PFR Firmware resiliency error events

Adding support to log the PFR firmware resiliency
major and minor error events to redfish. This change
uses new event registry entries.

Simulated the PFR error and checked the redfish events
using below URI.
URI: /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries
      "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#LogEntry.LogEntry",
      "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/172",
      "@odata.type": "#LogEntry.v1_4_0.LogEntry",
      "Created": "1970-01-01T00:02:52+00:00",
      "EntryType": "Event",
      "Id": "172",
      "Message": "BMC firmware resiliency error. Error reason: BMC image authentication failed(MinorCode:0x01).",
      "MessageArgs": [
        "BMC image authentication failed(MinorCode:0x01)"
      "MessageId": "OpenBMC.0.1.BMCFirmwareResiliencyError",
      "Name": "System Event Log Entry",
      "Severity": "Critical"

Change-Id: I7566c5572170d12278313522f097fce250ea87aa
Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <>
1 file changed