+    }
+    // First, look for any RCS OSC errors. This must always be first because
+    // they can cause downstream PLL unlock attentions.
+    if (__findRcsOscError(list, o_rootCause))
         return true;
-    // TODO: This is a rudimentary filter that first looks for any recoverable
-    //       attention, then any unit checkstop, and then any system checkstop.
-    //       This is built on the premise that recoverable errors could be the
-    //       root cause of an system checkstop attentions. Fortunately, we
-    //       just need to sort the list by the greater attention type value.
-    std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
-        return a.getAttnType() > b.getAttnType();
-    });
+    // Second, look for any PLL unlock attentions. This must always be second
+    // because PLL unlock attentions can cause any number of downstream
+    // attentions, including a system checkstop.
+    if (__findPllUnlock(list, o_rootCause))
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    // Memory channel failure attentions will produce SUEs and likely cause
+    // downstream attentions, including a system checkstop.
+    if (__findMemoryChannelFailure(list, o_rootCause))
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    // Look for any recoverable attentions that have been identified as a
+    // potential root cause of a system checkstop attention. These would include
+    // any attention that would generate an SUE. Note that is it possible for
+    // recoverables to generate unit checkstop attentions so we must check them
+    // first.
+    if (__findCsRootCause_RE(list, o_rootCause))
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    // Look for any unit checkstop attentions (other than memory channel
+    // failures) that have been identified as a potential root cause of a
+    // system checkstop attention. These would include any attention that would
+    // generate an SUE.
+    if (__findCsRootCause_UCS(list, o_rootCause))
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    // Look for any system checkstop attentions that originated from within the
+    // chip that reported the attention. In other words, no external checkstop
+    // attentions.
+    if (__findNonExternalCs(list, o_rootCause))
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
     if (!list.empty())
+        // TODO: At this point, we have not found any known errors that could be
+        //       attributed to a system checkstop attention. This would be an
+        //       isolation error if this function is called specifically for
+        //       checkstop analysis, but this function currently is called for
+        //       TIs and manual analysis as well. For now, we'll just sort the
+        //       remaining list (recoverable, unit checkstop, and then system
+        //       checkstop) and return the first element in the list. Later,
+        //       we'll change this to properly handle error path scenarios.
+        // Fortunately, we just need to sort the list by the greater attention
+        // type value.
+        std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
+            return a.getAttnType() > b.getAttnType();
+        });
         // The entry at the front of the list will be the root cause.
         o_rootCause = list.front();
         return true;