host-state: define new allowed host transition prop

IBM has a system where the host firmware does not want to allow
a ForcedWarmReboot due to potential error paths with the chassis power
remaining on and their software being forcefully rebooted.

Define a new property which allows the BMC software to optionally define
which Transition actions they support.

bmcweb currently hard codes the AllowableValues in
redfish/v1/Systems/system/ResetActionInfo. That code will be changed
to first look for this new property on D-Bus. If it's not found or
empty, stick with the hard coded defaults. If it is found and it's
non-empty then use it to fill in the AllowableValues.

Change-Id: I65d29c2bbc54a64084aea21023fd7d33cd129dce
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
1 file changed
tree: 932e4e77c91f213d4172ec4ba1d6617ae6fb9500
  1. gen/
  2. subprojects/
  3. yaml/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .markdownlint.yaml
  6. .prettierrc.yaml
  7. .shellcheck
  10. meson.options
  11. OWNERS


YAML descriptors of standard D-Bus interfaces. The format is described by the sdbusplus binding generation tool sdbus++.

Before defining a new D-Bus interface or modifying an existing one, please read through the documented set of the common requirements and expectations.


This project can be built with meson. The typical meson workflow is: meson builddir && ninja -C builddir.

The meson files used to handle the YAML files are automatically generated and found under the gen subdirectory. When adding or removing YAML files, this must be regenerated. This can be done with the helper script found in the gen subdirectory: cd gen && ./regenerate-meson.


Only the xyz/openbmc_project and org/freedesktop interfaces are built by default. Other interfaces can be enabled by meson options:

  • com/ibm - -Ddata_com_ibm=true
  • org/open_power - -Ddata_org_open_power=true

Example: meson builddir -Ddata_com_ibm=true && ninja -C builddir
