Chip Data XML

The machine readable Chip Data XML files are used to generate the Chip Data Binary files that are consumed directly by the Hardware Error Isolator (simply referred to as 'the isolator'). Details of the isolator and the Chip Data Binary format and requirements can be found in the openbmc/openpower-libhei project.

1) Chip Files - Root Element: <chip>

Each chip represented by the XML must have a separate file. These files describe the supported model/EC levels and where to start isolation for each attention type supported by the chip.

The filename must start with the prefix chip_ and have the .xml extension.

1.1) Attribute name (required)

The name of the chip. Must be alphanumeric or underscores, no spaces or other symbols allowed.

1.2) Attribute model_ec (required)

See the notice in the appendix regarding the model_ec attributes.

1.3) Element <attn_tree> (required 1 or more)

These indicate where to start isolation for a specific attention type.

1.3.1) Attribute attn_type (required)

The attention type for this tree. See appendix for supported values.

1.3.2) Attribute root_node (required)

The name of the node that will be the root of this isolation tree. This value can be found in the name attribute of the <attn_node> root element.

1.3.3) Attribute node_inst (required)

The logical instance of the root node. See the various node_inst sub-attributes of the <attn_node> root element.

2) Isolation Node Files - Root Element: <attn_node>

The data described by the XML in these files represents attention isolation trees. Each tree node will contain:

  • A list of registers related to this node (FIRs, masks, config regs, etc.).

  • A list of registers to store in logs for additional debug, if necessary.

  • A set of rules describing registers and bit operations required to determine if there are active attentions for supported attention types.

  • A bit definition indicating if an active attention has been found or if it originated from another node.

Important Note: A node typically represents a Fault Isolation Register (FIR). However, other hardware registers, like c_err_rpt registers, or a combination of registers could be used as well.

For readability and maintainability, the data for each node will be stored in separate XML files.

The filename must start with the prefix node_ and have the .xml extension.

2.1) Attribute name (required)

The name of the node. Must be alphanumeric or underscores, no spaces or other symbols allowed. This name will be displayed in log files.

Note that this typically matches the name of the register(s) targeted for isolation, but it is not required.

2.2) Attribute model_ec (required)

See the notice in the appendix regarding the model_ec attributes.

2.3) Attribute reg_type (required)

All registers used by this node must be of the same type. This dispels any ambiguity that may occur with the bitwise operations defined by the <rule> elements. It also defines the maximum number of <bit> elements that can be defined for this node and the order of the bit pos attribute (left to right vs. right to left). Supported types:

  • POWER Systems SCOM register

    • Attribute value: SCOM
    • Address length: 4 bytes
    • Register length: 8 bytes
    • Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)
  • POWER Systems Indirect SCOM register

    • Attribute value: IDSCOM
    • Address length: 8 bytes
    • Register length: 8 bytes
    • Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)

2.4) Element <register> (required 1 or more)

These provide a list of all registers required for isolation of this node. At a minimum, a <register> element must exist for each register referenced by the <rule> elements.

2.4.1) Attribute name (required)

The name of the register. Must be alphanumeric or underscores, no spaces or other symbols allowed.

2.4.2) Attribute access (optional)

The hardware operation accessibility. Supported values:

ROread-only access
WOwrite-only access
RWread and write access (default when 'access' is not specified)

2.4.3) Element <instance> (required)

It is possible that a register could have multiple instances within a chip. For example, the same register could exist for each core on a processor chip. Generally, the isolation rules and bit definition for registers like these are the same for each instance. The only difference would be the register addresses associated with each instance. So, instead of repeating the same information in multiple files, there will be an <instance> element for each unique instance of the register. Attribute reg_inst (required)

A unique integer value for the logical instance of this register. Note that the default value of 0 should be used for any single instance registers. Attribute addr (required)

The register address for this instance. The length of this hexadecimal integer is dependent on the reg_type attribute defined in the root <attn_node> element.

2.5) Element <capture_group> (optional)

These provide a list of all registers that should be captured and stored in log files for additional debug, if necessary.

