PHAL: reinitialize the devtree attributes

In the regular host boot path devtree attribute need to
initialize the default data and also some of the selected
attributes need to preserve with previous boot value.
Preserve attribute list is available BMC pre-defined location.
This function helps to meet the host ipl requirement
related to attribute persistency management for host ipl.

Steps involved
  1. create attribute data file from devtree r/w version based on
     the attribute list file installed in bmc.
  2. create temporary copy of r/w version devtree for attributes
     updates and initialise with r/o DEVTREE version
     to default data.
  3. apply step-1 attribute file on top of the temporary
     copy file.
  4. Incase any failure from step 1 to 3 log an error and
     update r/w version with r/o version ( genesis boot).
  5. Update DEVTREE r/w version with temporary version file.

Also added devtree libs part of the pdata repository to
export/import attributes devtree.

Tested: verified the devtree attribute values.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <>
Change-Id: I20c17ba3013a0b4b01f9f8e0d4462c91489308e8
diff --git a/ b/
index d39f9f5..a1ec942 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -39,6 +39,22 @@
                       description : 'Path to the devtree export copy file'
+conf_data.set_quoted('CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH', get_option('CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH'),
+                      description : 'Path to the devtree file r/w version'
+                    )
+conf_data.set_quoted('CEC_DEVTREE_RO_PATH', get_option('CEC_DEVTREE_RO_PATH'),
+                      description : 'Path to the devtree file read only version'
+                    )
+conf_data.set_quoted('CEC_INFODB_PATH', get_option('CEC_INFODB_PATH'),
+                      description : 'Path to the devtree attributes based database path'
+                    )
+conf_data.set_quoted('DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST', get_option('DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST'),
+                      description : 'Path to the phal devtree reinit attribute list file'
+                    )
 configure_file(configuration : conf_data,
                output : 'config.h'
@@ -85,6 +101,7 @@
+        'procedures/phal/reinit_devtree.cpp',
@@ -97,6 +114,7 @@
+        cxx.find_library('dtree'),
     extra_unit_files = [
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index 36117a6..766c215 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -11,3 +11,20 @@
         value : '/var/lib/phal/exportdevtree',
         description : 'Path to the devtree export copy file'
+option('CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH', type : 'string',
+        value : '/var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/rw/DEVTREE',
+        description : 'Path to the devtree file r/w version'
+option('CEC_DEVTREE_RO_PATH', type : 'string',
+        value : '/var/lib/phosphor-software-manager/pnor/ro/DEVTREE',
+        description : 'Path to the devtree file read only version'
+option('CEC_INFODB_PATH', type : 'string',
+        value : '/usr/share/pdata/attributes_info.db',
+        description : 'Path to the devtree attributes based database path'
+option('DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST', type : 'string',
+        value : '/usr/share/pdata/reinit_devtree_attrs_list',
+        description : 'Path to the phal devtree reinit attribute list file'
diff --git a/procedures/phal/reinit_devtree.cpp b/procedures/phal/reinit_devtree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f193245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/procedures/phal/reinit_devtree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "extensions/phal/create_pel.hpp"
+#include "registration.hpp"
+#include "temporary_file.hpp"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <filesystem>
+extern "C"
+#include <dtree.h>
+namespace openpower
+namespace phal
+ * @brief reinitialize the devtree attributes.
+ * In the regular host boot path devtree attribute need to
+ * initialize the default data and also some of the selected
+ * attributes need to preserve with previous boot value.
+ * Preserve attribute list is available BMC pre-defined location.
+ * This function helps to meet the host ipl requirement
+ * related to attribute persistency management for host ipl.
+ * Steps involved
+ * 1. Create attribute data file from devtree r/w version based on
+ *    the reinit attribute list file bmc /usr/share/pdata path.
+ * 2. Create temporary devtree file by copying devtree r/o file
+ * 3. Override temporary copy of devtree with attribute data file
+ *    from step 1.
+ * 4. Copy  temporary copy devtree to r/w devtree version file.
+ */
+void reinitDevtree()
+    using namespace phosphor::logging;
+    using FILE_Ptr = std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&::fclose)>;
+    using json = nlohmann::json;
+    namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+    log<level::INFO>("reinitDevtree: started");
+    // All the file operations is done on temporary copy
+    // This is to avoid any file corruption issue during
+    // copy or attribute import path.
+    openpower::util::TemporaryFile tmpDevtreeFile{};
+    const auto copyOptions = std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing;
+    auto tmpDevtreePath = tmpDevtreeFile.getPath();
+    bool tmpReinitDone = false;
+    // To store callouts details in json format as per pel expectation.
+    json jsonCalloutDataList;
+    jsonCalloutDataList = json::array();
+    try
+    {
+        // Check devtree reinit attributes list file is present
