Separate building of chip data and parser data files
The PEL parser data files will eventually need to be put in a separate
location from the chip data binary files.
Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <>
Change-Id: I83fabd1da51ba04cae0d1cee07b5a820675e98a2
diff --git a/xml/parse_chip_data_xml b/xml/parse_chip_data_xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77ed61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xml/parse_chip_data_xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use XML::Simple qw(:strict);
+use JSON;
+# Pull in from the lib directory
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use FindBin qw($RealScript);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+use BitRange;
+# Global Variables
+# Supported file versions and their values.
+ VER_01 => 0x01,
+# This is a map of all currently supported models/ECs and their IDs.
+ EXPLORER_11 => 0x60D20011, # Explorer Chip DD1.0
+ EXPLORER_20 => 0x60D20020, # Explorer Chip DD1.0
+ P10_10 => 0x20DA0010, # P10 Chip DD1.0
+ P10_20 => 0x20DA0020, # P10 Chip DD2.0
+# All models/ECs that may exist in the XML, but no longer needs to be built.
+# This is useful for build optimization and also help prevent build breaks when
+# the XML still exists, but not needed anymore.
+# Supported register types and their values.
+ SCOM => { id => 0x01, addr_size => 4, reg_size => 8 },
+ IDSCOM => { id => 0x02, addr_size => 8, reg_size => 8 },
+# Supported attention types and their values.
+my $ATTN_TYPE =
+ CS => 1, # System checkstop hardware attention
+ UCS => 2, # Unit checkstop hardware attention
+ RE => 3, # Recoverable hardware attention
+ SPA => 4, # SW or HW event requiring action by the service processor FW
+ HA => 5, # SW or HW event requiring action by the host FW
+# Help function
+sub help()
+ print <<EOF;
+Usage: $RealScript -h
+ $RealScript -i <input_dir> -o <output_dir>
+Generates specified data files from the input Chip Data XML.
+General options:
+ -h, --help Prints this menu.
+ -i, --input Directory containing the Chip Data XML files.
+ -o, --output Directory that will contain the data files.
+Data file options (must specify at least one):
+ --cdb Generates Chip Data Binary files.
+ --json Generates PEL Parser Data JSON files.
+ exit;
+# Input
+help() unless @ARGV; # print help if no arguments
+# Get options
+my ( $help, $src_dir, $dest_dir, $gen_cdb, $gen_json );
+help() unless GetOptions(
+ 'h|help' => \$help,
+ 'i|input=s' => \$src_dir,
+ 'o|output=s' => \$dest_dir,
+ 'cdb' => \$gen_cdb,
+ 'json' => \$gen_json,
+help() if @ARGV; # print usage if there are extra arguments
+# -h,--help
+help() if ( $help );
+# -i,--input
+die "ERROR> Option -i required." unless ( defined $src_dir );
+die "ERROR> '$src_dir' is not a directory" unless ( -d $src_dir );
+# -o,--output
+die "ERROR> Option -o required." unless ( defined $dest_dir );
+make_path( $dest_dir, {error => \my $err} );
+if ( @{$err} )
+ my ( $file, $message ) = %{shift @{$err}};
+ die "ERROR> $message: $file\n";
+# --cdb, --json
+unless ( $gen_cdb or $gen_json )
+ die "ERROR> Must specify at least one data file option.";
+# Prototypes
+sub importXML($);
+sub normalizeXML($);
+sub buildDataFiles($$);
+# Main
+# Validate and import the XML.
+my $chip_data_xml = importXML( $src_dir );
+# There are some fields in the XML that are shorthand and need to be expanded
+# before building the binary files.
+my $normalized_data = normalizeXML( $chip_data_xml );
+# The XML should now be in a format to start building the binary files.
+buildDataFiles( $dest_dir, $normalized_data );
+# Helper functions
+sub FAIL($) { die( "ERROR> " . shift @_ ); }
+# Import functions
+# For each supported XML file in the given directory:
+# - Ensures the XML is well-formed.
+# - Ensures the XML validates against the schema.
+# - Imports the XML into Perl data structures.
+sub importXML($)
+ my ( $dir ) = @_;
+ my $data = {};
+ # Get a list of all the XML files.
+ opendir DIR, $dir or die "Couldn't open dir '$dir': $!";
+ my @files = grep { /^.+\.xml$/ } readdir DIR;
+ closedir DIR;
+ # Iterate each supported file type.
+ for my $type ( "chip", "node" )
+ {
+ for my $file ( grep { /^$type\_.+\.xml$/ } @files )
+ {
+ my $path = "$dir/$file";
+ # Ensure the XML is well-formed and validates against the schema.
