Attn: Remove --defaultbreakpoint add --defaultti

In order to support breakpoint handling and TI handling on systems that
did not support the get TI info interface the --defaultbreakpoint
configuration option was added. This switch is no longer needed and
breakpoint handling is now the default action for available but invalid
TI info data. A new option --defaultti was added to force handling of
TI's when TI info is available but not valid.

Signed-off-by: Ben Tyner <>
Change-Id: I4bdf90dcbbf20b3428a1cef6f1a71ec32b3ca238
diff --git a/attn/attn_handler.cpp b/attn/attn_handler.cpp
index f4454cf..1ed0ec8 100644
--- a/attn/attn_handler.cpp
+++ b/attn/attn_handler.cpp
@@ -345,29 +345,31 @@
-    // If TI area not valid or not available
+    // TI area is available but was not valid data
     if (false == tiInfoValid)
-        trace<level::INFO>("TI info NOT available");
+        trace<level::INFO>("TI info NOT valid");
-        // if configured to handle breakpoint as default special attention
-        if (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(dfltBreakpoint))
-        {
-            if (true == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enBreakpoints)))
-            {
-                // Call the breakpoint special attention handler
-                bpHandler();
-            }
-        }
         // if configured to handle TI as default special attention
-        else
+        if (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(dfltTi))
+            // TI handling may be disabled
             if (true == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enTerminate)))
                 // Call TI special attention handler
                 rc = tiHandler(nullptr);
+        // breakpoint is default special attention when TI info NOT valid
+        else
+        {
+            // breakpoint handling may be disabled
+            if (true == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enBreakpoints)))
+            {
+                // Call the breakpoint special attention handler
+                rc = bpHandler();
+            }
+        }
     // release TI data buffer