Initial definition of host state management properties

Change-Id: I5047fce6ebd921547b5a6017cd909b2c97e10d96
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Chassis.interface.yaml b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Chassis.interface.yaml
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index 0000000..42c8f71
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+++ b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Chassis.interface.yaml
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+    Implement to provide the chassis power management
+    - name: RequestedPowerTransition
+      type: enum[self.Transition]
+      default: 'Off'
+      description: >
+          The desired power transition to start on this chassis.
+          This will be preserved across AC power cycles of the BMC.
+    - name: CurrentPowerState
+      type: enum[self.PowerState]
+      description: >
+          A read-only property describing the current chassis power state.
+          A user can determine if a chassis is in transition by comparing
+          the CurrentPowerState and RequestedPowerTransition properties.
+    - name: Transition
+      description: >
+        The desired power transition for the chassis
+      values:
+        - name: 'Off'
+          description: >
+            Chassis  power should be off
+        - name: 'On'
+          description: >
+            Chassis power should be on
+    - name: PowerState
+      description: >
+        The current state of the chassis power
+      values:
+        - name: 'Off'
+          description: >
+            Chassis power is off
+        - name: 'On'
+          description: >
+            Chassis power is on
diff --git a/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Host.interface.yaml b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Host.interface.yaml
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index 0000000..a5e95e8
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+++ b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Host.interface.yaml
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+description: >
+    Implement to provide host state management
+    - name: RequestedHostTransition
+      type: enum[self.Transition]
+      default: 'Off'
+      description: >
+          The desired host transition.  This will be preserved across AC
+          power cycles of the BMC.
+    - name: CurrentHostState
+      type: enum[self.HostState]
+      description: >
+          A read-only property describing the current state of the host
+          firmware. A user can determine if a system is in transition by
+          comparing the CurrentHostState and the RequestedHostTransition
+          properties.
+    - name: Transition
+      description: >
+        The desired transition for host firmware
+      values:
+        - name: 'Off'
+          description: >
+            Host firmware should be off
+        - name: 'On'
+          description: >
+            Host firmware should be on
+        - name: 'Reboot'
+          description: >
+            Host firmware should be rebooted with chassis power remaining on
+    - name: HostState
+      description: >
+        The current state of the host firmware
+      values:
+        - name: 'Off'
+          description: >
+            Host firmware is not running
+        - name: 'Running'
+          description: >
+            Host firmware is running
diff --git a/xyz/openbmc_project/State/ b/xyz/openbmc_project/State/
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index 0000000..05f5a55
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+# BMC, Host, and Chassis State Management
+## Overview
+The goal of the phosphor-state-manager repository is to control and track the
+states of the different software entities in a system.  All users will usually
+implement the BMC state interfaces, and some, when creating servers will do the
+Host and Chassis state interfaces.  These interfaces will be the mechanism by
+which you determine the state of their corresponding instances, as well as
+reboot the BMC and hosts, and turn on and off power to the chassis.  The
+interfaces are designed in a way to support a many to many mappings of each
+There are three states to track and control on a BMC based server.  The states
+below in () represent the actual parameter name as found in
+`/xyz/openbmc_project/state/`+`/bmcX,/hostY,/chassisZ` where X,Y,Z are the
+instances (in most cases 0).  For all three states, the software tracks a
+current state, and a requested transition.
+1. *BMC* : The BMC has either started all required systemd services and reached
+it's required target (Ready) or it's on it's way there (NotReady).  Users can
+request a (Reboot).
+2. *Host* : The host is either (Off), or it's (Running).
+Running simply implies that the processors are executing instructions.  Users
+can request the host be in a (Off), (On), or (Reboot) state.  More details on
+different Reboot options below.
+3. *Chassis* : The chassis is either (Off) or (On)
+This represents the state of power to the chassis.  The Chassis being on
+is a pre-req to the Host being running.  Users can request for the chassis to be
+(Off) or (On).  A transition to one or the other is implied by the transition
+not matching the current state.
+A simple system design would be to include a single *BMC*, *Host*, and
+Details of the properties and their valid settings can be found in the state
+manager dbus interface [specification](
+### BMC
+The *BMC* would provide interfaces at
+### *Host*
+The *Host* would provide interfaces at
+### *Chassis*
+The *Chassis* would provide interfaces at
+## Cold vs. Warm Host Reboots
+A cold reboot is where you simply cut power to a chassis, and then reapply
+power.  You don't give the software running on that chassis any chance to
+cleanly shut down.  A warm reboot is where you send a notification to the host
+that is running on that chassis that a shutdown is requested, and wait for that
+host firmware to indicate it has shut itself down.  You then remove power from
+the chassis.  By default, a reboot transition request against the host object
+will result in a warm reboot.  If a user desires a cold reboot then they should
+simply issue a power off transition request to the chassis, and then issue an on
+transition request to the host.