+ my $out = `xmllint --noout --schema $RealBin/$type.xsd $path 2>&1`;
+ die "$out\nRAS XML validation failed on $file" if ( 0 != $? );
+ # Import the XML.
+ my $xml = XMLin( $path, KeyAttr => {}, ForceArray => 1 );
+ # Add the file path to the XML for error output.
+ $xml->{path} = $path;
+ # Push each file's data to a list for each file type.
+ push @{$data->{$type}}, $xml;
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+# Normalize functions
+# Takes a string of models/ECs separated by ',' and returns a list of supported
+sub __expandModelEc($)
+ my ( $str ) = @_;
+ my @list = split(/,/, $str);
+ # Remove any deprecated models/ECs.
+ for my $d ( @{$DEPRECATED_MODEL_EC} )
+ {
+ @list = grep { $d ne $_ } @list;
+ }
+ # Validate the remaining models/ECs.
+ for my $m ( @list )
+ {
+ unless ( defined $SUPPORTED_MODEL_EC->{$m} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Unsupported model/EC: $m");
+ }
+ }
+ return @list;
+sub __getInstRange($)
+ my ( $insts ) = @_;
+ my $list = [];
+ for ( @{$insts} ) { push @{$list}, $_->{reg_inst}; }
+ @{$list} = sort @{$list}; # Sort the list just in case.
+ return BitRange::compress($list);
+sub __getReg($$$$)
+ my ( $inst_in, $reg_type, $name, $addr_mod ) = @_;
+ my $inst_out = [];
+ for ( @{$inst_in} )
+ {
+ my $addr = "";
+ if ( "SCOM" eq $reg_type )
+ {
+ $addr = sprintf( "0x%08x", hex($_->{addr}) + $addr_mod );
+ }
+ elsif ( "IDSCOM" eq $reg_type )
+ {
+ # TODO: Need a portable way of handling 64-bit numbers.
+ FAIL("IDSCOM address currently not supported");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAIL("Unsupported register type for node: $name");
+ }
+ push @{$inst_out}, { reg_inst => $_->{reg_inst}, addr => $addr };
+ }
+ return { name => $name, instance => $inst_out };
+sub __getExpr($$)
+ my ( $name, $config ) = @_;
+ # Get the register expression.
+ my $expr = { type => 'reg', value1 => $name };
+ if ( '0' eq $config )
+ {
+ # Take the NOT of the register expression.
+ $expr = { type => 'not', expr => [ $expr ] };
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub __getAct($$$$)
+ my ( $fir, $range, $type, $config ) = @_;
+ FAIL("Invalid action config: $config") unless ( $config =~ /^[01]{2,3}$/ );
+ my @c = split( //, $config );
+ my $e = [];
+ push( @{$e}, __getExpr("${fir}", '1' ) );
+ push( @{$e}, __getExpr("${fir}_MASK", '0' ) );
+ push( @{$e}, __getExpr("${fir}_ACT0", shift @c) );
+ push( @{$e}, __getExpr("${fir}_ACT1", shift @c) );
+ push( @{$e}, __getExpr("${fir}_ACT2", shift @c) ) if ( 0 < scalar @c );
+ return { node_inst => $range, attn_type => $type,
+ expr => [ { type => 'and', expr => $e } ] };
+sub __normalizeLocalFir($)
+ my ( $node ) = @_;
+ return unless ( defined $node->{local_fir} );
+ # Note that the isolator will implicitly add all register referenced by the
+ # rules to the capture group. To reduce redundancy and overall file size, we
+ # won't add these registers to the capture group.
+ $node->{register} = [] unless ( defined $node->{register} );
+ $node->{rule} = [] unless ( defined $node->{rule} );
+ for my $l ( @{$node->{local_fir}} )
+ {
+ my $n = $l->{name};
+ my $i = $l->{instance};
+ my $t = $node->{reg_type};
+ my $inst_range = __getInstRange($i);
+ my $r = [];
+ push @{$r}, __getReg($i, $t, "${n}", 0);
+ push @{$r}, __getReg($i, $t, "${n}_MASK", 3);
+ push @{$r}, __getReg($i, $t, "${n}_ACT0", 6);
+ push @{$r}, __getReg($i, $t, "${n}_ACT1", 7);
+ push @{$r}, __getReg($i, $t, "${n}_WOF", 8) if ($l->{config} =~ /W/);
+ push @{$r}, __getReg($i, $t, "${n}_ACT2", 9) if ($l->{config} =~ /2/);
+ push @{$node->{register}}, @{$r};
+ for ( @{$l->{action}} )
+ {
+ push @{$node->{rule}},
+ __getAct( $n, $inst_range, $_->{attn_type}, $_->{config} );
+ }
+ }
+ delete $node->{local_fir};
+# This is not very efficient, especially for large data structures. It is
+# recommended to use Data::Compare, but that is not available on the pool
+# machines.
