User Management


User Manager service exposes D-Bus methods for user management operations.

User Manager Interface

User manager interface xyz.openbmc_project.User.Manager provides following methods, properties and signals.

xyz.openbmc_project.User.Manager interface

  • CreateUser - To create new user to the system.
  • RenameUser - To rename existing user to new name in the system.
  • AllGroups - To list all the groups supported in the system.
  • AllPrivileges - To list all the privileges supported in the system.
  • UserRenamed - Signal sent out when user is renamed in the system.

Users Interface

User manager daemon, will create user objects for each and every user existing in the system under object path /xyz/openbmc_project/user/<user name>. Each user object can be handled through 'org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager'. User object will expose following properties and methods.

xyz.openbmc_project.User.Attributes interface

  • UserPrivilege - Privilege of the user.
  • UserGroups - Groups to which the user belongs.
  • UserEnabled - User enabled state.



  • Delete - To delete the user object in the system.

##Note This interface doesn't provide ways to set / update password. The same has to be set / updated through pam_chauthtok() (PAM modules). This is to avoid sending out password through D-Bus.