Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/recipeutils.py b/meta/lib/oe/recipeutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4fa726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/recipeutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+# Utility functions for reading and modifying recipes
+# Some code borrowed from the OE layer index
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import difflib
+import utils
+import shutil
+import re
+import fnmatch
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+# Help us to find places to insert values
+recipe_progression = ['SUMMARY', 'DESCRIPTION', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER', 'SECTION', 'LICENSE', 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM', 'PROVIDES', 'DEPENDS', 'PR', 'PV', 'SRCREV', 'SRC_URI', 'S', 'do_fetch', 'do_unpack', 'do_patch', 'EXTRA_OECONF', 'do_configure', 'EXTRA_OEMAKE', 'do_compile', 'do_install', 'do_populate_sysroot', 'INITSCRIPT', 'USERADD', 'GROUPADD', 'PACKAGES', 'FILES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RPROVIDES', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS', 'ALLOW_EMPTY', 'do_package', 'do_deploy']
+# Variables that sometimes are a bit long but shouldn't be wrapped
+nowrap_vars = ['SUMMARY', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER']
+list_vars = ['SRC_URI', 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM']
+def pn_to_recipe(cooker, pn):
+    """Convert a recipe name (PN) to the path to the recipe file"""
+    import bb.providers
+    if pn in cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn:
+        filenames = cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn[pn]
+        best = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn, cooker.data, cooker.recipecache, cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn)
+        return best[3]
+    else:
+        return None
+def get_unavailable_reasons(cooker, pn):
+    """If a recipe could not be found, find out why if possible"""
+    import bb.taskdata
+    taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(None, skiplist=cooker.skiplist)
+    return taskdata.get_reasons(pn)
+def parse_recipe(fn, appendfiles, d):
+    """
+    Parse an individual recipe file, optionally with a list of
+    bbappend files.
+    """
+    import bb.cache
+    envdata = bb.cache.Cache.loadDataFull(fn, appendfiles, d)
+    return envdata
+def parse_recipe_simple(cooker, pn, d, appends=True):
+    """
+    Parse a recipe and optionally all bbappends that apply to it
+    in the current configuration.
+    """
+    import bb.providers
+    recipefile = pn_to_recipe(cooker, pn)
+    if not recipefile:
+        skipreasons = get_unavailable_reasons(cooker, pn)
+        # We may as well re-use bb.providers.NoProvider here
+        if skipreasons:
+            raise bb.providers.NoProvider(skipreasons)
+        else:
+            raise bb.providers.NoProvider('Unable to find any recipe file matching %s' % pn)
+    if appends:
+        appendfiles = cooker.collection.get_file_appends(recipefile)
+    return parse_recipe(recipefile, appendfiles, d)
+def get_var_files(fn, varlist, d):
+    """Find the file in which each of a list of variables is set.
+    Note: requires variable history to be enabled when parsing.
+    """
+    varfiles = {}
+    for v in varlist:
+        history = d.varhistory.variable(v)
+        files = []
+        for event in history:
+            if 'file' in event and not 'flag' in event:
+                files.append(event['file'])
+        if files:
+            actualfile = files[-1]
+        else:
+            actualfile = None
+        varfiles[v] = actualfile
+    return varfiles
+def patch_recipe_file(fn, values, patch=False, relpath=''):
+    """Update or insert variable values into a recipe file (assuming you
+       have already identified the exact file you want to update.)
+       Note that some manual inspection/intervention may be required
+       since this cannot handle all situations.