+sub __dirtyCompare($$)
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
+ my ( $a, $b ) = ( Dumper(shift), Dumper(shift) );
+ return $a eq $b;
+sub __normalizeRegister($$)
+ my ( $node, $regs ) = @_;
+ # There must be at least one register entry.
+ unless ( defined $node->{register} and 0 < scalar @{$node->{register}} )
+ {
+ FAIL( "Node $node->{name} does not contain at least one register" );
+ }
+ # All of the registers will be put in the master register list for the chip.
+ for my $r ( @{$node->{register}} )
+ {
+ # Set the default access if needed.
+ $r->{access} = 'RW' unless ( defined $r->{access} );
+ # Each register will keep track of its type.
+ $r->{reg_type} = $node->{reg_type};
+ for my $model_ec ( __expandModelEc($node->{model_ec}) )
+ {
+ if ( defined $regs->{$model_ec}->{$r->{name}} )
+ {
+ # This register already exists so check the contents for
+ # accuracy
+ unless ( __dirtyCompare($r, $regs->{$model_ec}->{$r->{name}}) )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate register: $r->{name}");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Add this node's register to the master register list.
+ $regs->{$model_ec}->{$r->{name}} = $r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Clean up this node's register data.
+ delete $node->{register};
+sub __normalizeCaptureGroup($$)
+ my ( $node, $insts_data ) = @_;
+ # Capture groups are optional (although recommended).
+ return unless ( defined $node->{capture_group} );
+ for my $c ( @{$node->{capture_group}} )
+ {
+ # There must be at least one capture_register.
+ unless ( defined $c->{capture_register} and
+ 0 < scalar @{$c->{capture_register}} )
+ {
+ FAIL("<capture_group> for node $node->{name} does not contain at " .
+ "least one <capture_register>" );
+ }
+ my @node_insts = BitRange::expand($c->{node_inst});
+ for my $r ( @{$c->{capture_register}} )
+ {
+ # node_inst and reg_inst must be the same size.
+ my @reg_insts = BitRange::expand($r->{reg_inst});
+ unless ( scalar @node_insts == scalar @reg_insts )
+ {
+ FAIL("capture_group/\@node_inst and capture_register/" .
+ "\@reg_inst list sized not equal for node $node->{name}");
+ }
+ # Expand the capture groups so there is one per node instance.
+ for ( 0 .. (scalar @node_insts - 1) )
+ {
+ my ( $ni, $ri ) = ( $node_insts[$_], $reg_insts[$_] );
+ push @{$insts_data->{$ni}->{capture_group}},
+ { reg_name => $r->{reg_name}, reg_inst => $ri };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Clean up this node's capture group data.
+ delete $node->{capture_group};
+sub __normalizeExpr($$$$); # Called recursively
+sub __normalizeExpr($$$$)
+ my ( $in, $ni, $idx, $size ) = @_;
+ my ( $t, $e, $v1, $v2 ) = ( $in->{type}, $in->{expr},
+ $in->{value1}, $in->{value2} );
+ my $out = { type => $t };
+ if ( "and" eq $t or "or" eq $t )
+ {
+ if ( defined $v1 or defined $v2 or
+ not defined $e or not (0 < scalar @{$e}) )
+ {
+ FAIL("Invalid parameters for and/or expression");
+ }
+ # Iterate each sub expression.
+ push @{$out->{expr}}, __normalizeExpr($_, $ni, $idx, $size) for (@{$e});
+ }
+ elsif ( "not" eq $t )
+ {
+ if ( defined $v1 or defined $v2 or
+ not defined $e or not (1 == scalar @{$e}) )
+ {
+ FAIL("Invalid parameters for not expression");
+ }
+ # Iterate each sub expression.
+ push @{$out->{expr}}, __normalizeExpr($_, $ni, $idx, $size) for (@{$e});
+ }
+ elsif ( "lshift" eq $t or "rshift" eq $t )
+ {
+ if ( not defined $v1 or defined $v2 or
+ not defined $e or not (1 == scalar @{$e}) )
+ {
+ FAIL("Invalid parameters for lshift/rshift expression");
+ }
+ # Copy value1.
