Update Telemetry service interfaces

This change updates description of interfaces utilized by Telemetry
service, so that its contents mirror the desired implementation.

Change-Id: I7207c4889912e848a058279b9d89f643a7e0b6b8
Signed-off-by: Michal Orzel <michalx.orzel@intel.com>
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Report.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Report.interface.yaml
index 041f582..e074da6 100644
--- a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Report.interface.yaml
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Report.interface.yaml
@@ -17,37 +17,27 @@
           Defines if the report configuration is stored in non volatile memory.
           Configuration contains all Report properties excluding Readings.
     - name: ReadingParameters
-      type: array[struct[array[object_path],enum[self.OperationType],string,string,enum[self.CollectionTimescope],uint64]]
+      type: array[struct[array[struct[object_path,string]],enum[self.OperationType],string,enum[self.CollectionTimescope],uint64]]
       description: >
-          Array of structures that contains array of sensor paths that are
-          monitored by Telemetry service, operation type, metric Id, metadata,
-          collection timescope and collection duration. Metric Id and metadata are
-          used to store user details, e.g. metadata can be used to map sensor name
-          to DBus path.
+          Collection of metric parameters. Single entry consists of:
+          array of [sensor path, metadata] tuples, operation type, metric ID,
+          collection timescope and collection duration. Sensor paths point to
+          sensors providing readings. Metadata contains client information; in
+          case of Redfish it shall be metric's URI. Operation type provides
+          knowledge of action executed on readings. Metric ID contains name that
+          can be mapped to metadata (like Redfish Metric ID). Collection
+          timescope specifies type of time scope applied to specific metric.
+          Collection duration stores timestamp related with timescope type in
+          milliseconds.
     - name: Readings
       type: struct[uint64,array[struct[string,string,double,uint64]]]
       description: >
-          Structure that contains timestamp of readings update in milliseconds and
-          array of metric Id, metadata, reading value and timestamp of single
-          reading update in milliseconds. Metric Id and metadata are equal to its
-          counterparts in ReadingParameters property.
+          Structure that contains timestamp of readings update in milliseconds
+          and array of metric Id, metadata, reading value and timestamp of
+          single reading update in milliseconds. Metric Id and metadata are
+          equal to its counterparts in ReadingParameters property.
           - readonly
-    - name: EmitsReadingsUpdate
-      type: boolean
-      description: >
-          On Readings update PropertiesChanged signal is emitted. It allows to
-          decrease generation of load on DBus when Readings property is updated.
-          Redfish Event Service requires this option to be equal to true.
-      flags:
-          - const
-    - name: LogToMetricReportsCollection
-      type: boolean
-      description: >
-          Presence of Report in Metric Report Collection in Redfish Telemetry
-          Service.
-      flags:
-          - const
     - name: ReportingType
       type: enum[self.ReportingType]
       description: Defines how readings are updated.
@@ -67,23 +57,51 @@
       type: boolean
       description: >
           Indicates if readings in report will be updated. This may be set to
-          false by the service if ReportUpdates property is 'AppendStopsWhenFull'
-          and readings limit specified by AppendLimit is reached.
+          false by the service if ReportUpdates property is
+          'AppendStopsWhenFull' and readings limit specified by AppendLimit is
+          reached.
+    - name: ErrorMesages
+      type: array[struct[enum[self.ErrorType],string]]
+      description: >
+          Stores errors related with incorrect or conflicting property values.
+          Error messages are stored in pairs containing error type and affected
+          property.
+      flags:
+          - readonly
+    - name: Name
+      type: string
+      description: >
+          Defines the name of reading report to be exposed over D-Bus.
+      flags:
+          - const
+    - name: ReportActions
+      type: array[enum[self.ReportActions]]
+      description: >
+          Contains set of flags indicating additional actions that can be
+          triggered after readings' update.
+    - name: Triggers
+      type: array[object_path]
+      description: >
+          Array of paths to Trigger objects associated with this report.
+      flags:
+          - readonly
     - name: OperationType
       description: Type of action that is executed on readings.
-          - name: Single
-            description: Store the latest reading.
-          - name: Max
-            description: Store maximal reading during defined time period.
-          - name: Min
-            description: Store minimal reading during defined time period.
-          - name: Avg
-            description: Calculate average of readings during defined time period.
-          - name: Sum
-            description: Calculate sum of readings over defined time period.
