dreport: Add command array support for type "user"

Change-Id: Ibe4e75746937d186caf33c14258045fc14c5e632
Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tools/dreport b/tools/dreport
index 65ad282..a6cf2b2 100755
--- a/tools/dreport
+++ b/tools/dreport
@@ -64,6 +64,200 @@
 declare -x dreport_log=""
 declare -x summary_log=""
 declare -x cur_dump_size=0
+declare -a command_list=("")
+# @brief Initialize user type command array
+function runlevel_user()
+    get_fw_level
+    get_uname
+    get_uptime
+    get_disk_usage
+    bmc_state
+    host_state
+    chassis_state
+    get_host_info
+    get_obmc_console
+    get_cpuinfo
+    get_meminfo
+    get_top
+    get_esel
+    get_journal
+    get_failed_services
+    )
+function get_fw_level()
+    desc="Firmware Release"
+    command="cat /etc/os-release"
+    copy_loc="firmware_release.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_uname()
+    desc="uname"
+    command="uname -a"
+    copy_loc="uname.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_uptime()
+    desc="uptime"
+    command="uptime"
+    copy_loc="uptime.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_disk_usage()
+    desc="Disk Usage"
+    command="df -hT"
+    copy_loc="disk_usage.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_journal()
+    desc="Journal log"
+    command="journalctl -o json-pretty -r"
+    copy_loc="journal.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_host_info()
+    desc="Host information"
+    command="hostnamectl status"
+    copy_loc="hostnamectl.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_failed_services()
+    desc="Failed Services"
+    command="systemctl --failed"
+    copy_loc="failed_services.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_obmc_console()
+    desc="OBMC Console"
+    command="cat /var/log/obmc-console.log"
+    copy_loc="obmc_console.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_cpuinfo()
+    desc="cpuinfo"
+    command="cat /proc/cpuinfo"
+    copy_loc="cpuinfo.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_meminfo()
+    desc="meminfo"
+    command="cat /proc/meminfo"
+    copy_loc="meminfo.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_top()
+    desc="top"
+    command="top -n 1 -b"
+    copy_loc="top.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function bmc_state()
+    desc="BMC State"
+    command="busctl get-property \
+                    xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC \
+                    /xyz/openbmc_project/state/bmc0 \
+                    xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC \
+                    CurrentBMCState"
+    copy_loc="BMCState.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function host_state()
+    desc="Host State"
+    command="busctl get-property \
+                    xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host \
+                    /xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0 \
+                    xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host \
+                    CurrentHostState"
+    copy_loc="HostState.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function chassis_state()
+    desc="Chassis State"
+    command="busctl get-property \
+                    xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis \
+                    /xyz/openbmc_project/state/chassis0 \
+                    xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis \
+                    CurrentPowerState"
+    copy_loc="HostState.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+function get_esel()
+    desc="eSEL"
+    entries=$(busctl --list --no-pager tree \
+                     xyz.openbmc_project.Logging | grep \
+                     '/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/')
+    #check for eSEL entries.
+    if [ -z "$entries" ]; then
+        log_info "No $desc entries"
+        return 0
+    fi
+    command="busctl --list --no-pager tree \
+                     xyz.openbmc_project.Logging | grep \
+                     '/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/' \
+                     | xargs -I {} busctl --verbose --no-pager \
+                     call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging {} \
+                     org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties GetAll s \
+                     xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry"
+    copy_loc="eSEL.log"
+    run_command "$command" "$copy_loc" "$desc"
+# @brief Run the requested command and save the output
+#        into temporary location for successful size check
+function run_command()
+    command="$1"
+    copy_loc="$2"
+    desc="$3"
+    eval $command >> "$name_dir/$copy_loc"
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        log_error "Failed to collect $desc"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    if check_size "$name_dir/$copy_loc"; then
+        log_info "Collected $desc"
+    else
+        log_warning "Skipping $desc"
+    fi
 # @brief Calculate file or directory compressed size based on input
 #        and check whether the size in the the allowed size limit.
@@ -72,7 +266,6 @@
 # @param $1 Source file or directory
 # @return 0 on success, error code if size exceeds the limit.
 # Limitation: compress and tar will have few bytes size difference
-#            between tar and compression approch.
 function check_size()