Update Telemetry Trigger and TriggerManager

For Trigger interface:
- Removed LogToJournal, LogToRedfish and UpdateReport properties.
- Added TriggerActions property which is an array of TriggerAction enum.
- Defined TriggerAction enum: LogToLogService, RedfishEvent,
  UpdateReport. Those values correspond to removed properties.
- Modified Thresholds property to reflect current telemetry

For TriggerManager interface:
- Removed 'discrete' param from AddTrigger method. This can be deduced
  by service.
- Removed 'logToJournal', 'logToRedfish' and 'updateReport' params from
  AddTrigger method.
- Added 'triggerActions' param to AddTrigger method, which contains
  values corresponding to removed params.
- Modified 'thresholds' param in AddTrigger method to reflect current
  telemetry implementation.

By replacing bool properties/params with single array, trigger interface
will be easier to implement in Redfish.

Signed-off-by: Szymon Dompke <szymon.dompke@intel.com>
Change-Id: I995ba8272c633054106c76fefaa38df87384f64d
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml
index 268c53e..bb6fd4d 100644
--- a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/Trigger.interface.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 description: >
     Implement this interface to provide trigger inspection features. An
-    implementation service should additionaly implement
+    implementation service should additionally implement
     xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete for deletion of individual trigger.
@@ -11,26 +11,10 @@
         Otherwise numeric thresholds is used.
     - const
-  - name: LogToJournal
-    type: boolean
+  - name: TriggerActions
+    type: array[enum[self.TriggerAction]]
     description: >
-        Defines if trigger logs to system journal when threshold conditions are
-        met. LogToJournal is a trigger action.
-    flags:
-    - const
-  - name: LogToRedfish
-    type: boolean
-    description: >
-        Defines if trigger logs Redfish message when threshold conditions are
-        met. LogToRedfish is a trigger action.
-    flags:
-    - const
-  - name: UpdateReport
-    type: boolean
-    description: >
-        Defines if trigger updates report when threshold conditions are
-        met. Reports that will be updated are specified in ReportNames property.
-        UpdateReport is a trigger action.
+        Defines actions which are taken when threshold conditions are met.
     - const
   - name: Persistent
@@ -40,7 +24,8 @@
     type: array[string]
     description: >
         Collection of report names that are updated when threshold conditions
-        are met. List is ignored if UpdateReport property is false.
+        are met. List is ignored if TriggerActions property does not contain
+        'UpdateReport' action.
   - name: Sensors
     type: array[struct[object_path, string]]
     description: >
@@ -48,19 +33,32 @@
         structure is a sensor path. Second parameter is a metadata that is used
         to store user data about sensor.
   - name: Thresholds
-    type: variant[array[struct[enum[self.Type],enum[self.Direction],uint64,double]],array[struct[string,enum[self.Severity],uint64,double]]]
+    type: variant[array[struct[enum[self.Type],uint64,enum[self.Direction],double]],array[struct[string,enum[self.Severity],uint64,string]]]
     description: >
         First type in variant is a collection of numeric thresholds that has
-        following fields - type, direction, dwell time and threshold value.
+        following fields - type, dwell time, direction and threshold value.
         Second type holds by variant is a collection of discrete thresholds that
         contains following fields - user id, severity, dwell time and threshold
-        value. Numeric threshold array is limited by Type enumeration, only 4
-        elements are allowed. Discrete threshold array size is not limited. If
-        Discrete threshold array is empty than every value change is taken into
-        account of threshold condition. Dwell time specify for how long
-        condition has to persist to trigger an action.
+        value. Discrete value does not need to be a number. Numeric threshold
+        array is limited by Type enumeration, only 4 elements are allowed.
+        Discrete threshold array size is not limited. If discrete threshold
+        array is empty than every value change is taken into account of
+        threshold condition. Dwell time specify for how long condition has to
+        persist to trigger an action.
+  - name: TriggerAction
+    description: >
+        Defines a action which is taken once threshold condition is met.
+    values:
+      - name: LogToLogService
+        description: Trigger will log to journal.
+      - name: RedfishEvent
+        description: Trigger will log Redfish message.
+      - name: UpdateReport
+        description: > 
+            Trigger will update reports. Reports that will be updated are
+            specified in ReportNames property.
   - name: Type
     description: >
         Defines a context of a message that is logged when numeric threshold
diff --git a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml
index e6b1e7e..a384ab0 100644
--- a/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml
+++ b/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Telemetry/TriggerManager.interface.yaml
@@ -14,26 +14,10 @@
         description: >
             Defines the name of report to be exposed over D-Bus. Service allows
             to use separator '/' in name to group reports in directory.
-      - name: discrete
-        type: boolean
+      - name: triggerActions
+        type: array[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.TriggerAction]]
         description: >
-            Defines if thresholds parameter contains discrete thresholds.
-            Otherwise thresholds contain numeric thresholds.
-      - name: logToJournal
-        type: boolean
-        description: >
-            Defines if trigger logs to system journal when threshold conditions
-            are met.
-      - name: logToRedfish
-        type: boolean
-        description: >
-            Defines if trigger logs Redfish message when threshold conditions
-            are met.
-      - name: updateReport
-        type: boolean
-        description: >
-            Defines if trigger updates reports that are specified in reportNames
-            parameter when threshold conditions are met.
+            Defines which actions are taken when threshold conditions are met.
       - name: sensors
         type: array[struct[object_path,string]]
         description: >
@@ -44,10 +28,10 @@
         type: array[string]
         description: >
             Collection of report names that are updated when threshold
-            conditions are met. This parameter is ignored if updateReport
-            parameter is set to false.
+            conditions are met. This parameter is ignored if triggerActions
+            parameter does not contain 'UpdateReport' action.
       - name: thresholds
-        type: variant[array[struct[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Type],enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Direction],uint64,double]],array[struct[string,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Severity],uint64,double]]]
+        type: variant[array[struct[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Type],uint64,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Direction],double]],array[struct[string,enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger.Severity],uint64,string]]]
         description: >
             Contains array of numeric or discrete thresholds that are described
             in xyz.openbmc_project.Telemetry.Trigger interface.