Squashed 'import-layers/meta-security/' content from commit 4d139b9

Subtree from git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-security

Change-Id: I14bb13faa3f2b2dc1f5d81b339dd48ffedf8562f
git-subtree-dir: import-layers/meta-security
git-subtree-split: 4d139b95c4f152d132592f515c5151f4dd6269c1
Signed-off-by: Richard Marian Thomaiyar <richard.marian.thomaiyar@linux.intel.com>
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/FileContent.pm b/import-layers/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/FileContent.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5d609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-security/recipes-security/bastille/files/FileContent.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+package Bastille::API::FileContent;
+use strict;
+use Bastille::API;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+# &B_blank_file ($filename,$pattern) blanks the file $filename, unless the
+# pattern $pattern is present in the file.  This lets us completely redo
+# a file, if it isn't the one we put in place on a previous run...
+# B_blank_file respects $GLOBAL_LOGONLY and uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus
+# so that it makes backups and only modifies files when we're not in "-v"
+# mode...
+# If the file does not exist, the function does nothing, and gives an error
+# to the Error Log
+sub B_blank_file($$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern) = @_;
+    my $retval;
+    # If this variable is true, we won't blank the file...
+    my $found_pattern=0;
+    if ($retval=&B_open_plus (*BLANK_NEW,*BLANK_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        my @lines;
+        while (my $line = <BLANK_OLD>) {
+            push @lines,$line;
+            if ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                $found_pattern=1;
+            }
+        }
+        # Only copy the old file if the new one didn't match.
+        if ($found_pattern) {
+            while ( my $line = shift @lines ) {
+                &B_print(*BLANK_NEW,$line);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            &B_log("ACTION","Blanked file $filename\n");
+        }
+        &B_close_plus(*BLANK_NEW,*BLANK_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't blank file $filename since we couldn't open it or its replacement\n");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_insert_line_after ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_insert,$line_to_follow)
+# modifies $filename, inserting $line_to_insert unless one or more lines
+# in the file matches $pattern.  The $line_to_insert will be placed
+# immediately after $line_to_follow, if it exists.  If said line does not
+# exist, the line will not be inserted and this routine will return 0.
+# B_insert_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here's examples of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to insert a line in Apache's configuration file, in a
+# particular section.
+sub B_insert_line_after($$$$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_insert,$line_to_follow) = @_;
+    my @lines;
+    my $found_pattern=0;
+    my $found_line_to_follow=0;
+    my $retval=1;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*INSERT_NEW,*INSERT_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        # Read through the file looking for a match both on the $pattern
+        # and the line we are supposed to be inserting after...
+        my $ctr=1;
+        while (my $line=<INSERT_OLD>) {
+            push (@lines,$line);
+            if ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                $found_pattern=1;
+            }
+            if ( ($found_line_to_follow < 1) and ($line =~ $line_to_follow)) {
+                $found_line_to_follow=$ctr;
+            }
+            $ctr++;
+        }
+        # Log an error if we never found the line we were to insert after
+        unless ($found_line_to_follow ) {
+            $retval=0;
+            &B_log("ERROR","Never found the line that we were supposed to insert after in $filename\n");
+        }
+        # Now print the file back out, inserting our line if we should...
+        $ctr=1;
+        while (my $line = shift @lines) {
+            &B_print(*INSERT_NEW,$line);
+            if ( ($ctr == $found_line_to_follow) and ($found_pattern == 0) ) {
+                &B_print(*INSERT_NEW,$line_to_insert);
+                &B_log("ACTION","Inserted the following line in $filename:\n");
+                &B_log("ACTION","$line_to_insert");
+            }
+            $ctr++;
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*INSERT_NEW,*INSERT_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't insert line to $filename, since open failed.");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_insert_line_before ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_insert,$line_to_preceed)
+# modifies $filename, inserting $line_to_insert unless one or more lines
+# in the file matches $pattern.  The $line_to_insert will be placed
+# immediately before $line_to_preceed, if it exists.  If said line does not
+# exist, the line will not be inserted and this routine will return 0.
