prettier: re-format

Change-Id: I6b22ad83c41e53484812f83ea70e7ce6d9c299cd
Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 452adcf..8b406dd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,60 +1,55 @@
-openpower-libhei: Hardware Error Isolation for POWER Systems
+# openpower-libhei: Hardware Error Isolation for POWER Systems
 This library is a common, portable code base for isolating errors reported by
 hardware registers on POWER Systems chips.
 The primary consumers (and requirements drivers) will be:
- * [OpenBMC Hardware Diagnostics][]
- * [POWER Systems Hostboot firmware][]
- * POWER Systems FSP firmware
-Core API
+- [OpenBMC Hardware Diagnostics][]
+- [POWER Systems Hostboot firmware][]
+- POWER Systems FSP firmware
+## Core API
 See the [primary API definitions][] for details on how to use this library.
+## Integration
 This library can be integrated into a user application's source (either
 imported, or as a git subtree/submodule) or built as static library.
-User Application Requirements and APIs
+## User Application Requirements and APIs
- * The process to access hardware register data will vary per user application.
-   Therefore, this library will declare the hardware access [user APIs][], but
-   each user application must implement the APIs for their own environment.
- * This library will not contain data regarding hardware specific information.
-   Instead, that information will be provided by the user application in the
-   form of the [Chip Data Files][].
- * Tracing, or logging, methods will vary per user application. Therefore, this
-   library will declare the tracing/logging [user APIs][], but each user
-   application must implement the APIs for their own environment.
+- The process to access hardware register data will vary per user application.
+  Therefore, this library will declare the hardware access [user APIs][], but
+  each user application must implement the APIs for their own environment.
+- This library will not contain data regarding hardware specific information.
+  Instead, that information will be provided by the user application in the form
+  of the [Chip Data Files][].
+- Tracing, or logging, methods will vary per user application. Therefore, this
+  library will declare the tracing/logging [user APIs][], but each user
+  application must implement the APIs for their own environment.
-Environment configuration
+## Environment configuration
- * `__HEI_ENABLE_HW_WRITE`: When defined, it will allow hardware write support.
-   Note that the Chip Data Files will contain rules for clearing and masking
-   register bits. Both of which will require modifying hardware registers,
-   which is not allowed by user applications like OpenBMC or FSP firmware.
+- `__HEI_ENABLE_HW_WRITE`: When defined, it will allow hardware write support.
+  Note that the Chip Data Files will contain rules for clearing and masking
+  register bits. Both of which will require modifying hardware registers, which
+  is not allowed by user applications like OpenBMC or FSP firmware.
-Development Notes
+## Development Notes
- * The Hostboot environment only supports up to **C++14**. Therefore, this
-   library cannot use anything newer at this time.
- * Hostboot has a very limited environment. It does not include libc or
-   libstdc++. However, Hostboot has implemented select functions from those
-   libraries as needed. For details, you can reference `src/include/` in the
-   [POWER Systems Hostboot firmware][].
+- The Hostboot environment only supports up to **C++14**. Therefore, this
+  library cannot use anything newer at this time.
+- Hostboot has a very limited environment. It does not include libc or
+  libstdc++. However, Hostboot has implemented select functions from those
+  libraries as needed. For details, you can reference `src/include/` in the
+  [POWER Systems Hostboot firmware][].
+## Building
 For a standard OpenBMC release build, you want something like:
 meson -Dtests=disabled <build_dir>
 ninja -C <build_dir>
@@ -62,14 +57,14 @@
 For a test / debug build, a typical configuration is:
 meson -Dtests=enabled <build_dir>
 ninja -C <build_dir> test
-[OpenBMC Hardware Diagnostics]:
-[POWER Systems Hostboot firmware]:
-[primary API definitions]: src/hei_main.hpp
-[user APIs]: src/hei_user_interface.hpp
-[Chip Data Files]: src/chip_data/
+[openbmc hardware diagnostics]:
+[power systems hostboot firmware]:
+[primary api definitions]: src/hei_main.hpp
+[user apis]: src/hei_user_interface.hpp
+[chip data files]: src/chip_data/
diff --git a/src/chip_data/ b/src/chip_data/
index a3cb561..6dc8ca6 100644
--- a/src/chip_data/
+++ b/src/chip_data/
@@ -3,20 +3,21 @@
 The Chip Data Files define everything we need to know about a chip type. Their
 purpose is to keep libhei agnostic to specific chip information. Required
 information includes:
- * All hardware addresses needed for error isolation.
- * A definition of how errors propagate from register to register.
