PHAL: spare clock error callout priority update

Symbolic FRU REFCLOCK callout priority changed high->low in the
spare clock failure related PEL. This is based on RAS team input.


"Primary SRC": {
    "Section Version":          "1",
    "Sub-section type":         "1",
    "Created by":               "0x3000",
    "SRC Version":              "0x02",
    "SRC Format":               "0x55",
    "Virtual Progress SRC":     "False",
    "I5/OS Service Event Bit":  "False",
    "Hypervisor Dump Initiated":"False",
    "Backplane CCIN":           "2E33",
    "Terminate FW Error":       "False",
    "Deconfigured":             "False",
    "Guarded":                  "False",
    "Error Details": {
        "Message":              "Error during Spare clock initialisation"
    "Valid Word Count":         "0x09",
    "Reference Code":           "BD503009",
    "Hex Word 2":               "00080055",
    "Hex Word 3":               "2E330010",
    "Hex Word 4":               "00000000",
    "Hex Word 5":               "00000000",
    "Hex Word 6":               "00000000",
    "Hex Word 7":               "00000000",
    "Hex Word 8":               "00000000",
    "Hex Word 9":               "00000000",
    "Callout Section": {
        "Callout Count":        "3",
        "Callouts": [{
            "FRU Type":         "Normal Hardware FRU",
            "Priority":         "Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit",
            "Location Code":    "U780C.ND0.WZS0003-P0",
            "Part Number":      "xxxx",
            "CCIN":             "xxxx",
            "Serial Number":    "xxxx"
        }, {
            "FRU Type":         "Normal Hardware FRU",
            "Priority":         "Lowest priority replacement",
            "Location Code":    "U780C.ND0.WZS0003-P0-C61",
            "Part Number":      "xxxx",
            "CCIN":             "xxxx",
            "Serial Number":    "xxxx"
        }, {
            "FRU Type":         "Symbolic FRU",
            "Priority":         "Lowest priority replacement",
            "Part Number":      "REFCLK0"

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <>
Change-Id: I991431c6b8794d6092e271e69d44bcf37c966508
diff --git a/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp b/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp
index 6178ba2..f9869a3 100644
--- a/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp
+++ b/extensions/phal/phal_error.cpp
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
                  [&pelAdditionalData, &jsonCalloutDataList,
                   clk_pos](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void {
                      json jsonCalloutData;
-                     std::string pelPriority = "H";
+                     std::string pelPriority = "L";
                      jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority; // Not used
                      jsonCalloutData["SymbolicFRU"] =
                          "REFCLK" + std::to_string(clk_pos);