+ $out->{value1} = $v1;
+ # Iterate each sub expression.
+ push @{$out->{expr}}, __normalizeExpr($_, $ni, $idx, $size) for (@{$e});
+ }
+ elsif ( "reg" eq $t )
+ {
+ if ( not defined $v1 or defined $e )
+ {
+ FAIL("Invalid parameters for reg expression");
+ }
+ # Copy value1.
+ $out->{value1} = $v1;
+ # value2 is optional in the XML, update the value to the node or
+ # register instance.
+ if ( defined $v2 )
+ {
+ my @reg_insts = BitRange::expand($v2);
+ unless ( $size == scalar @reg_insts )
+ {
+ FAIL("reg expression value2:$v2 list not the same ".
+ "size as containing node's rule instances:$size");
+ }
+ $out->{value2} = $reg_insts[$idx];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # The register instance is the same as the node instance.
+ $out->{value2} = $ni;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( "int" eq $t )
+ {
+ if ( not defined $v1 or defined $v2 or defined $e )
+ {
+ FAIL("Invalid parameters for int expression");
+ }
+ # Copy value1.
+ $out->{value1} = $v1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAIL("Unsupported expression type: $t");
+ }
+ return $out;
+sub __normalizeRule($$)
+ my ( $node, $insts_data ) = @_;
+ # There must be at least one rule entry.
+ unless ( defined $node->{rule} and 0 < scalar @{$node->{rule}} )
+ {
+ FAIL( "Node $node->{name} does not contain at least one rule" );
+ }
+ # There should be only one rule per attention type and node instance for
+ # this node.
+ my $rule_dups = {};
+ for my $r ( @{$node->{rule}} )
+ {
+ # There should be exactly one parent expression.
+ unless ( 1 == scalar @{$r->{expr}} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Multiple parent expressions for rule: $node->{name} " .
+ "$r->{attn_type}");
+ }
+ my $expr = $r->{expr}->[0];
+ my @node_insts = BitRange::expand($r->{node_inst});
+ my $sz_insts = scalar @node_insts;
+ # Expand the expression for each node instance.
+ for my $idx ( 0 .. ($sz_insts - 1) )
+ {
+ my $ni = $node_insts[$idx];
+ # Check for duplicates.
+ if ( defined $rule_dups->{$r->{attn_type}}->{$ni} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate rule: $node->{name} $r->{attn_type} $ni");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $rule_dups->{$r->{attn_type}}->{$ni} = 1;
+ }
+ # Add the rule for this expression.
+ push @{$insts_data->{$ni}->{rule}},
+ { attn_type => $r->{attn_type},
+ expr => __normalizeExpr($expr, $ni, $idx, $sz_insts) };
+ }
+ }
+ # Clean up this node's rule data.
+ delete $node->{rule};
+sub __normalizeBit($$$)
+ my ( $node, $sigs, $insts_data ) = @_;
+ # There must be at least one bit entry.
+ unless ( defined $node->{bit} and 0 < scalar @{$node->{bit}} )
+ {
+ FAIL( "Node $node->{name} does not contain at least one bit" );
+ }
+ my @node_insts = sort keys %{$insts_data};
+ my $sz_insts = scalar @node_insts;
+ # There should be only one child node per node instance bit position.
+ my $child_dups = {};
+ for my $b ( sort {$a->{pos} cmp $b->{pos}} @{$node->{bit}} )
+ {
+ my @child_insts = ();
+ # Ensure child_node and node_inst are set properly.
+ if ( defined $b->{child_node} )
+ {
+ # Ensure each bit has a default node_inst attribute if needed.
+ $b->{node_inst} = "0" unless ( defined $b->{node_inst} );
+ # Get all of the instances for this child node.
+ @child_insts = BitRange::expand($b->{node_inst});
+ # Both inst list must be equal in size.
+ unless ( $sz_insts == scalar @child_insts )
+ {
+ FAIL("node_inst attribute list size for node:$node->{name} " .
+ "bit:$b->{pos} does not match node instances " .
+ "represented by the <rule> element");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( defined $b->{node_inst} )
+ {
+ FAIL("node_inst attribute exists for node:$node->{name} " .
+ "bit:$b->{pos} with no child_node attribute");
+ }
+ # Get the signatures for each node, instance, and bit position.
+ for my $p ( BitRange::expand($b->{pos}) )
+ {
+ for my $i ( 0 .. ($sz_insts-1) )
+ {
+ my ( $n, $ni ) = ( $node->{name}, $node_insts[$i] );
+ # This is to cover a bug in the figtree information where there
+ # currently is no comment for some bits.