+# B_insert_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here's examples of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to insert a line in Apache's configuration file, in a
+# particular section.
+sub B_insert_line_before($$$$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_insert,$line_to_preceed) = @_;
+    my @lines;
+    my $found_pattern=0;
+    my $found_line_to_preceed=0;
+    my $retval=1;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*INSERT_NEW,*INSERT_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        # Read through the file looking for a match both on the $pattern
+        # and the line we are supposed to be inserting after...
+        my $ctr=1;
+        while (my $line=<INSERT_OLD>) {
+            push (@lines,$line);
+            if ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                $found_pattern=1;
+            }
+            if ( ($found_line_to_preceed < 1) and ($line =~ $line_to_preceed)) {
+                $found_line_to_preceed=$ctr;
+            }
+            $ctr++;
+        }
+        # Log an error if we never found the line we were to preceed
+        unless ($found_line_to_preceed ) {
+            $retval=0;
+            &B_log("ERROR","Never found the line that we were supposed to insert before in $filename\n");
+        }
+        # Now print the file back out, inserting our line if we should...
+        $ctr=1;
+        while (my $line = shift @lines) {
+            if ( ($ctr == $found_line_to_preceed) and ($found_pattern == 0) ) {
+                &B_print(*INSERT_NEW,$line_to_insert);
+                &B_log("ACTION","Inserted the following line in $filename:\n");
+                &B_log("ACTION","$line_to_insert");
+            }
+            &B_print(*INSERT_NEW,$line);
+            $ctr++;
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*INSERT_NEW,*INSERT_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't insert line to $filename, since open failed.");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_insert_line ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_insert,$line_to_follow)
+#   has been renamed to B_insert_line_after()
+# This name will continue to work, as a shim for code that has not been
+# transitioned.
+sub B_insert_line($$$$) {
+    my $rtn_value = &B_insert_line_after(@_);
+    return ($rtn_value);
+# &B_append_line ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_append)  modifies $filename,
+# appending $line_to_append unless one or more lines in the file matches
+# $pattern.  This is an enhancement to the append_line_if_no_such_line_exists
+# idea.
+# Additionally, if $pattern is set equal to "", the line is always appended.
+# B_append_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here's examples of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to add a   root   line to /etc/ftpusers if none exists.
+# You'd like to add a   Options Indexes  line to Apache's config. file,
+# after you delete all Options lines from said config file.
+sub B_append_line($$$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_append) = @_;
+    my $found_pattern=0;
+    my $retval=1;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*APPEND_NEW,*APPEND_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        while (my $line=<APPEND_OLD>) {
+            &B_print(*APPEND_NEW,$line);
+            if ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                $found_pattern=1;
+            }
+        }
+        # Changed != 0 to $pattern so that "" works instead of 0 and perl
+        # does not give the annoying
+        # Argument "XX" isn't numeric in ne at ...
+        if ( $pattern eq "" or ! $found_pattern ) {
+            &B_print(*APPEND_NEW,$line_to_append);
+            &B_log("ACTION","Appended the following line to $filename:\n");
+            &B_log("ACTION","$line_to_append");
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*APPEND_NEW,*APPEND_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","# Couldn't append line to $filename, since open failed.");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_prepend_line ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_prepend)  modifies $filename,
+# pre-pending $line_to_prepend unless one or more lines in the file matches
+# $pattern.  This is an enhancement to the prepend_line_if_no_such_line_exists
+# idea.
+# B_prepend_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here's examples of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to insert the line "auth   required   pam_deny.so" to the top
+# of the PAM stack file /etc/pam.d/rsh to totally deactivate rsh.
