obmc-vpnor-util: Don't delete the HB_VOLATILE symlink

When symlinks to PNOR partitions were introduced in the emmc layout,
clearing of the HB_VOLATILE partition was done by deleting the symlink,
restoring the original lid file, and recreating the symlink. This leaves
a small time window when mboxd (hiomapd) can try to read this partition
and fail (since it expects that all partitions always exist because if
the partitions are regular files, there's always a read-only copy).

To mimic this behavior and avoid the mboxd error, don't delete and
recreate the symlink but instead just restore the original data.

Tested: The symlink modification time did not change as part of the
clear volatile operation.

Change-Id: Id7c4470130197d151eea89fdb529b87bc42511d5
Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>
1 file changed
tree: 9ad6a684b3df667ccd922fffc3674695ce356a9f
  1. dbus/
  2. mmc/
  3. static/
  4. test/
  5. ubi/
  6. vpnor/
  7. .clang-format
  8. .clang-tidy
  9. .gitignore
  10. .shellcheck
  11. activation.cpp
  12. activation.hpp
  13. functions.cpp
  14. functions.hpp
  15. generate-tar
  16. generate-ubi
  17. image_verify.cpp
  18. image_verify.hpp
  19. item_updater.cpp
  20. item_updater.hpp
  21. item_updater_main.cpp
  23. meson.build
  24. meson.options
  25. msl_verify.cpp
  26. msl_verify.hpp
  27. msl_verify_main.cpp
  28. op-pnor-msl.service
  29. openpower-pnor-update@.service
  30. org.open_power.Software.Host.Updater.service
  31. OWNERS
  32. README.md
  33. utils.cpp
  34. utils.hpp
  35. version.cpp
  36. version.hpp


OpenPower PNOR (Processor NOR) Code Management provides a set of host software management applications for OpenPower systems. The host firmware is stored on the PNOR chip. More information can be found at Software Architecture or Host Code Update

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

  1. meson build
  2. ninja -C build

To clean the repository run rm -r build.