- * A list of top level registers to use as a starting point for isolation.
- * A list of additional registers to capture for each register bit (for debug).
- * Rules defining how to clear and mask register bits (only applicable if
-   `__HEI_ENABLE_HW_WRITE` is defined).
-File extensions are not required, but it is recommended to use the
-extension `.cdb` (chip data binary).
+- All hardware addresses needed for error isolation.
+- A definition of how errors propagate from register to register.
+- A list of top level registers to use as a starting point for isolation.
+- A list of additional registers to capture for each register bit (for debug).
+- Rules defining how to clear and mask register bits (only applicable if
+  `__HEI_ENABLE_HW_WRITE` is defined).
+File extensions are not required, but it is recommended to use the extension
+`.cdb` (chip data binary).
 ## Requirements
- * These files must be consumable by different host architectures. So all data
-   fields within the files will be stored in big-endian format (use endian.h).
+- These files must be consumable by different host architectures. So all data
+  fields within the files will be stored in big-endian format (use endian.h).
 ## File Format
@@ -24,11 +25,11 @@
 The following data will be defined at the very beginning of each Chip Data File:
-| Bytes |         Desc         |               Value/Example                |
-|     8 | chip data keyword    | 0x4348495044415441 (ascii for "CHIPDATA")  |
-|     4 | chip model/level     | Unique ID defined by data file owner       |
-|     1 | file version         | Version 1 => 0x01, Version 2 => 0x02, etc. |
+| Bytes | Desc              | Value/Example                              |
+| :---: | :---------------- | :----------------------------------------- |
+|   8   | chip data keyword | 0x4348495044415441 (ascii for "CHIPDATA")  |
+|   4   | chip model/level  | Unique ID defined by data file owner       |
+|   1   | file version      | Version 1 => 0x01, Version 2 => 0x02, etc. |
 The user application will use the chip model/level ID to determine which Chip
 Data File(s) should be used for the chip(s) that exist in the user application's
@@ -40,25 +41,24 @@
 registers referenced by the isolation nodes for this chip starting with:
 | Bytes | Desc             | Value/Example                 |
-|     4 | register keyword | 0x52454753 (ascii for "REGS") |
-|     3 | # of registers   | 0 is invalid                  |
+| :---: | :--------------- | :---------------------------- |
+|   4   | register keyword | 0x52454753 (ascii for "REGS") |
+|   3   | # of registers   | 0 is invalid                  |
 Then, each register will start with:
 | Bytes | Desc                   | Value/Example                             |
-|     3 | register ID            | Unique ID defined by data file owner      |
-|     1 | register type          | See appendix for supported register types |
-|     1 | attribute flags        | For each bit 0:disabled and 1:enabled     |
-|     1 | # of address instances | 0 is invalid                              |
+| :---: | :--------------------- | :---------------------------------------- |
+|   3   | register ID            | Unique ID defined by data file owner      |
+|   1   | register type          | See appendix for supported register types |
+|   1   | attribute flags        | For each bit 0:disabled and 1:enabled     |
+|   1   | # of address instances | 0 is invalid                              |
 The register ID must be unique for all registers withing the Chip Data File.
-Supported attribute flags (bits ordered 0-7, left to right):
- 0:   When enabled, the register is readable.
- 1:   When enabled, the register is writable.
- 2-7: Reserved (default disabled)
+Supported attribute flags (bits ordered 0-7, left to right): 0: When enabled,
+the register is readable. 1: When enabled, the register is writable. 2-7:
+Reserved (default disabled)
 #### 2.1) Register Instances
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
 instance addresses for a register. Each instance will have the following:
 | Bytes | Desc       | Value/Example                                    |
-|     1 | instance # | Unique value within the register                 |
-|     * | address    | The address size is defined by the register type |
+| :---: | :--------- | :----------------------------------------------- |
+|   1   | instance # | Unique value within the register                 |
+|  \*   | address    | The address size is defined by the register type |
 ### 3) Isolation Nodes
@@ -83,24 +83,23 @@
 Immediately following all of the metadata described in section 2:
 | Bytes | Desc                   | Value/Example                 |
-|     4 | isolation node keyword | 0x4e4f4445 (ascii for "NODE") |
-|     2 | # of isolation nodes   | 0 is invalid                  |
+| :---: | :--------------------- | :---------------------------- |
+|   4   | isolation node keyword | 0x4e4f4445 (ascii for "NODE") |
+|   2   | # of isolation nodes   | 0 is invalid                  |
 Then, each node will start the following data:
-| Bytes | Desc                   | Value/Example                        |
-|     2 | node ID                | Unique ID defined by data file owner |
-|     1 | register type          | See appendix for supported types     |
-|     1 | # of node instances    | 0 is invalid                         |
+| Bytes | Desc                | Value/Example                        |
+| :---: | :------------------ | :----------------------------------- |
+|   2   | node ID             | Unique ID defined by data file owner |
+|   1   | register type       | See appendix for supported types     |
+|   1   | # of node instances | 0 is invalid                         |
 The node ID must be unique for all nodes within a Chip Data File.