+    """
+    remainingnames = {}
+    for k in values.keys():
+        remainingnames[k] = recipe_progression.index(k) if k in recipe_progression else -1
+    remainingnames = OrderedDict(sorted(remainingnames.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]))
+    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as tf:
+        def outputvalue(name):
+            rawtext = '%s = "%s"\n' % (name, values[name])
+            if name in nowrap_vars:
+                tf.write(rawtext)
+            elif name in list_vars:
+                splitvalue = values[name].split()
+                if len(splitvalue) > 1:
+                    linesplit = ' \\\n' + (' ' * (len(name) + 4))
+                    tf.write('%s = "%s%s"\n' % (name, linesplit.join(splitvalue), linesplit))
+                else:
+                    tf.write(rawtext)
+            else:
+                wrapped = textwrap.wrap(rawtext)
+                for wrapline in wrapped[:-1]:
+                    tf.write('%s \\\n' % wrapline)
+                tf.write('%s\n' % wrapped[-1])
+        tfn = tf.name
+        with open(fn, 'r') as f:
+            # First runthrough - find existing names (so we know not to insert based on recipe_progression)
+            # Second runthrough - make the changes
+            existingnames = []
+            for runthrough in [1, 2]:
+                currname = None
+                for line in f:
+                    if not currname:
+                        insert = False
+                        for k in remainingnames.keys():
+                            for p in recipe_progression:
+                                if re.match('^%s(_prepend|_append)*[ ?:=(]' % p, line):
+                                    if remainingnames[k] > -1 and recipe_progression.index(p) > remainingnames[k] and runthrough > 1 and not k in existingnames:
+                                        outputvalue(k)
+                                        del remainingnames[k]
+                                    break
+                        for k in remainingnames.keys():
+                            if re.match('^%s[ ?:=]' % k, line):
+                                currname = k
+                                if runthrough == 1:
+                                    existingnames.append(k)
+                                else:
+                                    del remainingnames[k]
+                                break
+                        if currname and runthrough > 1:
+                            outputvalue(currname)
+                    if currname:
+                        sline = line.rstrip()
+                        if not sline.endswith('\\'):
+                            currname = None
+                        continue
+                    if runthrough > 1:
+                        tf.write(line)
+                f.seek(0)
+        if remainingnames:
+            tf.write('\n')
+            for k in remainingnames.keys():
+                outputvalue(k)
+    with open(tfn, 'U') as f:
+        tolines = f.readlines()
+    if patch:
+        with open(fn, 'U') as f:
+            fromlines = f.readlines()
+        relfn = os.path.relpath(fn, relpath)
+        diff = difflib.unified_diff(fromlines, tolines, 'a/%s' % relfn, 'b/%s' % relfn)
+        os.remove(tfn)
+        return diff
+    else:
+        with open(fn, 'w') as f:
+            f.writelines(tolines)
+        os.remove(tfn)
+        return None
+def localise_file_vars(fn, varfiles, varlist):
+    """Given a list of variables and variable history (fetched with get_var_files())
+    find where each variable should be set/changed. This handles for example where a
+    recipe includes an inc file where variables might be changed - in most cases
+    we want to update the inc file when changing the variable value rather than adding
+    it to the recipe itself.
+    """
+    fndir = os.path.dirname(fn) + os.sep
+    first_meta_file = None
+    for v in meta_vars:
+        f = varfiles.get(v, None)
+        if f:
+            actualdir = os.path.dirname(f) + os.sep
+            if actualdir.startswith(fndir):
+                first_meta_file = f
+                break
+    filevars = defaultdict(list)
+    for v in varlist:
+        f = varfiles[v]
+        # Only return files that are in the same directory as the recipe or in some directory below there
+        # (this excludes bbclass files and common inc files that wouldn't be appropriate to set the variable
+        # in if we were going to set a value specific to this recipe)
+        if f:
+            actualfile = f
+        else:
+            # Variable isn't in a file, if it's one of the "meta" vars, use the first file with a meta var in it
+            if first_meta_file:
+                actualfile = first_meta_file
+            else:
+                actualfile = fn
+        actualdir = os.path.dirname(actualfile) + os.sep
+        if not actualdir.startswith(fndir):
+            actualfile = fn
+        filevars[actualfile].append(v)
+    return filevars
+def patch_recipe(d, fn, varvalues, patch=False, relpath=''):
+    """Modify a list of variable values in the specified recipe. Handles inc files if
+    used by the recipe.
