Create Filters class to store filter functions

Enhanced the generated code to now store the filter functions within an
array contained in a struct similar to other configured parameters.
This allows the generated property watches to use an index within that
array to access a pointer to a Filters class containing a given set of
filter functions. The set of filter functions would then be applied
against all the properties being watched.

    Generated code provides structure needed to access filter functions
    Filter functions filter property values that fail the filter(s)

Change-Id: I8f1f882704de521f2ab393530ad7ef096314975d
Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth <>
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index dc1c9b7..ef1b790 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -636,16 +636,86 @@
         super(HasPathIndex, self).setup(objs)
+class GroupOfFilters(ConfigEntry):
+    '''Handle config file directives that require an index for filters.'''
+    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
+        # Pop filters data for adding to the available filters array
+        self.type = kw.pop('type')
+        self.datatype = kw.pop('datatype', None)
+        self.filters = kw.pop('filters', None)
+        super(GroupOfFilters, self).__init__(**kw)
+    def factory(self, objs):
+        '''Modify filters to add the property value type and
+        make them of operation argument type.'''
+        if self.filters:
+            # 'type' used within OpArgument to generate filter
+            # argument values so add to each filter
+            for f in self.filters:
+                f['type'] = self.type
+            self.filters = [OpArgument(**x) for x in self.filters]
+        super(GroupOfFilters, self).factory(objs)
 class PropertyWatch(HasPropertyIndex):
     '''Handle the property watch config file directive.'''
     def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
-        self.filters = [OpArgument(**x) for x in kw.pop('filters', {})]
+        # Pop optional filters for the properties being watched
+        self.filters = kw.pop('filters', None)
         self.callback = kw.pop('callback', None)
         super(PropertyWatch, self).__init__(**kw)
+    def factory(self, objs):
+        '''Create any filters for this property watch.'''
+        if self.filters:
+            # Get the datatype(i.e. "int64_t") of the properties in this watch
+            # (Made available after all `super` classes init'd)
+            datatype = objs['propertygroup'][get_index(
+                objs,
+                'propertygroup',
+      ,
+                config=self.configfile)].datatype
+            # Get the type(i.e. "int64") of the properties in this watch
+            # (Made available after all `super` classes init'd)
+            type = objs['propertygroup'][get_index(
+                objs,
+                'propertygroup',
+      ,
+                config=self.configfile)].type
+            # Construct the data needed to make the filters for
+            # this watch available.
+            # *Note: 'class', 'subclass', 'name' are required for
+            # storing the filter data(i.e. 'type', 'datatype', & 'filters')
+            args = {
+                'type': type,
+                'datatype': datatype,
+                'filters': self.filters,
+                'class': 'filtersgroup',
+                'filtersgroup': 'filters',
+                'name':,
+            }
+            # Init GroupOfFilters class with this watch's filters' arguments
+            group = GroupOfFilters(configfile=self.configfile, **args)
+            # Store this group of filters so it can be indexed later
+            add_unique(group, objs, config=self.configfile)
+            group.factory(objs)
+        super(PropertyWatch, self).factory(objs)
     def setup(self, objs):
-        '''Resolve optional callback.'''
+        '''Resolve optional filters and callback.'''
+        if self.filters:
+            # Watch has filters, provide array index to access them
+            self.filters = get_index(
+                objs,
+                'filtersgroup',
+      ,
+                config=self.configfile)
         if self.callback:
             self.callback = get_index(
@@ -673,7 +743,6 @@
         super(PathWatch, self).setup(objs)
 class Callback(HasPropertyIndex):
     '''Interface and common logic for callbacks.'''
@@ -1261,6 +1330,7 @@
         self.callbackgroups = kw.pop('callbackgroup', [])
         self.pathcallbackgroups = kw.pop('pathcallbackgroup', [])
         self.conditions = kw.pop('condition', [])
+        self.filters = kw.pop('filtersgroup', [])
         super(Everything, self).__init__(**kw)
@@ -1293,6 +1363,7 @@
+                    filters=self.filters,
 if __name__ == '__main__':