-All registers referenced in a node's isolation rules must be of the same
-register type expressed in this field. This will ensure there is no ambiguity
-when resolving the bitwise expressions in the isolation rules.
+**IMPORTANT:** All registers referenced in a node's isolation rules must be of
+the same register type expressed in this field. This will ensure there is no
+ambiguity when resolving the bitwise expressions in the isolation rules.
 #### 3.1) Isolation Node Instances
@@ -108,11 +107,11 @@
 have the following:
 | Bytes | Desc                   | Value/Example                |
-|     1 | instance #             | Unique value within the node |
-|     1 | # of capture registers |                              |
-|     1 | # of isolation rules   | 0 is invalid                 |
-|     1 | # of child nodes       |                              |
+| :---: | :--------------------- | :--------------------------- |
+|   1   | instance #             | Unique value within the node |
+|   1   | # of capture registers |                              |
+|   1   | # of isolation rules   | 0 is invalid                 |
+|   1   | # of child nodes       |                              |
 ##### 3.1.1) Capture Registers
@@ -124,28 +123,29 @@
 immediately following the metadata for each node instance.
 | Bytes | Desc              | Value/Example             |
-|     3 | register ID       | See section 2 for details |
-|     1 | register instance | See section 2 for details |
+| :---: | :---------------- | :------------------------ |
+|   3   | register ID       | See section 2 for details |
+|   1   | register instance | See section 2 for details |
 **Version 2 and newer:**
 The user application can now specify registers to be captured when isolating to
-a specific bit in an isolation node as opposed to any bit in the isolation
-node. This can reduce the amount of default data captured if a particular bit
-requires capturing registers that are uninteresting to the other bits.
+a specific bit in an isolation node as opposed to any bit in the isolation node.
+This can reduce the amount of default data captured if a particular bit requires
+capturing registers that are uninteresting to the other bits.
 Beginning with **version 2**, the following will be appended to the above
 capture register metadata:
 | Bytes | Desc                                   | Value/Example   |
-|     1 | bit position within the isolation node | see notes below |
+| :---: | :------------------------------------- | :-------------- |
+|   1   | bit position within the isolation node | see notes below |
-* The bit position will not exceed number of bits defined by the register type.
-* The order of the bit position is dependent on the register type.
-* A value of **255** indicates the register will be captured for all bit
+- The bit position will not exceed number of bits defined by the register type.
+- The order of the bit position is dependent on the register type.
+- A value of **255** indicates the register will be captured for all bit
   positions within the isolation node.
 ##### 3.1.2) Isolation Rules
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
 capture register metadata for a node instance, if any exists.
 | Bytes | Desc            | Value/Example                              |
-|     1 | attention type  | See appendix for supported attention types |
-|     * | rule expression | See expression definition in appendix      |
+| :---: | :-------------- | :----------------------------------------- |
+|   1   | attention type  | See appendix for supported attention types |
+|  \*   | rule expression | See expression definition in appendix      |
 Note that the size of the expression field is variable. See the appendix for
@@ -178,16 +178,17 @@
 | Bytes | Desc                               | Value/Example     |
-|     1 | bit position within the resolution | See notes below   |
-|     2 | child node ID                      | See node metadata |
-|     1 | child node instance                | See node metadata |
+| :---: | :--------------------------------- | :---------------- |
+|   1   | bit position within the resolution | See notes below   |
+|   2   | child node ID                      | See node metadata |
+|   1   | child node instance                | See node metadata |
-* The size of the isolation rule resolution is defined by the register type
+- The size of the isolation rule resolution is defined by the register type
   represented by this node.
-* The bit position will not exceed the register size.
-* The order of the bit position is dependent on the register type.
+- The bit position will not exceed the register size.
+- The order of the bit position is dependent on the register type.
