'heap-use-after-free' error when uninitializing isolator

I found an error path in the test simulator where the Flyweight objects
are deleted before the uninitialize function is called. The default
Flyweight destructor seemed to delete all the shared pointers in
iv_index, but not actually clear out iv_index. So when the uninitialize
function called Flyweight.clear(), it tried to delete data that was
already removed from the heap. The solution was to call clear() from the
Flyweight destructor to ensure everything is deleted properly.

Change-Id: I485ce08570af7e59d9ec43cb054bce77b6866348
Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <zshelle@us.ibm.com>
3 files changed
tree: fbfd906c00f8c7a56e0374da4c5b424e0831ce2c
  1. src/
  2. subprojects/
  3. test/
  4. xml/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .eslintignore
  7. .gitignore
  8. buildinfo.hpp.in
  11. meson.build
  12. meson_options.txt
  13. OWNERS
  14. README.md

openpower-libhei: Hardware Error Isolation for POWER Systems

This library is a common, portable code base for isolating errors reported by hardware registers on POWER Systems chips.

The primary consumers (and requirements drivers) will be:

Core API

See the primary API definitions for details on how to use this library.


This library can be integrated into a user application's source (either imported, or as a git subtree/submodule) or built as static library.

User Application Requirements and APIs

  • The process to access hardware register data will vary per user application. Therefore, this library will declare the hardware access user APIs, but each user application must implement the APIs for their own environment.
  • This library will not contain data regarding hardware specific information. Instead, that information will be provided by the user application in the form of the Chip Data Files.
  • Tracing, or logging, methods will vary per user application. Therefore, this library will declare the tracing/logging user APIs, but each user application must implement the APIs for their own environment.

Environment configuration

  • __HEI_ENABLE_HW_WRITE: When defined, it will allow hardware write support. Note that the Chip Data Files will contain rules for clearing and masking register bits. Both of which will require modifying hardware registers, which is not allowed by user applications like OpenBMC or FSP firmware.

Development Notes

  • The Hostboot environment only supports up to C++14. Therefore, this library cannot use anything newer at this time.
  • Hostboot has a very limited environment. It does not include libc or libstdc++. However, Hostboot has implemented select functions from those libraries as needed. For details, you can reference src/include/ in the POWER Systems Hostboot firmware.


For a standard OpenBMC release build, you want something like:

meson -Dtests=disabled <build_dir>
ninja -C <build_dir>
ninja -C <build_dir> install

For a test / debug build, a typical configuration is:

meson -Dtests=enabled <build_dir>
ninja -C <build_dir> test