+sub B_prepend_line($$$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_prepend) = @_;
+    my @lines;
+    my $found_pattern=0;
+    my $retval=1;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*PREPEND_NEW,*PREPEND_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        while (my $line=<PREPEND_OLD>) {
+            push (@lines,$line);
+            if ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                $found_pattern=1;
+            }
+        }
+        unless ($found_pattern) {
+            &B_print(*PREPEND_NEW,$line_to_prepend);
+        }
+        while (my $line = shift @lines) {
+            &B_print(*PREPEND_NEW,$line);
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*PREPEND_NEW,*PREPEND_OLD,$filename);
+        # Log the action
+        &B_log("ACTION","Pre-pended the following line to $filename:\n");
+        &B_log("ACTION","$line_to_prepend");
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't prepend line to $filename, since open failed.\n");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_replace_line ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_switch_in) modifies $filename,
+# replacing any lines matching $pattern with $line_to_switch_in.
+# It returns the number of lines it replaced (or would have replaced, if
+# LOGONLY mode wasn't on...)
+# B_replace_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to replace any Options lines in Apache's config file with:
+#            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
+sub B_replace_line($$$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern,$line_to_switch_in) = @_;
+    my $retval=0;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*REPLACE_NEW,*REPLACE_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        while (my $line=<REPLACE_OLD>) {
+            unless ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                &B_print(*REPLACE_NEW,$line);
+            }
+            else {
+                # Don't replace the line if it's already there.
+                unless ($line eq $line_to_switch_in) {
+                    &B_print(*REPLACE_NEW,$line_to_switch_in);
+                    $retval++;
+                    &B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- replaced line\n" .
+                           "$line\n" .
+                           "with:\n" .
+                           "$line_to_switch_in");
+                }
+                # But if it is there, make sure it stays there! (by Paul Allen)
+                else {
+                    &B_print(*REPLACE_NEW,$line);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*REPLACE_NEW,*REPLACE_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't replace line(s) in $filename because open failed.\n");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_replace_lines ($filename,$patterns_and_substitutes) modifies $filename,
+# replacing the line matching the nth $pattern specified in $patterns_and_substitutes->[n]->[0]
+# with the corresponding substitutes in $patterns_and_substitutes->[n]->-[1]
+# It returns the number of lines it replaced (or would have replaced, if
+# LOGONLY mode wasn't on...)
+# B_replace_lines uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to replace /etc/opt/ssh/sshd_config file
+# (^#|^)Protocol\s+(.*)\s*$                             ==>                Protocol 2
+# (^#|^)X11Forwarding\s+(.*)\s*$                  ==>                X11Forwarding yes
+# (^#|^)IgnoreRhosts\s+(.*)\s*$                     ==>                gnoreRhosts yes
+# (^#|^)RhostsAuthentication\s+(.*)\s*$         ==>                RhostsAuthentication no
+# (^#|^)RhostsRSAAuthentication\s+(.*)\s*$   ==>               RhostsRSAAuthentication no
+# (^#|^)PermitRootLogin\s+(.*)\s*$                 ==>              PermitRootLogin no
+# (^#|^)PermitEmptyPasswords\s+(.*)\s*$      ==>              PermitEmptyPasswords no
+# my $patterns_and_substitutes = [
+#           [ '(^#|^)Protocol\s+(.*)\s*$'                             =>                'Protocol 2'],
+#           ['(^#|^)X11Forwarding\s+(.*)\s*$'                  =>                'X11Forwarding yes'],
+#           ['(^#|^)IgnoreRhosts\s+(.*)\s*$'                     =>                'gnoreRhosts yes'],
+#           ['(^#|^)RhostsAuthentication\s+(.*)\s*$'         =>                'RhostsAuthentication no'],
+#           ['(^#|^)RhostsRSAAuthentication\s+(.*)\s*$'   =>               'RhostsRSAAuthentication no'],
+#           ['(^#|^)PermitRootLogin\s+(.*)\s*$'                 =>              'PermitRootLogin no'],
+#          ['(^#|^)PermitEmptyPasswords\s+(.*)\s*$'      =>              'PermitEmptyPasswords no']
+# B_replaces_lines($sshd_config,$patterns_and_substitutes);
+sub B_replace_lines($$){
+    my ($filename, $pairs) = @_;
+    my $retval = 0;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*REPLACE_NEW,*REPLACE_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        while (my $line = <REPLACE_OLD>) {
+            my $switch;
+            my $switch_before = $line;
+            chomp($line);
+            foreach my $pair (@$pairs) {
+                $switch = 0;
+                my $pattern = $pair->[0] ;
+                my $replace = $pair->[1];
+                my $evalstr = '$line'  . "=~ s/$pattern/$replace/";
+                eval $evalstr;
+                if ($@) {
+                    &B_log("ERROR", "eval $evalstr failed.\n");
+                }
+                #if ( $line =~ s/$pair->[0]/$pair->[1]/) {
+                #    $switch = 1;
+                #    last;
+                #}
+            }
+            &B_print(*REPLACE_NEW,"$line\n");
+            if ($switch) {
+                $retval++;
+                B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- replaced line\n" .
