poky: subtree update:52a625582e..7035b4b21e
Adrian Bunk (9):
squashfs-tools: Upgrade to 4.4
screen: Upgrade 4.6.2 -> 4.7.0
stress-ng: Upgrade 0.10.00 -> 0.10.08
nspr: Upgrade 4.21 -> 4.23
gcc: Remove stale gcc 8 patchfile
gnu-efi: Upgrade 3.0.9 -> 3.0.10
python3-numpy: Stop shipping manual config files
coreutils: Move stdbuf into an own package coreutils-stdbuf
gnu-efi: Upgrade 3.0.10 -> 3.0.11
Alessio Igor Bogani (1):
systemtap: support usrmerge
Alexander Hirsch (1):
libksba: Fix license specification
Alexander Kanavin (6):
gcr: update to 3.34.0
btrfs-tools: update to 5.3
libmodulemd-v1: update to 1.8.16
selftest: skip virgl test on centos 7 entirely
nfs-utils: do not depend on bash unnecessarily
selftest: add a test for gpl3-free images
Alistair Francis (4):
opensbi: Bump from 0.4 to 0.5
u-boot: Bump from 2019.07 to 2019.10
qemuriscv64: Build smode U-Boot
libsdl2: Fix build failure when using mesa 19.2.1
Andreas Müller (4):
adwaita-icon-theme: upgrade 3.32.0 -> 3.34.0
gsettings-desktop-schemas: upgrade 3.32.0 -> 3.34.0
IMAGE_LINGUAS_COMPLEMENTARY: auto-add language packages other than locales
libical: add PACKAGECONFIG glib and enable it by default
André Draszik (10):
testimage.bbclass: support hardware-controlled targets
testimage.bbclass: enable ssh agent forwarding
oeqa/runtime/df: don't fail on long device names
oeqa/core/decorator: add skipIfFeature
oeqa/runtime/opkg: skip install on read-only-rootfs
oeqa/runtime/systemd: skip unit enable/disable on read-only-rootfs
ruby: update to v2.6.4
ruby: some ptest fixes
oeqa/runtime/context.py: ignore more files when loading controllers
connman: mark connman-wait-online as SYSTEMD_PACKAGE
Bruce Ashfield (6):
linux-yocto/4.19: update to v4.19.78
linux-yocto/5.2: update to v5.2.20
perf: fix v5.4+ builds
perf: create directories before copying single files
perf: add 'cap' PACKAGECONFIG
perf: drop 'include' copy
Carlos Rafael Giani (12):
gstreamer1.0: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-libav: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-vaapi: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-omx: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-python: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gst-validate: upgrade to version 1.16.1
gstreamer: Change SRC_URI to use HTTPS access instead of HTTP
Changqing Li (4):
qemu: Fix CVE-2019-12068
python: Fix CVE-2019-10160
sudo: fix CVE-2019-14287
mdadm: fix do_package failed when changed local.conf but not cleaned
Chee Yang Lee (2):
wic/help: change 'wic write' help description
wic/engine: use 'linux-swap' for swap file system
Chen Qi (3):
go: fix CVE-2019-16276
python3: fix CVE-2019-16935
python: fix CVE-2019-16935
Chris Laplante via bitbake-devel (2):
bitbake: bitbake: contrib/vim: initial commit, with unmodified code from indent/python.vim
bitbake: bitbake: contrib/vim: Modify Python indentation to work with 'python do_task {'
Christopher Larson (2):
bitbake: fetch2/git: fetch shallow revs when needed
bitbake: tests/fetch: add test for fetching shallow revs
Dan Callaghan (1):
elfutils: add PACKAGECONFIG for compression algorithms
Douglas Royds via Openembedded-core (1):
icecc: Export ICECC_CC and friends via wrapper-script
Eduardo Abinader (1):
devtool: add ssh key option to deploy-target param
Eugene Smirnov (1):
wic/rawcopy: Support files in sub-directories
Ferry Toth (1):
sudo: Fix fetching sources
Frazer Leslie Clews (2):
makedevs: fix format strings in makedevs.c in print statements
makedevs: fix invalidScanfFormatWidth to prevent overflowing usr_buf
George McCollister (1):
openssl: make OPENSSL_ENGINES match install path
Haiqing Bai (1):
unfs3: fixed the issue that unfsd consumes 100% CPU
He Zhe (1):
ltp: Fix overcommit_memory failure
Hongxu Jia (1):
openssh: fix CVE-2019-16905
Joe Slater (2):
libtiff: fix CVE-2019-17546
libxslt: fix CVE-2019-18197
Kai Kang (1):
bind: fix CVE-2019-6471 and CVE-2018-5743
Liwei Song (1):
util-linux: fix PKNAME name is NULL when use lsblk [LIN1019-2963]
Mattias Hansson (1):
base.bbclass: add dependency on pseudo from do_prepare_recipe_sysroot
Max Tomago (1):
python-native: Remove debug.patch
Maxime Roussin-Bélanger (2):
meta: update and add missing homepage/bugtracker links
meta: add missing description in recipes-gnome
Michael Ho (1):
Mike Crowe (2):
kernel-fitimage: Cope with non-standard kernel deploy subdirectory
kernel-devicetree: Cope with non-standard kernel deploy subdirectory
Mikko Rapeli (1):
systemd.bbclass: enable all services specified in ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE}
Nicola Lunghi (1):
ofono: tidy up the recipe
Ola x Nilsson (10):
