Created IsolationNode class

This class is a wrapper around the HardwareRegister objects and other
Register objects that will do isolation of active attentions.

Change-Id: I08b0955d59a6e278f51fd6bcac7b29c986c0770b
Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <>
diff --git a/src/isolator/hei_isolation_node.cpp b/src/isolator/hei_isolation_node.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bbf37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/isolator/hei_isolation_node.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#include <isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp>
+namespace libhei
+bool IsolationNode::analyze( const Chip & i_chip, AttentionType_t i_attnType,
+                             IsolationData & io_isoData ) const
+    bool o_activeAttn = false; // Initially, assume no active attentions.
+    // Keep track of nodes that have been analyzed to avoid cyclic isolation.
+    pushIsolationStack();
+    // A rule for i_attnType must exist.
+    auto rule_itr = iv_rules.find( i_attnType );
+    HEI_ASSERT( iv_rules.end() != rule_itr );
+    // Get the returned BitString for this rule.
+    const BitString * bs = rule_itr->second->getBitString( i_chip );
+    // Ensure this BitString is not longer than the maximum bit field.
+    HEI_ASSERT( bs->getBitLen() <= sizeof(RegisterBit_t) * 8 );
+    // Find all active bits for this rule.
+    for ( RegisterBit_t bit = 0; bit < bs->getBitLen(); bit++ )
+    {
+        // Continue to the next bit if not active.
+        if ( !bs->isBitSet(bit) ) continue;
+        // At least one active bit was found.
+        o_activeAttn = true;
+        // Determine if this attention originated from another register or if it
+        // is a leaf in the isolation tree.
+        auto child_itr = iv_children.find( bit );
+        if ( iv_children.end() != child_itr )
+        {
+            // This bit was driven from an attention from another register.
+            // Continue down the isolation tree to look for more attentions.
+            bool attnFound = child_itr->second->analyze( i_chip, i_attnType,
+                                                         io_isoData );
+            if ( !attnFound )
+            {
+                // Something went wrong. There should have been an active
+                // attention. It's possible there is a bug in the Chip Data
+                // File. Or, it is also possible some other piece of code is
+                // clearing the attention before this code is able to analyze
+                // it. Another possibility is that the hardware it not behaving
+                // as expected. Since we really don't know what happened, we
+                // should not assert. Instead, add this bit's signature to
+                // io_isoData. If there are no other active attentions, the user
+                // application could use this signature to help determine, and
+                // circumvent, the isolation problem.
+                io_isoData.addSignature( Signature { i_chip, iv_hwReg.getId(),
+                                                     iv_hwReg.getInstance(),
+                                                     bit, i_attnType } );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // We have reached a leaf in the isolation tree. Add this bit's
+            // signature to io_isoData.
+            io_isoData.addSignature( Signature { i_chip, iv_hwReg.getId(),
+                                                 iv_hwReg.getInstance(),
+                                                 bit, i_attnType } );
+        }
+    }
+    // Analysis is complete on this node. So remove it from cv_isolationStack.
+    popIsolationStack();
+    return o_activeAttn;
+void IsolationNode::addRule( AttentionType_t i_attnType,
+                             const Register * i_rule )
+    // A rule for this attention type should not already exist.
+    HEI_ASSERT( iv_rules.end() == iv_rules.find(i_attnType) );
+    // The rule should not be null.
+    HEI_ASSERT( nullptr != i_rule );
+    // Add the new rule.
+    iv_rules[i_attnType] = i_rule;
+void IsolationNode::addChild( uint8_t i_bit, const IsolationNode * i_child )
+    // An entry for this bit should not already exist.
+    HEI_ASSERT( iv_children.end() == iv_children.find(i_bit) );
+    // The child register should not be null.
+    HEI_ASSERT( nullptr != i_child );
+    // Add the new rule.
+    iv_children[i_bit] = i_child;
+std::vector<const IsolationNode *> IsolationNode::cv_isolationStack {};
+void IsolationNode::pushIsolationStack() const
+    // Ensure this node does not already exist in cv_isolationStack.