 ### 4) Root Nodes
@@ -196,45 +197,46 @@
 section starts with:
 | Bytes | Desc                        | Value/Example                 |
-|     4 | root isolation node keyword | 0x524f4f54 (ascii for "ROOT") |
-|     1 | # of root nodes             | 0 is invalid                  |
+| :---: | :-------------------------- | :---------------------------- |
+|   4   | root isolation node keyword | 0x524f4f54 (ascii for "ROOT") |
+|   1   | # of root nodes             | 0 is invalid                  |
 Each isolation tree will report attentions for a single attention type and there
 can only be one tree per attention type. Immediately following the above
 metadata will be the following for each root node:
 | Bytes | Desc               | Value/Example                              |
-|     1 | attention type     | See appendix for supported attention types |
-|     2 | root node ID       | See node ID description in section 3       |
-|     1 | root node instance | See node instance description in section 3 |
+| :---: | :----------------- | :----------------------------------------- |
+|   1   | attention type     | See appendix for supported attention types |
+|   2   | root node ID       | See node ID description in section 3       |
+|   1   | root node instance | See node instance description in section 3 |
 ## Appendix
 ### 1) Supported Register Types
- * Power Systems SCOM register
-    * Type value:    0x01
-    * Address size:  4 bytes
-    * Register size: 8 bytes
-    * Bit order:     ascending (0-63, left to right)
+- Power Systems SCOM register
- * Power Systems Indirect SCOM register
-    * Type value:    0x02
-    * Address size:  8 bytes
-    * Register size: 8 bytes
-    * Bit order:     ascending (0-63, left to right)
+  - Type value: 0x01
+  - Address size: 4 bytes
+  - Register size: 8 bytes
+  - Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)
+- Power Systems Indirect SCOM register
+  - Type value: 0x02
+  - Address size: 8 bytes
+  - Register size: 8 bytes
+  - Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)
 ### 2) Supported Attention Types
 | Value | Description                                                 |
-|     1 | System checkstop hardware attention                         |
-|     2 | Unit checkstop hardware attention                           |
-|     3 | Recoverable hardware attention                              |
-|     4 | SW or HW event requiring action by the service processor FW |
-|     5 | SW or HW event requiring action by the host FW              |
+| :---: | :---------------------------------------------------------- |
+|   1   | System checkstop hardware attention                         |
+|   2   | Unit checkstop hardware attention                           |
+|   3   | Recoverable hardware attention                              |
+|   4   | SW or HW event requiring action by the service processor FW |
+|   5   | SW or HW event requiring action by the host FW              |
 ### 3) Expressions
@@ -256,10 +258,10 @@
 The following is the complete byte definition of the expression:
 | Bytes | Description/Value                                     |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x01                                |
-|     3 | register ID, see section 2 for register details       |
-|     1 | register instance, see section 2 for register details |
+| :---: | :---------------------------------------------------- |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x01                                |
+|   3   | register ID, see section 2 for register details       |
+|   1   | register instance, see section 2 for register details |
 As you can see, the register ID and instance can be used to find this register's
 metadata (e.g. the address) from the register lists (see section 2).
@@ -271,9 +273,9 @@
 The following is the complete byte definition of the expression:
 | Bytes | Description/Value                                 |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x02                            |
-|     * | An unsigned integer constant (**see note below**) |
+| :---: | :------------------------------------------------ |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x02                            |
+|  \*   | An unsigned integer constant (**see note below**) |
 **IMPORTANT:** The size of the constant is determined by the register type
 specified by the containing node. See section 3 for node details.
@@ -299,47 +301,46 @@
 A bitwise AND operation (i.e. `EXPR_1 & EXPR_2`).
 | Bytes | Description/Value      |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x10 |
-|     1 | # of sub-expressions   |
-|     * | all sub-expressions    |
+| :---: | :--------------------- |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x10 |
+|   1   | # of sub-expressions   |
+|  \*   | all sub-expressions    |
 ##### 3.2.2) OR expression
 A bitwise OR operation (i.e. `EXPR_1 | EXPR_2`).
 | Bytes | Description/Value      |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x11 |
-|     1 | # of sub-expressions   |
-|     * | all sub-expressions    |
+| :---: | :--------------------- |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x11 |
+|   1   | # of sub-expressions   |
+|  \*   | all sub-expressions    |
 ##### 3.2.3) NOT expression
 A bitwise NOT operation (i.e. `~EXPR`).
 | Bytes | Description/Value      |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x12 |
-|     * | sub-expression         |
+| :---: | :--------------------- |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x12 |
+|  \*   | sub-expression         |
 ##### 3.2.4) Left shift expression
 A left shift operation (i.e. `EXPR << shift_value`).