+    """
+    varlist = varvalues.keys()
+    varfiles = get_var_files(fn, varlist, d)
+    locs = localise_file_vars(fn, varfiles, varlist)
+    patches = []
+    for f,v in locs.iteritems():
+        vals = {k: varvalues[k] for k in v}
+        patchdata = patch_recipe_file(f, vals, patch, relpath)
+        if patch:
+            patches.append(patchdata)
+    if patch:
+        return patches
+    else:
+        return None
+def copy_recipe_files(d, tgt_dir, whole_dir=False, download=True):
+    """Copy (local) recipe files, including both files included via include/require,
+    and files referred to in the SRC_URI variable."""
+    import bb.fetch2
+    import oe.path
+    # FIXME need a warning if the unexpanded SRC_URI value contains variable references
+    uris = (d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or "").split()
+    fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(uris, d)
+    if download:
+        fetch.download()
+    # Copy local files to target directory and gather any remote files
+    bb_dir = os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True)) + os.sep
+    remotes = []
+    includes = [path for path in d.getVar('BBINCLUDED', True).split() if
+                path.startswith(bb_dir) and os.path.exists(path)]
+    for path in fetch.localpaths() + includes:
+        # Only import files that are under the meta directory
+        if path.startswith(bb_dir):
+            if not whole_dir:
+                relpath = os.path.relpath(path, bb_dir)
+                subdir = os.path.join(tgt_dir, os.path.dirname(relpath))
+                if not os.path.exists(subdir):
+                    os.makedirs(subdir)
+                shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(tgt_dir, relpath))
+        else:
+            remotes.append(path)
+    # Simply copy whole meta dir, if requested
+    if whole_dir:
+        shutil.copytree(bb_dir, tgt_dir)
+    return remotes
+def get_recipe_patches(d):
+    """Get a list of the patches included in SRC_URI within a recipe."""
+    patchfiles = []
+    # Execute src_patches() defined in patch.bbclass - this works since that class
+    # is inherited globally
+    patches = bb.utils.exec_flat_python_func('src_patches', d)
+    for patch in patches:
+        _, _, local, _, _, parm = bb.fetch.decodeurl(patch)
+        patchfiles.append(local)
+    return patchfiles
+def get_recipe_patched_files(d):
+    """
+    Get the list of patches for a recipe along with the files each patch modifies.
+    Params:
+        d: the datastore for the recipe
+    Returns:
+        a dict mapping patch file path to a list of tuples of changed files and
+        change mode ('A' for add, 'D' for delete or 'M' for modify)
+    """
+    import oe.patch
+    # Execute src_patches() defined in patch.bbclass - this works since that class
+    # is inherited globally
+    patches = bb.utils.exec_flat_python_func('src_patches', d)
+    patchedfiles = {}
+    for patch in patches:
+        _, _, patchfile, _, _, parm = bb.fetch.decodeurl(patch)
+        striplevel = int(parm['striplevel'])
+        patchedfiles[patchfile] = oe.patch.PatchSet.getPatchedFiles(patchfile, striplevel, os.path.join(d.getVar('S', True), parm.get('patchdir', '')))
+    return patchedfiles
+def validate_pn(pn):
+    """Perform validation on a recipe name (PN) for a new recipe."""
