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  1. a21c471 Idle power saver status not updated after boot by Chris Cain · 4 days ago master
  2. b89d619 Fix occ_control terminate after OCC reset by Sheldon Bailey · 4 days ago
  3. d2b044f Handle OCC poll changes for per chip power data by Sheldon Bailey · 3 weeks ago
  4. 92dfb27 Ignore HRESET_NOT_READY state until HRESET completes by Chris Cain · 3 weeks ago
  5. ff0ce40 Add SensorPurpose for total_power sensor by Chris Cain · 7 weeks ago

OpenPOWER OCC Control Service

This service will handle communications to the On-Chip Controller (OCC) on Power processors. The OCC provides processor and memory temperatures, power readings, power cap support, system power mode support, and idle power saver support. OCC Control will be interfacing with the OCC to collect the temperatures and power readings, updating the system power mode, setting power caps, and idle power save parameters.

The service is started automatically when the BMC is started.

Build Project

This project can be built with meson. The typical meson workflow is: meson builddir && ninja -C builddir.


The server will start automatically after BMC is powered on.

Server status: systemctl status org.open_power.OCC.Control.service

To restart the service: systemctl restart org.open_power.OCC.Control.service


Service files are located in service_files subdirectory.



IBM EnergyScale for Power10 Processor-Based Systems whitepaper:

OCC Firmware Interface Spec for Power10:

OCC Firmware:


IBM EnergyScale for POWER9 Processor-Based Systems:

OCC Firmware Interface Spec for POWER9: