clang-format: copy latest and re-format

clang-format-17 has some backwards incompatible changes that require
additional settings for best compatibility and re-running the formatter.
Copy the latest .clang-format from the docs repository and reformat the

Change-Id: I06e9ad76b7e259a962f15f0b013d92a62f02a039
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index d92a3f1..d43e884 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -14,26 +14,30 @@
 AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty
 AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
 AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
-AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never
+AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: true
 AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
 AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
 AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
 AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
 BinPackArguments: true
 BinPackParameters: true
+BitFieldColonSpacing: None
   AfterCaseLabel:  true
   AfterClass:      true
   AfterControlStatement: true
   AfterEnum:       true
+  AfterExternBlock: true
   AfterFunction:   true
   AfterNamespace:  true
   AfterObjCDeclaration: true
   AfterStruct:     true
   AfterUnion:      true
-  AfterExternBlock: true
   BeforeCatch:     true
   BeforeElse:      true
+  BeforeLambdaBody: false
+  BeforeWhile:     false
   IndentBraces:    false
   SplitEmptyFunction:   false
   SplitEmptyRecord:     false
@@ -48,17 +52,16 @@
 ColumnLimit:     80
 CommentPragmas:  '^ IWYU pragma:'
 CompactNamespaces: false
-ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
 ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
 ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
 Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
-DeriveLineEnding: false
 DerivePointerAlignment: false
-PointerAlignment: Left
 DisableFormat:   false
-ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
 FixNamespaceComments: true
-ForEachMacros:   [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ]
+  - foreach
 IncludeBlocks: Regroup
   - Regex:           '^[<"](gtest|gmock)'
@@ -78,6 +81,7 @@
   - Regex:           '.*'
     Priority:        6
 IndentCaseLabels: true
+IndentExternBlock: NoIndent
 IndentRequiresClause: true
 IndentWidth:     4
 IndentWrappedFunctionNames: true
@@ -92,6 +96,7 @@
 ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
 ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
 ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
+PackConstructorInitializers: BinPack
 PenaltyBreakAssignment: 25
 PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
 PenaltyBreakComment: 300
@@ -100,12 +105,13 @@
 PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
 PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
 PenaltyIndentedWhitespace: 0
+PointerAlignment: Left
 QualifierAlignment: Left
 ReferenceAlignment: Left
 ReflowComments:  true
 RequiresClausePosition: OwnLine
 RequiresExpressionIndentation: Keyword
-SortIncludes:    true
+SortIncludes: CaseSensitive
 SortUsingDeclarations: true
 SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
 SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true
@@ -117,7 +123,7 @@
 SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true
 SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
 SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
-SpacesInAngles:  false
+SpacesInAngles: Never
 SpacesInContainerLiterals: true
 SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
 SpacesInParentheses: false
diff --git a/extensions/phal/dump_utils.cpp b/extensions/phal/dump_utils.cpp
index 59f7f67..2d0e703 100644
--- a/extensions/phal/dump_utils.cpp
+++ b/extensions/phal/dump_utils.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
                 path.c_str(), matchInterface.c_str()),
             [&](auto& msg) {
         return dumpStatusChanged(msg, path, inProgress);
-            });
+    });
     // wait for dump status to be completed (complete == true)
     // or until timeout interval
diff --git a/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp b/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp
index 96ba115..e249595 100644
--- a/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp
+++ b/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@
         traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
         [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
-        });
+        pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
+    });
         "org.open_power.PHAL.Error.NonFunctionalBootProc", jsonCalloutDataList,
         pelAdditionalData, Severity::Error);
@@ -370,11 +370,11 @@
                  [&pelAdditionalData, &ffdc_prefix](
                      std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-                     std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_");
-                     keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first);
+            std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_");
+            keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first);
-                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ele.second);
-                 });
+            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ele.second);
+        });
         // get clock position information
         auto clk_pos = 0xFF; // Invalid position.
         for (auto& hwCallout : ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts)
@@ -392,22 +392,21 @@
                  [&pelAdditionalData, &jsonCalloutDataList,
                   clk_pos](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void {
-                     json jsonCalloutData;
-                     std::string pelPriority = "L";
-                     jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority; // Not used
-                     jsonCalloutData["SymbolicFRU"] = "REFCLK" +
-                                                      std::to_string(clk_pos);
-                     jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
-                     jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path;
-                     jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
-                 });
+            json jsonCalloutData;
+            std::string pelPriority = "L";
+            jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority; // Not used
+            jsonCalloutData["SymbolicFRU"] = "REFCLK" + std::to_string(clk_pos);
+            jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
+            jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path;
+            jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+        });
         // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data
         for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
                      std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
-                 });
+            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
+        });
                                        jsonCalloutDataList, pelAdditionalData,
@@ -535,8 +534,8 @@
         for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
                      std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
-                 });
+            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
+        });
         openpower::pel::createErrorPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot", {},
@@ -587,88 +586,38 @@
                      [&pelAdditionalData, &ffdc_prefix](
                          std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-                         std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_");
-                         keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first);
+                std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_");
+                keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first);
-                         pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix,
-                                                        ele.second);
-                     });
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ele.second);
+            });
             // Adding hardware callout details
             int calloutCount = 0;
-            for_each(
-                ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.begin(),
-                ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.end(),
-                [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
-                 &ffdc_prefix](const HWCallout& hwCallout) -> void {
-                    calloutCount++;
-                    std::stringstream keyPrefix;
-                    keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "HW_CO_" << std::setfill('0')
-                              << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
+            for_each(ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.begin(),
+                     ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.end(),
+                     [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
+                      &ffdc_prefix](const HWCallout& hwCallout) -> void {
+                calloutCount++;
+                std::stringstream keyPrefix;
+                keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "HW_CO_" << std::setfill('0')
+                          << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("HW_ID"),
-                        hwCallout.hwid);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("HW_ID"),
+                    hwCallout.hwid);
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
-                        hwCallout.callout_priority);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
+                    hwCallout.callout_priority);
-                    // Log target details only if entity path is
-                    // available. For example target entity path will not
-                    // be available for non-hwp clock failure.
-                    if (!hwCallout.target_entity_path.empty())
-                    {
-                        phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
-                        phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(hwCallout.target_entity_path,
-                                                targetInfo);
-                        std::string locationCode =
-                            std::string(targetInfo.locationCode);
-                        pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                            std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"),
-                            locationCode);
-                        std::string physPath =
-                            std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
-                        pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                            std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"),
-                            physPath);
-                    }
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CLK_POS"),
-                        std::to_string(hwCallout.clkPos));
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CALLOUT_PLANAR"),
-                        (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout == true ? "true" : "false"));
-                    std::string pelPriority =
-                        getPelPriority(hwCallout.callout_priority);
-                    if (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout)
-                    {
-                        addPlanarCallout(jsonCalloutDataList, pelPriority);
-                    }
-                });
-            // Adding CDG (callout, deconfigure and guard) targets details
-            calloutCount = 0;
-            for_each(
-                ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.begin(),
-                ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.end(),
-                [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
-                 &ffdc_prefix](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void {
-                    calloutCount++;
-                    std::stringstream keyPrefix;
-                    keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "CDG_TGT_" << std::setfill('0')
-                              << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
+                // Log target details only if entity path is
+                // available. For example target entity path will not
+                // be available for non-hwp clock failure.