+    reserved_names = ['forcevariable', 'append', 'prepend', 'remove']
+    if not re.match('[0-9a-z-.]+', pn):
+        return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: only characters 0-9, a-z, - and . are allowed' % pn
+    elif pn in reserved_names:
+        return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: is a reserved keyword' % pn
+    elif pn.startswith('pn-'):
+        return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: names starting with "pn-" are reserved' % pn
+    return ''
+def get_bbappend_path(d, destlayerdir, wildcardver=False):
+    """Determine how a bbappend for a recipe should be named and located within another layer"""
+    import bb.cookerdata
+    destlayerdir = os.path.abspath(destlayerdir)
+    recipefile = d.getVar('FILE', True)
+    recipefn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(recipefile))[0]
+    if wildcardver and '_' in recipefn:
+        recipefn = recipefn.split('_', 1)[0] + '_%'
+    appendfn = recipefn + '.bbappend'
+    # Parse the specified layer's layer.conf file directly, in case the layer isn't in bblayers.conf
+    confdata = d.createCopy()
+    confdata.setVar('BBFILES', '')
+    confdata.setVar('LAYERDIR', destlayerdir)
+    destlayerconf = os.path.join(destlayerdir, "conf", "layer.conf")
+    confdata = bb.cookerdata.parse_config_file(destlayerconf, confdata)
+    origlayerdir = find_layerdir(recipefile)
+    if not origlayerdir:
+        return (None, False)
+    # Now join this to the path where the bbappend is going and check if it is covered by BBFILES
+    appendpath = os.path.join(destlayerdir, os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(recipefile), origlayerdir), appendfn)
+    closepath = ''
+    pathok = True
+    for bbfilespec in confdata.getVar('BBFILES', True).split():
+        if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(appendpath, bbfilespec):
+            # Our append path works, we're done
+            break
+        elif bbfilespec.startswith(destlayerdir) and fnmatch.fnmatchcase('test.bbappend', os.path.basename(bbfilespec)):
+            # Try to find the longest matching path
+            if len(bbfilespec) > len(closepath):
+                closepath = bbfilespec
+    else:
+        # Unfortunately the bbappend layer and the original recipe's layer don't have the same structure
+        if closepath:
+            # bbappend layer's layer.conf at least has a spec that picks up .bbappend files
+            # Now we just need to substitute out any wildcards
+            appendsubdir = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(closepath), destlayerdir)
+            if 'recipes-*' in appendsubdir:
+                # Try to copy this part from the original recipe path
+                res = re.search('/recipes-[^/]+/', recipefile)
+                if res:
+                    appendsubdir = appendsubdir.replace('/recipes-*/', res.group(0))
+            # This is crude, but we have to do something
+            appendsubdir = appendsubdir.replace('*', recipefn.split('_')[0])
+            appendsubdir = appendsubdir.replace('?', 'a')
+            appendpath = os.path.join(destlayerdir, appendsubdir, appendfn)
+        else:
+            pathok = False
+    return (appendpath, pathok)
+def bbappend_recipe(rd, destlayerdir, srcfiles, install=None, wildcardver=False, machine=None, extralines=None, removevalues=None):
+    """
+    Writes a bbappend file for a recipe
+    Parameters:
+        rd: data dictionary for the recipe
+        destlayerdir: base directory of the layer to place the bbappend in
+            (subdirectory path from there will be determined automatically)
+        srcfiles: dict of source files to add to SRC_URI, where the value
+            is the full path to the file to be added, and the value is the
+            original filename as it would appear in SRC_URI or None if it
+            isn't already present. You may pass None for this parameter if
+            you simply want to specify your own content via the extralines
+            parameter.
+        install: dict mapping entries in srcfiles to a tuple of two elements:
+            install path (*without* ${D} prefix) and permission value (as a
+            string, e.g. '0644').
+        wildcardver: True to use a % wildcard in the bbappend filename, or
+            False to make the bbappend specific to the recipe version.
+        machine:
+            If specified, make the changes in the bbappend specific to this
+            machine. This will also cause PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}"
+            to be added to the bbappend.
+        extralines:
+            Extra lines to add to the bbappend. This may be a dict of name
+            value pairs, or simply a list of the lines.
+        removevalues:
+            Variable values to remove - a dict of names/values.
