Populate device entry based on position

Communicating to OCC from BMC in PassThrough mode involves 2 drivers,

1) SBE FIFO driver --> Used to communicate with SBE
2) OCC driver --> Which uses FIFO driver to write data to OCC
   at a predefined address and reads it back from a predefined
   OCC address.

Device entry that is of interest here belongs to #2 above.
This will map occ0 to fifo1, occ2 to fifo2 and so on.
Until the udev rules are in place to make sure that a particular
entry always maps to correct device not caring the probing order,
this change here is a best guess that cpu0 and cpu1 would mostly in
all cases be probed in that order.

Change-Id: I485e0ea4eab1b4c6f59ee4b68c0725f9633cd933
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <vishwa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
2 files changed