+                if (!hwCallout.target_entity_path.empty())
+                {
                     phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
-                    targetInfo.deconfigure = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
-                    phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(cdg_tgt.target_entity_path,
+                    phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(hwCallout.target_entity_path,
                     std::string locationCode =
@@ -676,51 +625,93 @@
                     std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
+                }
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_REQ"),
-                        (cdg_tgt.callout == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CLK_POS"),
+                    std::to_string(hwCallout.clkPos));
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_PRIORITY"),
-                        cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CALLOUT_PLANAR"),
+                    (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout == true ? "true" : "false"));
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("DECONF_REQ"),
-                        (cdg_tgt.deconfigure == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                std::string pelPriority =
+                    getPelPriority(hwCallout.callout_priority);
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_REQ"),
-                        (cdg_tgt.guard == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                if (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout)
+                {
+                    addPlanarCallout(jsonCalloutDataList, pelPriority);
+                }
+            });
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_TYPE"),
-                        cdg_tgt.guard_type);
+            // Adding CDG (callout, deconfigure and guard) targets details
+            calloutCount = 0;
+            for_each(ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.begin(),
+                     ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.end(),
+                     [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
+                      &ffdc_prefix](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void {
+                calloutCount++;
+                std::stringstream keyPrefix;
+                keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "CDG_TGT_" << std::setfill('0')
+                          << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
-                    json jsonCalloutData;
-                    jsonCalloutData["LocationCode"] = locationCode;
-                    std::string pelPriority =
-                        getPelPriority(cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
-                    jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
+                phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
+                targetInfo.deconfigure = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
-                    if (targetInfo.mruId != 0)
-                    {
-                        jsonCalloutData["MRUs"] = json::array({
-                            {{"ID", targetInfo.mruId},
-                             {"Priority", pelPriority}},
-                        });
-                    }
-                    jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
-                    jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = cdg_tgt.guard;
-                    jsonCalloutData["GuardType"] = cdg_tgt.guard_type;
-                    jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path;
+                phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(cdg_tgt.target_entity_path, targetInfo);
-                    jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
-                });
+                std::string locationCode = std::string(targetInfo.locationCode);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"),
+                    locationCode);
+                std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"), physPath);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_REQ"),
+                    (cdg_tgt.callout == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_PRIORITY"),
+                    cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("DECONF_REQ"),
+                    (cdg_tgt.deconfigure == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_REQ"),
+                    (cdg_tgt.guard == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_TYPE"),
+                    cdg_tgt.guard_type);
+                json jsonCalloutData;
+                jsonCalloutData["LocationCode"] = locationCode;
+                std::string pelPriority =
+                    getPelPriority(cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
+                jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
+                if (targetInfo.mruId != 0)
+                {
+                    jsonCalloutData["MRUs"] = json::array({
+                        {{"ID", targetInfo.mruId}, {"Priority", pelPriority}},
+                    });
+                }
+                jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
+                jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = cdg_tgt.guard;
+                jsonCalloutData["GuardType"] = cdg_tgt.guard_type;
+                jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path;
+                jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+            });
             // Adding procedure callout
             calloutCount = 0;
@@ -728,26 +719,26 @@
                 [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
                  &ffdc_prefix](const ProcedureCallout& procCallout) -> void {
-                    calloutCount++;
-                    std::stringstream keyPrefix;
-                    keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "PROC_CO_" << std::setfill('0')
-                              << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
+                calloutCount++;
+                std::stringstream keyPrefix;
+                keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "PROC_CO_" << std::setfill('0')
+                          << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
-                        procCallout.callout_priority);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
+                    procCallout.callout_priority);
-                    pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
-                        std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("MAINT_PROCEDURE"),
-                        procCallout.proc_callout);
+                pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("MAINT_PROCEDURE"),
+                    procCallout.proc_callout);
-                    json jsonCalloutData;
-                    jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = procCallout.proc_callout;
-                    std::string pelPriority =
-                        getPelPriority(procCallout.callout_priority);
-                    jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
-                    jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
-                });
+                json jsonCalloutData;
+                jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = procCallout.proc_callout;
+                std::string pelPriority =
+                    getPelPriority(procCallout.callout_priority);
+                jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
+                jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+            });
         else if ((ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_NONE) &&
                  (ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED))
@@ -763,33 +754,31 @@
         for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
                      std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
-                 });
+            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
+        });
         // TODO: #ibm-openbmc/dev/issues/2595 : Once enabled this support,
         // callout details is not required to sort in H,M and L orders which
         // are expected by pel because, pel will take care for sorting callouts
         // based on priority so, now adding support to send callout in order
         // i.e High -> Medium -> Low.