+    """
+    if not removevalues:
+        removevalues = {}
+    # Determine how the bbappend should be named
+    appendpath, pathok = get_bbappend_path(rd, destlayerdir, wildcardver)
+    if not appendpath:
+        bb.error('Unable to determine layer directory containing %s' % recipefile)
+        return (None, None)
+    if not pathok:
+        bb.warn('Unable to determine correct subdirectory path for bbappend file - check that what %s adds to BBFILES also matches .bbappend files. Using %s for now, but until you fix this the bbappend will not be applied.' % (os.path.join(destlayerdir, 'conf', 'layer.conf'), os.path.dirname(appendpath)))
+    appenddir = os.path.dirname(appendpath)
+    bb.utils.mkdirhier(appenddir)
+    # FIXME check if the bbappend doesn't get overridden by a higher priority layer?
+    layerdirs = [os.path.abspath(layerdir) for layerdir in rd.getVar('BBLAYERS', True).split()]
+    if not os.path.abspath(destlayerdir) in layerdirs:
+        bb.warn('Specified layer is not currently enabled in bblayers.conf, you will need to add it before this bbappend will be active')
+    bbappendlines = []
+    if extralines:
+        if isinstance(extralines, dict):
+            for name, value in extralines.iteritems():
+                bbappendlines.append((name, '=', value))
+        else:
+            # Do our best to split it
+            for line in extralines:
+                if line[-1] == '\n':
+                    line = line[:-1]
+                splitline = line.split(None, 2)
+                if len(splitline) == 3:
+                    bbappendlines.append(tuple(splitline))
+                else:
+                    raise Exception('Invalid extralines value passed')
+    def popline(varname):
+        for i in xrange(0, len(bbappendlines)):
+            if bbappendlines[i][0] == varname:
+                line = bbappendlines.pop(i)
+                return line
+        return None
+    def appendline(varname, op, value):
+        for i in xrange(0, len(bbappendlines)):
+            item = bbappendlines[i]
+            if item[0] == varname:
+                bbappendlines[i] = (item[0], item[1], item[2] + ' ' + value)
+                break
+        else:
+            bbappendlines.append((varname, op, value))
+    destsubdir = rd.getVar('PN', True)
+    if srcfiles:
+        bbappendlines.append(('FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend', ':=', '${THISDIR}/${PN}:'))
+    appendoverride = ''
+    if machine:
+        bbappendlines.append(('PACKAGE_ARCH', '=', '${MACHINE_ARCH}'))
+        appendoverride = '_%s' % machine
+    copyfiles = {}
+    if srcfiles:
+        instfunclines = []
+        for newfile, origsrcfile in srcfiles.iteritems():
+            srcfile = origsrcfile
+            srcurientry = None
+            if not srcfile:
+                srcfile = os.path.basename(newfile)
+                srcurientry = 'file://%s' % srcfile
+                # Double-check it's not there already
+                # FIXME do we care if the entry is added by another bbappend that might go away?
+                if not srcurientry in rd.getVar('SRC_URI', True).split():
+                    if machine:
+                        appendline('SRC_URI_append%s' % appendoverride, '=', ' ' + srcurientry)
+                    else:
+                        appendline('SRC_URI', '+=', srcurientry)
+            copyfiles[newfile] = srcfile
+            if install:
+                institem = install.pop(newfile, None)
+                if institem:
+                    (destpath, perms) = institem
+                    instdestpath = replace_dir_vars(destpath, rd)
+                    instdirline = 'install -d ${D}%s' % os.path.dirname(instdestpath)
+                    if not instdirline in instfunclines:
+                        instfunclines.append(instdirline)
+                    instfunclines.append('install -m %s ${WORKDIR}/%s ${D}%s' % (perms, os.path.basename(srcfile), instdestpath))
+        if instfunclines:
+            bbappendlines.append(('do_install_append%s()' % appendoverride, '', instfunclines))
+    bb.note('Writing append file %s' % appendpath)
+    if os.path.exists(appendpath):
+        # Work around lack of nonlocal in python 2
+        extvars = {'destsubdir': destsubdir}
+        def appendfile_varfunc(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
+            if varname == 'FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend':
+                if origvalue.startswith('${THISDIR}/'):
+                    popline('FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend')
+                    extvars['destsubdir'] = rd.expand(origvalue.split('${THISDIR}/', 1)[1].rstrip(':'))
+            elif varname == 'PACKAGE_ARCH':
+                if machine:
+                    popline('PACKAGE_ARCH')
+                    return (machine, None, 4, False)