+ $b->{content} = "" unless ( defined $b->{content} );
+ for my $model_ec ( __expandModelEc($node->{model_ec}) )
+ {
+ # Check if this signature already exists.
+ if ( defined $sigs->{$model_ec}->{$n}->{$ni}->{$p} and
+ $b->{content} ne $sigs->{$model_ec}->{$n}->{$ni}->{$p} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate signature for $n $ni $p");
+ }
+ # Get the signatures for each node, instance, and bit
+ # position.
+ $sigs->{$model_ec}->{$n}->{$ni}->{$p} = $b->{content};
+ }
+ # Move onto the next instance unless a child node exists.
+ next unless ( defined $b->{child_node} );
+ my $pi = $child_insts[$i];
+ my $child = { pos => $p,
+ child_node => $b->{child_node},
+ node_inst => $pi };
+ # Ensure this child node doesn't already exist.
+ if ( defined $child_dups->{$ni}->{$p} and
+ not __dirtyCompare($child, $child_dups->{$ni}->{$p}) )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate child_node for $n $ni $p");
+ }
+ # Add this child node.
+ push @{$insts_data->{$ni}->{bit}}, $child;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Clean up this node's bit data.
+ delete $node->{bit};
+sub __normalizeNode($$$)
+ my ( $node, $regs, $sigs ) = @_;
+ # Ensure a valid register type.
+ unless ( grep { /^$node->{reg_type}$/ } keys %{$REGISTER_TYPE} )
+ {
+ FAIL( "Unsupported register type: $node->{reg_type}" );
+ }
+ my $insts_data = {}; # Collect data for each instance of this node.
+ # First, expand the <local_fir> data if it exists.
+ __normalizeLocalFir($node);
+ # All registers will be put in a master register list for the chip.
+ __normalizeRegister($node, $regs);
+ # Split the capture group information per node instance.
+ __normalizeCaptureGroup($node, $insts_data);
+ # Split the rule information per node instance. The sorted instance list
+ # will be used as indexes for the node_inst attribute of the <bit> elements.
+ __normalizeRule($node, $insts_data);
+ # Finally, collect the signature details and split the bit information per
+ # node instance.
+ __normalizeBit($node, $sigs, $insts_data);
+ # Now that we have all of the node data, collapse the instance data into
+ # a list.
+ for ( sort keys %{$insts_data} )
+ {
+ $insts_data->{$_}->{node_inst} = $_;
+ push @{$node->{instance}}, $insts_data->{$_};
+ }
+sub normalizeXML($)
+ my ( $xml ) = @_;
+ my $data = {};
+ # Iterate each chip file.
+ for my $chip ( @{$xml->{chip}} )
+ {
+ # Iterate each model/EC.
+ for my $model_ec ( __expandModelEc($chip->{model_ec}) )
+ {
+ # Ensure there is not a duplicate definition for a model/EC.
+ if ( $data->{$model_ec}->{chip} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate data for model/EC $model_ec in:\n" .
+ " $data->{$model_ec}->{chip}->{path}\n" .
+ " $chip->{path}");
+ }
+ # Add this chip to the data.
+ $data->{$model_ec}->{attn_tree} = $chip->{attn_tree};
+ }
+ }
+ # Extract the data for each node.
+ my ( $regs, $sigs, $node_dups ) = ( {}, {}, {} );
+ for my $node ( sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @{$xml->{node}} )
+ {
+ # A node may be defined for more than one model/EC.
+ for my $model_ec ( __expandModelEc($node->{model_ec}) )
+ {
+ # A node can only be defined once per model/EC.
+ if ( defined $node_dups->{$model_ec}->{$node->{name}} )
+ {
+ FAIL( "Duplicate node defined for $model_ec -> $node->{name} ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $node_dups->{$model_ec}->{$node->{name}} = 1;
+ }
+ # Initialize the master list of registers and signatures of this
+ # model/EC, if necessary.
+ $regs->{$model_ec} = {} unless ( defined $regs->{$model_ec} );
+ $sigs->{$model_ec} = {} unless ( defined $sigs->{$model_ec} );
+ }
+ # The same node content will be used for each model/EC characterized by
+ # this node. There is some normalization that needs to happen because of
+ # shorthand elements, like <local_fir>, and some error checking. This
+ # only needs to be done once per node, not per model/EC.
+ __normalizeNode( $node, $regs, $sigs );
+ # Push the node data for each model/EC.