-        std::sort(
-            jsonCalloutDataList.begin(), jsonCalloutDataList.end(),
-            [](const json& aEle, const json& bEle) -> bool {
-                // Considering b element having higher priority than a element
-                // or Both element will be same priorty (to keep same order
-                // which are given by phal when two callouts are having same
-                // priority)
-                if (((aEle["Priority"] == "M") && (bEle["Priority"] == "H")) ||
-                    ((aEle["Priority"] == "L") &&
-                     ((bEle["Priority"] == "H") ||
-                      (bEle["Priority"] == "M"))) ||
-                    (aEle["Priority"] == bEle["Priority"]))
-                {
-                    return false;
-                }
+        std::sort(jsonCalloutDataList.begin(), jsonCalloutDataList.end(),
+                  [](const json& aEle, const json& bEle) -> bool {
+            // Considering b element having higher priority than a element
+            // or Both element will be same priorty (to keep same order
+            // which are given by phal when two callouts are having same
+            // priority)
+            if (((aEle["Priority"] == "M") && (bEle["Priority"] == "H")) ||
+                ((aEle["Priority"] == "L") &&
+                 ((bEle["Priority"] == "H") || (bEle["Priority"] == "M"))) ||
+                (aEle["Priority"] == bEle["Priority"]))
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
-                // Considering a element having higher priority than b element
-                return true;
-            });
+            // Considering a element having higher priority than b element
+            return true;
+        });
                                        jsonCalloutDataList, pelAdditionalData,
@@ -872,8 +861,8 @@
         traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
         [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
-        });
+        pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
+    });
     // reset the trace log and counter
@@ -965,8 +954,8 @@
         traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
         [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
-            pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
-        });
+        pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
+    });
diff --git a/procedures/common/collect_sbe_hb_data.cpp b/procedures/common/collect_sbe_hb_data.cpp
index d810c02..f8449c0 100644
--- a/procedures/common/collect_sbe_hb_data.cpp
+++ b/procedures/common/collect_sbe_hb_data.cpp
@@ -34,23 +34,23 @@
-        uint32_t reserved2 : 6;
-        uint32_t minorStep : 6;
-        uint32_t majorStep : 8;
-        uint32_t currState : 4;
-        uint32_t prevState : 4;
-        uint32_t reserved1 : 2;
-        uint32_t asyncFFDC : 1;
-        uint32_t sbeBooted : 1;
+        uint32_t reserved2:6;
+        uint32_t minorStep:6;
+        uint32_t majorStep:8;
+        uint32_t currState:4;
+        uint32_t prevState:4;
+        uint32_t reserved1:2;
+        uint32_t asyncFFDC:1;
+        uint32_t sbeBooted:1;
-        uint32_t sbeBooted : 1;
-        uint32_t asyncFFDC : 1;
-        uint32_t reserved1 : 2;
-        uint32_t prevState : 4;
-        uint32_t currState : 4;
-        uint32_t majorStep : 8;
-        uint32_t minorStep : 6;
-        uint32_t reserved2 : 6;
+        uint32_t sbeBooted:1;
+        uint32_t asyncFFDC:1;
+        uint32_t reserved1:2;
+        uint32_t prevState:4;
+        uint32_t currState:4;
+        uint32_t majorStep:8;
+        uint32_t minorStep:6;
+        uint32_t reserved2:6;
     } PACK;
@@ -62,21 +62,21 @@
-        uint32_t minorStep : 8;    // 24:31
-        uint32_t majorStep : 8;    // 16:23
-        uint32_t internalStep : 4; // 12:15
-        uint32_t reserved : 2;     // 10:11
-        uint32_t stepFinish : 1;   // 9
-        uint32_t stepStart : 1;    // 8
-        uint32_t magic : 8;        // 0:7
+        uint32_t minorStep:8;    // 24:31
+        uint32_t majorStep:8;    // 16:23
+        uint32_t internalStep:4; // 12:15
+        uint32_t reserved:2;     // 10:11
+        uint32_t stepFinish:1;   // 9
+        uint32_t stepStart:1;    // 8
+        uint32_t magic:8;        // 0:7
-        uint32_t magic : 8;        // 0:7
-        uint32_t stepStart : 1;    // 8
-        uint32_t stepFinish : 1;   // 9
-        uint32_t reserved : 2;     // 10:11
-        uint32_t internalStep : 4; // 12:15
-        uint32_t majorStep : 8;    // 16:23
-        uint32_t minorStep : 8;    // 24:31
+        uint32_t magic:8;        // 0:7
+        uint32_t stepStart:1;    // 8
+        uint32_t stepFinish:1;   // 9
+        uint32_t reserved:2;     // 10:11
+        uint32_t internalStep:4; // 12:15
+        uint32_t majorStep:8;    // 16:23
+        uint32_t minorStep:8;    // 24:31
     } PACK;