Static layout: Generate tar.gz for static layout pnor

Add --image_type option to specify the image type of generated PNOR in
Support "squashfs" and "static" image types.
Rename `generate-squashfs` to `generate-tar` to reflect that this util
is to generate a tarball instead of squashfs.

Example of usage:

    # Generate unsigned tarball for Witherspoon
    ./generate-tar -i squashfs witherspoon.pnor

    # Generate signed tarball with default key for Witherspoon
    ./generate-tar -i squashfs -s -- witherspoon.pnor

    # Generate unsigned tarball for Romulus
    ./generate-tar -i static romulus.pnor

    # Generate signed tarball with default key for Romulus
    ./generate-tar -i static -s -- romulus.pnor

Tested: Verify the generated tarball contains correct files.

Change-Id: Ibb66605663b28888bd643baf92d6e4bdbf60c206
Signed-off-by: Lei YU <>
diff --git a/generate-tar b/generate-tar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d90aefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate-tar
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+set -eo pipefail
+help=$'Generate Tarball with PNOR image and MANIFEST Script
+Generates a PNOR SquashFS image from the PNOR image for VPNOR,
+Or use a static layout raw PNOR image,
+Creates a MANIFEST for image verification and recreation
+Packages the image and MANIFEST together in a tarball
+usage: generate-tar [OPTION] <PNOR FILE>...
+   -i, --image <squashfs|static>
+                          Generate SquashFS image or use static PNOR
+   -f, --file <file>      Specify destination file. Defaults to
+                          `pwd`/<PNOR FILE>.pnor.<image_type>.tar[.gz] if
+                          unspecified.
+                          (For example,
+                          * "generate-tar -i squashfs my.pnor" would generate
+                          `pwd`/my.pnor.squashfs.tar
+                          * "generate-tar -i static my.pnor" would generate
+                          `pwd`/my.pnor.static.tar.gz)
+   -s, --sign <path>      Sign the image. The optional path argument specifies
+                          the private key file. Defaults to the bash variable
+                          PRIVATE_KEY_PATH if available, or else uses the
+                          open-source private key in this script.
+   -h, --help             Display this help text and exit.
+private_key=$'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
+# Reference the ffs structures at:
+let ffs_entry_size=128
+let vercheck_offset=112
+declare -a partitions=()
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+  key="$1"
+  case $key in
+    -i|--image)
+      image_type="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -f|--file)
+      outfile="$2"
+      shift 2
+      ;;
+    -s|--sign)
+      do_sign=true
+      if [[ ! -z "${2}"  && "${2}" != -* ]]; then
+        private_key_path="$2"
+        shift 2
+      else
+        shift 1
+      fi
+      ;;
+    -h|--help)
+      echo "$help"
+      exit
+      ;;
+    *)
+      pnorfile="$1"
+      shift 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+if [ ! -f "${pnorfile}" ]; then
+  echo "Please enter a valid PNOR file."
+  echo "$help"
+  exit 1
+if [[ "${image_type}" == "squashfs" ]]; then
+  echo "Will generate squashfs image for VPNOR"
+elif [[ "${image_type}" == "static" ]]; then
+  echo "Will use static image for PNOR"
+  echo "Please specify the image type, \"squashfs\" or \"static\""
+  echo
+  echo "$help"
+  exit 1
+if [[ -z $outfile ]]; then
+    if [[ ${pnorfile##*.} == "pnor" ]]; then
+        outfile=`pwd`/${pnorfile##*/}.$image_type.tar
+    else
+        outfile=`pwd`/${pnorfile##*/}.pnor.$image_type.tar
+    fi
+    if [[ "${image_type}" == "static" ]]; then
+        # Append .gz so the tarball is compressed
+        outfile=$outfile.gz
+    fi
+    if [[ $outfile != /* ]]; then
+        outfile=`pwd`/$outfile
+    fi
+scratch_dir=`mktemp -d`
+if [[ "${do_sign}" == true ]]; then
+  if [[ -z "${private_key_path}" ]]; then
+    private_key_path=${scratch_dir}/OpenBMC.priv
