Redefining the checkstop attention type

ATTN_TYPE_CHECKSTOP previously had been used to indicate the system
has checkstopped. However, in hardware it really means that the chip has
checkstopped. It just happens to be when processor chips checkstop, the
entire system will checkstop. This does not work for memory buffer chips
because a memory buffer could checkstop, but it is not guaranteed the
system will checkstop like it does for processor chips. With memory
mirroring and other redundancies, it is possible for a system to recover
from a memory buffer chip checkstop. I added a new ATTN_TYPE_CHIP_CS
enum with the same value as its predecessor. The old enum will
eventually be removed once user applications have been given the time to
do so.

Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <>
Change-Id: I884317d25630513eec45fbb2313bd6a274a84876
diff --git a/src/hei_types.hpp b/src/hei_types.hpp
index 530481a..bdbbffb 100644
--- a/src/hei_types.hpp
+++ b/src/hei_types.hpp
@@ -167,21 +167,37 @@
     // clang-format off
     /** System checkstop hardware attention. Unrecoverable, fatal error. */
+    // TODO: This is deprecated and will be removed. Use CHIP_CS instead.
-    /** Unit checkstop hardware attention. A unit within the system is no longer
-     *  usable but the rest of the system should be able to recover. */
+    /**
+     * Hardware error event indicating that an entire chip has checkstopped and
+     * is no longer usable.
+     */
+    ATTN_TYPE_CHIP_CS     = 1,
+    /**
+     * Hardware error event indicating that a unit within a chip has
+     * checkstopped and is no longer usable. Other units within the chip should
+     * continue uninterrupted. Possible degraded functionality.
+     */
     ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS     = 2,
-    /** Recoverable hardware attention. The system should be able to continue
-     *  uninterrupted, possible degraded functionality. */
+    /**
+     * Hardware error event in which the hardware recovered. The system should
+     * be able to continue uninterrupted. Possible degraded functionality.
+     */
-    /** Software or hardware event requiring action by the service processor
-     *  firmware. */
+    /**
+     * Software or hardware event requiring action by the service processor
+     * firmware.
+     */
     ATTN_TYPE_SP_ATTN     = 4,
-    /** Software or hardware event requiring action by the host firmware. */
+    /**
+     * Software or hardware event requiring action by the host firmware.
+     */
     // clang-format on