Enable Meson option to build parser and test cases
Meson script to build parser and test cases.
It will replace the use of auto tools to
build the code.
- Steps to build
In the directory, where you have meson.build file
execute the following commands.
meson -Doption=value builddir
<This will create a builddir>
ninja -C builddir
<Creates EXE>
ninja -C builddir test
<Executes unit tests>
Change-Id: Ic351daf2c135b06e1b04048a4a6ad8d9897fba54
Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/test/meson.build b/test/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f9793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+if get_option('oe-sdk').enabled()
+ # Setup OE SYSROOT
+ OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT = run_command('sh', '-c', 'echo $OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT').stdout().strip()
+ error('Unable to get $OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT, check your environment.')
+ endif
+ rpath = ':'.join([OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT + '/lib', OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT + '/usr/lib'])
+ ld_so = run_command('sh', '-c', 'find ' + OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT + '/lib/ld-*.so | sort -r -n | head -n1').stdout().strip()
+ dynamic_linker = ['-Wl,-dynamic-linker,' + ld_so]
+ dynamic_linker = []
+gmock = dependency('gmock', disabler: true, required: build_tests)
+gtest = dependency('gtest', main: true, disabler: true, required: build_tests)
+application_src = ['../impl.cpp']
+test('store_test', executable('store_test',
+ ['store/store.cpp', application_src],
+build_rpath: get_option('oe-sdk').enabled() ? rpath : '',
+link_args: dynamic_linker,
+dependencies: [
+ gtest,
+ gmock,
+ sdbusplus,
+ phosphor_logging,
+ ],
+include_directories: '..'
+workdir: meson.current_source_dir())
+vpd_test = ['ipz_parser/parser.cpp',
+ 'keyword_vpd_parser_test/kw_vpd_test.cpp'
+ ]
+application_src += ['../keyword_vpd_parser.cpp',
+ '../vpdecc/vpdecc.c',
+ '../vpdecc/vpdecc_support.c'
+ ]
+foreach t : vpd_test
+ test(t, executable(t.underscorify(),
+ [t, application_src],
+ build_rpath: get_option('oe-sdk').enabled() ? rpath : '',
+ link_args: dynamic_linker,
+ cpp_args: '-DIPZ_PARSER',
+ c_args: ['-Wno-unused-parameter',
+ '-Wno-unused-variable'],
+ dependencies: [
+ gtest,
+ gmock,
+ sdbusplus,
+ phosphor_logging,
+ ],
+ include_directories: '..'
+ ),
+ workdir: meson.current_source_dir())