+                      "$switch_before\n" .
+                      "with:\n" .
+                      "$line\n");
+            }
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*REPLACE_NEW,*REPLACE_OLD,$filename);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't replace line(s) in $filename because open failed.\n");
+    }
+# &B_replace_pattern ($filename,$pattern,$pattern_to_remove,$text_to_switch_in)
+# modifies $filename, acting on only lines that match $pattern, replacing a
+# string that matches $pattern_to_remove with $text_to_switch_in.
+# Ex:
+#  B_replace_pattern('/etc/httpd.conf','^\s*Options.*\bIncludes\b','Includes','IncludesNoExec')
+#   replaces all "Includes" with "IncludesNoExec" on Apache Options lines.
+# It returns the number of lines it altered (or would have replaced, if
+# LOGONLY mode wasn't on...)
+# B_replace_pattern uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+sub B_replace_pattern($$$$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern,$pattern_to_remove,$text_to_switch_in) = @_;
+    my $retval=0;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*REPLACE_NEW,*REPLACE_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        while (my $line=<REPLACE_OLD>) {
+            unless ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                &B_print(*REPLACE_NEW,$line);
+            }
+            else {
+                my $orig_line =$line;
+                $line =~ s/$pattern_to_remove/$text_to_switch_in/;
+                &B_print(*REPLACE_NEW,$line);
+                $retval++;
+                &B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- replaced line\n" .
+                       "$orig_line\n" .
+                       "via pattern with:\n" .
+                       "$line\n\n");
+            }
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*REPLACE_NEW,*REPLACE_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't pattern-replace line(s) in $filename because open failed.\n");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_match_line($file,$pattern);
+# This subroutine will return a 1 if the pattern specified can be matched
+# against the file specified.  It will return a 0 otherwise.
+# return values:
+# 0:     pattern not in file or the file is not readable
+# 1:     pattern is in file
+sub B_match_line($$) {
+    # file to be checked and pattern to check for.
+    my ($file,$pattern) = @_;
+    # if the file is readable then
+    if(-r $file) {
+        # if the file can be opened then
+        if(open FILE,"<$file") {
+            # look at each line in the file
+            while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+                # if a line matches the pattern provided then
+                if($line =~ $pattern) {
+                    # return the pattern was found
+                    B_log('DEBUG','Pattern: ' . $pattern . ' matched in file: ' .
+                    $file . "\n");
+                    return 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # if the file cann't be opened then
+        else {
+            # send a note to that affect to the errorlog
+            &B_log("ERROR","Unable to open file for read.\n$file\n$!\n");
+        }
+    }
+    B_log('DEBUG','Pattern: ' . $pattern . ' not matched in file: ' .
+          $file . "\n");
+    # the provided pattern was not matched against a line in the file
+    return 0;
+# &B_match_line_only($file,$pattern);
+# This subroutine checks if the specified pattern can be matched and if
+# it's the only content in the file. The only content means it's only but
+# may have several copies in the file.
