poky: subtree update:81f9e815d3..03d4d9d68f

Adrian Bunk (1):
      json-c: Don't --enable-rdrand

Alessio Igor Bogani (2):
      wic: Using the right rootfs size during prepare_rootfs
      rootfs-postcommands: Avoid use of an hard-coded value

Alexander Kanavin (1):
      binutils: drop UPSTREAM_VERSION_UNKNOWN

Alexandre Bard (1):
      systemd: Expose resolv-conf alternative only when resolved is built

Andre McCurdy (1):
      ffmpeg: enable more verbose build logs

André Draszik (4):
      ruby: drop long-merged CVE patches
      ruby: configure mis-detects isnan/isinf on musl
      ruby: fix non-IPv6 support
      packagegroup: fix a comment regarding PACKAGE_ARCH

Bruce Ashfield (6):
      linux-yocto/5.2: update to v5.2.13
      linux-yocto/4.19: update to v4.19.72
      linux-yocto/5.2: update to v5.2.14
      linux-yocto/5.2: update to v5.2.16
      linux-yocto/5.2: update to v5.2.17
      yocto-bsps: update to v5.2.17

Böszörményi Zoltán via Openembedded-core (1):
      classes/image-live.bbclass: Don't hardcode cpio.gz

Changqing Li (2):
      devtool.py: change to do clean before remove-layer
      devtool.py: fix buildclean test

Chen Qi (1):
      systemd: fix NFS regression

Dan Tran (1):
      unzip: Fix CVE-2019-13232

David Reyna (2):
      bitbake: toaster: issues in import layer when clicking 'add layer'
      bitbake: toaster: improve warnings when adding dependency to packages

Diego Rondini (2):
      initramfs-framework: fix var name
      initramfs-framework: support PARTLABEL option

Douglas Royds (1):
      icecc: Don't use icecc when INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS is set

He Zhe (1):
      ltp: Fix hang of cve test cases

Heiko Schocher (1):
      kernel.fitimage.bbclass: remove ramdisk_ctype

Jacob Kroon (1):
      bitbake: tests/data: Test combinations of _append together with override

Joe Slater (1):
      bash-completion: add image feature

Jonathan Marler (1):
      package: Multiple shlib_providers for the same file should error

Joshua Watt (8):
      classes/reproducible_build: Move SDE deploy to another directory
      oeqa: Test multiconfig parsing
      bitbake: cookerdata: Add mc conffiles hashes to cache hash
      bitbake: hashserve: Add missing import
      bitbake: siggen: Fix attribute error when hashserver fails
      bitbake: hashserv: Don't daemonize server process
      local.conf.sample: Add Hash Equivalence
      classes/reproducible_build: Create SDE destination

Khem Raj (7):
      musl: Fix riscv64 CAS functions
      qemuriscv: Do not blacklist clang anymore
      sdk: Install nativesdk locales for all TCLIBC variants
      strace: Upgrade to 5.3
      packagegroups: All groups are not allarch
      musl: Fix __riscv_mc* containers to match glibc
      core-image-sato-sdk-ptest: Remove valgrind ptests for riscv

Konrad Scherer (1):
      gen-lockedsig-cache: Replace glob lookup with hash to filename lookup

Lei Maohui (1):
      bluez5: update patch to fix do_patch error when PATCHTOOL = "patch".

Li Zhou (1):
      shadow: use relaxed usernames for all

Limeng (1):
      u-boot: add CVE patches for u-boot

Nathan Rossi (2):
      oeqa/core/utils/concurrencytest.py: Handle exceptions and details
      oeqa/core/case.py: Encode binary data of log

Niclas Svensson (1):
      devtool: finish: Keep patches ordered when updating bbappend

Otavio Salvador (1):
      mesa: Add freedreno PACKAGECONFIG option

Peter Kjellerstedt (3):
      systemd: Make it build with hwdb disabled
      devtool: finish: Add suppport for the --no-clean option
      lib/oe/lsb: Make sure the distro ID is always lowercased