+ for my $model_ec ( __expandModelEc($node->{model_ec}) )
+ {
+ push @{$data->{$model_ec}->{node}}, $node;
+ }
+ }
+ # Sort and collapse the master register list.
+ for my $m ( keys %{$regs} )
+ {
+ for my $n ( sort keys %{$regs->{$m}} )
+ {
+ push @{$data->{$m}->{register}}, $regs->{$m}->{$n};
+ }
+ }
+ # Collapse the signature lists.
+ for my $m ( keys %{$sigs} )
+ {
+ for my $n ( sort keys %{$sigs->{$m}} )
+ {
+ for my $i ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$sigs->{$m}->{$n}} )
+ {
+ for my $b ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$sigs->{$m}->{$n}->{$i}} )
+ {
+ push @{$data->{$m}->{signature}},
+ { name => $n, inst => $i, bit => $b,
+ desc => $sigs->{$m}->{$n}->{$i}->{$b} };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+# Output functions
+# The $num passed into this function can be a numeric of string. All values are
+# converted to a hex string and then into the binary format. This helps avoid
+# portability issues with endianess. Requirements:
+# - Hex strings must start with '0x'.
+# - For portability, 64-bit numbers must be passed as a hex string.
+sub __bin($$$)
+ my ( $fh, $bytes, $num ) = @_;
+ # $bytes must be a positive integer.
+ die "Invalid bytes: $bytes" unless ( 0 < $bytes );
+ my $str = ''; # Default invalid string
+ my $char = $bytes * 2; # Number of characters in the string.
+ # Check if $num is a hex string.
+ if ( $num =~ /^0[x|X](.*)/ )
+ {
+ $str = $1; # strip the '0x'
+ }
+ # Check if $num is string or numeric decimal integer (32-bit max).
+ elsif ( $num =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $bytes <= 4 )
+ {
+ $str = sprintf("%0${char}x", $num); # Convert to hex string
+ }
+ # Check for a hex number with the valid size.
+ unless ( $str =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{$char}$/ )
+ {
+ die "Invalid number: $num (size: $bytes)";
+ }
+ # Print the binary string.
+ print $fh pack( "H$char", $str );
+sub __hash($$)
+ my $bytes = shift;
+ my @str = unpack("C*", shift); # returns an array of ascii values
+ # Currently only supporting 1, 2, 3, and 4 byte hashes.
+ unless ( 1 <= $bytes and $bytes <= 4 )
+ {
+ FAIL("Unsupported hash size: $bytes");
+ }
+ # Add padding to the end of the character array so that the size is
+ # divisible by $bytes.
+ push @str, 0 until ( 0 == scalar(@str) % $bytes );
+ # This hash is a simple "n*s[0] + (n-1)*s[1] + ... + s[n-1]" algorithm,
+ # where s[i] is a $bytes size chunk of the input string.
+ my ( $sumA, $sumB ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ while ( my @chunk = splice @str, 0, $bytes )
+ {
+ # Combine the chunk array into a single value.
+ my $val = 0; for ( @chunk ) { $val <<= 8; $val |= $_; }
+ # Apply the simple hash.
+ $sumA += $val;
+ $sumB += $sumA;
+ }
+ # Mask off everything except the target number of bytes.
+ $sumB &= 0xffffffff >> ((4 - $bytes) * 8);
+ return $sumB;
+sub __printRegisters($$)
+ my ( $fh, $data ) = @_;
+ my $num_regs = scalar @{$data};
+ FAIL("No registers defined") unless ( 0 < $num_regs );
+ # Register list metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $_) for ( unpack("C*", "REGS") );
+ __bin($fh, 3, $num_regs);
+ my $reg_ids = {}; # for hash duplicate checking
+ for my $r ( @{$data} )
+ {
+ # Get the hash of the register name and check for duplicates.
+ my $id = __hash(3, $r->{name});
+ if ( defined $reg_ids->{$id} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate register ID hash " . sprintf('0x%08x', $id) .
+ " for $r->{name} and $reg_ids->{$id}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $reg_ids->{$id} = $r->{name};
+ }
+ # Get the attribute flags.
+ my $flags = 0x00;
+ $flags |= 0x80 if ( $r->{access} =~ /R/ );
+ $flags |= 0x40 if ( $r->{access} =~ /W/ );
+ # Get the number of address instances.