+            elif varname.startswith('do_install_append'):
+                func = popline(varname)
+                if func:
+                    instfunclines = [line.strip() for line in origvalue.strip('\n').splitlines()]
+                    for line in func[2]:
+                        if not line in instfunclines:
+                            instfunclines.append(line)
+                    return (instfunclines, None, 4, False)
+            else:
+                splitval = origvalue.split()
+                changed = False
+                removevar = varname
+                if varname in ['SRC_URI', 'SRC_URI_append%s' % appendoverride]:
+                    removevar = 'SRC_URI'
+                    line = popline(varname)
+                    if line:
+                        if line[2] not in splitval:
+                            splitval.append(line[2])
+                            changed = True
+                else:
+                    line = popline(varname)
+                    if line:
+                        splitval = [line[2]]
+                        changed = True
+                if removevar in removevalues:
+                    remove = removevalues[removevar]
+                    if isinstance(remove, basestring):
+                        if remove in splitval:
+                            splitval.remove(remove)
+                            changed = True
+                    else:
+                        for removeitem in remove:
+                            if removeitem in splitval:
+                                splitval.remove(removeitem)
+                                changed = True
+                if changed:
+                    newvalue = splitval
+                    if len(newvalue) == 1:
+                        # Ensure it's written out as one line
+                        if '_append' in varname:
+                            newvalue = ' ' + newvalue[0]
+                        else:
+                            newvalue = newvalue[0]
+                    if not newvalue and (op in ['+=', '.='] or '_append' in varname):
+                        # There's no point appending nothing
+                        newvalue = None
+                    if varname.endswith('()'):
+                        indent = 4
+                    else:
+                        indent = -1
+                    return (newvalue, None, indent, True)
+            return (origvalue, None, 4, False)
+        varnames = [item[0] for item in bbappendlines]
+        if removevalues:
+            varnames.extend(removevalues.keys())
+        with open(appendpath, 'r') as f:
+            (updated, newlines) = bb.utils.edit_metadata(f, varnames, appendfile_varfunc)
+        destsubdir = extvars['destsubdir']
+    else:
+        updated = False
+        newlines = []
+    if bbappendlines:
+        for line in bbappendlines:
+            if line[0].endswith('()'):
+                newlines.append('%s {\n    %s\n}\n' % (line[0], '\n    '.join(line[2])))
+            else:
+                newlines.append('%s %s "%s"\n\n' % line)
+        updated = True
+    if updated:
+        with open(appendpath, 'w') as f:
+            f.writelines(newlines)
+    if copyfiles:
+        if machine:
+            destsubdir = os.path.join(destsubdir, machine)
+        for newfile, srcfile in copyfiles.iteritems():
+            filedest = os.path.join(appenddir, destsubdir, os.path.basename(srcfile))
+            if os.path.abspath(newfile) != os.path.abspath(filedest):
+                bb.note('Copying %s to %s' % (newfile, filedest))
+                bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(filedest))
+                shutil.copyfile(newfile, filedest)
+    return (appendpath, os.path.join(appenddir, destsubdir))
+def find_layerdir(fn):
+    """ Figure out relative path to base of layer for a file (e.g. a recipe)"""
+    pth = os.path.dirname(fn)
+    layerdir = ''
+    while pth:
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth, 'conf', 'layer.conf')):
+            layerdir = pth
+            break
+        pth = os.path.dirname(pth)
+    return layerdir
+def replace_dir_vars(path, d):
+    """Replace common directory paths with appropriate variable references (e.g. /etc becomes ${sysconfdir})"""
+    dirvars = {}
+    # Sort by length so we get the variables we're interested in first
+    for var in sorted(d.keys(), key=len):
+        if var.endswith('dir') and var.lower() == var:
+            value = d.getVar(var, True)
+            if value.startswith('/') and not '\n' in value and value not in dirvars:
+                dirvars[value] = var
+    for dirpath in sorted(dirvars.keys(), reverse=True):
+        path = path.replace(dirpath, '${%s}' % dirvars[dirpath])
+    return path
+def get_recipe_pv_without_srcpv(pv, uri_type):
+    """
+    Get PV without SRCPV common in SCM's for now only
+    support git.