Randy MacLeod (1):
      ffmpeg: update from 4.2 to 4.2.1

Richard Purdie (17):
      Revert "meta-extsdk: Either an sstate task is a proper task or it isn't"
      sstatesig: Fix hash equivlanency locked signature issues
      oeqa/selftest/signing: Fix for hash equivlance server
      lib/sstatesig: Fix class inheritance problems
      populate_sdk_ext: Fix for hash equiv
      bitbake: runqueue: Fix task migration problems
      bitbake: siggen: Ensure setscenetasks list is available to worker context
      bitbake: runqueue: Change task migration behaviour for rerunning setscene tasks
      bitbake: siggen/runqueue: Fix signature mismatch issues
      bitbake: siggen: Avoid writing misleading sigdata files
      bitbake: runqueue: Save unihashes more frequently
      bitbake: runqueue: Small performance optimisation
      bitbake: siggen: Remove full path from unitaskhashes keys
      bitbake: tests/runqueue: Fix hashserve shutdown race
      base: Improve module import error message
      sanity.conf: Bump minimum bitbake version
      bitbake: bitbake: Bump verison 1.43.1 -> 1.43.2

Robert Yang (6):
      cases/bbtests.py: test_bitbake_g(): Check base-files rather than busybox
      expect: Fix configure error for nativesdk
      net-tools: Fix installed-vs-shipped for nativesdk
      expect: Fix buffer overflow error when build in long path
      apr: Check for libtoolize rather than libtool
      lttng-ust: Fix for --enable-python-agent

Ross Burton (12):
      oeqa/selftest/reproducible: test ipkgs too
      distcc: clean up the UI install logic
      distcc: use --enable-tcp-insecure instead of --make-me-a-botnet
      distcc: split into client and server packages
      json-c: clean up recipe
      json-c: use GitHub for upstream release checking
      bitbake: fetch2/git: refactor check for git-lfs command
      bitbake: tests/fetch: add test case for git-lfs handling
      python3: move runpy to core
      pango: fix the failing testiter test case
      opkg: remove redundant systemd inherit
      lttng-ust: update patch Signed-off-by

Trevor Gamblin (5):
      python3-subunit: ensure runtime dependencies are present
      python3-pip: ensure pickle is installed
      lighttpd: remove fam as a PACKAGECONFIG option
      tiff: fix CVE-2019-14973
      opkg: remove pathfinder PACKAGECONFIG option

Wang Quanyang (1):
      kexec-tools: fix arm kexec failure for __NR_kexec_file_load

Yi Zhao (1):
      python: add tk-lib as runtime dependency for python-tkinter

Change-Id: I0570125d49f7e4bc3bbf70508cbfd7e10bdbc032
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
diff --git a/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/case.py b/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/case.py
index d207a0a..ac3308d 100644
--- a/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/case.py
+++ b/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/case.py
@@ -193,13 +193,20 @@
         self.logger.debug("Adding path '%s' to be cleaned up when test is over" % path)
-    def write_config(self, data):
-        """Write to <builddir>/conf/selftest.inc"""
+    def write_config(self, data, multiconfig=None):
+        """Write to config file"""
+        if multiconfig:
+            multiconfigdir = "%s/conf/multiconfig" % self.builddir
+            os.makedirs(multiconfigdir, exist_ok=True)
+            dest_path = '%s/%s.conf' % (multiconfigdir, multiconfig)
+            self.track_for_cleanup(dest_path)
+        else:
+            dest_path = self.testinc_path
-        self.logger.debug("Writing to: %s\n%s\n" % (self.testinc_path, data))
-        ftools.write_file(self.testinc_path, data)
+        self.logger.debug("Writing to: %s\n%s\n" % (dest_path, data))
+        ftools.write_file(dest_path, data)
-        if self.tc.custommachine and 'MACHINE' in data:
+        if not multiconfig and self.tc.custommachine and 'MACHINE' in data:
             machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE')
             self.logger.warning('MACHINE overridden: %s' % machine)