ensure stop-instructions service stopped during istep

IBM systems utilize istep to boot a system in a more manual "debug
mode". istep does not utilize the host systemd targets to boot the
system, and instead directly communicates with the host firmware to boot
the system.

This results in the obmc-host-* targets not being run as a part of the
boot, which results in op-stop-instructions@.service.in not getting it's
"Conflicts" operation to run. This means after an istep boot, the
op-stop-instruction@.service has not properly stopped, which results in
it not properly running during the power off of the next boot.

Because op-stop-instruction@.service is now responsible for stopping the
attn handler, this is not a good situation.

istep boots however do still utilize the obmc-chassis-poweron@.target to
power the system on. Add a Conflits for this target to ensure
op-stop-instructions@.service is stopped in all scenarios. Leave the
Conflits with obmc-host-startmin@.target to ensure the service is still
properly stopped on warm reboots.

- Performed an istep boot, and verified during the subsequent power off
  that op-stop-instructions@0.service was properly run

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: I647fae0638468a0c35842d91be8ced2acda59a6b
1 file changed
tree: 39b3b51c63d02830cb53aedcccf55238c18bc2a8
  1. extensions/
  2. procedures/
  3. service_files/
  4. test/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. .shellcheck
  8. cfam_access.cpp
  9. cfam_access.hpp
  10. ext_interface.cpp
  11. ext_interface.hpp
  12. filedescriptor.cpp
  13. filedescriptor.hpp
  15. meson.build
  16. meson_options.txt
  17. nmi_interface.cpp
  18. nmi_interface.hpp
  19. nmi_main.cpp
  20. OWNERS
  21. p10_cfam.hpp
  22. p9_cfam.hpp
  23. proc_control.cpp
  24. README.md
  25. registration.hpp
  26. targeting.cpp
  27. targeting.hpp
  28. temporary_file.cpp
  29. temporary_file.hpp
  30. util.cpp
  31. util.hpp

Contains procedures that interact with the OpenPower nest chipset.

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. meson builddir
    2. ninja -C builddir

To build with phal feature:
    1. meson builddir -Dphal=enabled -Dopenfsi=enabled
    2. ninja -C builddir

To clean the repository run `ninja -C builddir/ clean`.