+    Returns tuple with pv, prefix and suffix.
+    """
+    pfx = ''
+    sfx = ''
+    if uri_type == 'git':
+        git_regex = re.compile("(?P<pfx>v?)(?P<ver>[^\+]*)((?P<sfx>\+(git)?r?(AUTOINC\+))(?P<rev>.*))?")
+        m = git_regex.match(pv)
+        if m:
+            pv = m.group('ver')
+            pfx = m.group('pfx')
+            sfx = m.group('sfx')
+    else:
+        regex = re.compile("(?P<pfx>(v|r)?)(?P<ver>.*)")
+        m = regex.match(pv)
+        if m:
+            pv = m.group('ver')
+            pfx = m.group('pfx')
+    return (pv, pfx, sfx)
+def get_recipe_upstream_version(rd):
+    """
+        Get upstream version of recipe using bb.fetch2 methods with support for
+        http, https, ftp and git.
+        bb.fetch2 exceptions can be raised,
+            FetchError when don't have network access or upstream site don't response.
+            NoMethodError when uri latest_versionstring method isn't implemented.
+        Returns a dictonary with version, type and datetime.
+        Type can be A for Automatic, M for Manual and U for Unknown.
+    """
+    from bb.fetch2 import decodeurl
+    from datetime import datetime
+    ru = {}
+    ru['version'] = ''
+    ru['type'] = 'U'
+    ru['datetime'] = ''
+    # XXX: If don't have SRC_URI means that don't have upstream sources so
+    # returns 1.0.
+    src_uris = rd.getVar('SRC_URI', True)
+    if not src_uris:
+        ru['version'] = '1.0'
+        ru['type'] = 'M'
+        ru['datetime'] = datetime.now()
+        return ru
+    # XXX: we suppose that the first entry points to the upstream sources
+    src_uri = src_uris.split()[0]
+    uri_type, _, _, _, _, _ =  decodeurl(src_uri)
+    pv = rd.getVar('PV', True)
+    manual_upstream_version = rd.getVar("RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION", True)
+    if manual_upstream_version:
+        # manual tracking of upstream version.
+        ru['version'] = manual_upstream_version
+        ru['type'] = 'M'
+        manual_upstream_date = rd.getVar("CHECK_DATE", True)
+        if manual_upstream_date:
+            date = datetime.strptime(manual_upstream_date, "%b %d, %Y")
+        else:
+            date = datetime.now()
+        ru['datetime'] = date
+    elif uri_type == "file":
+        # files are always up-to-date
+        ru['version'] =  pv
+        ru['type'] = 'A'
+        ru['datetime'] = datetime.now()
+    else:
+        ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(src_uri, rd)
+        pupver = ud.method.latest_versionstring(ud, rd)
+        (upversion, revision) = pupver
+        # format git version version+gitAUTOINC+HASH
+        if uri_type == 'git':
+            (pv, pfx, sfx) = get_recipe_pv_without_srcpv(pv, uri_type)
+            # if contains revision but not upversion use current pv
+            if upversion == '' and revision:
+                upversion = pv
+            if upversion:
+                tmp = upversion
+                upversion = ''
+                if pfx:
+                    upversion = pfx + tmp
+                else:
+                    upversion = tmp
+                if sfx:
+                    upversion = upversion + sfx + revision[:10]
+        if upversion:
+            ru['version'] = upversion
+            ru['type'] = 'A'
+        ru['datetime'] = datetime.now()
+    return ru