Add D-Bus interface for a logical volume

Add an initial D-Bus interface for a logical volume, which will be used
for eStoraged. It includes the following methods: FormatLuks, Lock,
Unlock, and ChangePassword.

The design doc for eStoraged can be found here:

Signed-off-by: John Wedig <>
Signed-off-by: John Edward Broadbent <>
Change-Id: I7975056e52901a82b36933b51fb3eea112818385
diff --git a/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume/ b/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78cbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Generated file; do not modify.
+generated_sources += custom_target(
+    'xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume__cpp'.underscorify(),
+    input: [ '../../../../../../yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume.interface.yaml',  ],
+    output: [ 'server.cpp', 'server.hpp', 'client.hpp',  ],
+    command: [
+        sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog, '--command', 'cpp',
+        '--output', meson.current_build_dir(),
+        '--tool', sdbusplusplus_prog,
+        '--directory', meson.current_source_dir() / '../../../../../../yaml',
+        'xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume',
+    ],
diff --git a/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/ b/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/
index 0e05594..c3bb46d 100644
--- a/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/
+++ b/gen/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/
@@ -404,6 +404,20 @@
+generated_others += custom_target(
+    'xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume__markdown'.underscorify(),
+    input: [ '../../../../../yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume.interface.yaml',  ],
+    output: [ '' ],
+    command: [
+        sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog, '--command', 'markdown',
+        '--output', meson.current_build_dir(),
+        '--tool', sdbusplusplus_prog,
+        '--directory', meson.current_source_dir() / '../../../../../yaml',
+        'xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume',
+    ],
 generated_others += custom_target(
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume.interface.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fab0db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Item/Volume.interface.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+description: >
+    D-bus interface to manage a logical storage volume. Currently, this
+    interface only supports LUKS encrypted volumes, but it can be extended in
+    the future to support other types of volumes, as well.
+    - name: FormatLuks
+      description: >
+        Format a LUKS encrypted device and create a filesystem.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Password
+          type: array[byte]
+          description: >
+            Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
+        - name: Type
+          type: enum[self.FilesystemType]
+          description: >
+            Type of filesystem, e.g. ext2, ext3, ext4, vfat.
+      errors:
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.UnsupportedRequest
+    - name: Erase
+      description: >
+        Erase the contents of the volume.
+      parameters:
+        - name: EraseType
+          type: enum[self.EraseMethod]
+          description: >
+            Describes what type of erase is done.
+      errors:
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
+    - name: Lock
+      description: >
+        Unmount the filesystem, lock the volume, and remove sensitive data
+        (e.g. volume key) from memory.
+      errors:
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.UnsupportedRequest
+    - name: Unlock
+      description: >
+        Activate the volume and mount the filesystem.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Password
+          type: array[byte]
+          description: >
+            Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
+      errors:
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
+    - name: ChangePassword
+      description: >
+        Change the LUKS password that unlocks the storage volume.
+      parameters:
+        - name: OldPassword
+          type: array[byte]
+          description: >
+            Array of bytes for the old LUKS password.
+        - name: NewPassword
+          type: array[byte]
+          description: >
+            Array of bytes to use as the LUKS password.
+      errors:
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
+        - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
+    - name: Locked
+      type: boolean
+      default: false
+      description: >
+        Indicates whether the LUKS volume is locked.
+    - name: EraseMethod
+      description: >
+        Indicates which erase method/step is being requested.
+      values:
+        - name: CryptoErase
+          description: >
+            Destroys the encryption key slots, preventing decyrption.
+        - name: VerifyGeometry
+          description: >
+            Confirms a set percent of the disk is accessible.
+        - name: LogicalOverWrite
+          description: >
+            Overwrites the disk with a reproducible incompressible pattern.
+        - name: LogicalVerify
+          description: >
+            Verifies a reproducible pattern has been written to the disk.
+        - name: VendorSanitize
+          description: >
+            Uses the sanitization provided by the device firmware.
+        - name: ZeroOverWrite
+          description: >
+            Writes zeros over the whole disk.
+        - name: ZeroVerify
+          description: >
+            Verifies the the entire disk has been zeroed.
+        - name: SecuredLocked
+          description: >
+            Locks the disk to prevent data being written to it.
+    - name: FilesystemType
+      description: >
+        Type of filesystem used on the storage device.
+      values:
+        - name: ext2
+          description: >
+            Filesystem type ext2
+        - name: ext3
+          description: >
+            Filesystem type ext3
+        - name: ext4
+          description: >
+            Filesystem type ext4
+        - name: vfat
+          description: >
+            Filesystem type vfat