+        auto attrFile = fs::path(DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST);
+        if (!fs::exists(attrFile))
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>(
+                fmt::format(
+                    "devtree attribute export list file is not available: ({})",
+                    DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST)
+                    .c_str());
+            throw std::runtime_error("reinitDevtree: missing export list file");
+        }
+        // create temporary data file to store the devtree export data
+        openpower::util::TemporaryFile tmpFile{};
+        {
+            // get temporary datafile pointer.
+            FILE_Ptr fpExport(fopen(tmpFile.getPath().c_str(), "w+"), fclose);
+            if (fpExport.get() == nullptr)
+            {
+                log<level::ERR>(
+                    fmt::format("Temporary data file failed to open: ({})",
+                                tmpFile.getPath().c_str())
+                        .c_str());
+                throw std::runtime_error(
+                    "reinitDevtree: failed to open temporaray data file");
+            }
+            // Step 1: export devtree data based on the reinit attribute list.
+            auto ret =
+                dtree_cronus_export(CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH, CEC_INFODB_PATH,
+                                    DEVTREE_REINIT_ATTRS_LIST, fpExport.get());
+            if (ret)
+            {
+                log<level::ERR>(
+                    fmt::format("Failed({}) to collect attribute export data",
+                                ret)
+                        .c_str());
+                throw std::runtime_error(
+                    "reinitDevtree: dtree_cronus_export function failed");
+            }
+        }
+        // Step 2: Create temporary devtree file by copying devtree r/o version
+        std::filesystem::copy(CEC_DEVTREE_RO_PATH, tmpDevtreePath, copyOptions);
+        // get r/o version data file pointer
+        FILE_Ptr fpImport(fopen(tmpFile.getPath().c_str(), "r"), fclose);
+        if (fpImport.get() == nullptr)
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>(
+                fmt::format("import, temporary data file failed to open: ({})",
+                            tmpFile.getPath().c_str())
+                    .c_str());
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "reinitDevtree: import, failed to open temporaray data file");
+        }
+        // Step 3: Update Devtree r/w version with data file attribute data.
+        auto ret = dtree_cronus_import(tmpDevtreePath.c_str(), CEC_INFODB_PATH,
+                                       fpImport.get());
+        if (ret)
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>(
+                fmt::format("Failed({}) to update attribute data", ret)
+                    .c_str());
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "reinitDevtree: dtree_cronus_import function failed");
+        }
+        // Temporary file reinit is success.
+        tmpReinitDone = true;
+    }
+    catch (const std::exception& e)
+    {
+        // Any failures during temporary file re-init should create PEL
+        // and continue with current version of devtree file to allow boot.
+        log<level::ERR>(
+            fmt::format("reinitDevtree failed ({})", e.what()).c_str());
+        json jsonCalloutDataList;
+        jsonCalloutDataList = json::array();
+        json jsonCalloutData;
+        jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = "BMC0001";
+        jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = "M";
+        jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+        openpower::pel::createErrorPEL(
+            "org.open_power.PHAL.Error.devtreeReinit", jsonCalloutDataList);
+    }
+    // Step 4: Update devtree r/w file
+    try
+    {
+        if (tmpReinitDone)
+        {
+            // Step 4: Copy temporary version devtree file r/w version file.
+            // Any copy failures should results service failure.
+            std::filesystem::copy(tmpDevtreePath, CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH,
+                                  copyOptions);
+            log<level::INFO>("reinitDevtree: completed successfully");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Attempt boot with genesis mode attribute data.
+            log<level::WARNING>("reinitDevtree: DEVTREE(r/w) initilizing with "
+                                "genesis mode attribute data");
+            std::filesystem::copy(CEC_DEVTREE_RO_PATH, CEC_DEVTREE_RW_PATH,
+                                  copyOptions);
+        }
+    }
+    catch (const std::exception& e)
+    {
+        // Any failures during update on r/w file is serious error should create
+        // PEL, with code callout. Also failed the service.
+        // and continue with current version of devtree file to allow boot.
+        log<level::ERR>(
+            fmt::format("reinitDevtree r/w version update failed ({})",
+                        e.what())
+                .c_str());
+        json jsonCalloutDataList;
+        jsonCalloutDataList = json::array();
+        json jsonCalloutData;
+        jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = "BMC0001";
+        jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = "H";
+        jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+        openpower::pel::createErrorPEL(
+            "org.open_power.PHAL.Error.devtreeReinit", jsonCalloutDataList);
+        throw;
+    }
+REGISTER_PROCEDURE("reinitDevtree", reinitDevtree)
+} // namespace phal
+} // namespace openpower