 | Bytes | Description/Value      |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x13 |
-|     1 | shift value            |
-|     * | sub-expression         |
+| :---: | :--------------------- |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x13 |
+|   1   | shift value            |
+|  \*   | sub-expression         |
 ##### 3.2.5) Right shift expression
 A left shift operation (i.e. `EXPR >> shift_value`).
 | Bytes | Description/Value      |
-|     1 | expression type = 0x14 |
-|     1 | shift value            |
-|     * | sub-expression         |
+| :---: | :--------------------- |
+|   1   | expression type = 0x14 |
+|   1   | shift value            |
+|  \*   | sub-expression         |
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
index 5052056..a82043d 100644
--- a/xml/
+++ b/xml/
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
 The machine readable Chip Data XML files are used to generate the Chip Data
 Binary files that are consumed directly by the Hardware Error Isolator (simply
-referred to as 'the isolator'). Details of the isolator and the
-[Chip Data Binary][] format and requirements can be found in the
+referred to as 'the isolator'). Details of the isolator and the [Chip Data
+Binary][] format and requirements can be found in the
 [openbmc/openpower-libhei][] project.
-[Chip Data Binary]:
+[chip data binary]:
 ## 1) Chip Files - Root Element: `<chip>`
@@ -49,20 +50,19 @@
 The data described by the XML in these files represents attention isolation
 trees. Each tree node will contain:
- * A list of registers related to this node (FIRs, masks, config regs, etc.).
+- A list of registers related to this node (FIRs, masks, config regs, etc.).
- * A list of registers to store in logs for additional debug, if necessary.
+- A list of registers to store in logs for additional debug, if necessary.
- * A set of rules describing registers and bit operations required to determine
-   if there are active attentions for supported attention types.
+- A set of rules describing registers and bit operations required to determine
+  if there are active attentions for supported attention types.
- * A bit definition indicating if an active attention has been found or if it
-   originated from another node.
+- A bit definition indicating if an active attention has been found or if it
+  originated from another node.
-**Important Note:**
-A node typically represents a Fault Isolation Register (FIR).  However, other
-hardware registers, like `c_err_rpt` registers, or a combination of registers
-could be used as well.
+**Important Note:** A node typically represents a Fault Isolation Register
+(FIR). However, other hardware registers, like `c_err_rpt` registers, or a
+combination of registers could be used as well.
 For readability and maintainability, the data for each node will be stored in
 separate XML files.
@@ -89,17 +89,18 @@
 defined for this node and the order of the bit `pos` attribute (left to right
 vs. right to left). Supported types:
- * POWER Systems SCOM register
-   * Attribute value:   SCOM
-   * Address length:    4 bytes
-   * Register length:   8 bytes
-   * Bit order:         ascending (0-63, left to right)
+- POWER Systems SCOM register
- * POWER Systems Indirect SCOM register
-   * Attribute value:   IDSCOM
-   * Address length:    8 bytes
-   * Register length:   8 bytes
-   * Bit order:         ascending (0-63, left to right)
+  - Attribute value: SCOM
+  - Address length: 4 bytes
+  - Register length: 8 bytes
+  - Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)
+- POWER Systems Indirect SCOM register
+  - Attribute value: IDSCOM
+  - Address length: 8 bytes
+  - Register length: 8 bytes
+  - Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)
 ### 2.4) Element `<register>` (conditionally optional)
@@ -118,21 +119,21 @@
 The hardware operation accessibility. Supported values:
-| Value  | Description                                                    |
-| RO     | read-only access                                               |
-| WO     | write-only access                                              |
-| RW     | read and write access (default when 'access' is not specified) |
+| Value | Description                                                    |
+| ----- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| RO    | read-only access                                               |
+| WO    | write-only access                                              |
+| RW    | read and write access (default when 'access' is not specified) |
 #### 2.4.3) Element `<instance>` (required)
-It is possible that a register could have multiple instances within a
-chip. For example, the same register could exist for each core on a processor
-chip. Generally, the isolation rules and bit definition for registers like these
-are the same for each instance. The only difference would be the register
-addresses associated with each instance. So, instead of repeating the same
-information in multiple files, there will be an `<instance>` element for each
-unique instance of the register.
+It is possible that a register could have multiple instances within a chip. For
+example, the same register could exist for each core on a processor chip.
+Generally, the isolation rules and bit definition for registers like these are
+the same for each instance. The only difference would be the register addresses
+associated with each instance. So, instead of repeating the same information in
+multiple files, there will be an `<instance>` element for each unique instance
+of the register.