+# return values:
+# 0:     pattern not in file or pattern is not the only content
+#        or the file is not readable
+# 1:     pattern is in file and it's the only content
+sub B_match_line_only($$) {
+    my ($file,$pattern) = @_;
+    # if matched, set to 1 later
+    my $retval = 0;
+    # if the file is readable then
+    if(-r $file) {
+        # if the file can be opened then
+        if(&B_open(*FILED, $file)) {
+            # pattern should be matched at least once
+            # pattern can not be mismatched
+            while (my $line = <FILED>) {
+                if ($line =~ $pattern) {
+                    $retval = 1;
+                }
+                else {
+                    &B_close(*FILED);
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        &B_close(*FILED);
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_return_matched_lines($file,$pattern);
+# This subroutine returns lines in a file matching a given regular
+# expression, when called in the default list mode.  When called in scalar
+# mode, returns the number of elements found.
+sub B_return_matched_lines($$)
+    my ($filename,$pattern) = @_;
+    my @lines = ();
+    open(READFILE, $filename);
+    while (<READFILE>) {
+        chomp;
+        next unless /$pattern/;
+        push(@lines, $_);
+    }
+    if (wantarray)
+    {
+        return @lines;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return scalar (@lines);
+    }
+# &B_match_chunk($file,$pattern);
+# This subroutine will return a 1 if the pattern specified can be matched
+# against the file specified on a line-agnostic form.  This allows for
+# patterns which by necessity must match against a multi-line pattern.
+# This is the natural analogue to B_replace_chunk, which was created to
+# provide multi-line capability not provided by B_replace_line.
+# return values:
+# 0:     pattern not in file or the file is not readable
+# 1:     pattern is in file
+sub B_match_chunk($$) {
+    my ($file,$pattern) = @_;
+    my @lines;
+    my $big_long_line;
+    my $retval=1;
+    open CHUNK_FILE,$file;
+    # Read all lines into one scalar.
+    @lines = <CHUNK_FILE>;
+    close CHUNK_FILE;
+    foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
+        $big_long_line .= $line;
+    }
+    # Substitution routines get weird unless last line is terminated with \n
+    chomp $big_long_line;
+    $big_long_line .= "\n";
+    # Exit if we don't find a match
+    unless ($big_long_line =~ $pattern) {
+        $retval = 0;
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_hash_comment_line ($filename,$pattern) modifies $filename, replacing
+# any lines matching $pattern with a "hash-commented" version, like this:
+#        finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.fingerd
+# becomes:
+#        #finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.fingerd
+# Also:
+#       tftp        dgram  udp wait   root /usr/lbin/tftpd    tftpd\
+#        /opt/ignite\
+#        /var/opt/ignite
+# becomes:
+#       #tftp        dgram  udp wait   root /usr/lbin/tftpd    tftpd\
+#       # /opt/ignite\
+#       # /var/opt/ignite
+# B_hash_comment_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+sub B_hash_comment_line($$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern) = @_;
+    my $retval=1;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*HASH_NEW,*HASH_OLD,$filename) ) {
+        my $line;
+        while ($line=<HASH_OLD>) {
+            unless ( ($line =~ $pattern) and ($line !~ /^\s*\#/) ) {
+                &B_print(*HASH_NEW,$line);
+            }
+            else {
+                &B_print(*HASH_NEW,"#$line");
+                &B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- hash commented line\n" .
+                       "$line\n" .
+                       "like this:\n" .
+                       "#$line\n\n");
+                # while the line has a trailing \ then we should also comment out the line below
+                while($line =~ m/\\\n$/) {
+                    if($line=<HASH_OLD>) {
+                        &B_print(*HASH_NEW,"#$line");
+                        &B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- hash commented line\n" .
+                               "$line\n" .
+                               "like this:\n" .
+                               "#$line\n\n");
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $line = "";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*HASH_NEW,*HASH_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't hash-comment line(s) in $filename because open failed.\n");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_hash_uncomment_line ($filename,$pattern) modifies $filename,
+# removing any commenting from lines that match $pattern.