+          - name: Maximum
+            description: >
+                Store maximal reading during defined time period.
+          - name: Minimum
+            description: >
+                Store minimal reading during defined time period.
+          - name: Average
+            description: >
+                Calculate average of readings during defined time period.
+          - name: Summation
+            description: >
+                Calculate sum of readings over defined time period.
     - name: ReportingType
       description: >
           The type that defines when Readings are updated.
@@ -103,21 +121,17 @@
           - name: Overwrite
             description: >
-                Last sensor reading is written to Readings overwriting the previous
-                value. AppendLimit set by user is ignored. Readings size is equal to
-                count of all sensors across all metrics.
+                Last sensor reading is written to Readings overwriting the
+                previous value. AppendLimit set by user is ignored. Readings
+                size is equal to count of all sensors across all metrics.
           - name: AppendWrapsWhenFull
             description: >
-                Append sensor reading to Readings up to limit specify in AppendLimit
-                then start from the beginning.
+                Append sensor reading to Readings up to limit specify in
+                AppendLimit then start from the beginning.
           - name: AppendStopsWhenFull
             description: >
-                Append sensor reading to Readings up to limit specify in AppendLimit
-                then stop till report update.
-          - name: NewReport
-            description: >
-                A new report is created, whose name is the current metric report name
-                concatenated with the timestamp.
+                Append sensor reading to Readings up to limit specify in
+                AppendLimit then stop till report update.
     - name: CollectionTimescope
       description: >
           The time scope of the related metric values.
@@ -129,12 +143,39 @@
           - name: Interval
             description: >
                 The corresponding metric apply to a time interval. The reading
-                timestamp in Readings property specifies the end of the time interval
-                and the collection duration of ReadingParameters specify its duration.
+                timestamp in Readings property specifies the end of the time
+                interval and the collection duration of ReadingParameters
+                specify its duration.
           - name: StartupInterval
             description: >
                 The corresponding metric apply to a time interval that began on
-                report creation. The reading timestamp in Readings property specifies
-                the end of the time interval. Collection duration of
+                report creation. The reading timestamp in Readings property
+                specifies the end of the time interval. Collection duration of
                 ReadingParameters specifies the duration between the startup of
                 resource and timestamp.
+    - name: ErrorType
+      description: >
+          Enumerates error types that might occur during properties'
+          configuration.
+      values:
+          - name: PropertyConflict
+            description: >
+                Appears in situation when two properties, which are dependent
+                from each other, have conflicting values. For example, when
+                ReportingType property has value "Periodic", but Interval is set
+                to 0, such conflict will occur.
+    - name: ReportActions
+      description: >
+          Enumerates types of actions, that can be triggered when Readings
+          property value is updated.
+      values:
+          - name: EmitsReadingsUpdate
+            description: >
+                On Readings update PropertiesChanged signal is emitted. It
+                allows to decrease generation of load on DBus when Readings
+                property is updated. Redfish Event Service requires this option
+                to be equal to enabled.
+          - name: LogToMetricReportsCollection
+            description: >
+                On Readings update report is stored to Metric Report Collection
+                in Redfish Telemetry Service.
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/ReportManager.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/ReportManager.interface.yaml
index ae8d36f..6f596e2 100644
--- a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/ReportManager.interface.yaml
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/ReportManager.interface.yaml
@@ -5,54 +5,65 @@
     - name: AddReport
       description: >
-          Create new object that represent Report with
+          Create new object that represents Report with
           xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report interface stored in path
-          /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Reports/{Domain}/{Name} where
-          Domain and Name are parameters of this method.
+          /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Reports/{properties[Id]} where
+          properties[Id] is passed into this method as a parameter.
-          - name: name
-            type: string
+          - name: properties
+            type: array[dict[string,variant[boolean,uint32,uint64,string,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportingType],enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportUpdates],array[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportActions]],array[struct[array[struct[object_path,string]],enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.OperationType],string,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.CollectionTimescope],uint64]]]]]
             description: >
-                Defines the name of report to be exposed over D-Bus. Service allows
-                to use separator '/' in name to group reports in directory.
-          - name: reportingType
-            type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportingType]
-            description: Defines report type
-          - name: reportUpdates
-            type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportUpdates]
-            description: Defines report update type
-          - name: appendLimit
-            type: size
-            description: >
-                Defines the maximum number of entries in 'Readings' property.
