Chip Data File JSON Format

General Requirements/Guidelines

  • All file names must contain the .json extension. Otherwise, there are no additional file name requirements.

  • The file format is flexible so that a chip can be described by one file or many files. It is up to the data owner to determine how the data is split into multiple files, if desired. The only requirement is that all data contained in a file must be the same for all chip model/EC levels described by the file (see the model_ec property). Otherwise, the necessary data must be split into multiple files.

  • All files for a chip model/EC level must be contained within the same directory (no sub-directories). A directory could contain files for more than one chip model/EC level. A directory can contain non-JSON files, but all JSON files in the directory must be Chip Data JSON.

1) Base JSON Object

All files will have the same format, which is a JSON object containing the properties defined below.

1.1) Property: version (required, integer)

A positive integer representing the Chip Data file format version. This will be useful later if the file format needs to change. The initial version is 1 and is currently the only supported version.

1.2) Property: model_ec (required, array of strings)

An array of strings representing the chip models and EC levels represented by this file. See appendix for supported values.

Important: This property allows us to reuse the same data definition for multiple chip models and/or EC levels. It is intentionally limited to the file scope for simplicity, maintainability, and readability. Separate files will be required if any data differs between chip models and/or EC levels.

1.3) Property: registers (optional, object)

A JSON object where the keys are register names and the values are Register JSON objects.

A register name must be alphanumeric and/or underscores. No spaces or other symbols allowed. The register names will be displayed in log files.

This property will be combined with all other definitions of this property in all other Chip Data files for the target chip models and EC levels defined in the model_ec property.

Not all Chip Data files will need to define this property, which is why the field is optional. However, after combining all the files, at minimum, an entry should exist for every register referenced in the Isolation Node JSON objects.

1.4) Property: isolation_nodes (optional, object)

A JSON object where the keys are isolation node names and the values are Isolation Node JSON objects.

An isolation node name must be alphanumeric and/or underscores. No spaces or other symbols allowed. The isolation node names will be displayed in log files. Note that these typically matches the name of the register(s) targeted for isolation, but it is not required.

This property will be combined with all other definitions of this property in all other Chip Data files for the target chip models and EC levels defined in the model_ec property.

Not all Chip Data files will need to define this property, which is why the field is optional. However, after combining all the files there should be at least one Isolation Node JSON object defined per attention type.

1.5) Property: root_nodes (optional, object)

A JSON object where the keys are attention types and the values are Root Node JSON objects. See appendix for supported attention types.

This property will be combined with all other definitions of this property in all other Chip Data files for the target chip models and EC levels defined in the model_ec property.

Not all Chip Data files will need to define this property, which is why the field is optional. However, after combining all the files there should be a Root Node JSON object defined for all attentions types supported on the target chip models and EC levels.

1.6) Property: capture_groups (optional, object)

A JSON object where the keys are capture group names and the values are an array of Capture Register JSON objects. The array is used to maintain the order in which registers are captured and stored in the FFDC.

This property will be combined with all other definitions of this property in all other Chip Data files for the target chip models and EC levels defined in the model_ec property.

Not all Chip Data files will need to define this property, which is why the field is optional.

Important: All registers referenced by the Isolation Node Rules should be automatically captured for FFDC. Therefore, the capture groups should only be defined if additional registers are needed.

2) Register JSON object

This describes a hardware register that may be used for isolation or simply captured for FFDC. At a minimum, a Register JSON object must exist for each register referenced by the Isolation Node JSON objects.

2.2) Property: reg_type (optional, string)

A string representing the register type, which specifies the register size, bit order, etc. Most registers are standard SCOM registers. So the default value of SCOM will be used when this property is not specified. See appendix for supported types.

2.3) Property: access (optional, string)

The hardware operation accessibility. Most registers have read and write access. So the default value of RW will be used when this property is not specified. See appendix for supported types.

2.4) Property: instances (required, object)

It is possible that a register could have multiple instances within a chip. For example, the same register could exist for each core on a processor chip. Generally, the isolation rules and bit definition for registers like these are the same for each instance. The only difference would be the register addresses associated with each instance. So, instead of repeating the same information multiple times, this object will contain the addresses for each unique instance of the register.

The key is a register instance, which a unique integer value for the logical instance of the register. Note that the default value of 0 should be used for any single-instance registers.

The value is a string representation of the address for this register instance. The length of this hexadecimal integer is dependent on the reg_type property. Note that value is intentionally a string for readability of the file. See appendix for number format requirements.

3) Isolation Node JSON object

This object is a node in an attention isolation tree. It will contain:

  • A set of rules describing the registers and bit operations required to determine if there are active attentions for supported attention types.

  • A bit definition of the rule results indicating whether an active attention has been found or if it originated from another node in the isolation tree.