+    auto itr = std::find( cv_isolationStack.begin(),
+                          cv_isolationStack.end(), this );
+    HEI_ASSERT( cv_isolationStack.end() == itr );
+    // Push to node to the stack.
+    cv_isolationStack.push_back( this );
+} // end namespace libhei
diff --git a/src/isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp b/src/isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf18e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <hei_includes.hpp>
+#include <hei_isolation_data.hpp>
+#include <register/hei_register.hpp>
+#include <register/hei_hardware_register.hpp>
+#include <util/hei_bit_string.hpp>
+#include <util/hei_flyweight.hpp>
+namespace libhei
+ * @brief This class contains the isolation rules and bit definition of a
+ *        HardwareRegister used for error isolation.
+ *
+ * These objects are linked together as a tree. Any active bits in the
+ * associated register will either be a true active attention (leaf node) or
+ * indicate one or more active attentions occurred in a child node.
+ *
+ * The primary function of this class is analyze(), which will do a depth-first
+ * search of the tree to find all leaves and add their signatures to the
+ * returned isolation data.
+ *
+ * The tree structure is built from information in the Chip Data Files. It is
+ * possible that the tree could be built with loop in the isolation. This would
+ * be bug in the Chip Data Files. This class will keep track of all nodes that
+ * have been analyzed to prevent cyclic isolation (an infinite loop).
+ *
+ * Each isolation register will have a rule for each supported attention type.
+ * These rules are a combination of HardwareRegisters and operator registers to
+ * define rules like "REG & ~MASK & CNFG", which reads "return all bits in REG
+ * that are not in MASK and set in CNFG". See the definition of the Register
+ * class for details on how this works.
+ */
+class IsolationNode
+  public: // Constructors, destructor, assignment
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructor from components.
+     * @param i_hwReg A reference to the HardwareRegister targeted for
+     *                isolation.
+     */
+    explicit IsolationNode( const HardwareRegister & i_hwReg ) :
+        iv_hwReg( i_hwReg )
+    {}
+    /** @brief Destructor. */
+    ~IsolationNode() = default;
+  private:
+    // This is needed to allow the flyweights to use the copy constructor, but
+    // not allow it to be used in general.
+    friend class Flyweight<IsolationNode>;
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy constructor.
+     *
+     * Needed by Flyweight class, but should not be allowed in general.
+     */
+    IsolationNode( const IsolationNode & ) = default;
+    /**
+     * @brief Explicitly disables assignment operator.
+     *
+     * This is redundant since the compilier will implicitly delete this because
+     * of the constant instance variables, but helps communicate it is not
+     * allowed.
+     */
+    IsolationNode & operator=( const IsolationNode & ) = delete;
+  private: // Instance variables
+    /**
+     * This is a reference to the HardwareRegister targeted for isolation by
+     * this instance of the class. The reference is required to maintain
+     * polymorphism.
+     */
+    const HardwareRegister & iv_hwReg;
+    /**
+     * This register could report multiple types of attentions. We can use a
+     * register 'rule' (value) to find any active attentions for each attention
+     * type (key). A 'rule', like "register & ~mask", is a combination of
+     * HardwareRegister objects and virtual operator registers (all children
+     * of the Register class).
+     */
+    std::map<AttentionType_t, const Register *> iv_rules;
+    /**
+     * Each bit (key) in this map indicates that an attention was driven from
+     * another register (value).
+     */
+    std::map<RegisterBit_t, const IsolationNode *> iv_children;
+  public: // Member functions
+    /**
+     * @brief  Finds all active attentions on this register. If an active bit is
+     *         a leaf in the isolation tree, the bit's signature is added to the
+     *         isolation data. Otherwise, this function is recursively called
+     *         to analyze the child register that is driving the attention in
+     *         this register.
+     * @param  i_chip     The target chip for isolation.
+     * @param  i_attnType The target attention type to analyze on this register.
+     *                    Will assert a rule must exist for this attention type.