-          - name: emitsReadingsUpdate
-            type: boolean
-            description: >
-                Defines presence of PropertiesChanged signal for
-                xyz.openbmc_project.Telmetry.Report.Readings property.
-          - name: logToMetricReportsCollection
-            type: boolean
-            description: >
-                Defines presence of Report in Metric Report Collection in Redfish
-                Telemetry Service.
-          - name: interval
-            type: uint64
-            description: >
-                Defines period of time in milliseconds when Report is updated with
-                new readings. Minimal interval is defined in MinInterval property.
-          - name: metricParams
-            type: array[struct[array[object_path],enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.OperationType],string,string,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.CollectionTimescope],uint64]]
-            description: >
-                Array of metric parameters where first parameter is an array of DBus
-                sensor paths. Second parameter specifies operation type. Third is a
-                metric Id and fourth is a metadata, both are used to store user
-                details. Fifth and sixth are used for collection timescope and
-                collection duration.
+                Map of properties defining added report object. Key is the
+                string identifier of property. Value is a variant, whose
+                underlying type is dependent from the key. Possible key values
+                are: Id, Name, ReportingType, ReportActions, Interval,
+                AppendLimit, ReportUpdates, MetricParams, Enabled. All keys are
+                optional, therefore it is acceptable to pass an empty map here.
+                Id (string) - unique identifier of created Report object to be
+                exposed over D-Bus. Acceptable formats are: "{Id}",
+                "{Prefix}/{SubId}", "{Prefix}/". If the last variant is used,
+                service will generate unique SubId value by itself.
+                Name (string) - user friendly name of created Report object.
+                ReportingType (enum[
+                xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportingType]) - indicates
+                when readings should be updated. Possible values are listed in
+                Report interface documentation.
+                ReportActions (array[enum[
+                xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportActions]]) - possible
+                additional actions to trigger after readings' update, as
+                specified in Report interface documentation.
+                Interval (uint64) - period of time in milliseconds when Report
+                is updated with new readings. Minimal interval is defined in
+                MinInterval property.
+                AppendLimit (size) - maximum number of entries in 'Readings'
+                property.
+                ReportUpdates (enum[
+                xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.ReportUpdates]) - indicates
+                how readings should be updated. Possible values are listed in
+                Report interface documentation.
+                MetricParams (array[struct[array[struct[object_path,string]],
+                enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.OperationType],string,
+                enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.CollectionTimescope],
+                uint64]]) - array of metric parameters, which are stored in a
+                way specified in description of ReadingParameters property from
+                Report interface documentation.
+                Enabled (boolean) - indicates if readings in report will be
+                updated.
           - name: reportPath
             type: object_path
             description: >
-                Path to new report -> /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Reports/{name}.
+                Path to new report ->
+                  /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Reports/{parameters[Id]}.
     - name: MaxReports
@@ -71,3 +82,10 @@
           interval parameter in AddReport method.
           - const
+    - name: SupportedOperationTypes
+      type: array[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Report.OperationType]]
+      description: >
+          Contains subset of operation types currently supported by this
+          service.
+      flags:
+          - const
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml
index b9984ff..747c349 100644
--- a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml
@@ -20,40 +20,45 @@
     - name: Persistent
       type: boolean
       description: Defines if Trigger is stored in non volatile memory.
-    - name: ReportNames
-      type: array[string]
+    - name: Reports
+      type: array[object_path]
       description: >
-          Collection of report names that are updated when threshold conditions
-          are met. List is ignored if TriggerActions property does not contain
-          'UpdateReport' action.
+          Collection of Report objects that are updated when threshold
+          conditions are met. List is ignored if TriggerActions property does
+          not contain 'UpdateReport' action.
     - name: Sensors
-      type: array[struct[object_path, string]]
+      type: array[dict[object_path,string]]
       description: >
-          Array of sensors that is monitored within trigger. First parameter of a
-          structure is a sensor path. Second parameter is a metadata that is used
-          to store user data about sensor.
+          Map of sensors that is monitored within trigger. D-Bus sensor path is
+          used as map's key. Its value is a metadata that is used
+          to store user data about sensor. In Redfish, metadata will be set to
+          endpoint corresponding to that sensor.
     - name: Thresholds
       type: variant[array[struct[enum[self.Type],uint64,enum[self.Direction],double]],array[struct[string,enum[self.Severity],uint64,string]]]
       description: >
           First type in variant is a collection of numeric thresholds that has
           following fields - type, dwell time, direction and threshold value.