 ##### Attribute `reg_inst` (required)
@@ -153,16 +154,16 @@
 This may seem redundant because in most cases the `<register>` elements will
 align exactly with this list. However, consider a special case:
- * There is a set of FIR bits that represent a unit within a chip.
- * That same set exists for each instance of that chip unit.
- * To save space in the hardware, a particular FIR may contain a set for more
-   than one chip unit.
- * For example, sixteen bits per set and four sets per FIR could represent
-   eight units in just two FIRs).
+- There is a set of FIR bits that represent a unit within a chip.
+- That same set exists for each instance of that chip unit.
+- To save space in the hardware, a particular FIR may contain a set for more
+  than one chip unit.
+- For example, sixteen bits per set and four sets per FIR could represent eight
+  units in just two FIRs).
-Therefore, if we set up the bit definition and rules for a node to represent
-the hardware units instead of the FIRs, the register instances will not match
-the node instances.
+Therefore, if we set up the bit definition and rules for a node to represent the
+hardware units instead of the FIRs, the register instances will not match the
+node instances.
 #### 2.5.1) Attribute `node_inst` (required)
@@ -182,12 +183,11 @@
 See the `reg_inst` attribute for each `<instance>` of `<register>`.
-**Important Note:**
-This value is interpreted as an array, where the index is the instance value of
-the `node_inst` attribute of the `<capture_group>` element. Therefore, this
-requires the number of instances represented by this attribute to equal the
-number of instances represented by the the `node_inst` attribute of the
-`<capture_group>` element.
+**Important Note:** This value is interpreted as an array, where the index is
+the instance value of the `node_inst` attribute of the `<capture_group>`
+element. Therefore, this requires the number of instances represented by this
+attribute to equal the number of instances represented by the the `node_inst`
+attribute of the `<capture_group>` element.
 ### 2.6) Element `<rule>` (conditionally optional)
@@ -238,33 +238,35 @@
 Each `<expr>` will have an expression type. Supported types are:
 | `type` | Description        | Sub-elements | `value1`      | `value2`     |
+| ------ | ------------------ | :----------: | ------------- | ------------ |
 | reg    | register reference |              | reg name      | reg instance |
 | int    | integer constant   |              | integer value |              |
-| and    | bitwise AND        | 2 or more    |               |              |
-| or     | bitwise OR         | 2 or more    |               |              |
-| not    | bitwise NOT        | 1            |               |              |
-| lshift | left shift         | 1            | shift value   |              |
-| rshift | right shift        | 1            | shift value   |              |
+| and    | bitwise AND        |  2 or more   |               |              |
+| or     | bitwise OR         |  2 or more   |               |              |
+| not    | bitwise NOT        |      1       |               |              |
+| lshift | left shift         |      1       | shift value   |              |
+| rshift | right shift        |      1       | shift value   |              |
 Table notes:
- * Some types require the sub-elements or `value1`/`value2` attributes, but they
-   are only required if explicitly stated in the table above.
- * Sub-elements are expressions and will be resolved before handling the
-   containing expression.
+- Some types require the sub-elements or `value1`/`value2` attributes, but they
+  are only required if explicitly stated in the table above.
+- Sub-elements are expressions and will be resolved before handling the
+  containing expression.
 Expression type notes:
- * A register reference is a special expression that indicates the contents of
-   the target register should be used for this expression. Generally, this means
-   reading the register value from hardware. The `value1` attribute is required
-   for this expression type and will indicate the name of the target register.
-   The `value2` attribute is optional and indicates the target register
-   instance. If omitted, the register instance will match the node instance(s)
-   represented by this rule.
- * An integer constant is simply a right-justified, unsigned integer. The
-   `value1` attribute for this expression type will contain the integer value.
-   The length of the number is defined by the `reg_type` attribute of the root
-   `<attn_node>` element.
+- A register reference is a special expression that indicates the contents of
+  the target register should be used for this expression. Generally, this means
+  reading the register value from hardware. The `value1` attribute is required
+  for this expression type and will indicate the name of the target register.
+  The `value2` attribute is optional and indicates the target register instance.
+  If omitted, the register instance will match the node instance(s) represented
+  by this rule.
+- An integer constant is simply a right-justified, unsigned integer. The
+  `value1` attribute for this expression type will contain the integer value.
+  The length of the number is defined by the `reg_type` attribute of the root
+  `<attn_node>` element.