  • A list of registers associated with this isolation node to store in logs for additional debug, if necessary.

Important: A node typically represents a FIR. However, other hardware registers, or a combination of registers, could be used as well.

3.1) Property: reg_type (optional, string)

All registers used by this node must be of the same type. This dispels any ambiguity that may occur with the bitwise operations defined by the rules property. It also defines the maximum number of entries that can be defined in the bits property and the order of the bit positions (left to right vs. right to left).

Most registers are standard SCOM registers. So the default value of SCOM will be used when this property is not specified. See appendix for supported types.

3.2) Property: instances (required, array of integers)

An array of integers representing the instances defined for this isolation node.

3.3) Property: rules (required, array of objects)

An array of Isolation Rule JSON objects.

3.4) Property: bits (required, object)

The keys are bit positions of the resulting rule output, which can be integers or integer ranges. See appendix for the number range format.

The values are Isolation Bit JSON objects.

3.5) Property: capture_groups (optional, array of objects)

An array of Capture Group JSON objects. When isolating to this node, these objects provide a list of registers that should be captured and stored in log files for additional debug, if necessary. The array is used to maintain the order in which registers are captured and stored in the FFDC.

4) Isolation Rule JSON Object

A rule specifies how an attention is raised from a register. A rule is constructed by a series of expressions (see expr below) which are bitwise operations on a register or set of registers. Any active bits (i.e. bit is set to 1) in the result of the expressions will indicate the active attentions for the rule.

4.1) Property: attn_type (required, array of strings)

An array of strings representing the attention types targeted for this rule. Some rules can be defined for more than one attention type, which is why this is an array. See appendix for supported values.

4.2) Property: node_inst (required, array of integers)

An array of integers representing the isolation node instances targeted for this rule. Some rules can be defined for more than one isolation node instance, which is why this is an array.

4.3) Property: expr (required, object)

An Isolation Rule Expression JSON object.

5) Isolation Rule Expression JSON object

Expressions are used to characterize bitwise operations carried out against registers and/or integer constants. For example, ~some_register & 0xffff will take the contents of some_register, apply a bitwise NOT operation, and then AND that value with the integer 0xffff. This example will generate the following Isolation Rule JSON object:

  "attn_type": ["CHIP_CS", "RECOV", "SP_ATTN"],
  "node_inst": [0, 1],
  "expr": {
    "expr_type": "and",
    "exprs": [
        "expr_type": "not",
        "expr": {
          "expr_type": "reg",
          "reg_name": "some_register",
          "reg_inst": { "0": 2, "1": 4 }
        "expr_type": "int",
        "int_value": "0xffff"

For simplicity, the register and integer sizes will be defined by the reg_type property of the Isolation Node JSON object. This ensures all values are the same length, eliminating the ambiguity caused by variable register and integer sizes.

5.1) Property: expr_type (required, string)

This property is required for Isolation Rule Expression JSON objects. All other properties depend on this property's value.

5.1.1) Expression Type Value: reg

This is a special expression that indicates the value of the target register should be used in this expression. Generally, this means reading the register value from hardware. Additional Property: reg_name (required, string)

The name of the target register. This would be the same value as the keys used in the registers property of the Base JSON object. Additional Property: reg_inst (optional, object)

An instance map from node instance (key) to register instance (value). See appendix for details on instance maps. If this property is not specified, the register instance value will always match the node instance value.

Important: All nodes instances in the node_inst property of the containing Isolation Rule JSON object must exist as keys in this instance map.

5.1.2) Expression Type Value: int

This simply represents an integer constant. Additional Property: int_value (required, string)

A right-justified, unsigned integer constant value. This number will be represented as a string for readability of hexadecimal numbers. See appendix for the number format rules.

Important: The size of the constant is determined by the register type specified in the reg_type property of the containing Isolation Node JSON object. So if the register type is SCOM, which is 64-bit, and the value is 0xff, the actual number will be 0x00000000000000ff.

5.1.3) Expression Type Values: and and or

Bitwise AND and OR operations (i.e. EXPR_1 & EXPR_2 | EXPR_3). Additional Property: exprs (required, array of objects)

An array of Isolation Rule Expression JSON objects. There must be at least two entries in the array, but more can be specified. Regardless of the array size, the same operation will be applied to all entries of the array after each sub-expression has been resolved.

5.1.4) Expression Type Value: not

A bitwise NOT operation (i.e. ~EXPR). Additional Property: expr (required, object)

An Isolation Rule Expression JSON object. The NOT operation will be applied after the sub-expression has been resolved.

5.1.5) Expression Type Values: lshift and rshift

Left and right shift operations (i.e. (EXPR << 8) >> 16). Additional Property: expr (required, object)

An Isolation Rule Expression JSON object. The shift operation will be applied after the sub-expression has been resolved. Additional Property: shift_value (required, integer)

The shift value. Must be a positive integer.

