Add conditional callbacks

Enable conditional application of callbacks.

Change-Id: I9d765e5f585aac40994b65da3b51ea891beae9bf
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/src/example/example.yaml b/src/example/example.yaml
index 0f286dc..65f6537 100644
--- a/src/example/example.yaml
+++ b/src/example/example.yaml
@@ -93,3 +93,30 @@
   callback: group
     - example journal callback
+- name: example count condition
+  description: >
+    'Conditions or conditional callbacks apply a test prior to invoking
+    the callback function.
+    All conditional callbacks must specify the callback to issue if
+    the condition evaulates.
+    The count condition applies the op comparison operator to the value of each
+    property in the specified groups.  It then counts the number of properties
+    that pass the comparison, and applies another comparison on the result
+    against the specified bound.
+    For example, a callback that requires at least three temperature sensors
+    in the group to be higher than 115 degrees might use a count condition
+    with an op of >, a count op of >=, a bound of 115, and a countbound of 3.'
+  class: condition
+  condition: count
+  paths: example path group
+  properties: example property group
+  callback: example callback group
+  countop: '>='
+  countbound: 3
+  op: '>='
+  bound: 115