+ my $num_inst = scalar @{$r->{instance}};
+ unless ( 0 < $num_inst )
+ {
+ FAIL("No register instances defined for $r->{name}");
+ }
+ # Register metadata
+ __bin($fh, 3, $id );
+ __bin($fh, 1, $REGISTER_TYPE->{$r->{reg_type}}->{id});
+ __bin($fh, 1, $flags );
+ __bin($fh, 1, $num_inst);
+ for my $i ( @{$r->{instance}} )
+ {
+ my $s = $REGISTER_TYPE->{$r->{reg_type}}->{addr_size};
+ # Register Instance metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $i->{reg_inst});
+ __bin($fh, $s, $i->{addr} );
+ }
+ }
+sub __printExpr($$$);
+sub __printExpr($$$)
+ my ( $fh, $size, $expr ) = @_;
+ my ( $t, $e, $v1, $v2 ) = ( $expr->{type}, $expr->{expr},
+ $expr->{value1}, $expr->{value2} );
+ if ( "reg" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x01); # expression type for "reg"
+ __bin($fh, 3, __hash(3,$v1)); # register id
+ __bin($fh, 1, $v2); # register instance
+ }
+ elsif ( "int" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x02); # expression type for "int"
+ __bin($fh, $size, $v1); # integer value
+ }
+ elsif ( "and" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x10); # expression type for "and"
+ __bin($fh, 1, scalar @{$e}); # number of sub-expressions
+ __printExpr($fh, $size, $_) for ( @{$e} ); # add each sub-expression
+ }
+ elsif ( "or" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x11); # expression type for "or"
+ __bin($fh, 1, scalar @{$e}); # number of sub-expressions
+ __printExpr($fh, $size, $_) for ( @{$e} ); # add each sub-expression
+ }
+ elsif ( "not" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x12); # expression type for "not"
+ __printExpr($fh, $size, $e->[0]); # add only sub-expression
+ }
+ elsif ( "lshift" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x13); # expression type for "lshift"
+ __bin($fh, 1, $v1); # shift amount
+ __printExpr($fh, $size, $e->[0]); # add only sub-expression
+ }
+ elsif ( "rshift" eq $t )
+ {
+ __bin($fh, 1, 0x14); # expression type for "rshift"
+ __bin($fh, 1, $v1); # shift amount
+ __printExpr($fh, $size, $e->[0]); # add only sub-expression
+ }
+sub __printNodes($$)
+ my ( $fh, $data ) = @_;
+ my $num_nodes = scalar @{$data};
+ FAIL("No nodes defined") unless ( 0 < $num_nodes );
+ # Isolation Node list metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $_) for ( unpack("C*", "NODE") );
+ __bin($fh, 2, $num_nodes);
+ my $node_ids = {}; # for hash duplicate checking
+ for my $n ( @{$data} )
+ {
+ # Get the hash of the node name and check for duplicates.
+ my $id = __hash(2, $n->{name});
+ if ( defined $node_ids->{$id} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Duplicate node ID hash " . sprintf('0x%08x', $id) .
+ " for $n->{name} and $node_ids->{$id}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $node_ids->{$id} = $n->{name};
+ }
+ my $num_insts = scalar @{$n->{instance}};
+ unless ( 0 < $num_insts )
+ {
+ FAIL("No nodes instances defined for $n->{name}");
+ }
+ my $reg_type = $REGISTER_TYPE->{$n->{reg_type}}->{id};
+ my $reg_size = $REGISTER_TYPE->{$n->{reg_type}}->{reg_size};
+ # Register metadata
+ __bin($fh, 2, $id);
+ __bin($fh, 1, $reg_type);
+ __bin($fh, 1, $num_insts);
+ for my $i ( @{$n->{instance}} )
+ {
+ # Capture groups are optional.
+ my $num_cap_regs = (defined $i->{capture_group})
+ ? scalar @{$i->{capture_group}} : 0;
+ # At least one rule is required.
+ my $num_rules = scalar @{$i->{rule}};
+ unless ( 0 < $num_rules )
+ {
+ FAIL("No rule for $n->{name} $i->{node_inst}");
+ }
+ # Child nodes may not exist for this node.