+     * @param  io_isoData The isolation data returned back to the user
+     *                    application.
+     * @return True, if any active attentions found on this register.
+     *         False, otherwise.
+     */
+    bool analyze( const Chip & i_chip, AttentionType_t i_attnType,
+                  IsolationData & io_isoData ) const;
+    // TODO: The next two functions are only intended to be used during
+    //       initialization of the isolator. Consider, making them private and
+    //       make the Chip Data File code friends of this class. So that it has
+    //       access to these init functions.
+    /**
+     * @brief Adds a register rule for the given attention type. See iv_rules
+     *        for details.
+     *
+     * This is only intended to be used during initialization of the isolator.
+     * Will assert that nothing has already been defined for this rule.
+     *
+     * @param The target attention type.
+     * @param The rule for this attention type.
+     */
+    void addRule( AttentionType_t i_attnType, const Register * i_rule );
+    /**
+     * @brief Adds a child register to analyze for the given bit in this
+     *        register. See iv_children for details.
+     *
+     * This is only intended to be used during initialization of the isolator.
+     * Will assert that nothing has already been defined for this bit.
+     *
+     * @param The target bit on this register.
+     * @param The child register to analyze for the given bit.
+     */
+    void addChild( RegisterBit_t i_bit, const IsolationNode * i_child );
+  public: // Operators
+    /** @brief Equals operator. */
+    bool operator==( const IsolationNode & i_r ) const
+    {
+        // iv_hwReg should be unique per IsolationNode.
+        return ( iv_hwReg == i_r.iv_hwReg );
+    }
+    /** @brief Less than operator. */
+    bool operator<( const IsolationNode & i_r ) const
+    {
+        // iv_hwReg should be unique per IsolationNode.
+        return ( iv_hwReg < i_r.iv_hwReg );
+    }
+  private: // Isolation stack and supporting functions.
+    /** When analyze() is called at the tree root, all recursive calls to
+     *  analyze() will target the same chip and attention type. So we only need
+     *  to keep track of the nodes that have been analyzed to avoid cyclic
+     *  isolation (an infinite loop). In fact, we only need to keep track of the
+     *  nodes directly from this node to the root node. As long as this node
+     *  does not already exist in the list, we can be sure there will not be a
+     *  loop. So the list can be treated as a stack. When analyze() is called on
+     *  a node, that node is pushed to the top of the stack (as long as it
+     *  doesn't already exist in the stack). Then, just before analyze() exits,
+     *  this node can be popped off the top of the stack. Once all the recursive
+     *  calls have returned back to the root node the stack should be empty.
+     */
+    static std::vector<const IsolationNode *> cv_isolationStack;
+    /**
+     * @brief Pushes this node to the top of the stack. Will assert that this
+     *        node does not already exist in cv_isolationStack.
+     */
+    void pushIsolationStack() const;
+    /** @brief Pops the top node off of cv_isolationStack. */
+    void popIsolationStack() const { cv_isolationStack.pop_back(); }
+} // end namespace libhei
diff --git a/src/isolator/hei_isolator.cpp b/src/isolator/hei_isolator.cpp
index becd1b1..e977054 100644
--- a/src/isolator/hei_isolator.cpp
+++ b/src/isolator/hei_isolator.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include <isolator/hei_isolator.hpp>
+#include <isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp>
 #include <register/hei_hardware_register.hpp>
 #include <util/hei_flyweight.hpp>
@@ -40,15 +41,15 @@
 void Isolator::uninitialize()
+    // Remove all of the IsolationNode objects stored in the flyweights. This
+    // must be done before removing the HardwareRegister objects
+    Flyweight<IsolationNode>::getSingleton().clear();
     // Must flush the hardware register cache before deleting any
     // HardwareRegister objects.
-    // BEGIN temporary code
-    HEI_INF( "Isolator::uninitialize()" );
-    // END temporary code
-    // Remove all of the isolation objects stored in the flyweights.
+    // Remove all of the HardwareRegister objects stored in the flyweights.