 ### 2.7) Element `<bit>` (conditionally optional)
@@ -284,9 +286,9 @@
 #### 2.7.2) Attribute `child_node` (optional)
 If this attribute exists, it means the event that raised the attention in this
-bit originated from another node. The value of this attribute is the name of
-the child node, which can be found in the `name` attribute of the `<attn_node>`
-root element.
+bit originated from another node. The value of this attribute is the name of the
+child node, which can be found in the `name` attribute of the `<attn_node>` root
 #### 2.7.3) Attribute `node_inst` (optional)
@@ -294,11 +296,10 @@
 `child_node` is specified. Also, if `child_node` is specified and this attribute
 is omitted, the default value of 0 is used.
-**Important Note:**
-This value is actually interpreted as an array where the index is the instance
-value of the current node. Therefore, this requires the number of instances
-represented by this attribute to equal the number of instances represented by
-the current node.
+**Important Note:** This value is actually interpreted as an array where the
+index is the instance value of the current node. Therefore, this requires the
+number of instances represented by this attribute to equal the number of
+instances represented by the current node.
 A list and/or range value (see appendix) may be used to represent the attribute
 value. For example, say we have a node with four possible instances and a bit
@@ -323,9 +324,10 @@
 Some chips have a lot of local FIR registers, especially POWER processor chips,
 and nearly all of these FIRs follow the same pattern where:
- * The MASK, ACTION, WOF, etc. register are on the same address offset from the
-   FIR address.
- * Attention rules are defined by the associated MASK and ACTION registers.
+- The MASK, ACTION, WOF, etc. register are on the same address offset from the
+  FIR address.
+- Attention rules are defined by the associated MASK and ACTION registers.
 Therefore, this special `<local_fir>` element is simply provided as shorthand
 for these common patterns. Under the covers it will generate the required
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@
 of these registers exist, use the following values:
 | Value | Description                         |
+| ----- | ----------------------------------- |
 |       | neither WOF nor ACT2 registers      |
 | W     | include WOF register                |
 | 2     | include ACT2 register               |
@@ -355,14 +357,14 @@
 Under the covers, the following registers will be generated (see the `config`
 attribute for details on the WOF and ACT2 registers):
-| name            | addr   | access |
-| `name`          | addr+0 | RW     |
-| `name_MASK`     | addr+3 | RW     |
-| `name_ACT0`     | addr+6 | RW     |
-| `name_ACT1`     | addr+7 | RW     |
-| `name_WOF`      | addr+8 | RW     |
-| `name_ACT2`     | addr+9 | RW     |
+| name        | addr   | access |
+| ----------- | ------ | ------ |
+| `name`      | addr+0 | RW     |
+| `name_MASK` | addr+3 | RW     |
+| `name_ACT0` | addr+6 | RW     |
+| `name_ACT1` | addr+7 | RW     |
+| `name_WOF`  | addr+8 | RW     |
+| `name_ACT2` | addr+9 | RW     |
 #### 2.8.4) Element `<action>` (required 1 or more)
@@ -379,19 +381,19 @@
 this attribute:
 | Value | Rule                                |
+| ----- | ----------------------------------- |
 | 00    | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1         |
-| 01    | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 &  ACT1         |
-| 10    | FIR & ~MASK &  ACT0 & ~ACT1         |
-| 11    | FIR & ~MASK &  ACT0 &  ACT1         |
+| 01    | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ACT1          |
+| 10    | FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ~ACT1          |
+| 11    | FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ACT1           |
 | 000   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ~ACT2 |
-| 001   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1 &  ACT2 |
-| 010   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 &  ACT1 & ~ACT2 |
-| 011   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 &  ACT1 &  ACT2 |
-| 100   | FIR & ~MASK &  ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ~ACT2 |
-| 101   | FIR & ~MASK &  ACT0 & ~ACT1 &  ACT2 |
-| 110   | FIR & ~MASK &  ACT0 &  ACT1 & ~ACT2 |
-| 111   | FIR & ~MASK &  ACT0 &  ACT1 &  ACT2 |
+| 001   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ACT2  |
+| 010   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ACT1 & ~ACT2  |
+| 011   | FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ACT1 & ACT2   |
+| 100   | FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ~ACT2  |
+| 101   | FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ACT2   |
+| 110   | FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ACT1 & ~ACT2   |
+| 111   | FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ACT1 & ACT2    |
 ## 3) Appendix
@@ -402,11 +404,11 @@
 ### 3.2) Number Lists and Ranges
- * Lists are expressed by a comma separated list (e.g. "0,2,4,6,8").