+#        #finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.fingerd
+# becomes:
+#        finger  stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.fingerd
+# B_hash_uncomment_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+sub B_hash_uncomment_line($$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern) = @_;
+    my $retval=1;
+    if ( &B_open_plus (*HASH_NEW,*HASH_OLD,$filename) ) {
+      my $line;
+        while ($line=<HASH_OLD>) {
+            unless ( ($line =~ $pattern) and ($line =~ /^\s*\#/) ) {
+                &B_print(*HASH_NEW,$line);
+            }
+            else {
+                $line =~ /^\s*\#+(.*)$/;
+                $line = "$1\n";
+                &B_print(*HASH_NEW,"$line");
+                &B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- hash uncommented line\n");
+                &B_log("ACTION",$line);
+                # while the line has a trailing \ then we should also uncomment out the line below
+                while($line =~ m/\\\n$/) {
+                    if($line=<HASH_OLD>) {
+                        $line =~ /^\s*\#+(.*)$/;
+                        $line = "$1\n";
+                        &B_print(*HASH_NEW,"$line");
+                        &B_log("ACTION","File modification in $filename -- hash uncommented line\n");
+                        &B_log("ACTION","#$line");
+                        &B_log("ACTION","like this:\n");
+                        &B_log("ACTION","$line");
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $line = "";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        &B_close_plus (*HASH_NEW,*HASH_OLD,$filename);
+    }
+    else {
+        $retval=0;
+        &B_log("ERROR","Couldn't hash-uncomment line(s) in $filename because open failed.\n");
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_delete_line ($filename,$pattern) modifies $filename, deleting any
+# lines matching $pattern.  It uses B_replace_line to do this.
+# B_replace_line uses B_open_plus and B_close_plus, so that the file
+# modified is backed up...
+# Here an example of where you might use this:
+# You'd like to remove any timeout=  lines in /etc/lilo.conf, so that your
+# delay=1 modification will work.
+sub B_delete_line($$) {
+    my ($filename,$pattern)=@_;
+    my $retval=&B_replace_line($filename,$pattern,"");
+    return $retval;
+# &B_chunk_replace ($file,$pattern,$replacement) reads $file replacing the
+# first occurrence of $pattern with $replacement.
+sub B_chunk_replace($$$) {
+    my ($file,$pattern,$replacement) = @_;
+    my @lines;
+    my $big_long_line;
+    my $retval=1;
+    &B_open (*OLDFILE,$file);
+    # Read all lines into one scalar.
+    @lines = <OLDFILE>;
+    &B_close (*OLDFILE);
+    foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
+        $big_long_line .= $line;
+    }
+    # Substitution routines get weird unless last line is terminated with \n
+    chomp $big_long_line;
+    $big_long_line .= "\n";
+    # Exit if we don't find a match
+    unless ($big_long_line =~ $pattern) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    $big_long_line =~ s/$pattern/$replacement/s;
+    $retval=&B_open_plus (*NEWFILE,*OLDFILE,$file);
+    if ($retval) {
+        &B_print (*NEWFILE,$big_long_line);
+        &B_close_plus (*NEWFILE,*OLDFILE,$file);
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# &B_print ($handle,@list) prints the items of @list to the file handle
+# $handle.  It logs the action and respects the $GLOBAL_LOGONLY variable.
+sub B_print {
+   my $handle=shift @_;
+   my $result=1;
+   unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
+       $result=print $handle @_;
+   }
+   ($handle) = "$handle" =~ /[^:]+::[^:]+::([^:]+)/;
+   $result;
+# &B_getValueFromFile($regex,$file);
+# Takes a regex with a single group "()" and returns the unique value
+# on any non-commented lines
+# This (and B_return_matched_lines are only used in this file, though are
+# probably more generally useful.  For now, leaving these here serve the following
+# a) still gets exported/associated as part of the Test_API package, and
+# is still availble for a couple operations that can't be deferred to the
+# main test loop, as they save values so that individual tests don't have to
+# recreate  (copy / paste) the logic to get them.
+# It also avoids the circular "use" if we incldued "use Test API" at the top
+# of this file (Test API "uses" this file.
+# Returns the uncommented, unique values of a param=value pair.
+# Return values:
+# 'Not Defined' if the value is not present or not uniquely defined.
