Collect Bad/Broken VPDs in BMC

When there is a vpd failure case due to the
corruption in vpd data, this commit collects the bad vpd
into BMC tmp/bad-vpd directory, so that this bad-vpd directory
gets into BMC Dump collection.

Tested on simics.
1.Corrupted the data of a vpd file.

 dd if=/dev/zero of=/sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus@1e78a000/1e78a500.i2c-bus/i2c-9/9-0050/9-00500/nvmem bs=1 seek=170 count=3

2.No bad-vpd directory before executing the commit changes.

root@rainier:/tmp# ls
dbus_properties.json                                                               systemd-private-9dfe8fba43254dfc8b7be9e4278a3ced-systemd-resolved.service-8pLWbo
ibm-read-vpd                                                                       systemd-private-9dfe8fba43254dfc8b7be9e4278a3ced-systemd-timesyncd.service-7yowK9
images                                                                             vpd-manager
overlays                                                                           vpd-tool

3. Due to the data corruption, ibm-read-vpd throws exception

root@rainier:/tmp# ./ibm-read-vpd --file /sys/devices/platform/ahb/ahb:apb/ahb:apb:bus@1e78a000/1e78a500.i2c-bus/i2c-9/9-0050/9-00500/nvmem

4. And collects the broken vpd into bad-vpd directory in /tmp

root@rainier:/tmp# ls
bad-vpd                                                                            systemd-private-9dfe8fba43254dfc8b7be9e4278a3ced-dbus-broker.service-hb47BQ
dbus_properties.json                                                               systemd-private-9dfe8fba43254dfc8b7be9e4278a3ced-systemd-resolved.service-8pLWbo
ibm-read-vpd                                                                       systemd-private-9dfe8fba43254dfc8b7be9e4278a3ced-systemd-timesyncd.service-7yowK9
images                                                                             vpd-manager
overlays                                                                           vpd-tool

5. The bad vpd file is stored in /tmp/bad-vpd directory.

root@rainier:/tmp/bad-vpd# ls -l
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         16384 Mar 28 19:54 i2c-9-0050
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         65504 Mar 28 20:01 spi22

(vpd-names of i2c eeproms will be in the pattern "i2c-busNumber-eepromAddress";
for spi eeproms - "spiBusNumber")

Signed-off-by: PriyangaRamasamy <>
Change-Id: I34fb8c61c79e02ca72d7e99413baebf7e5cb3d53
diff --git a/ibm_vpd_utils.cpp b/ibm_vpd_utils.cpp
index 3c7304f..2413a3d 100644
--- a/ibm_vpd_utils.cpp
+++ b/ibm_vpd_utils.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "defines.hpp"
 #include "vpd_exceptions.hpp"
+#include <filesystem>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
 using namespace openpower::vpd::exceptions;
 using namespace common::utility;
 using Severity = openpower::vpd::constants::PelSeverity;
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
 // mapping of severity enum to severity interface
 static std::unordered_map<Severity, std::string> sevMap = {
@@ -487,5 +489,59 @@
+string getBadVpdName(const string& file)
+    string badVpd = BAD_VPD_DIR;
+    if (file.find("i2c") != string::npos)
+    {
+        badVpd += "i2c-";
+        regex i2cPattern("(at24/)([0-9]+-[0-9]+)\\/");
+        smatch match;
+        if (regex_search(file, match, i2cPattern))
+        {
+            badVpd += match.str(2);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (file.find("spi") != string::npos)
+    {
+        regex spiPattern("((spi)[0-9]+)(.0)");
+        smatch match;
+        if (regex_search(file, match, spiPattern))
+        {
+            badVpd += match.str(1);
+        }
+    }
+    return badVpd;
+void dumpBadVpd(const string& file, const Binary& vpdVector)
+    fs::path badVpdDir = BAD_VPD_DIR;
+    fs::create_directory(badVpdDir);
+    string badVpdPath = getBadVpdName(file);
+    if (fs::exists(badVpdPath))
+    {
+        std::error_code ec;
+        fs::remove(badVpdPath, ec);
+        if (ec) // error code
+        {
+            string error = "Error removing the existing broken vpd in ";
+            error += badVpdPath;
+            error += ". Error code : ";
+            error += ec.value();
+            error += ". Error message : ";
+            error += ec.message();
+            throw runtime_error(error);
+        }
+    }
+    ofstream badVpdFileStream(badVpdPath, ofstream::binary);
+    if (!badVpdFileStream)
+    {
+        throw runtime_error("Failed to open bad vpd file path in /tmp/bad-vpd. "
+                            "Unable to dump the broken/bad vpd file.");
+    }
+    badVpdFileStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
+                           vpdVector.size());
 } // namespace vpd
 } // namespace openpower
\ No newline at end of file