This may seem redundant because in most cases the <register> elements will align exactly with this list. However, consider a special case:

  • There is a set of FIR bits that represent a unit within a chip.
  • That same set exists for each instance of that chip unit.
  • To save space in the hardware, a particular FIR may contain a set for more than one chip unit.
  • For example, sixteen bits per set and four sets per FIR could represent eight units in just two FIRs).

Therefore, if we set up the bit definition and rules for a node to represent the hardware units instead of the FIRs, the register instances will not match the node instances.

2.5.1) Attribute node_inst (required)

The logical instance of the node targeted by this capture group. A list and/or range value (see appendix) may be used to indicate this capture group applies to more than one node.

2.5.2) Element <capture_register> (required 1 or more)

A reference to a register that should be captured. Attribute reg_name (required)

See the name attribute of <register>. Attribute reg_inst (required)

See the reg_inst attribute for each <instance> of <register>.

Important Note: This value is interpreted as an array, where the index is the instance value of the node_inst attribute of the <capture_group> element. Therefore, this requires the number of instances represented by this attribute to equal the number of instances represented by the the node_inst attribute of the <capture_group> element.

2.6) Element <rule> (required 1 or more)

A rule helps specify if an attention is being raised from a register and what type of attention is being raised. A rule is constructed by a series of expressions (see <expr> below). The result of the expressions will indicate all active attentions for a rule.

2.6.1) Attribute attn_type (required)

The attention type for this rule. See appendix for supported values.

2.6.2) Attribute node_inst (required)

The logical instance of the node targeted by this rule. A list and/or range value (see appendix) may be used to indicate this rule applies to more than one node.

2.6.3) Element <expr> (required 1 or more)

Expressions are used to characterize bitwise operations carried out against registers and/or integer constants. For example, ~some_register & 0xffff will take the contents of some_register apply a bitwise NOT operation and then AND that value with the integer 0xffff. This example will generate XML as follows:

<expr type="and">
    <expr type="not">
        <expr type="register" value="some_register" />
    <expr type="integer" value="0xffff" />

For simplicity, the register and integer sizes will be defined by the reg_type attribute of the root <attn_node> element. This ensures all values are the same, eliminating the ambiguity caused by variable register/integer sizes.

It is also important to note that any values shifted beyond the defined register length will be lost. For example, given the register length of 2 bytes, the expression (0xffff << 8) >> 8 will resolve to 0x00ff. Attributes type (required) and value1/value2 (conditional)

Each <expr> will have an expression type. Supported types are:

regregister referencereg namereg instance
intinteger constantinteger value
andbitwise AND2 or more
orbitwise OR2 or more
notbitwise NOT1
lshiftleft shift1shift value
rshiftright shift1shift value

Table notes:

  • Some types require the sub-elements or value1/value2 attributes, but they are only required if explicitly stated in the table above.
  • Sub-elements are expressions and will be resolved before handling the containing expression.

Expression type notes:

  • A register reference is a special expression that indicates the contents of the target register should be used for this expression. Generally, this means reading the register value from hardware. The value1 attribute is required for this expression type and will indicate the name of the target register. The value2 attribute is optional and indicates the target register instance. If omitted, the register instance will match the node instance(s) represented by this rule.
  • An integer constant is simply a right-justified, unsigned integer. The value1 attribute for this expression type will contain the integer value. The length of the number is defined by the reg_type attribute of the root <attn_node> element.

2.7) Element <bit> (required 1 or more)

These provide metadata for each bit in this node. There should be a <bit> element for each bit that could generate an attention.

2.7.1) Attribute pos (required)

A numeric value representing the bit position within the node. The value cannot exceed the bit length defined by the reg_type attribute of the root <attn_node> element. A list and/or range value (see appendix) may be used to indicate this bit definition applies to more than one bit.

2.7.2) Attribute child_node (optional)

If this attribute exists, it means the event that raised the attention in this bit originated from another node. The value of this attribute is the name of the child node, which can be found in the name attribute of the <attn_node> root element.

2.7.3) Attribute node_inst (optional)

The target instance of the child node. This attribute should only exist when child_node is specified. Also, if child_node is specified and this attribute is omitted, the default value of 0 is used.