-          Second type holds by variant is a collection of discrete thresholds that
-          contains following fields - user id, severity, dwell time and threshold
-          value. Discrete value does not need to be a number. Numeric threshold
-          array is limited by Type enumeration, only 4 elements are allowed.
-          Discrete threshold array size is not limited. If discrete threshold
-          array is empty than every value change is taken into account of
-          threshold condition. Dwell time specify for how long condition has to
-          persist to trigger an action.
+          Second type holded by variant is a collection of discrete thresholds
+          that contains following fields - user id, severity, dwell time and
+          threshold value. Discrete value does not need to be a number. Numeric
+          threshold array is limited by Type enumeration, only 4 elements are
+          allowed. Discrete threshold array size is not limited. If discrete
+          threshold array is empty then every value change is taken into account
+          of threshold condition. Dwell time specifies for how long condition
+          has to persist to trigger an action.
+    - name: Name
+      type: string
+      description: >
+          Defines the name of trigger to be exposed over D-Bus.
     - name: TriggerAction
       description: >
           Defines a action which is taken once threshold condition is met.
-          - name: LogToLogService
+          - name: LogToJournal
             description: Trigger will log to journal.
-          - name: RedfishEvent
+          - name: LogToRedfishEventLog
             description: Trigger will log Redfish message.
           - name: UpdateReport
             description: >
@@ -70,16 +75,17 @@
           - name: UpperCritical
     - name: Direction
       description: >
-          Defines in which direction threshold value is crossed to fulfill numeric
-          threshold condition.
+          Defines in which direction threshold value is crossed to fulfill
+          numeric threshold condition.
           - name: Either
             description: >
                 Crossing threshold value fulfill numeric threshold condition.
           - name: Decreasing
             description: >
-                If threshold value is crossed and previous sensor value was greater
-                then threshold value then numeric threshold condition is met.
+                If threshold value is crossed and previous sensor value was
+                greater then threshold value then numeric threshold condition is
+                met.
           - name: Increasing
             description: >
                 If threshold value is crossed and previous sensor value was less
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml
index e92d269..b6965fa 100644
--- a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml
@@ -3,28 +3,37 @@
     - name: AddTrigger
-      description: Create new object that represent Trigger with
+      description: >
+          Create new object that represents Trigger with
           xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger interface stored in path
-          /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Triggers/{Domain}/{Name} where
-          Domain and Name are parameters of this method.
+          /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Triggers/{id} where id is parameter of
+          this method.
+          - name: id
+            type: string
+            description: >
+                Defines unique identifier of created Trigger object to be
+                exposed over D-Bus. Acceptable formats are: "{Id}",
+                "{Prefix}/{SubId}", "{Prefix}/". If the last variant is used,
+                service will generate unique SubId value by itself.
           - name: name
             type: string
             description: >
-                Defines the name of report to be exposed over D-Bus. Service allows
-                to use separator '/' in name to group reports in directory.
+                Defines user friendly name of created Trigger object.
           - name: triggerActions
             type: array[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.TriggerAction]]
             description: >
-                Defines which actions are taken when threshold conditions are met.
+                Defines which actions are taken when threshold conditions are
+                met.
           - name: sensors
-            type: array[struct[object_path,string]]
+            type: array[dict[object_path,string]]
             description: >
-                Array of sensors that is monitored within trigger. Object path
-                points to a sensor in DBus envrionment. String is used as user
-                metadata.
-          - name: reportNames
-            type: array[string]
+                Map of sensors that is monitored within trigger. D-Bus sensor
+                path is used as map's key. Its value is a metadata that is used
+                to store user data about sensor. In Redfish, metadata will be
+                set to endpoint corresponding to that sensor.
+          - name: reports
+            type: array[object_path]
             description: >
                 Collection of report names that are updated when threshold
                 conditions are met. This parameter is ignored if triggerActions
@@ -32,11 +41,11 @@
           - name: thresholds
             type: variant[array[struct[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Type],uint64,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Direction],double]],array[struct[string,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Severity],uint64,string]]]
             description: >
-                Contains array of numeric or discrete thresholds that are described
-                in xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger interface.
+                Contains array of numeric or discrete thresholds that are
+                described in xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger interface.
           - name: triggerPath
             type: object_path
             description: >
                 Path to new trigger ->
-                /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Triggers/{name}.
+                /xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Triggers/{id}.