oeqa/selftest/recipetool: Use with to control file handle lifetime
oe.types.path: Use with to control file handle lifetime
lib/oe/packagedata: Use with to control file handle lifetime
lib/oe/package_manager: Use with to control file handle lifetime
report-error.bbclass: Use with to control file handle lifetime
package.bbclass: Use with to manage file handle lifetimes
devtool-source.bbclass: Use with to manage file handle lifetime
libc-package.bbclass: Use with to manage filehandle in do_spit_gconvs
bitbake: bitbake: prserv/serv: Use with while reading pidfile
bitbake: bitbake: ConfHandler: Use with to manage filehandle lifetime
Oleksandr Kravchuk (4):
ell: update to 0.23
ell: update to 0.25
ell: update to 0.26
ofono: update to 1.31
Ricardo Ribalda Delgado (1):
i2c-tools: Add missing RDEPEND
Richard Leitner (1):
kernel-fitimage: introduce FIT_SIGN_ALG
Richard Purdie (4):
tinderclient: Drop obsolete class
meson: Backport fix to assist meta-oe breakage
nfs-utils: Improve handling when no exported fileysystems
qemu: Avoid potential build configuration contamination
Robert Yang (1):
bluez5: Fix for --enable-btpclient
Ross Burton (29):
sanity: check the format of SDK_VENDOR
file: explicitly disable seccomp
python3: -dev should depend on distutils
gawk: add PACKAGECONFIG for readline
python3: alternative name is python3-config not python-config
python3: ensure that all forms of python3-config are in python3-dev
oeqa/selftest: use specialist assert* methods
bluez5: refresh upstreamed patches
xorgproto: fix summary
libx11: upgrade to 1.6.9
xorgproto: upgrade to 2019.2
llvm: add missing Upstream-Status tags
buildhistory-analysis: filter out -src changes by default
squashfs-tools: remove redundant source checksums
squashfs-tools: clean up compile/install tasks
wpa-supplicant: fix CVE-2019-16275
gcr: remove intltool-native
elfutils: disable bzip
cve-check: ensure all known CVEs are in the report
git: some tools are no longer perl, so move to main recipe
git: cleanup man install
qemu-helper-native: add missing option to getopt() call
qemu-helper-native: showing help shouldn't be an error
qemu-helper-native: pass compiler flags
oeqa/selftest: add test for oe-run-native
cve-check: failure to parse versions should be more visible
gst-examples: rename so PV is in filename
sanity: check for more bits of Python
recipeutils-test: use a small dependency in the dummy recipe
Sai Hari Chandana Kalluri (1):
devtool: Add --remove-work option for devtool reset command
Scott Rifenbark (9):
ref-manual: First pass of 2.8 migration changes (WIP)
poky.ent: Updated the release date to October 2019
dev-manual: Added info to "Selecting an Initialization Manager"
ref-manual: 2nd pass 3.0 migration
documenation: Changed "2.8" to "3.0".
ref-manual: Removed deprecated link to ref-classes-bluetooth
ref-manual, dev-manual: Clean up of a commit
ref-manual: Updated the BUSYBOX_SPLIT_SUID variable.
ref-manual, dev-manual: Added CMake toolchain files.
Stefan Agner (1):
uninative: check .done file instead of tarball
Tom Benn (1):
dbus: update dbus-1.init to reflect new PID file
Trevor Gamblin (5):
aspell: upgrade from 0.60.7 to 0.60.8
binutils: fix CVE-2019-17450
binutils: fix CVE-2019-17451
ncurses: fix CVE-2019-17594, CVE-2019-17595
libgcrypt: upgrade 1.8.4 -> 1.8.5
Trevor Woerner (1):
libcap-ng: undefined reference to `pthread_atfork'
Wenlin Kang (1):
sysstat: fix CVE-2019-16167
Yann Dirson (1):
mesa: fix meson configure fix when 'dri' is excluded from PACKAGECONFIG
Yeoh Ee Peng (1):
scripts/oe-pkgdata-util: Enable list-pkgs to print ordered packages
Yi Zhao (2):
libsdl2: fix CVE-2019-13616
libgcrypt: fix CVE-2019-12904
Zang Ruochen (6):
bison:upgrade 3.4.1 -> 3.4.2
e2fsprogs:upgrade 1.45.3 -> 1.45.4
libxvmc:upgrade 1.0.11 -> 1.0.12
python3-pip:upgrade 19.2.3 -> 19.3.1
python-setuptools:upgrade 41.2.0 -> 41.4.0
libcap-ng:upgrade 0.7.9 -> 0.7.10
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
Change-Id: I50bc42f74dffdc406ffc0dea034e41462fe6e06b
diff --git a/poky/meta-selftest/recipes-test/recipeutils/recipeutils-test_1.2.bb b/poky/meta-selftest/recipes-test/recipeutils/recipeutils-test_1.2.bb
index 7c20d9a..0cd0494 100644
--- a/poky/meta-selftest/recipes-test/recipeutils/recipeutils-test_1.2.bb
+++ b/poky/meta-selftest/recipes-test/recipeutils/recipeutils-test_1.2.bb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
LICENSE = "Proprietary"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/somefile;md5=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
-DEPENDS += "virtual/libx11"
+DEPENDS += "zlib"
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"