- * Ranges represent consecutive ascending or descending numbers (including both
-   endpoints) and are expressed using a colon (e.g. "8:15" or "15:8").
- * Lists and ranges can be combined. For example, a value of "0,2:4,6" expands
-   to 0, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
+- Lists are expressed by a comma separated list (e.g. "0,2,4,6,8").
+- Ranges represent consecutive ascending or descending numbers (including both
+  endpoints) and are expressed using a colon (e.g. "8:15" or "15:8").
+- Lists and ranges can be combined. For example, a value of "0,2:4,6" expands to
+  0, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
 ### 3.3) Notice Regarding `model_ec` Attributes
@@ -421,7 +423,7 @@
 | Value         | Description          |
+| ------------- | -------------------- |
 | `EXPLORER_11` | Explorer chip EC 1.1 |
 | `EXPLORER_20` | Explorer chip EC 2.0 |
 | `P10_10`      | P10 chip EC 1.0      |
@@ -429,11 +431,10 @@
 ### 3.4) Supported Attention Types
-| Value | Description                                                          |
-| CS    | System checkstop hardware attention.                                 |
-| UCS   | Unit checkstop hardware attention.                                   |
-| RE    | Recoverable hardware attention.                                      |
-| SPA   | SW or HW event requiring action by the service processor firmware.   |
-| HA    | SW or HW event requiring action by the host firmware.                |
+| Value | Description                                                        |
+| ----- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| CS    | System checkstop hardware attention.                               |
+| UCS   | Unit checkstop hardware attention.                                 |
+| RE    | Recoverable hardware attention.                                    |
+| SPA   | SW or HW event requiring action by the service processor firmware. |
+| HA    | SW or HW event requiring action by the host firmware.              |
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
index 15b6496..74e91c9 100644
--- a/xml/
+++ b/xml/
@@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
 from setuptools import setup
 from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py
-import os
-import subprocess
 # Typically in files like this we'd use find_packages() to traverse directories
 # for any static packages. However, we are trying to add data to a package that
 # will actually exist in another repository. Therefore, we have to explicitly
 # list out the package name, directory, and data information.
 # We are building data for the following module:
-package_name = 'pel.hwdiags'
+package_name = "pel.hwdiags"
 # Since we are not using find_packages() we have to provide a package directory,
 # but in this case nothing exists because there are no static package
 # directories. Therefore, we will just use the empty string.
-package_dir = ''
+package_dir = ""
 # Split the package data directory into its components.
-data_dir_components = [ *package_name.split('.'), 'data' ]
+data_dir_components = [*package_name.split("."), "data"]
 # It is important to note that '/' must be used as the path separator, even on
 # Windows. Setuptools will automatically convert the slashes where appropriate.
-package_data_glob = '/'.join( data_dir_components )
+package_data_glob = "/".join(data_dir_components)
 # This is a custom build class that is used to dynamically build the data files.
 class my_build_py(build_py):
     def run(self):
-        if not self.dry_run: # honor --dry-run flag
+        if not self.dry_run:  # honor --dry-run flag
             # Make sure the build directory for the data exists.
             # Yes, os.path.join() is necessary in this case, which is different
             # that what is stated above regarding package_data_glob.
@@ -42,20 +41,29 @@
             #       module.
             # TODO: The list of data file directories will need to be
             #       configurable via the package config in the bitbake recipes.
-            for chip in ('p10', 'explorer'):
-      [ './parse_chip_data_xml', '--json',
-                                 '-i', chip, '-o', data_dir ], check=True)
+            for chip in ("p10", "explorer"):
+                    [
+                        "./parse_chip_data_xml",
+                        "--json",
+                        "-i",
+                        chip,
+                        "-o",
+                        data_dir,
+                    ],
+                    check=True,
+                )
         # Call the superclass run() to ensure everything else builds.
-    name         = 'openpower-hw-diags-pel-parser-data',
-    version      = os.getenv('PELTOOL_VERSION', '1.0'),
-    classifiers  = [ 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License' ],
-    cmdclass     = { 'build_py': my_build_py }, # register custom build class
-    packages     = [ package_name ],
-    package_dir  = { package_name: package_dir },
-    package_data = { package_name: [ package_data_glob ] },
+    name="openpower-hw-diags-pel-parser-data",
+    version=os.getenv("PELTOOL_VERSION", "1.0"),
+    classifiers=["License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License"],
+    cmdclass={"build_py": my_build_py},  # register custom build class
+    packages=[package_name],
+    package_dir={package_name: package_dir},
+    package_data={package_name: [package_data_glob]},