Editor implementation for VPD manager

This commit implements editor class for VPD manager app.
This calss holds responsibility of handling and editing
vpd data related requests on behalf of manager app and
updating the cache with new data if required.

This commit also changes parser class to implement api
needed to validate vpd header file in case of write call.

Steps to build:
meson <build_directory>
ninja -C <directory_path>

-Tested with sample json and sample vpd file
sample command to test
busctl call com.ibm.VPD.Manager /com/ibm/VPD/Manager
com.ibm.VPD.Manager WriteKeyword sssay
<"inventory_path"> <"Record_Name"> <"Keyword_Name">
<no. of bytes to update> <array_of_bytes>

Signed-off-by: Sunny Srivastava <sunnsr25@in.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I569f03e329b0f62937c6e143a344d8e4ff02db6f
diff --git a/vpd-manager/editor_impl.hpp b/vpd-manager/editor_impl.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..997bf85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vpd-manager/editor_impl.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "const.hpp"
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <tuple>
+namespace openpower
+namespace vpd
+namespace manager
+namespace editor
+/** @class Editor
+ *  @brief Implements VPD editing related functinality, currently
+ *  implemented to support only keyword data update functionality.
+ *
+ *  An Editor object must be constructed by passing in VPD in
+ *  binary format. To edit the keyword data, call the updateKeyword() method.
+ *  The method looks for the record name to update in VTOC and
+ *  then looks for the keyword name in that record.
+ *  when found it updates the data of keyword with the given data.
+ *  It does not block keyword data update in case the length of new data is
+ *  greater than or less than the current data length.
+ *  If the new data length is more than the length alotted to that keyword
+ *  the new data will be truncated to update only the allotted length.
+ *  Similarly if the new data length is less then only that much data will
+ *  be updated for the keyword and remaining bits will be left unchanged.
+ *
+ *  Following is the algorithm used to update keyword:
+ *  1) Look for the record name in the given VPD file
+ *  2) Look for the keyword name for which data needs to be updated
+ *     which is the table of contents record.
+ *  3) update the data for that keyword with the new data
+ */
+class EditorImpl
+  public:
+    EditorImpl() = delete;
+    EditorImpl(const EditorImpl&) = delete;
+    EditorImpl& operator=(const EditorImpl&) = delete;
+    EditorImpl(EditorImpl&&) = delete;
+    EditorImpl& operator=(EditorImpl&&) = delete;
+    ~EditorImpl() = default;
+    /** @brief Construct EditorImpl class
+     *
+     *  @param[in] path - Path to the vpd file
+     */
+    EditorImpl(const inventory::Path& path, const std::string& record,
+               const std::string& kwd) :
+        vpdFilePath(path),
+        thisRecord(record, kwd)
+    {
+    }
+    /** @brief Update data for keyword
+     *  @param[in] kwdData - data to update
+     */
+    void updateKeyword(const Binary& kwdData);
+  private:
+    /** @brief read VTOC record from the vpd file
+     */
+    void readVTOC();
+    /** @brief validate ecc data for the VTOC record
+     *  @param[in] tocRecData - VTOC record data
+     *  @param[in] tocECCData - VTOC ECC data
+     *  @param[in] recLength - Lenght of VTOC record
+     *  @param[in] eccLength - Length of ECC record
+     */
+    void checkECC(const Binary& tocRecData, const Binary& tocECCData,
+                  openpower::vpd::constants::RecordLength recLength,
+                  openpower::vpd::constants::ECCLength eccLength);
+    /** @brief reads value at the given offset
+     *  @param[in] offset - offset value
+     *  @return[out] - value at that offset in bigendian
+     */
+    auto getValue(openpower::vpd::constants::offsets::Offsets offset);
+    /** @brief Checks if required record name exist in the VPD file
+     *  @param[in] iterator - pointing to start of PT kwd
+     *  @param[in] ptLength - length of the PT kwd
+     */
+    void checkPTForRecord(Binary::const_iterator& iterator, Byte ptLength);
+    /** @brief Checks for reuired keyword in the record
+     */
+    void checkRecordForKwd();
+    /** @brief update data for given keyword
+     *  @param[in] kwdData- data to be updated
+     */
+    void updateData(Binary kwdData);
+    /** @brief update record ECC
+     */
+    void updateRecordECC();
+    // path to the VPD file to edit
+    const inventory::Path& vpdFilePath;
+    // stream to perform operation on file
+    std::fstream vpdFileStream;
+    // structure to hold info about record to edit
+    struct RecInfo
+    {
+        Binary recData;
+        Binary recEccData;
+        const std::string& recName;
+        const std::string& recKWd;
+        openpower::vpd::constants::RecordOffset recOffset;
+        openpower::vpd::constants::ECCOffset recECCoffset;
+        std::size_t recECCLength;
+        std::size_t kwdDataLength;
+        openpower::vpd::constants::RecordSize recSize;
+        // constructor
+        RecInfo(const std::string& rec, const std::string& kwd) :
+            recName(rec), recKWd(kwd), recOffset(0), recECCoffset(0),
+            recECCLength(0), kwdDataLength(0), recSize(0)
+        {
+        }
+    } thisRecord;
+}; // class EditorImpl
+} // namespace editor
+} // namespace manager
+} // namespace vpd
+} // namespace openpower