Add new interface Debug.Pid.Thermal/Power

- According to the issue#27, adding new interface to record the driver
  sensor name, driver sensor value and PID loop result to dbus.

Debug.Pid.ThermalPower => Record the sensor name and reading with the
                          highest temperature or power in the input
                          list. And record the result of pid loop

Debug.Pid.Zone => Record the pid config name that that is driving the


Change-Id: I67051616958e07c148eabee658165082855c674d
Signed-off-by: Harvey Wu <>
diff --git a/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Debug/Pid/ThermalPower/ b/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Debug/Pid/ThermalPower/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36b8d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Debug/Pid/ThermalPower/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Generated file; do not modify.
+generated_sources += custom_target(
+    'xyz/openbmc_project/Debug/Pid/ThermalPower__cpp'.underscorify(),
+    input: [ '../../../../../../yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Debug/Pid/ThermalPower.interface.yaml',  ],
+    output: [ 'common.hpp', 'server.cpp', 'server.hpp', 'aserver.hpp', 'client.hpp',  ],
+    depend_files: sdbusplusplus_depfiles,
+    command: [
+        sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog, '--command', 'cpp',
+        '--output', meson.current_build_dir(),
+        '--tool', sdbusplusplus_prog,
+        '--directory', meson.current_source_dir() / '../../../../../../yaml',
+        'xyz/openbmc_project/Debug/Pid/ThermalPower',
+    ],