+# $value if the value is present and unique
+sub B_getValueFromFile ($$){
+  my $inputRegex=$_[0];
+  my $file=$_[1];
+  my ($lastvalue,$value)='';
+  my @lines=&B_return_matched_lines($file, $inputRegex);
+  return &B_getValueFromString($inputRegex,join('/n',@lines));
+# &B_getValueFromString($param,$string);
+# Takes a regex with a single group "()" and returns the unique value
+# on any non-commented lines
+# This (and B_return_matched_lines are only used in this file, though are
+# probably more generally useful.  For now, leaving these here serve the following
+# a) still gets exported/associated as part of the Test_API package, and
+# is still availble for a couple operations that can't be deferred to the
+# main test loop, as they save values so that individual tests don't have to
+# recreate  (copy / paste) the logic to get them.
+# It also avoids the circular "use" if we incldued "use Test API" at the top
+# of this file (Test API "uses" this file.
+# Returns the uncommented, unique values of a param=value pair.
+# Return values:
+# 'Not Unique' if the value is not uniquely defined.
+# undef if the value isn't defined at all
+# $value if the value is present and unique
+sub B_getValueFromString ($$){
+  my $inputRegex=$_[0];
+  my $inputString=$_[1];
+  my $lastValue='';
+  my $value='';
+  my @lines=split(/\n/,$inputString);
+  &B_log("DEBUG","B_getvaluefromstring called with regex: $inputRegex and input: " .
+         $inputString);
+  foreach my $line (grep(/$inputRegex/,@lines)) {
+    $line =~ /$inputRegex/;
+    $value=$1;
+    if (($lastValue eq '') and ($value ne '')) {
+        $lastValue = $value;
+    } elsif (($lastValue ne $value) and ($value ne '')) {
+        B_log("DEBUG","getvaluefromstring returned Not Unique");
+        return 'Not Unique';
+    }
+  }
+  if ((not(defined($value))) or ($value eq '')) {
+    &B_log("DEBUG","Could not find regex match in string");
+    return undef;
+  } else {
+    &B_log("DEBUG","B_getValueFromString Found: $value ; using:  $inputRegex");
+    return $value;
+  }
+# This function adds something to the To Do List.
+# Arguments:
+# 1) The string you want to add to the To Do List.
+# 2) Optional: Question whose TODOFlag should be set to indicate
+#    A pending manual action in subsequent reports.  Only skip this
+#    If there's no security-audit relevant action you need the user to
+#    accomplish
+# Ex:
+# &B_TODO("------\nInstalling IPFilter\n----\nGo get Ipfilter","IPFilter.install_ipfilter");
+# Returns:
+# 0 - If error condition
+# True, if sucess, specifically:
+#   "appended" if the append operation was successful
+#   "exists" if no change was made since the entry was already present
+sub B_TODO ($;$) {
+    my $text = $_[0];
+    my $FlaggedQuestion = $_[1];
+    my $multilineString = "";
+    # trim off any leading and trailing new lines, regexes separated for "clarity"
+    $text =~ s/^\n+(.*)/$1/;
+    $text =~ s/(.*)\n+$/$1/;
+    if ( ! -e &getGlobal('BFILE',"TODO") ) {
+	# Make the TODO list file for HP-UX Distro
+	&B_create_file(&getGlobal('BFILE', "TODO"));
+	&B_append_line(&getGlobal('BFILE', "TODO"),'a$b',
+          "Please take the steps below to make your system more secure,\n".
+          "then delete the item from this file and record what you did along\n".
+          "with the date and time in your system administration log.  You\n".
+          "will need that information in case you ever need to revert your\n".
+          "changes.\n\n");
+    }
+    if (open(TODO,"<" . &getGlobal('BFILE', "TODO"))) {
+	while (my $line = <TODO>) {
+	    # getting rid of all meta characters.
+	    $line =~ s/(\\|\||\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\^|\$|\*|\+|\?|\.)//g;
+	    $multilineString .= $line;
+	}
+	chomp $multilineString;
+        $multilineString .= "\n";
+	close(TODO);
+    }
+    else {
+	&B_log("ERROR","Unable to read TODO.txt file.\n" .
+		  "The following text could not be appended to the TODO list:\n" .
+		  $text .