Important: Any values shifted beyond the defined register length will be lost. For example, given the register length of 2 bytes, the expression (0xffff << 8) >> 8 will resolve to 0x00ff.

6) Isolation Bit JSON Object

These objects provide the metadata for each bit defined by the isolation rules.

6.1) Property: desc (required, string)

A human-readable description of this bit, which will be displayed in log files. It is highly recommended to keep this description short and concise (~50 characters) because longer descriptions will likely be truncated depending on the application.

6.2) Property: child_node (optional, object)

When specified, this property indicates the attention originated from another isolation node. This property is a simple JSON object with the following properties:

6.2.1) Subproperty: name (required, string)

The name of the target isolation node. This would be the same value as the keys used in the isolation_nodes property of the Base JSON object.

6.2.2) Subproperty: inst (optional, object)

An instance map from parent node instance (key) to child node instance (value). See appendix for details on instance maps. If this property is not specified, the child node instance value will always match the parent node instance value.

Important: All nodes instances in the instances property of the containing Isolation Node JSON object must exist as keys in this instance map.

6.3) Property: capture_groups (optional, array of objects)

An array of Capture Group JSON objects. When isolating to this bit, these objects provide a list of registers that should be captured and stored in log files for additional debug, if necessary. The array is used to maintain the order in which registers are captured and stored in the FFDC.

7) Capture Group JSON Object

This describes a capture group and which instances needs to be captured for FFDC.

7.1) Property: group_name (required, string)

A capture group name. This value is found in the keys of the capture_groups property of the Base JSON object.

7.2) Property: group_inst (required, object)

This is an instance map from node instance (key) to group instance (value). See appendix for details on instance maps.

Important: If a node instance is not defined in this map, the group simply will not be captured.

8) Root Node JSON object

The attention isolation tree can be traversed via the Isolation Node JSON objects. A Root Node JSON object is simply the root of the isolation tree for a specific attention type. As a reminder, the attention types are the keys of the root_nodes property of the Base JSON object.

8.1) Property: name (required, string)

The string name of the isolation node that will be the root of this isolation tree. This value is found in the keys of the isolation_nodes property of the Base JSON object.

8.2) Property: inst (required, integer)

The logical instance of the root node. This value is found in the node_inst property of an Isolation Node Rule object associated with the target isolation node.

9) Capture Register JSON Object

This describes a register and which instances needs to be captured for FFDC.

9.1) Property: reg_name (required, string)

A register name. This value is found in the keys of the registers property of the Base JSON object.

9.2) Property: reg_inst (required, object)

This is an instance map from group instance (key) to register instance (value). See appendix for details on instance maps.

Important: If a group instance is not defined in this map, the register simply will not be captured.

10) Appendix

10.1) Number Formats

All numbers in the Chip Data files are unsigned integers. When possible, the JSON integer data type should be used for performance and file size. Unfortunately, the JSON integer data type only allows base 10 numbers. For readability, some properties allow a string representation of the number specifically for numbers that are better served to be in the hexadecimal format. In which case, the string value must start with '0x'.

10.2) Number Ranges

A number range represents consecutive ascending or descending numbers (including both endpoints) and are expressed using a colon (e.g. "8:15" or "15:8").

10.3) Instance Maps

Instance Maps are a simple JSON object mapping one type of instance to another. Say for example you are targeting a specific capture group instance and you want to capture all of the associated registers for FFDC. The Capture Register JSON object instance maps define how group instances map to register instances.

10.4) Supported Chip Models and EC Levels

EXPLORER_11Explorer chip EC 1.1
EXPLORER_20Explorer chip EC 2.0
ODYSSEY_10Odyssey chip EC 1.0
P10_10P10 EC 1.0
P10_20P10 EC 2.0

10.5) Supported Attention Types

Important: A chip checkstop is often associated with a system checkstop, which is certainly true for processor chips. However, systems may, but not always, recover from a chip checkstop on a memory buffer or other peripheral chips.

CHIP_CSChip checkstop hardware attention.
UNIT_CSLocal checkstop hardware attention within a chip unit.
RECOVRecoverable hardware attention.
SP_ATTNSW or HW event requiring action by the SP firmware.
HOST_ATTNSW or HW event requiring action by the host firmware.

10.6) Supported Register Types

  • POWER Systems SCOM register (default)

    • Property value: SCOM
    • Address length: 4 bytes
    • Register length: 8 bytes
    • Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)
  • POWER Systems Indirect SCOM register

    • Property value: IDSCOM
    • Address length: 8 bytes
    • Register length: 8 bytes
    • Bit order: ascending (0-63, left to right)

10.7) Supported Register Access Types

ROread-only access
WOwrite-only access
RWread and write access (default)