Important Note: This value is actually interpreted as an array where the index is the instance value of the current node. Therefore, this requires the number of instances represented by this attribute to equal the number of instances represented by the current node.

A list and/or range value (see appendix) may be used to represent the attribute value. For example, say we have a node with four possible instances and a bit defined as either of the following:

<bit pos="0" child_node="SOME_FIR" node_inst="4,5,6,7" ...
<bit pos="0" child_node="SOME_FIR" node_inst="4:7" ...
<bit pos="0" child_node="SOME_FIR" node_inst="4:5,6:7" ...

All of which are equivalent once the lists/ranges are expanded. Then, if the input instance during isolation of this node is 1, the instance used for SOME_FIR will be 5.

2.7.4) Data for <bit> (required)

A human readable description of this bit. This description will be printed out in logs for human consumption. It is highly recommended to keep this description short and concise (~50 characters) because longer descriptions will likely be truncated depending on the application.

2.8) Special Element <local_fir> (optional)

Some chips have a lot of local FIR registers, especially POWER processor chips, and nearly all of these FIRs follow the same pattern where:

  • The MASK, ACTION, WOF, etc. register are on the same address offset from the FIR address.
  • Attention rules are defined by the associated MASK and ACTION registers.

Therefore, this special <local_fir> element is simply provided as shorthand for these common patterns. Under the covers it will generate the required <register>, <capture_group>, and <rule> elements for the FIR.

2.8.1) Attribute name (required)

The FIR name. Defined exactly as the name attribute of <register>.

2.8.2) Attribute config (required)

Not all FIRs will have a WOF or ACT2 (which is new to P10). If either, or both, of these registers exist, use the following values:

neither WOF nor ACT2 registers
Winclude WOF register
2include ACT2 register
W2include both WOF and ACT2 registers

2.8.3) Element <instance> (required 1 or more)

The FIR instance. Defined exactly as the <instance> attribute of <register> where the addr attribute is the FIR address.

Under the covers, the following registers will be generated (see the config attribute for details on the WOF and ACT2 registers):


2.8.4) Element <action> (required 1 or more)

The action registers associated with the FIR are used to configure supported attention types. Attribute attn_type (required)

The attention type. Defined exactly as the attn_type attribute of <rule>. Attribute config (required)

Under the covers, the following rules will be generated based on the value of this attribute:

00FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1
01FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ACT1
10FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ~ACT1
11FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ACT1
000FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ~ACT2
001FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ACT2
010FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ACT1 & ~ACT2
011FIR & ~MASK & ~ACT0 & ACT1 & ACT2
100FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ~ACT2
101FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ~ACT1 & ACT2
110FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ACT1 & ~ACT2
111FIR & ~MASK & ACT0 & ACT1 & ACT2

3) Appendix

3.1) Number Format

All numbers in this XML are unsigned integers. A hexadecimal value must start with '0x'. Otherwise, the value is assumed to be decimal.

3.2) Number Lists and Ranges

  • Lists are expressed by a comma separated list (e.g. "0,2,4,6,8").
  • Ranges represent consecutive ascending or descending numbers (including both endpoints) and are expressed using a colon (e.g. "8:15" or "15:8").
  • Lists and ranges can be combined. For example, a value of "0,2:4,6" expands to 0, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

3.3) Notice Regarding model_ec Attributes

This attribute allows us to reuse the same <chip> or <attn_node> definition for multiple chip models and/or EC levels. These attributes are intentionally limited to the root <chip> and <attn_node> elements for simplicity, maintainability, and readability. Separate files will be required for each definition if any part of the <chip> or <attn_node> definition differs between chip models and/or EC levels.

The attribute is a comma separated list. The currently supported list values are:

EXPLORER_10Explorer chip EC 1.0
P10_10P10 chip EC 1.0

3.4) Supported Attention Types

CSSystem checkstop hardware attention.
UCSUnit checkstop hardware attention.
RERecoverable hardware attention.
SPASW or HW event requiring action by the service processor firmware.
HASW or HW event requiring action by the host firmware.