+		  "End of TODO text\n");
+        return 0; #False
+    }
+    my $textPattern = $text;
+    # getting rid of all meta characters.
+    $textPattern =~ s/(\\|\||\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\^|\$|\*|\+|\?|\.)//g;
+    if( $multilineString !~  "$textPattern") {
+	my $datestamp = "{" . localtime() . "}";
+	unless ( &B_append_line(&getGlobal('BFILE', "TODO"), "", $datestamp . "\n" . $text . "\n\n\n") ) {
+	    &B_log("ERROR","TODO Failed for text: " . $text );
+	}
+        #Note that we only set the flag on the *initial* entry in the TODO File
+        #Not on subsequent detection.  This is to avoid the case where Bastille
+        #complains on a subsequent Bastille run of an already-performed manual
+        #action that the user neglected to delete from the TODO file.
+        # It does, however lead to a report of "nonsecure" when the user
+        #asked for the TODO item, performed it, Bastille detected that and cleared the
+        # Item, and then the user unperformed the action.  I think this is proper behavior.
+        # rwf 06/06
+        if (defined($FlaggedQuestion)) {
+            &B_TODOFlags("set",$FlaggedQuestion);
+        }
+        return "appended"; #evals to true, and also notes what happened
+    } else {
+        return "exists"; #evals to true, and also
+    }
+# &B_TODOFlags()
+# This is the interface to the TODO flags.  Test functions set these when they
+# require a TODO item to be completed to get to a "secure" state.
+# The prune/reporting function checks these to ensure no flags are set before
+# reporting an item "secure"
+# "Methods" are load | save | isSet <Question> | set <Question> | unset <Question>
+sub B_TODOFlags($;$) {
+    my $action = $_[0];
+    my $module = $_[1];
+    use File::Spec;
+    my $todo_flag = &getGlobal("BFILE","TODOFlag");
+    &B_log("DEBUG","B_TODOFlags action: $action , module: $module");
+    if ($action eq "load") {
+	if (-e $todo_flag ) {
+	    &B_open(*TODO_FLAGS, $todo_flag);
+	    my @lines = <TODO_FLAGS>;
+	    foreach my $line (@lines) {
+                chomp($line);
+		$GLOBAL_CONFIG{"$line"}{"TODOFlag"}="yes";
+	    }
+	    return (&B_close(*TODO_FLAGS)); #return success of final close
+	} else {
+            return 1; #No-op is okay
+        }
+    } elsif ($action eq "save") {
+	# Make sure the file exists, else create
+        #Note we use open_plus and and create file, so if Bastille is
+        #reverted, all the flags will self-clear (file deleted)
+        my $flagNumber = 0;
+        my $flagData = '';
+        foreach my $key (keys %GLOBAL_CONFIG) {
+            if ($GLOBAL_CONFIG{$key}{"TODOFlag"} eq "yes") {
+                ++$flagNumber;
+                $flagData .= "$key\n";
+	    }
+	}
+        if (not( -e $todo_flag)) {
+                &B_log("DEBUG","Initializing TODO Flag file: $todo_flag");
+                &B_create_file($todo_flag); # Make sure it exists
+        }
+        &B_blank_file($todo_flag,
+                          "This will not appear in the file; ensures blanking");
+        return &B_append_line($todo_flag, "", "$flagData"); #return success of save
+    } elsif (($action eq "isSet") and ($module ne "")) {
+	if ($GLOBAL_CONFIG{"$module"}{"TODOFlag"} eq "yes") {
+	    return 1; #TRUE
+	} else {
+	    return 0; #FALSE
+        }
+    } elsif (($action eq "set") and ($module ne "")) {
+        $GLOBAL_CONFIG{"$module"}{"TODOFlag"} = "yes";
+    } elsif (($action eq "clear") and ($module ne "")) {
+        $GLOBAL_CONFIG{"$module"}{"TODOFlag"} = "";
+    } else {
+	&B_log("ERROR","TODO_Flag Called with invalid parameters: $action , $module".
+	       "audit report may be incorrect.");
+	return 0; #FALSE
+    }