Make PLDM call to reset OCCs an asynchronous call

The current signal to reset the OCCs/PM Complex waits for a response
from hostboot. If there is an issue with the connection to Hostboot,
the pldm_send_recv call will hang. This code change will make the call
asynchronous. If hostboot recovers, a notification indicating the OCCs
are active will get re-sent.

Change-Id: I809f00fd03277d29749989cd1b546525072d3adf
Signed-off-by: Chris Cain <>
diff --git a/pldm.cpp b/pldm.cpp
index 28236c3..c00d484 100644
--- a/pldm.cpp
+++ b/pldm.cpp
@@ -338,7 +338,8 @@
-    sendPldm(request);
+    // Make asynchronous call to reset the OCCs/PM Complex
+    sendPldm(request, true);
 void Interface::sendHRESET(open_power::occ::instanceID sbeInstanceId)
@@ -401,40 +402,66 @@
     return true;
-void Interface::sendPldm(const std::vector<uint8_t>& request)
+void Interface::sendPldm(const std::vector<uint8_t>& request, const bool async)
     // Connect to MCTP scoket
     int fd = pldm_open();
     if (fd == -1)
-        log<level::ERR>("pldm: Failed to connect to MCTP socket");
+        log<level::ERR>(
+            fmt::format("sendPldm: Failed to connect to MCTP socket, errno={}",
+                        errno)
+                .c_str());
     open_power::occ::FileDescriptor fileFd(fd);
     // Send the PLDM request message to HBRT
-    uint8_t* response = nullptr;
-    size_t responseSize{};
-    auto rc = pldm_send_recv(mctpEid, fileFd(),, request.size(),
-                             &response, &responseSize);
-    std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, decltype(std::free)*> responsePtr{response,
-                                                               std::free};
-    if (rc)
+    if (async == false)
-        log<level::ERR>("pldm: pldm_send_recv failed", entry("RC=%d", rc));
-    }
+        uint8_t* response = nullptr;
+        size_t responseSize{};
+        auto rc = pldm_send_recv(mctpEid, fileFd(),,
+                                 request.size(), &response, &responseSize);
+        std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, decltype(std::free)*> responsePtr{response,
+                                                                   std::free};
+        if (rc)
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "sendPldm: pldm_send_recv({},{},req,{},...) failed with rc={} and errno={}",
+                    mctpEid, fileFd(), request.size(), rc, errno)
+                    .c_str());
+        }
-    uint8_t completionCode{};
-    auto responseMsg = reinterpret_cast<const pldm_msg*>(responsePtr.get());
-    auto rcDecode = decode_set_state_effecter_states_resp(
-        responseMsg, responseSize - sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr), &completionCode);
-    if (rcDecode || completionCode)
+        uint8_t completionCode{};
+        auto responseMsg = reinterpret_cast<const pldm_msg*>(responsePtr.get());
+        auto rcDecode = decode_set_state_effecter_states_resp(
+            responseMsg, responseSize - sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr), &completionCode);
+        if (rcDecode || completionCode)
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "sendPldm: decode_set_state_effecter_states_resp failed with rc={} and compCode={}",
+                    rcDecode, completionCode)
+                    .c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    else
-        log<level::ERR>(
-            "pldm: decode_set_state_effecter_states_resp returned error",
-            entry("RC=%d", rcDecode),
-            entry("COMPLETION_CODE=%d", completionCode));
+        log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("sendPldm: calling pldm_send({}, {})",
+                                     mctpEid, fileFd())
+                             .c_str());
+        auto rc = pldm_send(mctpEid, fileFd(),, request.size());
+        if (rc)
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "sendPldm: pldm_send({},{},req,{}) failed with rc={} and errno={}",
+                    mctpEid, fileFd(), request.size(), rc, errno)
+                    .c_str());
+        }