Manage the BMC's code versions.

Clone this repo:


  1. ee3ba93 meson: Provide wrap file for boost by Konstantin Aladyshev · 2 weeks ago master
  2. fa34e22 meson: Add boost to the dependencies by Konstantin Aladyshev · 2 weeks ago
  3. d2d57bb meson: Fix local cereal build by Konstantin Aladyshev · 2 weeks ago
  4. 85c71a1 OWNERS: Update Gunnar's email address by Gunnar Mills · 8 weeks ago
  5. ce82de5 errors: Use non-deprecated namespaces by Adriana Kobylak · 3 months ago


Phosphor BMC Code Management provides a set of system software management applications. More information can be found at Software Architecture

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

  1. meson build
  2. ninja -C build

To clean the repository run rm -r build.