clang-tidy: Remove unused lambda captures

The following errors were reported during clang-tidy enablement due
to unused lambda captures.

functions.cpp:769:10: [0m[0;1;31merror: [0m[1mlambda capture 'pldmPath' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-lambda-capture]

The fix involves removing these unused lambda captures.

Tested: Build and unit testing verified.

Change-Id: Ie2e28d4af2ad8eac2886c0202e98099ab3b82fc4
Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <>
1 file changed
tree: 2319fa40c0c7f2373920c9e77d29ce9da0b5bb61
  1. dbus/
  2. mmc/
  3. static/
  4. test/
  5. ubi/
  6. vpnor/
  7. .clang-format
  8. .gitignore
  9. .shellcheck
  10. activation.cpp
  11. activation.hpp
  12. functions.cpp
  13. functions.hpp
  14. generate-tar
  15. generate-ubi
  16. image_verify.cpp
  17. image_verify.hpp
  18. item_updater.cpp
  19. item_updater.hpp
  20. item_updater_main.cpp
  23. meson.options
  24. msl_verify.cpp
  25. msl_verify.hpp
  26. msl_verify_main.cpp
  27. op-pnor-msl.service
  28. openpower-pnor-update@.service
  29. org.open_power.Software.Host.Updater.service
  30. OWNERS
  32. utils.cpp
  33. utils.hpp
  34. version.cpp
  35. version.hpp


OpenPower PNOR (Processor NOR) Code Management provides a set of host software management applications for OpenPower systems. The host firmware is stored on the PNOR chip. More information can be found at Software Architecture or Host Code Update

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

  1. meson build
  2. ninja -C build

To clean the repository run rm -r build.