Cpu: Convert `Step` default value to maxint

makes the bmcweb ignore `Step` if its value is default (0 in this case).
For a new processor, it's possible that the stepping is really `0`. In
this case, the `Step` will still be ignored which is not expected.
Changing its default to maxint can avoid this issue.

Change-Id: I0e40c65c943f1deb62b8d81f4b5259385af06700
Signed-off-by: Michael Shen <gpgpgp@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: 5b3bf873036c8a5bf76383999b9bc576c49c9ad2
  1. gen/
  2. subprojects/
  3. yaml/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .markdownlint.yaml
  6. .prettierrc.yaml
  7. .shellcheck
  9. meson.build
  10. meson_options.txt
  11. OWNERS
  12. README.md
  13. requirements.md


YAML descriptors of standard D-Bus interfaces. The format is described by the sdbusplus binding generation tool sdbus++.

Before defining a new D-Bus interface or modifying an existing one, please read through the documented set of the common requirements and expectations.


This project can be built with meson. The typical meson workflow is: meson builddir && ninja -C builddir.

The meson files used to handle the YAML files are automatically generated and found under the gen subdirectory. When adding or removing YAML files, this must be regenerated. This can be done with the helper script found in the gen subdirectory: cd gen && ./regenerate-meson.


Only the xyz/openbmc_project and org/freedesktop interfaces are built by default. Other interfaces can be enabled by meson options:

  • com/ibm - -Ddata_com_ibm=true
  • org/open_power - -Ddata_org_open_power=true

Example: meson builddir -Ddata_com_ibm=true && ninja -C builddir