+    echo "${private_key}" > "${private_key_path}"
+    echo "Image is NOT secure!! Signing with the open private key!"
+  else
+    if [[ ! -f "${private_key_path}" ]]; then
+      echo "Couldn't find private key ${private_key_path}."
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    echo "Signing with ${private_key_path}."
+  fi
+  public_key_file=publickey
+  public_key_path=${scratch_dir}/$public_key_file
+  openssl pkey -in "${private_key_path}" -pubout -out ${public_key_path}
+echo "Parsing PNOR TOC..."
+pflash --partition=part --read=${scratch_dir}/part -F ${pnorfile}
+pflash --partition=VERSION --read=${scratch_dir}/VERSION -F ${pnorfile}
+version_size=$(du -k ${scratch_dir}/VERSION | head -1 | cut -f 1)
+magic_number=$(xxd -p -l 4 ${scratch_dir}/VERSION)
+# Check if VERSION is signed. A signed version partition will have an extra
+# 4K header starting with the magic number 0x17082011, see:
+if [ "$version_size" == "8" -a "$magic_number" == "17082011" ]; then
+  # Advance past the STB header (4K, indexed from 1)
+  cp ${scratch_dir}/VERSION ${scratch_dir}/VERSION_FULL
+  tail --bytes=+4097 ${scratch_dir}/VERSION_FULL > ${scratch_dir}/VERSION
+  version=$(head -n 1 ${scratch_dir}/VERSION)
+  echo "version=$version"
+  extended_version=$(echo $(tail -n +2 ${scratch_dir}/VERSION)|tr ' ' ',')
+  echo "extended_version=$extended_version"
+  while read line; do
+    if [[ $line == "ID="* ]]; then
+        # This line looks like
+        # "ID=05 MVPD 000d9000..00169000 (actual=00090000) [ECC]"
+        read -r -a fields <<< "$line"
+        id=${fields[0]##*=}
+        offset=$((${ffs_entry_size} * 10#${id} + ${vercheck_offset}))
+        vercheck=$(xxd -p -l  0x1 -seek ${offset} ${scratch_dir}/part)
+        export flags=$(pflash --detail=$((10#$id)) -F ${pnorfile} | grep "\[" |
+                sed 's/....$//' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/.$//')
+        if [[ $flags != "" ]]; then
+            flags=,$flags
+        fi
+        if [[ $(echo $flags | grep "READONLY") == "" &&
+              $(echo $flags | grep "PRESERVED") == "" ]]; then
+            flags=$flags,READWRITE
+        fi
+        # Need the partition ID, name, start location, end location, and flags
+        echo  "partition${id}=${fields[1]},${fields[2]/../,},${vercheck}${flags}"
+        # Save the partition name
+        partitions+=(${fields[1]})
+    fi
+  # Don't need the BACKUP_PART partition
+  done < <(pflash --info -F ${pnorfile} | grep -v "BACKUP")
+} > ${scratch_dir}/${tocfile}
+for partition in "${partitions[@]}"; do
+  echo "Reading ${partition}..."
+  pflash --partition=${partition} \
+    --read=${scratch_dir}/${partition} \
+    -F ${pnorfile}
+files_to_sign="$manifest_location $public_key_file"
+# Go to scratch_dir
+if [[ "${image_type}" == "squashfs" ]]; then
+  echo "Creating SquashFS image..."
+  # Prepare pnor file in scratch_dir
+  cd "${scratch_dir}"
+  mksquashfs ${tocfile} ${partitions[*]} pnor.xz.squashfs
+  files_to_sign+=" pnor.xz.squashfs"
+  cp ${pnorfile} ${scratch_dir}
+  cd "${scratch_dir}"
+  files_to_sign+=" $(basename ${pnorfile})"
+echo "Creating MANIFEST for the image"
+echo -e "purpose=xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host\nversion=$version\n\
+extended_version=$extended_version" >> $manifest_location
+if [[ "${do_sign}" == true ]]; then
+  private_key_name=$(basename "${private_key_path}")
+  key_type="${private_key_name%.*}"
+  echo KeyType="${key_type}" >> $manifest_location
+  echo HashType="RSA-SHA256" >> $manifest_location
+  for file in $files_to_sign; do
+    openssl dgst -sha256 -sign ${private_key_path} -out "${file}.sig" $file
+  done
+  additional_files="*.sig"
+if [[ "${image_type}" == "squashfs" ]]; then
+  echo "Generating tarball to contain the SquashFS image and its MANIFEST"
+  tar -cvf $outfile $files_to_sign $additional_files
+  echo "SquashFSTarball at ${outfile}"
+  tar -czvf $outfile $files_to_sign $additional_files
+  echo "Static layout tarball at $outfile"
+rm -r "${scratch_dir}"