+ my $num_bit = (defined $i->{bit}) ? scalar @{$i->{bit}} : 0;
+ # Register instance metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $i->{node_inst});
+ __bin($fh, 1, $num_cap_regs );
+ __bin($fh, 1, $num_rules );
+ __bin($fh, 1, $num_bit );
+ if ( 0 < $num_cap_regs )
+ {
+ for my $cg ( @{$i->{capture_group}} )
+ {
+ # Register capture register metadata
+ __bin($fh, 3, __hash(3, $cg->{reg_name}));
+ __bin($fh, 1, $cg->{reg_inst} );
+ }
+ }
+ for my $r ( @{$i->{rule}} )
+ {
+ # Register rule metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $ATTN_TYPE->{$r->{attn_type}});
+ __printExpr($fh, $reg_size, $r->{expr});
+ }
+ if ( 0 < $num_bit )
+ {
+ for my $b ( @{$i->{bit}} )
+ {
+ # Register child node metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $b->{pos} );
+ __bin($fh, 2, __hash(2, $b->{child_node}));
+ __bin($fh, 1, $b->{node_inst} );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub __printAttnTree($$)
+ my ( $fh, $data ) = @_;
+ my $num_root_nodes = scalar @{$data};
+ FAIL("No root nodes defined") unless ( 0 < $num_root_nodes );
+ # Root Node list metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $_) for ( unpack("C*", "ROOT") );
+ __bin($fh, 1, $num_root_nodes);
+ for my $r ( @{$data} )
+ {
+ # Root Node metadata
+ __bin($fh, 1, $ATTN_TYPE->{$r->{attn_type}});
+ __bin($fh, 2, __hash(2, $r->{root_node}) );
+ __bin($fh, 1, $r->{node_inst} );
+ }
+sub __printParserData($$$$)
+ my ( $fh, $model_ec, $sig_list, $reg_list) = @_;
+ my $nodes = {};
+ my $regs = {};
+ my $sigs = {};
+ for my $s ( @{$sig_list} )
+ {
+ my $n = sprintf('%04x', __hash(2, $s->{name}));
+ my $i = sprintf('%02x', $s->{inst});
+ my $b = sprintf('%02x', $s->{bit});
+ if ( exists($nodes->{$n}) and $nodes->{$n} ne $s->{name} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Node hash collision for $n: $nodes->{$n} and $s->{name}");
+ }
+ $nodes->{$n} = $s->{name};
+ if ( exists($sigs->{$n}->{$b}) and $sigs->{$n}->{$b} ne $s->{desc} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Multiple signatures for $s->{name} bit $s->{bit}:\n" .
+ " $sigs->{$n}->{$b}\n" .
+ " $s->{desc}");
+ }
+ $sigs->{$n}->{$b} = $s->{desc};
+ }
+ for my $r ( @{$reg_list} )
+ {
+ my $id = sprintf('%06x', __hash(3, $r->{name}));
+ if ( exists($regs->{$id}) and $regs->{$id} ne $r->{name} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Register hash collision for $id: $regs->{$id} and $r->{name}");
+ }
+ $regs->{$id} = $r->{name};
+ }
+ my $data =
+ {
+ 'model_ec' => sprintf('%08x', $SUPPORTED_MODEL_EC->{$model_ec}),
+ 'node_name' => $nodes,
+ 'reg_name' => $regs,
+ 'signature' => $sigs,
+ };
+ print $fh to_json( $data, {utf8 => 1, pretty => 1, canonical => 1} );
+sub buildDataFiles($$)
+ my ( $dir, $data ) = @_;
+ while ( my ($model_ec, $chip) = each %{$data} )
+ {
+ unless ( defined $chip->{register} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Chip $model_ec does not contain registers");
+ }
+ unless ( defined $chip->{node} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Chip $model_ec does not contain nodes");
+ }
+ unless ( defined $chip->{attn_tree} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Chip $model_ec does not contain attn_tree information");
+ }
+ unless ( defined $chip->{signature} )
+ {
+ FAIL("Chip $model_ec does not contain signatures");
+ }
+ # Chip Data Binary files ###############################################
+ if ( $gen_cdb )
+ {
+ my $bin_file = "$dir/chip_data_" . lc $model_ec . ".cdb";
+ open my $bin_fh, '>', $bin_file or die "Cannot open $bin_file: $!";
+ binmode $bin_fh; # writes a binary file
+ # Chip Data File metadata
+ __bin($bin_fh, 1, $_) for ( unpack("C*", "CHIPDATA") );
+ __bin($bin_fh, 4, $SUPPORTED_MODEL_EC->{$model_ec});
+ __bin($bin_fh, 1, $FILE_VERSION->{VER_01} );
+ __printRegisters( $bin_fh, $chip->{register} );
+ __printNodes( $bin_fh, $chip->{node} );
+ __printAttnTree( $bin_fh, $chip->{attn_tree} );
+ close $bin_fh;
+ }
+ # eBMC PEL parsing JSON ################################################
+ if ( $gen_json )
+ {
+ my $file = "$dir/pel_parser_data_" . lc $model_ec . ".json";
+ open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
+ __printParserData( $fh, $model_ec, $chip->{signature},
+ $chip->{register} );
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ }